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December 09, 1903 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1903-12-09

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T1he Larest and Mst
aomplete inof:..
atiG;(. IW lil l iVs 181
fai'. ans lien akin in
in .nceI le Oiifiiall inil
Y 77.,X4iash. St.
A, ,
fA:;'f i. i( i ii_.r~r i~rir .~oa Eoat
®f A 'okfl'fth hr n
® hemyteyand . c. tioncA: f'
l* Afitiiin snakie iouI ieeliuthe s iia"
® o m n t t han Aver before.i
0 rha i iii d i'. I f epeiece
en [fi n tu "oniti,'101--
nr li n th iekn iliiif i tatna t).
® anii [fnefudcaft et s of [ie u
of th n orif e r cif uft'. , iii e n iiii
o i ofli te rtiif oriiesii'iitsnn4
* an ail nd riliii n oonid ins. uuia
33 [P ailti e iu160.WoodwarinAv.i(i
aftiaiitotn o~a.aii ltI inrui inn~
o. fM. o [Miar titi'enf ri its
Ofic mini' 4hAiivaaeinid. Rs
* e 3 02 S. t.A .160 odwrd1A.
* muac o al

f THEE MICHIGAN DAILY ufefvery iiffereid iitillf occanfonn by [lTVY C[NTS EACHl
iraiors frPain Michigan'. ft would neemsi
Enteredid s seond ciaus natter st the Annthiiiar e fhave'.a gooduf cfanre uf wfn-'.' +* *-& - 0
Arbor Pest tltfte'._ . tineg the contenit. "SilLmtdEiin
f'niblisfidsfialy (Miitiif eyii.pitfi duringite Anu nn'uuafhlylargenmfier oe[snil'- eil iie [iin
encollre eart 1iifitfE. Waeshinn nstreeifeensfintheifuiirlerary snrifeties.o POf'[LAf' COI'YfAIHTiS
(bsmn losle rienuane) Phoer9.2 '.lihaerawfnitefiacea for ftefireffminar-. a O~L~ttft'lS
MANAGING EDITOR: e fft.dfffa '~ainfuieti
S. E2NdfdfTY '.i'itiAhlN wfichfilstifbft'.heldifnfeAitntArfnir i".sriuiitallardls. 8Illutsrntilini '111al etn
BUSINESS MANAGlER. afiout te lastfitFefiriuary. Tfhean kenrie'. 1 f1;taeryfiri''l nfritui
RO'.SC'uf O . iii..T'tN nuiaflioruatorficaf cote si t f te'.Noirfiti 3t wentip Lie. 11 i a
erti OraticafflLeaguie pcomnputefioAsunai ii fiefiisCapt ardl'f ii'n
EDITORS ~ sen ete'rnt rullegun tosito be firlifTfhe iifi intinnof ftidif['irsiin
Athletic, - - fOBTitt.i fti.TONi nsbrtinuea.Seeale Phals irederickehflis
lu'. . ~ftAttAfirii ~i" eal - .S.1ALY'I'. tilt liit.i 1si fft ace
ASSOCIATES: altadiy lu.'gun iitoniurk in therir iia Charles ltiiif'p f.iriiu'
piLiiiicoi n~ us luiouking itiiarid thif ntet n.Th lfrati 'lip "$tii't'ieAthiertn
A. 11'. C'raer. henry l', zi r hi'.classntts wic'h still fakl o tsam.nIl lustratedi henry rittn It lrrrinni
A. C. Pondl. A. If itmayer. dact'. it (Feb.lriary sniff undotfibedlfy iA blateiriof frifi\. if'. fJaci'.ti
Joseph'YfKir sltacut St.'b~ . lie mailediilay mote Itaituatal infer- ic it-iil'of.ef fir sttsllnairtiiacif
lust)I,'. ft ii,"it ait Jyne. est.. Of[couselianiits f lafrge John Utit [Llo0 yd
fith i(lnps of Stee'.i' Coloifeidt i iiisittiiii
Oe.0Ofstboin. Hrl .Sith.ii, aitr lls ttoratsrynutlithl sifl uth ateati'. Poett er 'itc elltfy
ha' . Anduirewit. I nifritnaclbaginnting,. it swoiiuld saintthatl'Frtiver~rw. lutae
_ Arilitir f'v. Salnifi t
M.ich'igacan t i f'ail t tai inti her 'i' I I ov Ar'.5itrs iof ian i ifdlaidii an.fi ell
Fr i ar lnoday-Harr y H. Anidrews'. ii ut li u itasrnttnii''iiii~iiai'
'ii in i i it i li'iiit. ii it" fiifi hi e patin ttoratitrical 55 irk. 11itti l inuutssibir'. I fitsitr il sarir an ti
Jut, r'iltf-___'_________________________ 'ftlit in lit' it mu fWf'sl'. B ld. 1titnititie
Thie uttnully largm ner hoii'.\i'"ii 1.ifAster fit Vrailot MoorteSun
Office Hoors:t-12:30 to it30 aol 6t30.to 7:3o tave ifraftni plaice's fit'.efir limitar'. 'fl Dokei,'. Authornit N. Wiricl
p'. m'.Daiy. iesnoithe fin' chfiftgan-Wfisonstindebilate. J. Star [iii i s
Addres-ROStOE 0. HUSTJN,. Busioeos Man'.'.ic repotrtedto ibe'.ft'. rattsn'oft [resi'.terfitls iiiitll twPtatdeIdPiiiomiitinetiitoiie'.
Telephone, 46. 1f'erbnfn ie inhasnvfisinitt a repeie-'
tieotititlact ynar's victory'.
c'. 'A if ininous ifi ,sail e liihe sui al blfd' W'ahrs Book SoresJ
CALENDOAR. itryontNonrthfirsrily' atesmie iait
approft itale oine orti heliirfposednni U'p Towon Down Town
li fiuant lf'.fuf
Is nate Gi o. Itt fast' _ -
1(lhi ltfuaufifir'l Si'. GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES'.
t>I t ii t i . i i ut iuu a'a i'f 'usf
aiolttnlr. )a l nut v u uo i'c hall edit inns
r. fuhea s'u' natilflibe whfithart'.ercunureditable.
I; fgfu't nie tfl'ff An Al]-Wes'fernvso. All-lEaitera nftt
mc ii'feufetiffiffI 'li'.York i'tlytduritug the athletlic exhibil.
flaitleit li'ineiappan fM'.fl9lfcturof fbi'
I'. 11fla '.titan heeditereatuM adhisnSarfrnt
f ' I i fat iff. i. te i i 'ria
I fec. 10.t1906 Ctass dance'. fWiscnsin'. tFhlflig us a fpartial
Ena..toIa-I atcturn'. by Cal'. Birinighamfltntfos'efeu ArtrCtin
7 t,,lt~ar 1,o;~tV 'c ~ fat ttn 'Deu'afWilliam Juntau'.andufAl ,z


Shinutiftsut'.llAtngellJflall'. fRe-
I ru'utuuini atndf uancing afteir lec-
D(i 1'.'. ff 1ffieituu'tiig ffuupl'y'. Ad.
tracticu'.''.ini 'hysics Leu'ftre Rtom'.
lDar. If.-'u5Ld ift'.fass fbanqueutf.
fe. lup '.--ftGertmantiSoifali Nasslurry
fell at0Sft. imi.
fle'. f1I.-furcleFrafencis onfeurence'.
Adduresan fy Prf'r sorau fiont iott
"Pop~uuuliar Sontgs'." in Sarah tas-
fDef..2-I oan.iui'.s L'eague re('.eftion
ini failbouur fGy'mt. fromnt4 Ii to . n
fDec'.-12'.-Rrueptitn to Engitneers fit
Newbefarry ffallat b8lu. m'.
Deir'.- '.['uura l uincouncert'.

lue Abbotifroum IWiscnsnin;othifget
anid Stahl fromntIllinois'. antI Salmonu~
iot Nut rie.Danme.
For'tf'.ve metiarepi.fracticing regut'
far aIt'.Crntell fur flueVarsit ycrrcw
utnuderflue directiuntofitCtoach.fCourt'.
,YXalue.wuon funesit'.t'.uh deabateuwift
H0arsvard rpeently bfueorea acrowduftu
3,00ff people'. Sit tar Yale has sn
fcurP deaeus attdlHarvard ten'. tbe
oi ter Itobning ties'. The fquestion
vans, "R'.esolved, that the histocry of
traude uinism finthfle tifted Stales
fur the last twenty years nhsws a gen'.
eraltenencpy'tetrimt'ntal to the best
interentsof th le counutry..'.Yale had
Ihc affirmative attuf [arvarud the neg'.

In itedatndsfdlomeunstit
sufi iplainasd uliltetd taks.
anti illttIulant denigtn
50c to $3.00
Ihatsers I17 S. Minm
Keep yotur face
f ain'. Use Williams'
Shaving Stick.


E As ft'e eanti prot-fresses,'thflu avrr.ttat snea rthec. u.'. xaacg
abl foecstsmae afewwe~s gonutnaber itfte leading fabor tniton
rears'diiint Aii tuauf'sap[nspecsn oa'. tfficrs of flue stale'. antImatty lecal
Cor~y fiftduuebtitin'. ae being conifirn-wrinmnweepesn.
nidi tioia 'iii'. .'T'.he.unut in hs areadfy
taint chosent ich will rufresent ['rn'sidhsait~afey. of Yalie.whain ask-'
dlfiguut--an aans-to dfinta'etufa atftha eduhogtilt'..'iiite t'. mios ttfa putt'
ssif altdetsise fin flue Central De'.lege cnuuuu rt'u..es''uu.ini tart: '''f l tues.
fiat itu;Lg ue n'to be i ha'feld in fatnary'. thusswhichfthfle mnteougufhu t eitic'.-
'.'hen'riuentieu. nwheitug drilletd,.and turn' etminsut n nothwttuakenthe moust
elf liiioat's' in iion ftknouis'nuit.t ieo tt a colffege-'.ouurse',utbuutw te
ini duclarimug mta d'Michifganm has a din'.pmt themlii'.n itn toit f. What ,a maim
eilhy emtrongmamiii. A plane. in ftheu shes for fisleleuh'ge is in fiuts u.tfectufn
fimnls ofthefin ilttonffcun tstest has al'. character'. moire al.shuable than what
innaudy liensstetredf y thebi'. chrigan hefuncioslyuty ries tim lit fur hunt
rressettim '.smthnd iththefn'.nttpe'rier self'.'.


legro I tobtei mm"
1onddj [veninq, Jan. 2
2Sigle Admisston, 50c, Season Tickets, - $1,00

2DCAN M~I. SUABOLT, 10auagor
TlUIRSDAD[C 10 Saturday, Dec. 12
2 TeOnly GenuineW4.A'. B sADD .'S
* Sweedtislh Cuomnedian BIG COMPANY, IN 2
'The Man ADA
Fr m S e e 25 People tn the Cast, 25
BROAJI'.UR T & CURRIE. Special Matinee tat 2:30
PrcesChildren, 25c Adults, S0c
I S5c, 25c, 35c and aEeig 5,39 0a7

IrN N O tt N N Ii I ® 1F4®O Oi s9 .A0i®®NM+1 ®®0®r


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