- -THlE MICHIGAN DAILY., letter ' frats" get into the t house oi good tobacco. Gs Application blanks at the £ cgar store. "Te oiga a lsRs Ters15cla TeW T~al Piiti PlUin and rk 'Jip. ANN ARBOR to 3 HveTheiltm. CHICAGOtllsyssslCleltse BUFFALO 4. rsh'fssslssxlssNpr tssChickenI sgw 4 NEW YORK lir: l ,tI'l ohse si dwils Nic AND BOSTON 4.nssaslysered fortssssre. Io i S ssss," , s C t S Ri l ,ndI' 51 thesl l s t Z, sI The only strictly F trst Class Short I lsssisslssss ;sitssssssssl lssss I r 55 s Is sll 1111ssor Order Dining Room in the Ciy. nrs s s I t.551 1,It CAsI 'sos 555 Xssss . ss ,t4 ls ssl ssssIi ss THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD ssslots'sdrs AND STEAMSHIP LINES.~ Willits, The Caterer. 1 Traisles ass AssnsArbnlsss ls ritr5dssls ul tsssr * - 1., isytssss i 11Opnffssss6:3051 tilsssdssglt. ]' fc ie c4.c:t it'_ 31 . STATE ST. I No 5 GA S N ,1 1. r. . + ss k rr. No. u 1 No. s. . 11 ,1 . 5. No.. . t ix. ~'' ~D,, Y, A A. & J. RAILWAYf tsisn s. sssisssslslssss sssylss TAND7ARDT'1'W~ . l'sssiss .:5 iCdi. ..sslsssiill "sssssndi~l lissstslit lll'sss lyfsssss ila.ns~ustit lsl r ssii sss oressN - sss .Ils s s llss 61 r ' ss Issssssy s11 s,1111 .15 Foss issi 55. T. 1%'lilA . sl. isssslrisssl Y. ss L 05isa. ssm sl 1:4 a m o sr .1_J..Etit. I .. 1'. A. J;ll.ssss Isosusly frsessssI.i)it. n . ssssil 7 si6 p.ra 1 .11n a J 15 Is . asss . 10 I i. i.5. NeW Brns~ ckTabes Waiing Room, Huron S., W ofMan S C. A. ANNUAL ADDRESS AttPrssisenit Agllt will give, his an-f REID'S BILLIARD) PARLORS, sisetlissening assres to new students, Fine Cigars assd Totaeos underlsheIassp tice~s sf the Student'st JAS. W. REID, Peep. 3t2 Sate St., S. ftChristiass Asssociatisss, in University3 sll thills af ternisssi at three o'clock. 1 Is isGu. seriss's Ihlls I s':nd iso 'le'lss slois gissprgranm inlliibe t Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes Prln's 'ns...rf. A. A. Stanley. ee r h n Ise ity. hymn ....... t's.. s'Co nation." Fine Lunches in Cosncin. scilluies r'ea'inlsg.lrsof. W. 's. feslali. s~evt ison;; 'ss .i lei,ssssI Issss ' ss... .. r f. I.t.C'Glosdard 301 S. Sae S. R. E. JOLLY. I tirll sssSolo,. .... r. Earl Killee. -- - -Ads s.. '...P . Jamses 13 Anell.t ..r... .: ., .+,.,3.".,...,......4I4in.......4 Jesus L sver sf My Sossl."1 Thu Suhanilfose' : liI sls Iisse 'nsrf. S. L. 'oge.I * 1 ' Pot'Mlesro. A. A. Sasley t ,isnl t thi 'c.sal 4.SUPPLEMENTAL EXAMINATIONS. *Granger's Acedemryt'.4..4..44.44..4.44..4 The.'lssupplsessentslal examinatiosnefor1 4 "inetiss l hies condsitins in llpre # lissswo~slor whossswer'asent fronir YOU CAN GET A Ih eua etot xmntoswl W.N~ Tw IhsldI utishis'closes'sthe seesond H o ~ u c £AO N teICZ kssins' Otobesssr. Stdiets Iaving At Tutte's, 338 S. State sls csssorkssoimses' 115aenolt allowed ~t t ~ aso usexminaistion for advanced QUAPN'C IN G. j TENNIS TOURNAMENT. ~iss 53 5 15 C12 lst. 'oails ltenissit ournament will be UNIVERSITY ACADEMY Stale Street gis s tsiseOlse .Ale onMnaOtoeP.Ale-u R;.o7s CO, sePessssese ........ iesrnl e, i'hansed usoXW. C. Lee o Iseftial SIC State streetsth, by Sa n srssy essnisg. 'The entirance fee i ,e. .:,fifty cesisansithi suiial pries will MONY LAND O I e ivess issbetssigs ansI soubles 3MONEY LOANED ON_ __ _ _ Wsatce's, Diaiissstc., 3 JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 215t 'scsi ryssisslsil I r ltis io M i SI.S. Phlose 21.F ,~ Collaitessl Sss'rit. : FRESHMAN CAPS. 4 BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 3 Cullting Eoyr & ('o., will avea4 W.\ J. LOURIMV. suplily ist ali0 site o the official enp IU~nt Rnni 13 x~. Pnna45' as furished's by them last sprin S.i 'sss~issl. iIsss 15. I (liruulls's i les1isaIt . t5ss415. A wes ame was aop~tedI by the orn I is 7:0 ss s~l ms .~ . ise. Cape wll be on sale Satur1 +++.4.4 ..4.4444A:3,."'1:34,4:daly miring.I Alarm cissks, fountain pens, at Ha.1 R1?owe's Laundry, te's Jewelry Store.; 32 N 5l Ae. i KOLLAUF, The Tailor, r THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor, at1uonS.N Bell Phosne 47 Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettis, Spar. 45" row's and Stoyler's Chocolates at Cush- ~isl's Phlarmacy.; PICK WICK BILLIARD PARLOR - -____ S AND BOWLING ALLEY B~atlhSuipplies of all kinds at all4 REMODELED. NOW OPEN. ices at ushing's Pharmacy, YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. ________ 7ot N, University Ave.-j S. IOTTENSTENPrp Sweet Cisier, fressh from the press,, N'ro.for sale'. Curnes' Main and Madison streets. 1it GEORGE BISCHOFF, lvto' Oceta Phone 832. Strict.1 . pt-aeadfirst-class. Any corn.1 PLOkI , bisiation of instruments desired. Trapo CHOI~ CUTFLOWE'RS& PLNTS.and song hits a specialty, CMICTPOChainS.,bt&e PrnLt adAT$,______Ave._ CPshion5. see ess >ss',s t sss09 i'rAs. Freshmani Caps at Wagner & Co.'s, WE.ARE NEVER UND.ERSOL1 0 Established 1851 106 Huron Street, East Burchf ieldts Fine Tailoring Trade We are prepared this season tss seet s esyslesesiss, ia we have inereased the snumbes'o' sitksesnkIsi. As xinil we have rob Firest L13e.of Wooleonill the city. Art an~d Skill will isrs'slssssi sts'iiousr work as in the past.' We respectfutly inivite yossus'esnsuiry. S. W. BURCHFIELD A O A INN ! fN!1! l i®!A! lN lE!f!f!s® NOTES FROM THE LIBRARY. The officers of the Library Btoard will hold a meeting October 1.4. At ibis meeting the librarian will nmakss his report, which later will be lpsts fished for the benlefit sit the public. Shipments of books from Londonsi, Paris, and Leipsig have recently bs's's received. Some of the flosor arounsd the cata- logue case has been reiaid andl is now in a condition which looks as if it Lwould last. Imptortant bilsiness meeting sit the Toastmasters' Club Tulesday eveingE October 6i, 7.00 tis 5, 4003Haniilton Cousrt. EDWARD SONNENSCHEtsIN, tPres. Senior Law Elective. Lectuires. Mathematics of Annuities asisiInsur'- anice. This course will be given osi Tuesdays and Thulrsdays at 1 o'cloek in Rssom D, Law Building, andithle first regular meetinig of the class will be held 011 Tuesday, October 6. J. W. GLOVER. NOTICE, FRESHMAN CLASSES. In order to develope the All-F5resho football team to the highest possibls' degree, there will be no freshimani teams in the class schedule. All first, year men who are fositball candidates should report for the Al-Frtesh teas to Coach Johinsosi every afternosis at THtOS. II. ltOHRTlS, Fsotball Manisger. PRESIDENT ANGELL'S ADDRESS.. The ansisal opseninlg aidsress toss siss. sensssi the tUniver'sity will bse giv's's by PIrs'sident Angell ill Usiversit y Hall, Sundlsay, the 4th, at. Ip.i. , uisi der the 5auspi5cesiof this'SI hililts Christian Assocsiatioln. All first ysear Lits anid Eng inses: must ise examliniedl physically bsefsore. Novembser 1. All others slot tllai r Hlours for examoination,5 2 tss 4 i).im_ alid 7 to 9 p. m. KEENE FITZI'ATltt'CK Get a Hturry-up Get-up Alarm Clock s: At Hailer's. Rooms for' Rent. One block west of campuss. Largse front sulites on. first and sseconssloorsss. Oue sniall suite, iron bs'ss (singse)s, grates, stationary wash stasis, 'hsst. air furnace, bath, gas and telephlosie891.. No. 52t E. Jeffersisstelest. 7 Freshman Caps at Wagnser & Co.'s. Your clollies pressed andl cleaned alid your shoes shined for 2tc a week. Paniorium, 336 5. Stale St. - P I+: Pictures 'and Framfes DE~ P1Rj5 ART 5TOREI 2I'S s. IFous'th Aven'sues. a ELECTRIC I'AN5 -eEetic CkI'hi'q Dises *Electric Table Lasarrp5 4. Is fact, ssesssissqs s.lip'ss.5 u .s . ss 4 4. Cor. Wa.sis'sssss .ssl t00 As. I'S....2731 PANTORIUM CLUBI CLEANING PRESSING-SHINES sssl Ic lws Isrsssd.~~ ll.kj> -_-ONE I)OLLAR.-- 'MEMBRSRHIP TICKETS 0N SALE AT 3361S STATE ST. j eeeeemeee eo. Dr e-s . for Comfort DareMcGuin says P r esi den t SSuspen erCs are the easiest he ever swore. Guaranteed "All Breaks Made Good." 50C sd $1.00. All shopkeep- ers in Ann Arbor or by mail postpaid rm C. A. EDCARTON MFC. CO. Box 2ue, Shirlep, Moss. "ALLEN'S FOR QtIALITY." Fal S~i~ uits ,now lI~eady', $ 10.00 a pd $15i.0 Rest in the world VNION LABEL ON EVERY GARMENT AL LEN, TME CLOTHlI[R 1l13t S. "rAIN STREET"S / 'The WC. Kantlo.' j r:.. 4:11IE. 57th St., Chicago. a t 5'sp ild ;o n's madsictosir- 's' nst's fssialille ges ,1asnd frt wtciss os sed iln stock. } . x + 1 la in, C la s si anit ic si CapsC S. And for ('atasoises. *t 4i 4444} 44N44t*44444444 o .444*________ )-GODYEA'S1IRT144 N4G44STORE