The itchigan'a VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1903. No. 60 CnICAGO CO"FrIONS. NEW QUIZ SYSTEM. OPEN fl'E[~INO. STUDENT SUICIDE. tiniversity of Michigan is Represented Professor Dow is Trying a New Sys- Philosophical Society Opens This Junior Lit. and Member of Sigma Al. there one Semester Yearly. tom of Weekly Quizzes. Year's Work With a Lecture by pha Epsilon Fraternity Shoots Professor Rebec. Himself this Morning. One departmht of University c- The results of the present methodso-- -- tivity with which the majority of the of holding quo-zot in history courses At for fiftee Wednesasy-ifernoos Itssl if McWilliams, a junior lit student body is as yet little acquaint- sote and to baliben highly grati- in Tappan iHall Licturit Rooni .Projeray stiint from Kansas City, Mo., ed, is the work of the sociological te- ying to te members of the faculty andt a mimber of the Sigma Alpha Ep- partment at Chicago Commons. For directly interested Last year, owing fesor etrge Rebec deli-rd a lte:- ocioteisiid tb etr several years past it has been the pot- to Mt.VWodi's il-heath, which cassed tae on0"Pleasure Idealismi anti Truth daty mstrnig ii his room at the frater- icy of Michigan to send one student bhiniro resign as hed assistant quiz in At-" tBeire Poessor Rt bees ity hone o Waubhtenaw avnu, by each year'to the Social Settlement iaster a chage. was noade in the letsure the presidet: of th lphil- sho)otn himself through the heart. In Chicago, better known as Chicago nainr o holding the weekly quiz. sophical society made a tew rc-tarl s ,Nit reasoni can b assigned for his Commons, to make an original inves- One hal te qiiz setion were given teepraeshh i tt wr t t-tact I tiscsiniainosoesclpt bemFrm rlquzsodcedyPofsrth xandteamsndwkofg the question tigtio ofsom soialprble. F-ou orl ii,, coidtcteI b Prfesorthe ploitsophical society This yeai Ot o1 bs fraternity tbrothers said the insestigation pursued, a thesis is Dittoaid the otithe half were givenletrswltidevrtttttoteyisida tonng prepared which is turned over tthtes-writti-nsqizesalternating every alstties owis soceivetretouniertoheiy liiras toring: hebihts n Sociological Department, ftePioohclDprmn etetranero in the fraternity. The scholarship which has support- Tbe plait-his yer is to ivid e hr t the Pliiei pwas ttI ot our itwnt uiversitanti by pil litsitradatedl front the Kansa edt a Student at Chicago Commune fr class itt quiz sicitins as usta, and sophical stecalists fritti otiellaces. it ihbshoot at the ae of 1b and a-portion of each year has its past botdtotal qtizzes eath week PiofI toiiiimeiiscilei-i tiatebt rsmnwe i years been raised and donatedl by the LOiw citiidutts fi ve. it these himelf; Students' Christian Association. This altenatitog eah to-tot oith Mr ry three wet-to at whlichithei no-nYears l.l'here was nott a fellow in scholarship amounts to $150u and the iniss, ithead asoittant quizmastiretsiloieisiselssii.tTieal qes- ory tiingiawhaitctst ontell antMrst- person towhom it is awartded is byDOceOttoery mntntia enratwrmit entits dspoo h thii ofss thliii- t- il . H atipi hssotaniec ths reassustained inChicagot fie revitw i(ticldin thticletre room iislendspileofotherdc-littiber ti eer 'itndiliarnesDo-easitnhistutyids mnh orcovering essentially tf lta-e tt -loti the lidcay toantiprssbidithsi ymptr thyr ofithsoi-i- notitocrit-im.otteslhat thney adi whole of the second semester. The Ily this eimtectutideioifoqut-inchalt thk e aty ithprSenter'syfieandic ci - oitt.sofaty im. Halha dyoneymand awarding of the scholarship is in the studientisohatesit oral quizzeach tidccasiitonwalth ygoodima hands of a committee composedoitandtidhi- iobscre points oithlii.past mites. oesorReIes lctratre aiasmCity.bOccasionly thondid faculty members Profesors Adatmsweeksook ti recieasy iroiight out Phe lesso r ttofs lii-iri- Ilitilt-il it teharitre.oorryitttheonlthingIo Cooley, and Taylor, now serving in tdimtiotitaiti detais art emphlasized Lci.The entyifioiBri-ai thJihto wasiointol hmaworrysotashowif this capacity. Upon the Ipresentation inthetuturelatioto theib-wslitle The nueoels t oIenHardyiecibad t rie lttoav ing tcolmaeabth artdn if of a satisfactory thesis by the person writtets rvi-eistonsitdirtdl ssential oeso oaIitthcsiI iiisl iaii]csig.bth a holingtheschlarhip te fculy t fi inthemids f te sudet, hethe ine ofi toutgtti ofiits esay atdIirautei-antithat could not bthe at once presents him with six otrs cirikwicbhie hate just bet-ti tver israitti sa i isciiii, t.iiisotn isl.I sapz credit, The scholarship is not always there wiltlitiiinotndsmeoter eix it to all of us. awarded to men for both last year ansI aiinatititsthis seartheli.monthlyptovestceltreartefiii btreakpct I _________ the year before ladies were ltheci- writitn voesill takei.its place iisic itReeaue o thtitistype lPro-i~ cipients. lesorRbecstreamentfthsub The purposo of this scial settle- ectoas a ittietechiniiical oi in- Junior Lit Class Meeting. mnt work is two fold. It provides SENIOR LAW PARTY intiatedin i philtsophty t. touts s.Keny called a meeting of the awayfar' students to specialize alotngwTbe sial oIs ne yteSn wttoomewha alsrtiec buttivl the Juiotit latss ysterda-y afternoon, to sociological lines in conditions as they ior asa.Gagrsniext Monditay letiueitapbtal -edrastaimtesrltandtI t Mciliats.iTtithelashqnt Roseri actually exist, and tnder the directiont ight utromuises toi elitst any given ri-cgireatitanligao-tessi rbet rotidayIMtit siitio The baineittitryI ot those who have considerable exer- spt ar this year ,the orelesra tinmconcusiaon PofeisioorIRbec.sijool alidommi ittew retoppotelindeftelye ienen ithsoiolgial rosensioinlogicalii ixlue-ostllems tuhIntitAstsinIntglootf tt-it" ipaiecesltoonwiitttlweeurntoitedtose the second place it places the Univer-' st~ 0atmnt o ine pbsittitivet 0 i.iuxlu..tuit to sninitg oter- andhdrawing up prgaI gecnitigohwet-w its cncludeduthtocartwt5s tuinIsrt. -i ttoitsale raoisuiions. The commit- sity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fin actual touch with live (lqis- ot lii.-latesst. piecs tf musol. faasitsrwnitslittlsuslti otitriostsnsmtatevig ions thus giving the hnstutiton a 'ltfrurasmsae a rtcviIyan iaclfs sttttit trt smelit pthiin 5551 ou rot ltis met lfstlevwnng g broader influence, and incidentally, iof will nake ahandusoume souveirltof itrit r sllsl i 50Otlttlitoahhstknfo u course, provides a source of valuable tclit.Thytilb ttls urn cit tri s fealsoitfees- stharit it Itlisli titus11 t.h ia m ar information from year to year. Islot-il std uacts satue will toe- named it ht uoos o -~ u"ttiiuit oa lssat n The scholarship will undoubtedly atrbuo uuroost ls lt-i t sthusamont to eachilttit ut iriend andloyaliii.ssmuats fath be raised by the Studuents Chrsiasa-troearoiats lou-u-us hrasg.go ut h ois mt tant-s iioitsThe Whesaso t-esotthe Iethirsyf Det Association again this yeau as in the tat i tuuit hitut toi tthiatus ouge t mveet stuoo t su ost arete A bsu-ssc t-it ooo 5i ur en es past. Last year the Association was The dances'tushloestriniclysinformlputoeof50 shilosophsois s toivsti oro abeloe aseuparsof$210ltaisssuuelu-uustpwatrdtshlognsatoghf t$ot2tit0hs'otooirtttlthiisilvi ' lsttroug. socioogica wor. Wit thugi toiuss th yfit-tIr i sst (ac il ei t i ht-010 tu ntu- lsthu-tosodandto it ttul Rlout. s ot'eati.'outz throsughat1who ktnowleduge:on the part oh the osuent o osottusasioi-n-'wt eits-t sl t050 lsi ill und iii n I deth Iiulosavli-l ost; asoasrotthomil body regarding theuaureofsotthus posiivly a ito-st ssotot-lt-tlaut-l. iiatitt Ii su hot i uo mo u oonl work, the raising of thei.fundllist assssttu to eal us it eal s'is r tinI'ssotfarlit-yisuntlastshotanfohipesal been gre fly aided,hae soul oonoenvabloe repotui afuor sushtnittmuhslsc ototmse hitoc-suitolituy au ntijoisuymnstt lt. hs exit Ihy too ndedsolstot the sorrow- Inconvenience of Lack of Light mou lt bsh, no xepon.uymathsb The mposiblit of ettng-sue nI-ousit thyand o outhis-members of his Th mosblt fgtii he Alit eotitiltaustwthoshas soti yet se Of Interes Is Musicians.tiitinugsolgh-hcleecues ccutsol d oatoaett nilfurhiesho buildings, is causing a great dtahlmtof sus o-ote -oat coumittees',oconssing I hisot