Th'e Michigal VOL. XIV.. ANN, ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11], 1903, No. ()1 CONTEfrIPORARY [RANC. j [UNAL TRIBUE PAID. 10 PI1OIO6RAPII 6[RNIS Opening Lecture, in Series on "The By Fraternity Brothers of Rusell H. Zeiss Camera Obtained from Germany Country-Object of Course-Sub MWiliams-Funeral Services at -Rooms Fitted Out in Medical jects of Future Lectures. Kansas City Under Auspices of Bilding-Prof. Rygarud in Alumni Chapter of S. A. E. Charge. h pnn etr f esre ob giren on the subject of "Contenm- lThe funeral servies iot Russell H. A leis camera has reen-tly- arrived: porary France" by the deparment of McXilliams were teld at ilhe Sigma frmtiGermannysi il1to olt Romance Languages was telivered AlpayEsiloiHoseihlrstayetuseMedicinltahtenI yesterday tby Prof. Canfietd. The sub ing at 10 o'clock. The casket which graphifng"o(it ar-a. Fouoroooroos t ject of tthe toture was "The Country."I was iacedt in the parlor, was ff1-, the basement oiltheiiOtloicliing It was listened to with interest by a! plefely coveredt with Ma echa iot hart'belitsit asld or lisewde large audietnce. said red roses. The fraternity tmem paitnniiwhichtis i-ouil by Pro- te his introduction P ro. Canfieldl ers fortmedinit a semi-circle about theleorI"rd toolIt-o os spokofuttheIpurpoise of the course casket. isglistening ishit'taot aotheito,0 is i-t stateid that a university is a place IThe pall-bearers wote black sitsiblank. as tan tpossbl te Oia0(o where uone cats learti something about suit white velvet sashes with tirs rmtotrtoo i t ot tti everythintg and ererything about some fraternity baiges coveredt with cialto that tnet thelii mos sonstotit - s il thing. In this tresent age more stress Rev. Dr. Yuung ut the Baptist chrrh- iotilhot oraphitheOtgermtoteiy" daytlight is tat ipiut the ltaler lant of this a mensber itt the general fraternityT'ilti o ~-ttg0lo oiostos idea titan tipontiptheform-er. Stiecia- otficiated. Presidtent Agel tifereottaltrac01 oil a pictulrei lii so0000000 izatiton, often tbringsabtott a oss fthrIrayer. bateittomost btoo otto 1 0 titit i ;I bireadtht antI a tacit of sworld-wide in- 'Te boisdy was faten to Detroi attakitonsttoost-ootto-os frest. It is the aim int he mainitiio oosefheMcigntenr arhaoi"o- wtoh-oa shiotto-lie-nstofl-000 this cotrse to rectify this as thse companied biy the members ot the athet tait a 1000toint.otItoo daoto lectures ane tot strne as contribtionsts fraternitiy21 in noinoeit.Mr. McIlitititthi'projeoting tootertoo,-(00000 00 Ot to tiat fuindofttgieneral knowledge W-iliams,fle faiher, wsas met there'- candoleloweooor 05s - 0000000utilon which isitt sotmudshatdvattage to ev anfd tuol to t oy back toKatss fstatlalmost itviiblelirinyio tligt ery stuitett. Sit -this cotrse is not City where the fuinera services will steas out o it.i This raty0 toiiusa necessariy tot' those n-io are stdyinig bieohld unier the ausicoes oitt hitttte ot noii tOt ot0000' French but is planneid rather to'tiose Katnsas City Altuni Chatter itt the' a drop o swatr or someototertt- sub whose line oof wont has aknte Sim AlhEplofrtniy itrohrfieds1. btot intem SgaAtls istnftae iy sanst-i the-ligloo is ri-Iet-to tol a Onsc ra ujcPriof. Cat- MINNESOTA TO THE COAST It tot iiolOt i ott Itoi t Stot satet he ectiro mistisoes- 'Ihe Mchgtan fotb all squadtwill ocansira beindloti is foo-to -iupoootolee s-arily be more orlsostuperficial.T 'oonotimnalte the topactoss the continettoniwaister olndtooepiuirad.Bt freat the subject fuly soultd rosquire((isya.Misnestia has deocidedt-o ttoajutto' staloot ofligt r volines. IButtthoy silt servo as a oytePcf ol 1Ii nl on 111 t 00 Ai tio Otlo roighi sketch of the peopl~te and theirMihgnadrclieo t ostoitnwo ek. chief institutions anidtarts. 'Theoy will Iigtea s aelinneittaheboaof (oasno- i o o 000 ~ render more inielligible rotre'ties t trotl has comnpleedt arratngements to - France in the news of the day. ltyfs'tnvroyttCtlinsot YOSTS ALLAMERICAN. InlathehlectirersiryoofrCaProfrniaan- I th letrprprPrfCa-Sati Franociscot January 1 'The-first 1f iryt'Ip" Yosi anio. i hield sketchet initoein'Itheoutin hes teats seetiton meibwihafltpnotii tut,, and chisif geograpihic features ot the bole and lDt.0Wiliams wilt go oyl 0000 me ottore ( loet it r t 00,_0tre.- country. Sittfedt in abitot thelati- -mitschiof ir onili itoot t io c- tude of Michigan and .compurMiiinapostieDecin. Tt comsougte A tog crowd of rootetrs inelritttg areas of (tio, Michigan Indliana ano- hundreid or so ofitMinnseapolois ot- All American Ilinois, it has a wootdeorfully vatidthousiasts, wilt go across the continent Ittt0i- utIto tt Iandscavo for sot small ats art-a oPw Rfet ae ete i sesitthes game. Fortystodensts hav liatoolMitchtt,1 o 0 ito Ite realize that Fratice is a vry mnootn srtadly secoredl olottots to tne ganme. Ie~tI' ~iO 00 - -t--s ioinoiis coitntry, atid toro tnoso old WlimDa tsinlo hr toolooboooooot1000 its large areas of forest latnd is won of fle gate receitts andthue game may Ill oonoome to'e, Igto--It ooo'oo derfoul. Flly half tothlatndlisodtvotedo a esult beodelaoredoffit.'slo. 1igh100.iii 00 to agricuttire anidsou highly cultitvatetd is this area that, in 1874, torance tootd"-" iowoli tt o rvrd intl Ott d floe wortd in the trodtuctiotn ot wheat "J"HOP ON FEB. 12. IHtaris'IMinotioa tm-tnt -backtr From fle Metiterraneats Seato the The Junior Dio Cmmitee tor bloc itcchtlttOlooouo I iiLe tat. southwest coast France is rouguhlly do- ass of 115 oas orgatoizeod last Mono- MO arvaoni 'solo- hohOitortob vioded into totr fairly markoedh zons in day eveningt at a moeting bel at the Scoc ot looth bo t it tll t-ri. vegetation. The first is that oh iho Phi Katpa fPsi Houose Csmmitteso-- olive, thoti follouws hio areas oh Inodian fort hocarryingat of oteacto totatithtoeond 000001 corn the vine, anod thue apptle. - heworkwereo'apoitedt titatiota tHoenl'o noto tuLeffottd0 The romnaininog lectures 500 the I goutratlscuossion otkplate as too Row bt otoonHradl Ii'to 0 tot coiurse oroe ttobe givenonouisuccoesivolshelotsitiimethiods ot troer eo 0 ito Dloo on, tOinct' on, ,iI too ;rii Wedoinsday afternoouns at I5ococko n makete iiop010of 0thie10r0sentiljittiottO IShort I '0 on, ('cute1r0000 tho Lectoures Room, Tatppats Halt.ITht 1aus outhiinoehioattempuuts oilall trt 'itiishall IHarvartd-Ilight -'ti--n- subjects atndhdatres otthese lectuorsvioius ye ann.Theotooohusasuou usini Soh-t-innsoeosota,-osito--tacItoIis- aro as tfolows: tOestd speaks wellt for bthesuourcis5ofii bl stoutc0iiRight ni-to The People.IPruof. f-toPont too undetrtaig. Rh-ootweol, Yal0,,h uit oo iI, Jan. 16. Political Institutions anti their The huo thitsieat torneuonFrui-i chlsHavadLetlilt Wiorkung--Proifessor ud 'tison. d ay, Feboruay 12, aundliis theo'tur- aft-n Prncton,-oooRtight tll' tan. 13. ublic Admuiuistraionu.-P-tl' pose00000outtheituomnittebto leavo' not Smt o Iil'oiiiiaI'Ful a fessor Fairlie. stfonetouuiuruiedhtoo nakelt hthe nost louiotte100050ofi os h oice'-ofuthitti-i Jan. 21. industrial Franc.--Profes- Brilliant ito theiohistory otheionvet IIist 000taeshSid:oo sonrlioits. uty. ''I}{ao-sI lhe 01 oouesouttu' t-nttoick At a meeting hedt lst'sWensday s norn fas andulrecurouoe. to iat Jan. 27. Primary andotSeconusdary Eduu esening, memoria rosolhiutusw ooins iiweltlotIrltei i ratioun.-Mr. Franko. wasu o hsrooniteopuotesi ondolse the back ii0is0.toi sti Feb. 3. Higher Educatiton atud theo Or- 'lath of RussellhI. McWilliamsswhotruntong tbackoputnosoos ttI'stu), o i 0totI ganization of Scienro (Academies). was one ot their numuberoupuctk tot a a lth we-gl1sOhiod'ctto -Professor Levi. ru____________n ttsuoodred in :-,iHii;io Feb. 17. Tho Arts, with special lRo- PRINCETON NOT TO PLAY MICH. donoofltrsout" auto goddd~ erenro to Architertuire (ilustratoed). Maddohock~ is ano allrondooth ttliltIt. it- -Mr.Cheeriho Associatedl Press has sent out -MCoey. te following from Prinretoun, N. J.: thourows thio hasoouou u5fe s e -Foh. 24. The Theatre as a Public In- . "Statements that havo appoarou tto weighs hod is so-y Ifast,adstoledib stiuion.-Professor Rfinger. the ofect that tho Princeton eleven n both iofese adh itehoenst. Mar. 2. Journals -and Journalism.- will meet the Univrsity of Michigan Dr. Hamilton. net fall in St. Luis have been dei- FACULTY CONCERT Mar. 9. Woman's Posititon- and In- niod by Assistant Manager Couoghan A Beoethovn concero-i ts etoedn'o funr.-Dr. _Thiemo. at the football association. Ho said last eening, atthou'FI'iou-e t- mortil ___________________ that Princeton had oo intentionus0of Haltty a laenumbtooriof olors-- of STUDENTS ON STRIKE. srheduing a wstrn game. music The pogru~amo was funisedu President Fisher of Hanover College -b ohosolto-Iso-noo u lt has expelled 111 students and suspend- $5t PRIJE FOR MOTTO. sir; faculty out 50 tothers from variounsrlasses as 'TheoJthn 1. Morris & Company of'rho progrmn was as tulbtut O heresut of a clash. The entire stn- Philadelphia has sent out the follow- Soaaii. 47 (KRu tol-t or lout ou dent hdtly has left the college antid d 0 ing irrulars to all thn colleg's: antI vioin. ided- not to r'eturn unti the "The undersigned publshers of Eng Introducion-Prestuo men Are reinstated. The sophomore lish boosot high literary rank ate Andante cono Varizooit' class barricaded itself in the belfry ohudesios of adopting an approprae Finale. tho rollege- Monday night and notf' ev- motto, to bo used on all -tule pages Albert Lockhwooduo ant i V'lliamooIltotottoo en snoofessos anti students with axes ltte.headings, etc. An Englsh mit Romtano in G, could dislodg~e them. to is preterroed, though 4 Latin out William Homnno. The president has finally reinstated Greek motto- might te cepteol pro Aitgrtto anti Preosto, fromtonahtaoio all the students, with one exception, vided another can be fotunrd so good asf Op. 10 No. 2. until he ran make an investigation. "Inter folic trurtum," which is usedl Andanste ito F. I The seniors have refoused to return hy another publishiuig house. Rondo, Op. 121. -,TheIfac. Ovent' tou until this tother student is also taken We shall give a price ot $50 to the hoist Groschen, bark. There are only 175 students one first submitting to ns a satisfar-' Albert tockowood. alt together at Hanover. tory motto, Minnie H. IDavis, Accompaisnist. WR INKLE OUT.l Fsot ?02siofFunny Paper usSale- Ccta ins S ons Clever Contribtu bonus of Art aod Vets-the Staff. 121o illt ) ['st'' ti''lu i os-lo -' 000000 l l.'t('t I, i ''z000000 r5t ' II 00-00 - iI; il,t In i-t i i' it-tot o 'tIit (i'tO ttit-lotIk d wih to-Otto-to tnd itOt'uio' i .0000 ti T Fro 00h00 toloroot sotoot ,ilt toot' la p tot -too(,t op o t l ot- Ito-- ' itil t i-tt tot. Il c edtotoil0000000 i 1 (I0t000,0 2') E0 l o rs--ot W g e ,'5 W, Smithili Kiriolo.-Al. ool.,1C" ('. ills Otto'1 os' s .I 000055t- Oh. It. L o d It 05 'b- Ti 2,toi't- P'otd MEDICAL SOCIES ADDRESS. '' II I l( e ial-(f t ti' (it 00000 i Inl 100,'0_;id - too oro ' ht m t to Ii h 00000 toa e' i l 0000c is'Ito-;l c( too, () ii - i's ilt 0 .;00;II0CI t t t o l' :t:,' :"ndo-tI z le i 0-mp ,'nt 1 l( tt--- ~tt-o-oo , tll o f o it out-'i A li lioi -iti s Ot Otorv c '°;, o it- i es -.ol .1raife . (.vul n i i ii ;Ii~toiti too o t -toto o oouso' sob( -ciou-Itle e to ots ooio t uoandolt(, s io 1, 1 aeio (1«.'11 11'011 I '.i s'u'o-o( ~i-u- I lpo Oi too uisto o'-Il Oheic al t affut dt't tts iiloi l 1 c m dlootn ()fi li(o ouct 'ultist i atonotarto etot o t: lous tilOlf ,= ii O't ) ouo' ii Ohio''' 55 but. '0 gisi n (i 11~unity I oslO lout' thus 00 t'cs o ut igs lt lias ot i(iict 1000to '-ni-nt oo' o r o Hou icl o -t f otllo-of suout so isi;' 'yttooto Sit o olt bof 0 000. 100 'b' oulre t ' o \I(;t het' pso boi liiy atO Ohio albssoou1oi11alwor ti'oo tausthu owih a o's lis apla-n