Entered as second-class matter at the Ann
Arbor Post Office.
Published daily (Monday excepted) during the
college year, at i7 E. Washington street,
(basement floor, side entrance Phone 892-3r
The Largest and Most
Complete Line of EDITORS:
Atics.- - - ROBERT K. W O
News, - - - - - J. 5, ;E
ClfodStevenson, Rfoy Peebles,
A. M. Graver, Henry P. Erwin
11 _ o HA. C. Pound. A. H. Ortmeyer.
L1 1 1 N Joseph Y. Kerr. Stoddard S. More.
Ida M. Brownrigg. 7. Waite Jayne.
Geo. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith.
Harry 11. Andrews.
in Ann Arbor will be found Editor today-C. STEVENSON.
at G, H. Wild & Co's, 108
Eant Wasbington St. Great Subscription-Twoe Dollars per year, payable is
pains ave been taken in advance. If delinquentafter Nov. 1, 1903, $2.50
the oseletion of all nuritisg, Office Hours:-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30
trouteringas & overcoatingo .m Diy
for hisseaonp. m. Daily.
for this 005500. Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business Man-
ager, 331 Packard Sreet.
G . W s. c.ATelephone, 461.
108 E. W'ash, St. CALENDAR.
The first edition of Wrinkle is very 1[ p ',CEtNTS [A CH
good, considering the circumstances
under which it was brought out. The + + + +
art, the verse, and in fact all is of S L E
commendable rank. It now rests with m
the students to help support the paper POPULAR COPYRIGHTS
by contributions and subscriptions. at POUL AtR PtICE.
The people who complain most about
a publication are generally those who Far Baullareds. 8 fllestrations Will Carleton
never write a line for it and who read Lazarre. llstr'atel
Store IlurleelltCatherwood
it over their neighbor's shoulders. The lletwen the inesi rate r
funny paper is as much a part of the . t, Charles King
Abrahm Li(-ol S beeheI,. E. tte'dcee
college life as the serious, literary'Tei,,li'enioeeof lavid C (r 'dnh n
magazine, and it is hence the duty of "taer's Frederick Goss
'l'he Glel:ilsse. Illlusee'u<Ltee
everyone who has any ability what- ,, Charle Iley Warner
ever to help out with his contribu- T'he'alitornians GtruedAthereto
Toe Arstoceratsn Gertrude Aterson
tions. Flotsam. Illnst ratel Ihenry Seesn Merriman
A M ast er of Craf W.A . Jacobs
GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. 't'e i,'latleE lijah. .iletreted.angwil
.ohn Uri Lloyd1
THE SKATER'S SONG. With lops'of Steel. Coed itrati
From the Daily Maroon of the Utni- ForLove orrown.Sil l'tree
ArthueecW. lltare-hreeeen
versity of Chicago: The Love AlTairs of au OdMaide i illiaelBel
(An eccentric eestacy eclectically ech- The Caetai of he Janizaries
tome's At. Ludeloeew
oed in economical eephyseses. tnse theeimossible. Illust ae e Sarah Grane
When snow-flakes are scurrying 'li el: Wolf's IBeed.I nus r D
I I ascsonte
Excitedly flurrying Well. After All Frankfort Moore
Chased by the cool, brisk breeze, Tiheuk'. Anler of St. Il rriceo,
Knowledge and learning, SIteerertCeu
Eschew; and class spurning, I (ibee 11: sil 1, ,,hlel ::: ime to I
Revel where waters freeze. 50 CENTS EACIl.
So here's to good fun and to pleasure
And to happiness free and divine!
Let's take of good cheer the full meas-
Leaving worry and study behind.
ure Bl h ie Wars Book Stores.
Stewart Edward White
Author of "Conjurer's House,"
"The Blazed Trail." etc
Illustrated with 18 full-page drawings
andO witth dec'ratos by
Thoma.. Fogarty
$1.50 NE.
A book full of the charm and
the mystery and the wonder of
the great woods. It has been
said'of Mr. White that he "has
the power to make you feel the A
woods as the masters of salt wat-
or fiction make you feel the sea"
and in the chapters of thi1 book
this quality of his work is mor,
prominent than ever before,
There are stories of experiences
and adventures "on the long
trail," in the wilds of Canada,
bits of woodcraft. sketches of the
Habitants and the woods Indians
of the northern country, pen pic-
tures of the great forest in its
many and variable moods.
320 So. Slate St. 160 Woodward Av.
Parlo Cars on All Trains
C. In. 1AJOR CO,'
Those wishing to have their rooms papered,
tinted, or decorated
During the Christmas Vacation
should leave orders early.
203 E. Washington St. 'Phone, 237
Dec. 11-1904 Lit Class banquet at Coach Booth of Nebraska, has gone
Nichol's Hall at 6:30 p. m, to Princeton to try and arrange a foot
Dec. 11--Engineering Society. Ad- ball game between Nebraska and
dress by Geo. Worden of the Sol- Princeton to be played in Chicago the
vay Process Co., on "Drawing Room Saturday before Thanksgiving Day
Practice," in Physics Lecture Room. next year. Booth himself is a Prince-
Dec. 11.-German Social in Newberry ton man.
Hall at 8 p. m.
Dec. 11.-Cercle Francais Conference. The tower above the Reynolds
Address by Professor du Pont on Club at Chicago has been named
"Popular Songs," in Sarah Cas- the "Mitchell Tower" in honor of the
well-Angell Hall. man who donates the money to build
Gee. 12-Woman's League reception it. The tower is identical with the
in Barbour Gym. from 4 to 6 p. m. famous Magdalen tower at Oxford
Dec. 12.-Reception to Engineers in University. A set of chimes costing
Newberry Hall at 8 p. in.-
Dec w 14-Senior Law Dance. $5000 will soon be installed in the
Gee. 14.--CSe Unioa Dncet. tower and will ring each quarter hour.
Dec. 15--Choral Union concert,
The Daily desires to make the cal- Young ladies should never wear
ender as accurate and comprehensive white gloves according to the reason-
as possible. For this reason it is urg- ing of Prof. Scott of Northwestern
ently requested that announcements University.
of all meetings be deposited in the In discussing the reasons why wo-
Campus office before 6 p. m. men do not wear white gloves he says,
"White makes an object look larger
It is understood that the young lad- than it really is. Women do not wear
ies indulged in a quiet game of foot- white gloves because to do so would
ball in Barbour gymnasium, Saturday, make their hands look larger.'
and that a certain prominent girl ath-
lete is now confined to her room with
injuries. The young ladies will prob- The Columbian Spectator of Colum-
ably admit now, that football is more bia University will soon own and op-
enjoyable from the side lines, erate its own printing plant.
The' gym. has closed down for re-
pairs. The Huron still remains, how- Tommy pushed his aunt Elizer
ever, for those ambitious students who Off a rock into a geyser,
wish to bathe before Christmas. Now he's feeling quite dejected
Didn't get the rise expected.
No one denies that Princeton has Cornell.
won the football championship in the
East and that Michigan holds similar
honors in the West, but no oe seems , CHORAL UNION CONCERT.
to be able to figure out who are the On next Tuesday evening the Chorat
scholarship champions. Union will give its first concert of the
Even these breezy days one can see season in University Hall. The cho-
Eentwho have won football nu- rus is so large that it fills Frieze Me-
students, struting about the Campus morial Hall to the doors. The mem-
with their coats unbuttoned. It is re- have taken hold of the songs with
ported that one fellow in the library a wilt ,many of which areyChristmas
pushed out his chest so far that he carols, and there is every prospect
lost his balanceof a successful concert.
Up Town Down Town
In imported and domestic
silks, plain aed quilted tbacks.
lues, Bliwks. Dark Greens
and all the latest designs.
SOc to $3.00
GOood speed' is
natters I 17 S. "ain
'A stiff upper lip"
is Softened and re-
freshed by Williams'
Shaving Stick.
Lymaon Abbott
"1R4e rto irNwobem
ndLJ [vein a, Jtn. 2
Single Admission,50c .Season Tickets, $L00
oNe NNNNNeNe+Neeooe~e,
? ;k~kATHENj- Ji Tl AT rll
DEAN M. 5CABOLT, Manager
irs[Time Here.Sirtaturda, Dec. 12
'Vas you efer in Zininnati?' Wid. A. BRADY'S
$ henry W. Savage BIG COPIPANY, IN
will offer the musical comedy
The Prince
of Pilsen G
Same cast and production that 25 People In the Cast, 25
played the-Detroit Opera "astly 'Girls
Special Matinee at 2:30
Lower Floor - - $1.50 Matinee Prices:
Balcony $1.00 Gallery 50c Children, 25c Adults, 50c
Seat Sale Saturday. Evening, 25, 35, 50 s
M M m NN NNm N NNN memmmmm meN