THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Ygar~allReaL" ~ ' >17THlE BENJAMIN TESHLLIE 5 Pre-Iloliday Overcoat "CROTON" ANN ARBOR to 0 and u Jit Sale is the greatest of all Great CHICAGO C Coats, and bears this famous BUFFALO p mark NEW YORK s f , Every Overcoat and Suit (except black AND BOSTON , suits) marked down f or The Getest p with'rcet csnnections Chicao iSt. Sale ever inaugurated in AiiiiAbor x red J enjamin Lois Iaui~' )ty. t rl ndth WM, ).« AKRS:'Make our selectosearl-I irt tonie MA R NEW YORK wlrie t io e iss~niei eleee write to IV.t0 V. CASE. Agenet. Ate Arbor. , First served.+ For football, skating, travel, Ne ir Tblsl and all Winter sports and rc AT t1~he ideal Overcoat. Cut 52 Drllsw1G ~ P[CU L [IU O~ Mil Cn[ceson, tn s"Crotontse REBY'S BILLIARD PARLORS, marked dowii for this sale. inhslgnsmretty, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos lwP from English and Soc JAS. W. REID, Peep. 312 Statoi i, csadfnc estc thaeeust receeiic h.LesteeSm ceck ad fncyweaes lief t eb e uAI BE broad, concave shoulders; Turkish Cigarettes and PipesM eb r c w u rn j hand-eled collars that' fit evrbroughttte ee 1. close; pockets that wont rip; Fine Lunches in Connecionae :.e.;.y.,.ge' .~c new one-piece belt in the EserythiegSirt ant ~er r 308 S. Stale S. R E. JOLLY back. The correct nglish "IIAN----O"{1 SITERIFiR, Caterer 224 ulster brought up to dte The School for Dancingq/> SOUTPI STATE ST. The price is right. Yer mney 41 _________ back i anyhing goes wrng. GRANGER PSeres where yu'il find the Paa~ad ieI ti Sings in Detroit Dcemberl4th. Tie 'Varsity fotball elderrs will "Croton"..-nowhere else. round FbelakenatnRelehir's SleSrrayea Oe Iloel nwest ociSte Stret i. Alelina Pati, the great "diva' oetne a ciociSaudac. UTIN EYR& O Stire.CUTTING,4 REneYER&ocO stors. 'honand queen of song, wiii sing her posi .... is o fareswelicincert in Detroit next 109.111 East Washington St. ~~ Al one l~~yeveningiithLgtGur YO A Armeory,. Enornmos asdiences anetdi For good uip-to-al shiis ases go leo YOU AN GT A ~ hav gretedAlen's H o L nc the oorlds reaes songsress at her ___________ :$ "'L f0 7 eey perance. The folowing pro-LtWahff Teabdg AN ARROW other. Return to 604 S. Stale sodre eive reward. Gi-6ll '.j N ING. r111- 1st Program._ gy Lessoes $3 per erm o112 W15 sI 1S i teade for Vioin, 'Celo and Lost-i.O.M.ihanmmer pin. hinde UNLIVERSITY ACADEMY, Stale Street Piano ( 1M. NWidor. please return ti Jayne, 718 S. 12th Pn rtns a, Soorear Pa Mss Roza.S Zanmels, Mr. Anton Heg-,- street. g nernd is 's Vera Margolies. --_________ PAA! ARSAN-ini e or i"(Th Lost-A Gamma Phi Beta pin seel with C A N T A BY"e" pearls between Arnold's and(]ane , ATtOS0TWFR25T. .LAUNDRY AGENCY.. Qii i ofShea, ci lid A WOrf IE 'sr. Wilfred Vrigo. nma Phi House. Reward if returin ed , PEASt OR CTMS. Office f lafst liliosiiti. P'sui . 'Violini Solo--Airs Risses, Wieniaw- to l1331llWasetenaw avenne. 160-2 Work saled for asi delierreel 5rou 5 t l si. _______ NI. F. DOWLER, Agt. Mis-os Zmes - -- Pan SloRhpsdi Hngoie At Alen's youi can uidtihebest s-Phone 52 Nu 12, Listseom Hnriesorment of suit eses.U GEORGE BISCROFF, Miss7ea Margolies. - _________ VLOR15T. .Air ei he saipite" (Le Nozze di It is reporteditiat Roritsr- Fi ao Mzr.onhsbenmdanffesem ac CHOICE CUT PLOWE'R & PLANT-5 Mm. Acelina Patti. he Minnesota feotball team net 3~CcssgPesig e~ii~ Ghapint,betweecI isoncSc itnd ilsas noleansg.Presir.lRpai i ii c oyear. I hs ecieted n up is, i F nt o"-Western ftotball circies 36 S. STATE ST. - ic wicLe n t Ci nerto, Late. Sit ases at all rices aS Allen's. Clohes called for and Billiard PaIrIor" . Lanceeofehenrer. Popper. A arge numleruof studen'tts will ni elveed IIEU U d. AnS on Hegner. tend the cnert of the glee libdet0 $15 0 wek o work for $1.0. 707 E. Univ. Aveneue -'ologe ft Paglicei), eoncav- Ypsinti a week from toight. allo._____Lease Orders at Cushings or C a k rJdlti tit le A. Cunningham. 'The OHarmonic Colored otcretora ' Phoe 582 racerlinStle-I reisiled ats Die dcisides to inform the stuets thai it Furiiished for teeties anid chuirchi I li riie, egirs lem is Ipreparetd to furnishs first-class isect..- M1iiss eoa Zameis. si fo al ccesieies isect- tttee t socialse at wvholesaet iSrirts. ..4. Air tes Sigittx (Fcausts), Gounod. speeilty. Atdress L. 1). taes, 8083: THOMAS ROWE Proprieor B. .Sat t GLl Rl 51ne. Aelina Patti. Fourth ave. 116106I~h) 3 0I.ett e Se l ., 7 u i i i t t e n o r sa t d B a r i t e n e ( A l e s - J u n s tniceitStatldella), Fiolow.RO E LA N R lhalasIe o;,s.sbrigi anti Cunniinigham. One of Allen's suit astec for XeoaS American & European Hotel ________ _ wouildi be a fine preset.1t 326 N. 5ib Ave. Bell Phne 457. Opem Day and Nij~td-. .wgK--C.r..~ . Privaetm1iing ticecess andeWieeRiiecetes Students will make their headquar- Gold football fobs were given to the 9ILLIAJID MALL, neOWLe6s AttY AND fes at R~on's Music H-ouse this year footbalimen at Minneseota. IFreshi Lowney's, Alegretti,,Spar- Try our famcous tenidielintit'east frltiiarmscmuclinro - row's and IHyler's Chocolates at uh 209-211 N. 4th Ave, teats, suplplies and studies. wfs Fountain Pens at ushings. ing's Pharmacsy. I WAGNER & "O~PANT, A ~Importing Iailors 23 South Mlain Street DOWN TOWN. Barrios Diamndfs hive Itenimworii for years by different members of the diploimatic corps from lime youth American Countries. These magnificent stoee0lisee beei thme adnmiration and wonder of society wherever they were shown. Barrios Diaieonds havee all the fire, lfe and ltsstre of genuine stones and in appearanice positivelys canenot te tistiiiguislhed from them. It is a waistons waste of meoney to invsest $75.00 to $150 in a real diamond that may be lost froms its settinig sny etoent. You Can wear the identical piece ini appearance set with a Barrios diamuond Air 1-20 Tilt COST. These goods represent all of thes latest most popnlar~styles and designs. They have the distiiictive fe-atuires of jewelry worth ilday times thmeir cost and from which they cannot he distinguished even by the most critical. We absolustely getaraantre thmese goods to he as represented amid will replace any stone that loses its origineal brilliancy wvithmout ± one cent of excpensse to ties purchaser. Money returmied w'tthout question in case of dissatisfaftiomn. Thle Barrios Diaumond is beyoend doutbt the finest, most perfect imitation ever discovered antI may be worni anywhere with per. feet confidence. All the beauty of a genuine diamond at a fraction of its cost. BARRIOS DIAFIOND Co. j 206 Soutb klain Street. WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODY EAR'Sk DRUG S TOR.