THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ,k\LCHI6AN CE NTIAt y. ... tre igara Fatts out: Pr-Holiday Overcoat THE SHORT LINE-51 Pre ANN ARBOR to and Si Sale CHICAGO; BUFFALO444 NEW YORK } Every Overcoat and Soil (except black .4 AND BOSTON . suits) marked dowvn for The Greatest .4 0 i Sae everiniaugcorated in AAnti.Atbor. lwitsirc connetio. s t'i 1 1 t jofrft ae e e ,~ Mak yourselections earle-First come taui KnasCiy s.t111 In heWFir Ma s erved. C F New Brluswick Tables SPECIAL [IN[ o[ SIJIT CAS[S fi R EID'S BILLIARDJ PARLORS, marked downo for thtis sale,. A It Fine Cigars and Tobaccos * a'' , f JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Slate St.S.*4 ,z Turkish of A re r TrihCigarettes and Pitabnes, W erh' Pine Lunches in Connecin* 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY.C The choo fo DaninqCaterer, SOUTfl STAT. & j h c o l f r D n i g ¢S AEG round Ifto ur on flu sa id I, I 4 B A K E R R E L E A S E D . T he N ew Idea in Journalism . 9 One I look t f t llSat 1 II(001 15i1+ l y Baker, who A nt tttlail toelo t e t e. 'Poner 2-4 6 (h11.15 111. I wilI thclbinog Patrolman thle great mtlropollitatn Stittay news- 4 H -o om ,, ,, 1'1blon th ni lght of tto frestmtn- a- .pors hats kei tro du1c~ledltby TIA ,.t(lsop' i'iiiiliu, waOs(disttissedt yes- CHItCAGO ItECORI)-IIEtALD itt yv ®° ''" i, (Ifrlck of1 tptrose'cutin. Tttere igaway witht its Sundlay edlcitinTIE YOU CAN GET 1100 l ih~e otls ini toeitnformationt, CHI t('O ECORI)-tIII.0Sunday _ landI ilktlO pleaed not igutilty 1(tott.ltl. aa'iie. toTHE StUNDAYT Id I' Illarll ni 151111attreedI 111no ti ress llttt-l-tE+cALI) Magazine rcallers Ill SAt Tattle'1s, 338$w9" 1111d l' the 1ly1 0 itf Olthopess tittcurredTH lE SUNtDAY REC t)CIEIA D V I 111111 ii isth 01110. ls lillioti tieto $G l it e'cogntize ite advett of a5new be pai. Il~lcr pi til 1lietchargelys epelii ntijournatisnt. OttDecemttet f -e----- +------ --' ---- midi ' ltso 0 ithcews di iiop t. 'I E SU[NDAY EECI)O -l tEA tD 4 ilo~eatifuirnishtiigits reae~t~rs "withottt . Aoetra otttst. i otuyaoithItat.isurtpasses LO N¢ + MICHIGAN VS. PRI NCETON. tie best ilustrateilwtel'iesin'ttthil Lesos,$3 t100 [011111of12 11Wkiioit ttt xctt:ils(fit,0111 ly UItVERSITY ACADEMY, State Stor latesbeautifillexicut11, ofritstcolot pitiy j Poarto an,.. SSouse,,irecerion I PROFESSOR SCOTT, lP('1RI1NCIPALIti' iitlil' "oir, is dii eqults ietittin every sotter fr f - - +} 7ci lf-i' o h ' r s i toar- 111 , n10 ii way11t0 o the L. ast. io maike Iticutar. 'The ntagazinte hasing a oiit PALACE 4E/-PARiSIAN a111111111 1 s o rl. f o t b1 lalt yanto [ to- size of sixitte tipages will tie ill tci til' 1111 011 trint itttn heavy ottattteleil papert. At ' (tp(e tePrnctn atd:iettigan 1c i teeel~ i tieeigtiit pagetswil11e .LAUNDRY AEN lllors fourtt o~ 10((1111 1)11tf whtictiwill bet'suita- WhIS ExptosI II i S 111i t. year. 1Sche lh' Iotl ahihy iiita s Ofiu (, it~i Eas, w illiitt '+til11)t11'iti.,,.)e(.'ifo 00111 and d("Hvm-e11111 1 prill' ilytlyte T e b a tfl hg l lutae T { R 3 lf 14 i 'lihiylitiis alti] hots for tC howt s Siitttday papesswitlibe glaid Ut 1.l 11111wli siio'yotu a samitili'of Ithi'toagos GEORG CHOFF it' (isi t l}'iictull tigoihinl s. CIIOICr CUT FLOWERg5 & PLAX',t---tui__too.58_ 1Iol'0"THE STAGE. Lost-Saitilay p1. 01. a giotd 'ate C AT THlE DANCE AT THlE PLAY n all dress occasions---wear orrect Evening Clothes earing this famous mark A fred,, jamin o MAKERS NEW YORK land-shaped, hand-sewed, fd hand-tailored.--equal to me custom-made in all but rice. Finest fabrics shrunk n the BENJAMIN plant; per- 'ect fit, because they fit a igure exactly like yours; or- ,ect styles, because designed y experts; superior work-A nanship, because executed in he custom way by salaried ;ustom-tailors in BENJAMIN anitary tailor-shops. the price is right. Your money back i anything goes wrong. BENJAMIN Evening Clothes at this store only. CUTTING, REYER& CO. 109-I11 East Washington St. AN ARROW AHIT- C ANTAB-A tl CS, tEACH OR TW OR 25CT. CLUETT, PEABODY & CO., MAES Phone 582 Pantorium.I :leanine. Pressing. Relaring. 336 S. STATE STI 1Ove- Cusn'slrgu Clothes called for and Delivered. Leave Orders at Csinso I Phnne52 THOMAS ROWE, Proprieone 10 WE'S LAUNDRY 326 N. 5th Ave. el Phone 457. NOTICE. ond-ainted oCina for Christmas . at University Art Store. 5-x (( i 1a1(1and icootirg illtiltdirection. ably at stoating tinko.F"nder tplease ic i k it 1 111111 Isn otptlarc ominedian reittrit o 2:y .tUntiv.e. and.tiite- B ili rdin:oiohie01alartge' party of the ceive'wrd 8- (11 011110'1 50'iOti 'a______ 1 1 too .111andIte is ettitig lot present Lost-Kappla Altpha Thtlta, litiat E0 . Univ. Avenue IIIlt111 111istitOl 55 I+ic r eolitoorSplreadl.Retardcot r tu'irt ma 1I1tngM 11oui,",owih E. 1. It1110 ilti. 5850,9 111111'd 5'tge . H obt.'lhaice wIll- _________ C racker,' Jc k P(n rhi.IIt, 0111ntirigitial ilay, Pantoriarn, 3361 S. Stat'. Ceattitig, Furnlishel fur 1itIrtl's 111111clitich Tlio ' .1em's arc1laidtonWas liitgito J calledl [itantI deliveried. Leosve or- socials at is lhilestl ri ce 11110tcS t1i es( l'hc itelrnati~iolal feai't i deril't's at C'uinig's Otrtg Silt-I', o 301 5. Stale St. [ . , . BngE[B[R1 mpnyII .of II"earefu1111 itl'tiftly $1.1111 Ite I I t ll Il ls, 1ead1111 byi l -iy'tlss hD t'- Chari'ltn'n I Ito5 110111. [T'eipr'dution110it flIr Fountain Pens at Ctushing'u. American S& [uropean Hotel 'I1mid1110wa1y1t11110most nivei'r.t 'ir- Ors~to Da11ad10 '1 11' 11101 f vc m 011111ndcill te found Sal'eIll'atislles sitiahle orit'Cht'ist- Priate DgRosy and Wne, h6 1 1be'one ofiexIei'on1111a l tit0 t hils I ototshatdinltedchleina, bunt seood, snI.LIAPDHACIL, 0050155 At.nv AD id1111e110111. ''[1'e lotni From tot _is- ondtwtelr coloir woirto. tall attilsee DANCE StAtS.. ollil''i'illl'e gil I'llat ti' Athe'ts themiSalteyeisWednesdaoy, Dcc. 209-211 N. 4th A~roe,i II gift, WTAGE N D COM1PANY, ImI'ortin" Iailors 4 125South 23 D N StONreet, 5A DIA"1OND 0 13 rrio 1Diattmods i chaeelelrnIfior years bty differetmnembers of the diplomtatic corps from the SothlAntoricatn Cottntries. These mnagnificentt stottes htate beenthCie admtiratiton atnd wonder of society weherever thtey wore sh~ownl. Bdarritos DiiaondIs htee all te fire, life andC lustre of genluine stonses atne in appearattce piositively canntot be distitnguishted from theta. It is a wanetoin waslte of iottey titnsest $75.00 to $t150it a real diamntd that ttay be lost from its settinsg atty maomnett. Yon Scan wear the identical piece itn applearance set with a Barrios diattottd AT 1-20 7TU[ cots-t t These goods represenlt all of thte latest mist popular styles and desigtns. .They have the distintive features of jewelry worth maoany timnes thteir cost atnd fro~n whlicht they catnnot be tdistinguished even by thtetmost critical. o; We absolutely gutraatttee thtese gitotis[t be as represettted an~d will replace atny stone that loses its original brilliancy withtout one cettoef exepettse to the pulrchtaser. Monley reoturned without qilestiol itt ease of dissatisfactiotn. Thte Ba.rrios Diamosnsd is becyond doubtt the finest, msost perfect imlitationt ever tdiscovered atoll nay be wortn anywhere with per- feet confidetnce. All the beattty of a gettuinte diamtond at a fractioll of its cost. BARRIOS DIAfIOND CO. 206 Soutb "laio Street. WE ARE -NEVER UNDERSOL.D-GOODYEAR'IS DRUG STORE