TIIE AMICHIGAN DAILY. a .,. _:. w r _ - -- --- -- " *f_... 3 r f i Pr itanILAo For. Ann Arbor Stor - + .-.-.-.-.,.-. -.-.-o- ..,.......-.-0+ U GAIL Irovn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. ,MOGL SMOhE MAES CYMTAPI SMORtIS j ~Cck rip orPlan. ~Sae hCopos. Fro ~ 4 r The W. C. KernCoa FCC-1 q a Wt A g41 . 57th St. Chicago. tnT~ >'Caps and Gowns made to or- ( ~/r der and rented. f: o 1Jr it Pnnants for all colleges and A fraternities carried in stock. Class Pins, Class and Team /,.''Caps. ~'5"~~ 5 Send for Catalogues. ~MONEY LOANED ON - OYSTE.R. BAY i i 3 W atches, 1iaor.radst _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Class ('hattela( ~, Collateral Secuity. " ' ' '1 S. M in,.1t BIEii iTRICTLY COFIDNTIAL CF W. J. L O UeseVa ekion, flSS. e too lno'lls 1. L It30AND $BAN QUVET <4s Specal l D.reree 1 2 to 1:30 al R EN TS C H LE RFor anything in the line of 4 p'" M. Duly 335 Ceuta!4 r. Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentcher, 0~ 0o Phone 389-r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. I For Ladies anrd Gratleoaien a'315 S. Stat St. Phsone 467 NOTICE. Fr Cristmas we have ans unusual- + r..+..14~.+ Hand-painted china for Cristmas ly ine line of Smyriia, Wiltoi, Body gifts at University Art Store 56x Brussels and Tapestry Brussel ras M 5SALDING' OFFICIAL in all sizes, and can suityo in the ra -,ITER-COLLEIATE (~ FOOT BALL Paniorium, 336 S State. Cleaning, patterns as swell as is the pre.Used by all te Leading Pressiinsd itepairing. Clothes Very respectfully yus t, Coleges. called for ansd delivered. Leave or- MAWtIN HA L- ,Fot BalPans-L actreson, tirsa tssits'sBagStr, r 112 114 & t116iE.tLierty t.t hips and Hnes pdied with ders t' Cuhing s Dru, Stoe, oril ced iiair and thighs 'phoine 582. $1.5tt worth of sorkc fr wil cn sirs $1.00. Bath Supplien of all kinds at all a - A. . SPALIN & BIS __________ prices at Cshing's Pharmacy.Inrporated ___________New Trk, Chicago, Denver EARN SPENDING MONEY. Imk artnc4 tStidtnzs Oflfiistlasot Balt Guide I mke hir o chich eeoe e ot 3.editedy wate. Coins Wanted gentleman cauvaser to sell trouhled with dandruff or anytotherPice is cens new, quick-selling Christmas gifts for scalp disease should try 11 cVagh ,.. ,<; d3 ... young folk. Apply at once. Addreas an, . University, near Qars" 11, care Daily. _____-- _f®4.._ff__.f. Fountain Pens at Cishing's.n BAILE Y ~eDt~mVNDS. MAKE MONEY.F Wanted a lady canvaser who can Lsi-'altschbetwen 428 Maynaid ,,Sk ILe G iniU~ng5 work aout tswo hours daily to sell a and tilt l1ron 015 State. Neooaoi good article, suitable for Christmas C.I11. .Open face.Finderte turttit1 .5ibetyB* gfts. Address 14L care aily. lto.B.H.arow, 66(. Tttt i . lttti"ttt a fa P *.*s*..4-a4-w For Sale Cheap-A sell up-to-date t Student canvasseroseantetd for the.i dress scit, size 38. Also fueeiands- newest thing out-tie "ury-ip" es 'r' hI ATHENS PRESS ± uin. WI. J. Lturin,rtom 7, Henning velopes. Salary or commeission. Call V20-rii te 'S blok. at 500 'rhompson, front suite, its, x n stairs, eween 1. and :30 p. s. tf ~2ad Floor. A"-~n Th.trn Bl4o. JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 211 - 1101 ~ t T1..x.1 Main St. S. Phone 281. Our assortmeint antd distlay of huh-- - - -- day goods is etter this year thtii in -- INE- University students desiring to o- the previots oe. It yell Asant a iicePitrs Fa e cure positions to teach will Gond it to Mtorris arm chair or a good leather- their interet to write to James F.1, lounge, or a ine daeenpttrt, se can. l lrs dI rue McCullough, 639 Fine Attn Bldg., Chi- srely please yots Pk F IS ART aTOk~, cago. tf. MAtTlIN IAL Et. f i -917 c P.... ,hA-,' *For a Good Cup of COFFEE' OR CHOCOLATE Made Right aiid Served Right Call on PENNYCOOK, The Conectioner, 3105S. St aseil.S D., Y., A, A. & J, RAILWAY 5TANDARD TI1~r For I)etrlthllthearty tress 6:us.a. .antit 6:d5 p. m. Then hearty antil 11:15. Fer psi- lintlesnly, at 12:5 a. ni. end 12:45 a. us. 551 Jackson hearty teem 6515 a. m. until 7:is p. ni. Thesat9:5p5.and 11:5 ,. ots Do YOU WANT A COOn $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN ? Try the "UJNIVEIRSITY." lMann's Drug Store, 213 S. Main Si. R.lD. K1NE, lHARRIiSON5.OLS~l isresident. V. 'resiteeu. S.51' tI.AOKSON, Cishiler. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN Attid3ll, l[Cid. CAPITAL, - - - $100,000O SURPLUS ANID PROFITS. - $40,000 State Savings Bank. nlltarTolth, W. .Boleth .lee. V. Sheehlan NPm, Arnold D~r. V. C. Vsaughatn Jan. H., Waite N. F. Mitts N. J.IKyer JeonIlaarer Jno. Koch Fret. 11. S. ('arhatrt Frank P. Glazier Christian :Martin THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD oUir u cv AND STEAMSHIP LINES.OU LI V Trains leave Ana Arbor by Central Standard Time Effective Octoher 26t.19012. The building up of a Telephone System with every possible mod- SOUTH5 NORTH ern improvement; the giving of better service than wan ever thought, possible before. To be honorable, courteous and lust in every detail. To No. - silo A. M. Ne. 1- 9t00 A. M. anticipate requirements, To overcome ipdmns To be satisfied Na. a- 1825PM. a No. a- 4:53 P. . with nothing short of the confidence and good will of every citizen inl Trains Na. 5andl6 ran hetween Ans Arbor the county. and Toledo only. Trainins 1,2 2, , ,4. 5, and6, dailyescept Sunday W S TN W " EE H N O Free charecars on Nes. l and 4W~I[A lfi ELI'UIL C . J.2J. KIRBY, G. P. A. W. T. WILLS, Agent. J Temporary Office, Liberty Street, near Fourth HIAV[ YOUR PH10TO ptolapittlowiftr Xmas. Or-ders shlesd hr in 0, ri'. Slee ureadt bags; jusitte thinog for alutXmsifit. Darling & Mallaeux's [ANCY STORU, COR. STATE AND LIBERTY STS. IYos ulont tmiss thoeE ight O'Clocks" iftyeuhae oeneteaor Dollar Alarm Clock&l O . H. LUztz. Jewisler, ,, 109 S. Main St. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbing and Steam Work. All at Reasonable Rates and First-Class Order at J. I+. SCHUB'S, 207 E. Washinxgton. B1ULR'S SPHYSICAL' TRAINING IN WRITING, Sthe hook for all the people alt the time. ina tll vocations; for hame impresvement. tO &pp. illustrated, pricee6i. Yenned Z yearn. Three moths' cerren psadence eau rse-iy" &author $7. For a brnofttime I will send the heelanod cearse fer 0i. SWill lecture on ahyshitre arein frad writing.fornlvlotote reained a. Bondess 'comhalais j n phsitve traeo rad writing. tori0105. iteroewetedo O. Bundies then althn one 00000,, t0c. Address.Prof. 0. BIXLER, Madison St. & Ogden Ave., Chicago. Ill. STUDENT'S )Excursion Rates vial. Hocking Valley Ry FOR CflRlST"rAS VACATION Parlor Cars 00 Day Trains ~ Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depsot in Columbus. WscaT,, L. W. Lanldman G. T. A., Detroit, Mich.., Always Ahead in Styles. -MIL WARD, -THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring.