The NichiganDal Vor,. XIV. ANN ARBJOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DEsCEMBE.R 9, 1903 No. 59 [OOTEBA[L BANQUJET. "ARINE [N6iIN[[RIN. MsAK[S CONCSSIONS. PR[SID[NT [LIOT. The Annual Banquet Tendered the New Equipment fr the Enineering East at Last Admits that Western Co- Addressed a Large Audience Last Bv. Foothall Players by the Business Building Will Greatly Aid the leges Play a Very Superior Game ening n Prominent Asects of Men is Set fr December i. Students-Destription of the of Football.{ the Labor Problem in Amer- Marine Tank. b Ia. In Order to show appreciation of the The ftitowing is taken from the work one hy the 190, football team lit to tie tresei tinte the Urtiver- lBroiklyn Eagle in which it is coned- Charles2 William Eliot, president o and to cement the retationso iose ex- ty Cof Xtthignoashot. ha1d0(1ntteel that any hoice of an att American Harvard Iniversisy and an acknowi- fsing betweti"town anti gown' an equiin~ent Ahieh iwou lit pertit ter wteiatomooat inctliie the Weo. edged athtrity on industrialqa s elaborate tbanquet will be exended to take firsiiranklamoni~ig the Engiteer- "The (eelpenottn of the gene ofI tiono last ni'ht addresed n S. L. A. Pre. Angel, the oad o1 contiotthe in schoolsftvithi count YStl t ite ooal i thisvontity hasireatled atdie'ce on 'Democratic Remedies hoard of managers, Directot anir, (atit o ain niniering and a sg t(litiis impi'osible thoose for IndtianlStrife." Coach Yost Asistant tCoache'.MciNva Acet e Puta s ithei(ott Iteveni ii(itwho wsoil r- iii et itthe Pesident liot's views on the laor Gutgin, Dully anid I'arohiaisa Titiner i ,NistIroiies: griiirona-i i aoiiiAmneti agitation o h e gn ig Tul togshae gained wide pulicity Fitzpatrick the °Mtt men anilthlie-ie g lie- ifaciliies- will le oseod to ' a ciiul u th wiilithiioitiioisioiieriit-tuig'tietast two years and his Serves. lkliiilaes f h ittndnosholin tiecoiit or iiiitie ii leiisei i ii os nicliat cinietaln of the causes and Tlhelbanqietwilt e givens tiy histi- fli nhis iilit.thuciier lieioiiieoliWist'liiiii ias whliitheil r itit i i v iiiofthe industrial conflict which iess anid proessitniat intaofotthe cit y'ia r fte s-eiii ii 1sitti tli iis ciiiibastofiebetii.v exi.i li 1 is swaui ihudimdvgr to the namber iii 7 ansilthe gueiss e an oil e edi lie cti n oneiis ofitleiRugty gi me"oi bi emate last ight' lectre one of the wiltinumlerabout till vswililie iiiirisvsi navaiacte iicliiie iioiiiianywueiire Ntvii nosv.iost instrutive in the course. Cap- The following are thehosits o1 le n io oiei ' iiiiun g Proeovr IlTewiniiiiit o coiieand unier t 1andiloc were treated fairly y iccasion: Ie e'dv ei'vtic- foll ongudecri- iiviiltX' v i ttiiiit i 0the sieake and the good as well as Evart H Scott, eo V .-uuuuuliliii Ifn i ill be33fee wd.. . .l igh aii na rd tiiaihalitia idoibremansceii teiiencies of each set forth in lasiH.IPrentiss M.J. Frit, Chas.L, feet logoutd 1 I eiet 6- ili iiiitvhe dipiite ins fman siovoav iiich is rioros 'aligage. Huvceock A K ale J BBeat, LF F ' tiOeel f ag(iee. A vslie x-superir.As Weter civiiizstionliihiai ills SW. Carkison, Aert Liiietndi lmthi. rinteco--illie gonuue h i mion eo.lcdiltirint liiis The sectace eifthe heads of the ttetree ullr Jon Wite ~ati'c ' F ii iO (((i viihayliii ga iiiiiiliiit ht sitgreatet tniversities in America, It s~t uit V ltillI d.1 ttoiet- o ausosd prlongel appasse whens MaciSllW.eilli-cs.(1,li-deiidde elopiti eii ' typ ('le iof giironi soi ~n er X X isii X Ifinl i v--i- v i iiitiiirl ser et 1 (i i vut a ili.Ptesdent Anelinroitdtceel his di- Fcner Geo. FApel JohiLindeniiittira is resingy on oderoI Scieee swills iioing, hustilngir"vitit Iby gistelFtet al n itn scimitt. t. . Dan.Ft ol t ii o lii ii ii hee ri-utly wh ich itI.,isurounded.Oueothe uii tsieil in aptearance anti possessed sel, G. -i X Wild Jas I.Quatrry BhS liiiiiI- dr liiive rvelrti't;t rc. difrnesesin lstinotedin co aita g anois Antdrew Rel e L. G.uHa', ' O. -eti-il-d ithieiv ic i isut-eliois tlieigrtal ot uitinate a marked impression on his an- Al. Aslati, .1WXVRobinstitAs XtttSi;ea 0-rt lu rvet gal n of lriii I p tuo l ttuhe i iit iiii v iii s enc hbl,L. CXXWetmaiiiiJI F Stilt C its p.In i lr~~iuieso i-sich I -v t ioaWiconinClii Asitsrotuctory to the real question, H. MtiajorFtIi. andlall R. I.XWarrenfomiiten to ((ci- cceItiin 5nto iiwill "eg~o atone to cclmv tosteeri-tivnPreisetEit tot outlined briefly the eitsn i-itg- X li gorow ti iutuic t o i,,-i iii t t hi-ari-entanion of corporations Browny. Gb orge 4'a raa's - tho stit - i s mo vIast-io-ieili i labi-tei-li u-iiilieli . ic- vioihool iiii tit i-iui-t boliysi.Irse ay G ron h er. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mr FtaS ottetf fitcenltt- icc-tieii -iicalliii- -itg forticdITs'rust litcause of the conservative R. Tojantisski 1.0 GuhionghtiiFred iellii-iil C ici i-i'- nigame- i atie iculariittopponients.u elemntitt caitaismn and the length I. ~ ~ ~ a Scui-.tXiX il-iitIfut theii- uiiui mdl atI i iiuiii iIof i ltci isy i t isuuuuiitime taken itt the evoltion of the MAeyer. Fl .XX thuitfas Ft. cit. lHiiiiu 1 I in iiten ldto carr Wii aset ;h iuuuua vi motari-all it tresett codtionsn, the rmedies, a- hill. i.. AL.NtwliunAt Ihuri littitn i i'(ii i (5 yl 'luoneiu iiiii'liveieai-itt pepae rthuugo slit-c must conic slowly. 1-. .. Biurke, J. i ]etnsehier 'fiin ' ,fert st fsipsI-liiiorms 5 siiiii t i(ttu ',1 ing-li si-iason. v u X~ hah-uotths hc so het thu ocreId Prltyniss"luihit1Kit1iand Westi iteliiiettindustrial prosperity of the Hui~r, f. . Pettman Jon Kch e bst ormfoianysutofu-ic-tiUn -IitediiSt,s th s le outcome of Dem- XWo. X. XX'meth,eI:K(uiiiy &ht rtii eau be e u-eu ohi ci cc111(ioc i it iii outitheus teemticracy the creator tut, thlas L.Millet, 'host hii--o n \\.j-ta 1( I ut iii.1mo st e peiiin s of this -" "eliI>.thi o h t.. ~~~ i ucu ituas whic racy he csrheathe J. Botho1l . ft .XV Newkrk, Dr. FK A.-;characau-r-uhalecar-uici-diiiou it -ii i iii tiiiiuuthe i ivuiiuuisdeiul . Iis nexiii odtosw ih aepsil h Carhk, Rotss Gtiaugerflury Normaiitii- bi rr ~n: n ie al.-7-i i cu-us.:oipsidlet r e- "('mel ichsuronghold o sf laotr, insst provide tin, hemp t' Ptit fluty e ninigi , - ulio-ou- II n'uleu -te i de the-- - I- i I lli loucits ic- t-tutu flii'the lresent uneara- Christian Koh, A it3 X ualkeri XX I kIllse I ;et iiceutaiulci-ise huu-u'v-u-n i lleo t iuilu du ing 'lea isiatt-ee filaorI, hut.Within the la t e- hhitlet, littati I.Abbtt, I liii lau b ile. iii inof to s e in iiihere tthe sea sue :t ile -d iii es-le' liey ju u con-utis hve site hi ticte.i iuol tI ii uuu svtiiiII-i iiusu ots tutuenst.ettyco mmadedthen Latr iht ht'nner.u i-iv lii wohu r l --'cl-- seli analuuuu- lc avnd u in (lined uu it men as c leverin us uauid iii vsiuulally yii te t muih n ii 0thir am hatihte Setiiithn tioi hutust XX- i- i -u-i u~ ( ii! biln t oe i~r i ll((,io fnidi - jrtiguil oi f thie p ic iau thir ca-di Ltight wsma tehubscieuaufothe us heuh;I bil igi l suuic iof ii I iiXXI i utnv imignuu hat h fuoru A liiorespayoantime.ttergani- banqet.ymtigtasescoury Xlou t W ionr ilprftb h ivssa'gis linienue iiistayi5onv. -i auu 11-spttgt euecme ;liens clid eted at tict'ni'etsl~iof (beris iii Ito sate tif radureand t hutrtBtowntiwas ltctd oit ili liil Itjutie-o hut iii XXi-t uu'iuu-tan at-'v iini; al f aor ad l liii I-e untut Xuuuu-canii eam cudi-unht ihe ickedi I houghucomrisiinslgstnly tne-eighth of fluo litsthebnugt. uilluuvce-u ti ENGINEERING RECEPTION t i itlt ii iiiiI hutatorers inlistslant, it is gaining Oontuultu Xl vi ayiiehe irnungiithere win ill hu c-I i ii iisviby ieatstf a highly perfect- sontueotV.tGoodich.Fiut c 8 XX f lyifor iii I tiiiIi 1 I i iT(i iheirefualtLo wrk with a non-un- tIttt'itatii--Tu oli Slater. ui to -ers wih -ii istly cqit i bit btu e r1111v+ o uulit be I foolard i I ng ofL nonuinittsts. Vitlence is an F.. I'. Sills. sonithe i- Iil t i ii I- iuuuuwihi 'cn'c t capa le i- iit - vu ieth lo eiu of' the cats Itequiig little sill and as l- i. was detcided iItohldtuiihit banuetiut lIs uoiat-uul and1c li-Ic e'ottu eitt htll u iiI itii i tii uii b o set o cr t toti the tug-lutf Wednsducay, hit-li madeutoh I alio te i -' i I lper1 ii Cu phut riui i li iv I luhns, te tomay'beh ldisitaccutntahle for its XX lii lii-vi uuhu-utvu-itTh'It i-t--ueemsrtsutdvtistibtltthisiarehytatrnein ____________________ili lii.. hele iaiti sut iut i i iv ttgti. hutp tilld i -lu'd;pate( uutatpresleu-vnit lii stontgsit-omiaion iau aopttedlaithin the unions were quite Resolutions on College OrganizationsI cotlovsuitnltheic lasuivvieriia.iveI-hi fotll attIleniitti he tundtin thiils as atagoistic to Ameican ideas as The following is to remnd th le vsiu-li lustaluliti vsill cnis tvof co-ullge- turt of telcu-i-tryiltoideisi-alIitbytoltse atpuudin their dealings with tdent botity of a setot resolutttni f-nsut in 1151111111 iiait d1 vocl hmusic vi11hutri gltfliii limit'-thue, al livste ist-e eimptlyet. The raising of fes fieredh by Professotr MiecheinlatvFebIby niuuunutuu'iof the ifferentiic"ilasesvi- - eon"aththie coseqentdiminton in ruay in the comtitteesotinottnau'ueetiuld ruthfuinformaluiailshbyv hut II 1111itumesv which iproved the death- Ie organizaionus andilcarrie.The1121(pofsrIo hoeeeu uii-vur i diiitepatntht;i l thismeiaeeal guilds has restlutions are as follows: Ani orchestva i ill If(liishsle ivc alt LSE DS E tbeni beghn here. The restiction of Reslve: io--t-aniisicLhtinq Plant Cannot be Repaired apprloentce s to a number far too small 1-That hereafter notistuet.storgan-l 1 ' is (hlirs teterinm nt oot ai UtlAfethrsms. isuploy the needs of the craft and ization commitee tr botarit shall besocilO'nature oniatutuge-ut-ald fr thue Prsi-illCniitiovs wouldiisemto ithe letugthenitng of the term of service permittetd tounierake, or entetr uon oEtgieersIPresidetuAngei 'hihuatay i ututut-shlauthu get. will unott le o an adtiuona point carries out the any enerprise assumitug to hitresett avos tyli th rojuu-' and11hasv expressedt 'tuuutitaterinoonii s nutlu ing th le -niot heory of keeping the demand the iUiversity tr any tdeartmuient ori Iis uiitentio11111fii iteiesenttiltfIto15 thrrstm01s hlidias thureevesietilot' labor i exces of the stppl. But class therein and appealing ttherto ito --iiaddress vvatunut-u-u the' si gneawhit-librioke dwthe tcStuit-thy the eustom which is most pernicious the sudent-body or the generaltub- denuts A a-gie nubeuothe lF gnbechil'e'1Thanksguivinghas not Iyethuteen s thut union man's custom to never tic fr support, until such otianica ettg laculty iisieeteiiitoiatutndrepairedt adthef Eng'-ineer ILock-wok up to his full capacity to leave fo.comtmittee or board shalt hareXManyofithi trotineituticlseofitrsit ordttid yesc-Ierda-y aternoonttthat le his best undone to keep his Jb hy submittedl the matter to this commit -has-csmadel- ktnousnithuticritetionof11 id notliii t ;thtie paritis toack nill acting the--laggard during working tee anti secutred its apiroval of flueibetig presevtuansuloficut-titurating thiii'ni-oifitheliii withouts. Itiw far, askteidthe speaker, pturpose and methods of procedlure. beat-tilt- iineainlg lse gustering a I Alter that tome thin'estiltlie a weeh'caun thus ideminished efficiency of the 2-That all acts andprotceeditugsiof success.stworktittug befireithe teninlltcan Americati labotrer go without causing such organizations, commitfeeo or a seriuts teteriortafion in the ability hoards as above named shall at all XWAI t X AROUND f i 't'ttY F'iItE 'fiT'elreakingtof theliicros-heatd has itt the class. St. Louis and its expo. times be subject to the direction, re- 'Iscutuutuutnuiinai ass- lctsideiltrable in uconvsuenune.Isitiont were cited to show the union vision antI review of this committee. F'erry-ie-huh scll trobablyuibelt-he'u-us con uttst htpesrt egue ir laniii rustrictin , the migration of 3-That this motion in both the srcuttiiah tbsalitesigleiv vcartuly eniug'h st em tituerto labutr. ftoregoiing clauses apply to the futeure entirt-field. As ytu ttoappropialtin it ii luauu itr-vr I'i Teataitthmo h ao rai action of all existing organizationshs ueuss uuzis tsioit co ii the utildingsuotstn thetCnuptus. Yes oationliiirced employers to comhiuik committees, and hoards tif the isduiotiI ista eahllshuull eitlt: soon, ueat siuttoftifhiliitts ,usl-fo)truciinad.hersltws.h abovetudessushidthat the tsiugiuue-sweetronu- coinflict which has been waged he- abv ecie.In a recent iterviesw tGradtuateMaX-snuig to their full captacity anti that he tween these forces during the past ager IBaird sail that if an alpotttprue hail a man un ibis Campus ft see that threts ye-ars. At present, the crisis in SENIOR LIT BANQUET. Lhin is mae he uewall utll protbalytolminre lightesvwere turnedlio than this war seem, to have heen reached The Senior Literary Class with girt be built thusfirst of next spring. wi-re abuetly nucessary. IThe one as arbitration has gaimed gruind. an informal dinner in Nichols HFll engine that brokeu was cattablteitt near- Contracts have been signed haymany Friday evening of this week. Titck- The banqtuet seas-'tnihas tupeuneid and he as much work as the two remain- firms and hbusiness men's olga izd- ets may he secured of Pennock, Blair-. all caterers are nos e waritug tie liris ing engines combined. itlonsrequiring the adjustment of all Parks, Watkins or Berry. verhiat 'anton smile. Continual out p-gethree. (Continued on page 3.)