The Mchig al VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, DECEMBER ;~, 1903. No. 58 PRESIDEiNT[lIOT. TIF RESHMfAN SPR[AD. Will Lecture in S. L. A. Course-Stu- %Supssenior PeiosFucioso dent of Labor and Capital Que- /a Sno Character-Large Num tions-His Life and Writints. bers in Attendance and Beauti. ful Costumes Worn Pres. Charles William Elio, of Har,-- v n nvest il dss h t tast Sat ru ay night at 12 oschic it at oilsthis eveninig in t iersita ii Irniiti tret ienr h 1 aio Dntomoratc emedins ttfor n / ' , laso 19li6, sas a thing ot the past dtatrhifito Presden liot visit It ssill ,100dow it history as ai nor An Arbori under theatsipices otte +1055 sia(- sn ts g'en o ts StudttiiLc ~ture Associatio.Ia{iealitaii tir several ,years in at lest tinieessarvyi to ake any ailo paticulrsitie tnumtie- preset. 'tioteettiin ih atetttlumns ctncern-i« eiacidteibeautit ofthe rostutmes wrt o. tv-,d ;ir~tiibcdguet o th ait B hal pat i-ihi io'clt- most of se-aitti.Presidieni t iot ti t tllhi---rs unitatlert-il h'tpatron- 1 i-i l t iltS'- t ein to i i. het r .sesand th u d-ttetstaliiithe reetitn an intoductiitnitiaylil ac-e.-atitien- , tcomititete wer i-in rVs lJordan Mlit peiailty a-coee owttnia it nam n tints auhnMsInt tatti[hatliof tin eti I --siteoile iii In",a tssita et P lisaUPerry, Miss C atmbrige are famiiar t ihgnis}IiweladMssNafaeViln ehinart, e ehpssm eaiso , ,rc~~c te vl o h ecpincr histilifeits lne t be nties t inen Ii oit rtiand ha rasem aflyh. Prsie t it-has hrnitetsatid by 1'," Snti eri ndtl ttht Me-)itierth- cami fa li iti nu h d ami ly his to isit 5at a- ir t ii - grs rn itei fte- ai elt intl aasani li ant inigtat 1w whastntto lare roynnmtc eg asf w ich ie anas I reasnrr lioirline. iAnyiodIdill at llrtett atio nsii li elive a-lyears anemb'Seti otfiCPn te isachwr rateal mosbe fttm I8501 to 1855 Itt 19,at iii'- a-te t twholeli llt'- litas-firlly oitttnite tit a t it ttllegen He i dt~ e oi{al - Ilgowtnisofievei- sh-i- rksitfi t hle a- wtas appiittntd lituto inimtheale itc::iilit- tar be-alit- ttiiwas almtonit imposs- ini liii c'llege, whicih positiontheh tlt tl itnaetle acliii t ofl iiIire un- ii I 51s n-lentie hi-ame vi slanti lit-t Tei-flootr snas tiery unitetnittrt- tilt stoiniichtimisry I- it'-yen'reitiab nl w edl for- t-sttncig ut l e lte n16,h eindhsitrles hrerivigattn-i-sh ttine h alr-it shtndtt wentiltotEurtopeth h rw oeht lioublli-lileoliiiofiperfvi-itng seas tat- ii~Th themsi- ro-a-lit-svatingittasitti. noosan o eiy itialiti by l iiy atColord Ocetistra rrg h rn aini fsinifihofnit rlit. t'heii titsi swo l haven anti iteray eduatio Lliti-it nd bentv-y gtoutadit inoht ibeen fr oth liiotntnent.l He apettnn twit yearn PRESI DENT ELIOT OF HARVARD. itinnct that thei oreestra was seatenn in___this___'wor___,_and___ret___rning___home___itofii-gallitryant iliiiatcosut. itthit 1860n hi aiceptednIthe appoiten t o riii Ire epe otnulyo pro'ifesso"rioi chemistry anti metaltrg SOUTH ERN CLUB DANCE INDOOR PRACTICE.trn iitli i i-llecttiial t is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h fi ioafitt ittl, ~ ~ ltii i tan .-'lrmintitwa intonisiliesat timesj to heitlasachuetf Isttut o Tch- Ixstnigt hesevnt anua dms Aft, ithliiiCtitistmas v1ae1aionac11111t0 o hearitliiistrats of the music. The ntlo (hilt iii ! t9 o a lo heSo ter l ibof t- I iv-ti'hack prIct ie- aill io me tein t he r Iiirslittittt .iset'vent sari-.deleiciuts titian presieinit litrvr nivetits-sity otMicheligant 0wa sl a t.titi ateitatilt I esi-n-ii r tw' fif te naititi ity ito sonee r.hotIhmas ilt, anti e' sAaemtty mee115 hisa Illxt y51' Notitng itill Pnliit iui it h hlte siphomorite class itas Itaugutedalo n Otorti19st o1 At a ewtiosmiensa alteritttliei'yungiie tinut11 i htti1n111excep'ut, inteouaiitllitbercogatuliatelnn iithine uiy the sanin yearhtiitTahsoest iunthitnlitayr tdrawbaackI titI1111- .ttiItoi 11thyelatlocr eivtn ervning's Prest, Eliot. has-i-ti aifreqent'truttkip tithaitlm ly 51soi d tear itt il peet 5tindtuuictis evnth istill be ttii-itlo h ageciwttrs enni uutuui ii Io.Altuti e uuiilty heartiii the Souternr,-t D''Cho T aboutilu itis bythe l o etsti- inf i- ltittiivn litna alt TiiheJurnalttofiiScietne anther tut-i'geuntlttaiitn weti in full dress, tIh nlistm.11titoo.Trainer-- -i elm-ite I 10lit utlndre irsitd u gau I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ebr dituas-tnli silathu i- oeouistinig'uisheidl by a0bluett-sisw at1'i5ndring'aboiulttti teat -it'- tgmamii i utsootin thescand- 'lHatnboliitk oitt Chemiis," ubnlishedt te lroa m to liii. P e lmt a gi I w tith t nttn uuppare i itnllt tIw an nut i troughIithu om uinmmmg te'pningm iii ilosin nfmm 18681H- isa poinntaittthimrii t atrutfthu Cofederactin-es ti theu.lsi tin us"hnk' adtenuummr.'ittfreshmn.spraitIshift' Thev of renufornmnaiounmin-ucumationmal satul lby tewhitestar nut thi nUionilt-lut:mittitart' t'utu iot 150111 innd lie prth ldis er batiflyaonew110th it hesexr husy gvennto ithe inen- inielimnisant iunerI his direton nHat Ti ims nhern-iiitil titsl nli -ttu mi i s onithle nthelus antsses in the iUii- vat-tihassmash;lomgemr stidmes thain e ithnearing ittherhanirlaua cttnniuineitia itch-stt y 1-ridtttey.hnuo eser lit-lire nwarnd becotmming a gin-hatt, jus itrom Illthe huilas iii llsissit I-Foulleuonseuiveuhnyearis Aithigan lstht(eeweepeetntol u~ineUnivesityPresient liot s pt.The hll wa brilianti-regtedees wonthesenmpinsittinittmaly aloitgraly umtumre in m liheold i g tu etstomsltant-'i ltS th lltit tlti in ils nit,teentmnamy y-ng laties whit qutinst of utte tday I especially te -mn t ii luualnn lli'nt tithe111110camemut i rm ,Dei~ toit andithliiplaces- contrvetsy bhtwenvcnti talatanti a ilhsbntner of the- Sunlt lt-im cotn nmtes--a-ti--eii'otrnrin itsrs f1teat un numi mtAtborunittuu itrponsentin t- tit. i'- nas a mnmtti rtatv-ia Y-Vate, II- n'-rut aitul Pm l I i tug isu' liin the uurnu - c itit ii imiii' ttyhhreeii w s ta ri-tiuto tn thit' lisutt n. ttnsihinl imgt rn senm thein msgnui and the u rn n u a Sit uI in;troin hymliii m to wIrnli liot won ceaetedtaim SSf.D. by Wit- moters nut' the Suuuuitetum tln it iiuthe fr t , ii hus yatis;ultr izm et itill nti gul mynr'n'mwi g liaoms anuthPrincenton olulergns io i m86, mmmnvnritt nutMichignlg't. Thei l -inimg tin- inn 'iicilitr hs bo'tlck amol Iy aleit i~tt inui han -unt-if thin gllery noon artistically dratrnit mmmiiiItotutulimit.iteinsainsuattniosmn GE RMAN SOCAL. an yYaei 87,adJonHpwitha 'Otn ld Glry antthin stars adand t owmumbmitrInoply cunti .iiauneanenmTIhrSt uden-ts' CritianiAssociation hums in it02. ibrofnutthe Cntfeeacy; Sounthen mm houcseo rtintamites inthis wilt gle a Germa soia on Friday GOOD GOVERNMENT CLUB ESSAY collhegenpennmafs also gave Strptluimgii uthum-i-ull eveninmg nilthis arek tot the enefit PRIZE. charm. rapu Inn h ninugt ilout theiproistin of onuf it s mmm n ind titfriends who nspeak Fmouh-year studentsoftntlie literary Pbromughutmthe evening the Stmuli-nertoIshill eiingttiai itlillget o nitt tirmanmuT hin prougram whicn is a department,. and second-year stunents eno~t tnod ran high 'Dixie" anti other tliiinsmets linor tmi'eemonaeitni' oearstitutnique on',nil conusist prl fo telwdprmuaaerttdhySuhr ofde eereetdywud esfiin, ogv h tnvr ia~n f(emn ae n h of helane lehaatmsmt areimcviedet So fohrn meixie" aveiengepeenodshislah-alnetat tneguru-trackn ain-'in nt emsansganus.anThin compte for the GCiodl Goyernmen aleltt Dxerenefnorestithmenumm'- n ua n i e autts nillemof sttiGrThn Clib essay prize of twenty-five do- tirtyfive tes. Dancimng waon cm-r-n lnt aorsrat vt-obfr-hultes imid frhnmut tlh nt-aGra tars under the folowing condoitions:tsiinedntmil ita ate houru, when all auethgmu claimnmuturthe cin utt IIn uas mnuarctnrwhatsithat nmeans has not 1 Topic, Nomination Reform." the scene nut their evenings enjoy- nullfigniing tutnVnMniam beenutdnulge. There lion een so 2 Each essay to contain at leant mient goodnulight; the friendn voting. Thi mundoortumuts aeailas very lageaim ttendnce tiintthevariounnu- 5000 words. the party the succesnut the year. and ensmuiutastic athlfurnishal a styli' ohcas this year that he- plan of re- 3. Each essay to e typewritten:, wishing the Southern Clib many an- sort y themseales 11mm' races tntuturtg tinkets of admision has been 4. Alt essays to e handed in by other such occasionrthe : ot lion lus art- tver filledmiath adolnpte Each member with receive April 1 1904. -_____________ excier-m-ntnhuh auly bouis cvertnwo timket--oe for himself and 000 5 Each essay to e signed by 8S- A NEESIGLCTR. wththehu'rtlaynTeunrely nil minhes'mint a fieund. OmmTuesday evning at teosnmtera aebigcntwl erofb-64 hr ilb rcieo h given in a sealed envelope A very interesting lecture on 'iLs- ruse nuIthl~e compaatnly few oftGerman sing'tint alt those whon plan 6. The right reserved to withoid the trtiest Mfusica Instruments" was d-tiehm whimhue 5gilln di ngothisyearut atimttdthe stciFriay. prize~ if tn essay deemed to be of suff- livened by Prof. A. A. Stanley yester-' As yet tnt meets are been scednu- afternoon in the Museum Lecture thedmit time sanmentnamn which have GYM. CLOSED AFTERNOONS. P. H.TAYLOR, Hal.Professot Stanley's taut, wicihobeenlhete tinpst.yaswispoaly Tegmasimum is closed at noon H. HUTCHINS. was amphy illustrated by stereomuicon favort Vichitganuwith anthe mrusittis etesty hay, antI udubutedly fbis wilt R.ltiSN views. carriedl his heaters thrugh year. ' he ndones until after Christnuas. It Committee. the evolution tot many tnt tintptenso----" a ouu ktsuents-wr-uig ______ day instruments aoul was highly hu- M IC H IGA N-W ISCO N SIN DEBATE.canidles in the hack rows of lockers, structive.'flue follouwingugehistitut has ben and as thu-to was -teat danger of lire BASKETBALL COM. MEETING. propounsedhfume timeVMichitgan-ishoennsin ml thinscntntueod it was deemetd by The meeting of the basketball con- 15BNUTdbtadhsbe ett h u h aut the safest than to ctlmso mittees held this afternoon in Dr. IBAQET ihurimsatison bsumn. Tho ute nieyi teatron Snyder's office, was able to decide A large number of tickets have oh- st:hReolvedn that the - late shouldI nothing definite about the game to be ready been fatten for the Jutnitor Lit relinutish tbe iiersanahlproesrty tax. WOMAN'S LEAGUE RECEPTION. played in honor of the freshmen on class sfag banquet to be held at Oys- -- A patty with be tiveni by the inst account of the impossibility of know- teerflay next Friday night. The event CHICAGO COMMONS REPORT. 'roup of the- Woma n's Leagueninder log when tights with be again avail- promises to be successful as the open- The nr ute nti-iit isIe VWeed sui the directorshuip of Miss Esther Al- able at the gymnasium. -rheo ntyhog banquet of a series fiur 7.903-1.904. bet workithmithlbsChicagon Commonns, dtigehaturduay, Dec 12. Thisluarty thing of importance decided at theC Humgo Sonnenschein wvilbetastmnant- which was tin baseenturinven nesxt wilt hr in the character of a reception me'eting was that no interclass basket- en. 'Tickiets may be securedt tnt mem- Sunday, wiltlhe pnsntponedl lilt after to allthte members of the league, and bail gainss will be played unut after bets of the social committee: Cook, vacatonm. On acconunt, of sicknuess Muss with be hieId at 3o'clouck in the after- Christmass. Clarke, Fritz, Miller, Parry, and Hale-y. 'Weed has returned houme. 0000n