THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall! Anllouncemelnt.. The Largest and Most Complete Line of WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will le found at G.5A. Wild & C's, 10 East Washington SL. Great pains have been taken i ., the selection of all sitigs. tresserings & overcoatings for this season. G. H. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White A-1ale sf0 nlc. Ias THE FOREST! $150 Nil. A book fol of the charm and9 bbhe mystery and the wodt. oi the geat wods. It has beetn said of MVr. White that h."has woods as the masters of salt wat er fiction make you feel tbesesa"' and in the chapters of this ook * , this quality of his swork s moore Sprominent than ever before. There are stories tf experiences Iand adventures "on the long trail," in the wilds of I asad a bits of awoodraft. skeths of thae Habitants and the Nvoods ladsans of the northern country, pan pi tunes of the great forest in its many and variable msoods. e Sheehan's AIMS ARBOR, DETROIT, I 320 So. State St. 160 Woawara Av. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Captal Stasala(. ,01,5,0. Srpls, $175.000. Resurces, 42,00.00 A GENERAL BANKING BUSNES TRANATE. OprrcEisosChaarles FR. Illso'si'; s. I, Hssnimsse, 'Vic Prs.; 1M.. FPilio. taser. Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Resi dence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. Ambulance on call. THE3 MICHWiAN ;DAILY aprcte by Oberlin. Ii fact, sors I[Y C[ TS [A Entered as seecond class satser at tie Ace teams marks a disint advance n Arbr.. .tOfi . football history, and clearly sows the Sieal imtd dion Publishsesdssrilyil~ondayecesseda drIng the posille~goosl resiultasvhich umay fal college year, at 555 E.0Wasigftons strret, loy from such intercallegae cla POPULAR COPYRIGHTS bassementi flo, sdfet.ranc bnssi'flsi e Ni2 :31tisnships in slav futusre, whseall isnti-s MANAGING EDITOR:a ttions of learninag may mat osuiscssI at POPIL AR PRICES. S. EMORY tvTHltitAScN a reasonable and desirable basis." aes lillsids. 5 llssratns WI'll Csarleton BUSINESS MANAGERs Sucs ass article as the abov'e nenilS l.a.'rs'. lltraieiid Vary IHatwell Catherwod RIOSCOiE 0.lilU'5TON little commn't. It appeased n ths . liicai'ia usiS ,Illsrated - --wiekly pa oOberlin Colege fThe Liasa atoel Char01(lsttKing EDITORS aOerlina Review. It shoves. tcO an 1licli'irii oaiia issd orsias .iiiieics..aossos v I. aasoss en that while winning fanme n ah llals~eeihGs 1ers- - - - - J.S AEYPGldnHueIlutae'AOCIATES:5 letics we are also attractig the a1 Carles Diudey Wrner estion of visiting teams tso usr gens- li i f ittscinas G(ersiloeAteronis Ciliaii5d5'cSteve s, lRoy P lescsoe0%'liar Xci's s s Grtrde Atlsel.,as A. '51. tGraer, lHenry s Erin's tlamnaly arnd sportsmanlkeatreatmsent 'sass -sa, I lisst iedssii'lesry iesois Merrinsaas A. . Pun. A i r meyr, of ur ppnens.A aasiariof Crasft . " 'V. J.aosa A. C. isand. A. II ticiaasoer of (tar l~apunealaIT'is i'of Eliijahi.Illsrated J. .Zanwil Joseph]a5Ke(rr,. Soaaddssard SMo. In this we lave cause tuha' prousd.4 ico Ise lanoisbs. Illsraed Idas.. scaiovigg. . Wtaite Jayne. TiO wiin football gameis is nsit everyWal lsas atsici oin Ui.floyd WithHoos o Stel.Colored Illustratonss ticsl. A. tOsiboin. larasll .5 ch. thing. There are other things wortha - lsreueFnch elly Hasrry IL. Andries. striving for. The retect of visitisnglar LaovoCoewns.tllusraed ________Arhsr . Maromoni teanms gainetlabbcauslce ii.lavss an ea' c L ris ivAirsiceof aOdil i.SsdLil el Editor lsday-J. Y. KERR. asm(il nlgaaeaa'l ssia 'iI aspain iif thesai?:tisi-tet fil aesM.Ldo Soiieasiss ls hslis'scr jan storiao sathinsgof whlicha every MSihiganaman BO5.s tseiiosasilo.IllsnradSarals rsjd aaeaaoIf aiieiiaaeai afir.o 12aa3. 5. 1 m0yjustly be lrouda. IFiotball gamIbeari Dics cana be on by lbruaes but alseretaitalltc. Ater All FrankortSloae Office Hours:--12:301to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:3n tion for gesaltesanly condctascanoonly1 salDue. Athlo; f XSI 'ariet J.1.Strr CbaStass p. in. Daily. be owun ly Mchgantloossn. iOihir titile illI leoaedfScnum rlmeto time. aaarem R-OICOR B. tIISTill,Bsiness Man- Git Mihigan las beena suceissful. agfr, 331PakardASrlin eal rlonsuppos~rtrs caafford ta treas p- 50 CENTS -EAt. Telephone, 461. liasing teanms witha eery cnsidra a sas. Bsus' e may saintlie meet sdc' u~c e foalt. iWhenishlatat.mtu coeesssit oct11 taea graten effort fats'aitainichigana to IA! hrs Book Soe ________________ - maisslainsiis sirit Cf fair I retn,'nl. H j > CALENDAR Oasevers of Mlich5igana affairs rout ote nivesictriesiopelly decare stal Up Town Down Town risc. 10--German Simngisg Mbeting at wvhetn 'Michigan meets defeat ter con Ne~berry all at 645 p. m. ducwitslechange. Is. is tle Ihopled ai0m oN Ol N A s'. o'Lect'rry bysPatf0:45a.fiem.onthat AMicigasa imen woill raizeuthaias I iec.litlecasn ti Prif.('aahi thesa tuest say ls toelyal ts their* "C'ontemporsaary Frascer- thesollt i ' rsre0hse { 1{ Counitry'' in Tapplain Hall lectusse rputt~eeisl irio r nl'tec thsciout ric 'tnsa aI. r. oisilii fi gstt'as'a v uialet.J Suitable Holiday GutIs De.10 Facuslty cstncert in riee GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. fFR ties. 10- 1906 Cass dance. A new ilustratedf literary snasagaisso LAWYER OR STUDENT 1l'aro ll tSI.m __ s ter.10.-Lectusre by Cot.lBirmsissgham The ColumibiaAMosnthly, will lie 1p1th toa Medical Society, 8 oiclock, ia lislsedtisa Januasay ly ala susitsaloss1f Sarah Cassell.Angeal Hal. lie Columibia U'niversity 0 Pl't. , Maaa5el Histoysat freshments and dancing after lee- 3 I itt 5 'tLawi lt 8 3 55 tusn,,. fBr- ai ndHmo f Dlac. 11--Esinoringg Society. Ad ightecon snisr esanrs rom trm linh n liar V isa y drtss by (Goo. Wiordlenosithise Solt 'oivarsil ysat Ilinoais sadasio'Itsr o sat * s.. ., .0 vay 5rocess otonsas"Drawing Room inspesctionmsthrousgha teachcieowssser o3 5lll.Cisat'olinc'l'.. '0 Practice," in Physics Lecture Roosm. plaslssatC'hicago. * 15 01ilr~ r h Ls Dec. I"L-Germamn Social itsReowherry Warn'e huad ea hall at 8 p. m. The1staiaingsositices f s'arilaoca' ,loo 7 lDe. it.-Condo Francas Coferience.trts hae andedf a petit in lasoathe B as ,lnt~ fIna Address ly Professor alasPonton t'iiva'tsityIFacultay las giv"'oneso tuar Cutn pc1 .vo e..,5 -opuislar Stngs," in Saraha Cas- credit far works doeinthaas lit''ay 6va'itt5 satslis its usa'. a. 00 welf Ansgell Hall. soeies Idenmberssofathals1l'sia'aria y *0oasts' 5ii''s .15 ctastss'. 3 a0so lDs's 12 "a'timan's Leaguea'rooteption liand areadly reeieoe aso'urasr s ' nris 515555st's V. tss'''. 1 00 isa Barbousar Gym. frunm 4 las 6p. in. it.-Ex. 5assas'.......... 35.l00 tier. 12. Rt'ta'coplii to Engineers isa ThelFre'shsma class at 'aWilliamaso * lansi ro Jrspu Newiberry iHall at 8 p. it. nuamblers .1811.thelage saiasshelisalto-o 4alis t lntisis assj. itsrna- ter. ia. ('ioral CUnison cosncert. rY -sof talsolleslge-x A fi 50csasciss as~st, tl Itsndti. Issnsaltto ow Seel \\il ',saas crsis. a ccoring t h n u l rp r-n ot'ruaiQ Iv llitli......,... a-50 eDailacre sisalocapethenscval residlentiEliot sit larsar, is'er2100 * tw oostiandtow iraries bogh as po.ibslele. Foacurt this domrhnierasosn it is 'trg studelnsofsa that uni®riytb'tr for cash, Corespondencesolctd. ently requestedth iat amnouncemnts isa tleico. 3 C.E.BA TH LL of oll nmeetings he doisie its theO Campaus suffice bfacors G p. m. Cmpurnls orsii a a saldnc alaailsiOt Snaasswad eiad lBosa Ne and at tDartmloth.-Ex. ®*3a5. State St. Second Floor. "'fie troat mnI: rt'ceive'dIly st' Olen-__________ lin seass.adsmaagesment a AmsnaAr- Am i ilirfralernity holasigagusiste * ***g * * * ham' tasasalt thatlthe'm'stoexactimng has lbtaena organizdot 51Cic~aotat 55115 critic cousidt dernand. Thesowdosa greet.oceoetfr a aowlaisg tophaly. As soonsa as - ed tiii'tlans oithlunsuaal owarmisth, the' bowliig alys ia i ' he tRynsil amnd he sea'srat tintssrsepeaes"sl'l'Rai: l, ub111arc finisedi sisy' sill bI s d a, rah," ftr Oberlin, addledf not a for thelaocimpelting teamas.j little as' lb.' spiint astho Oberlin play- -Hot ilOGOs cold and rs. Asoo the action sat the cacha and Georgo Wodno the Slvay i's-s d trainer in caring far one of sun boys. rss Cmpany, Dtit, will adrss refreshed. 'vllass' 10ho was hurt meaca the close of the the Engineering Society'sits"tirawisng J-'jmnQni game, anal in pruviding a harts for Roonm Prsotice," in the physics 1ec- S''1 0 g t""" the prpiose of carrying hime from Fr- tue roona'Friday evenisng. Al. \Wor- ry Field tto the hotel, was a highly den is a graduate of thleOaisersiy of cotmmendable act, and one very much Michigan, oeoeNNOeoeoeNOeoeo oe soo®®oeoeoooaoeososesoeoeo ..,......,...,..,.,,,,4.. 4 o**eoooo*ooo 4*H+ z I llT STUDEiNTS' [[CTURE[ ASSOCIATION Lymtas.n Abbott ON r1R r o 1Iroblem " rE UNIVER.SI'TY HALL, "0'ond oI Eveninqg, Jan. 25 ITSingle Admission,' 50c,.'SeasonlTiokets, - $1.00 w " es ,;AT HIE JO , AT RL ' ~ Tfl1~AY Ew. o SatraDec..,,12-*- Trie Ously Getiminse W14f. A, BRADD'S. Sweedishs Conmimiediamn BIG COfIPANY, IN KNUTE..[RICOKSON F X rhe man tRNP Fromlweden 25 Peolule tn' the Cast, 2. Mansagemnts: Mrostly Girls BROADHSURST & CURRIE. Special Matinee at 2:30IO Matinee Price:* PrceChildren, 25c Adults; °96& I Sc, 25c, 35c and SOc Evening, 25, 35, 50 .,'. " s rs s "o + Nr a s ss: I TINKER & COMPANY, FURNISHERS AND HATR.334 S5. STATE ST., Phone. 342-2r--