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December 06, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-12-06

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The ichigan Daily



No. 57M

Musical Club Concerts Will Be Loyal-
ly Patronized By Hundreds of
Michigan Alumni and Friends.
The itiiiei-s-io le comiing Trip itf
the mnicial(cubs o icXlihian ie-
ceiveil tip MIniger tJuhn Waiing ldur-
ing lth platiwodli ti -iiiattie
nii liifac tinh-ialminiindiiil ohers are,
eageritoIhe-r ad if ain ricciubs
att aiuns maes wheiiiconc111iits'
(;rialintrs iihitilisvi
limerousfliendsit-attidiisi 5iiiia ts l li
thei Iuniveri-ity1 eetywhee TiSi s
precliii- d illoiyiltyi lwiilih musi
cal ills Ililuinasgemeas Iue
ogre Waling prplose]i li limorn11
bes of the- rclus a planlto ring li the
irieal 011e1ritoie or1niatlilo111115liiii
1111 aliimni reiingii-aing liei 1o111
ofi litit iner are I isidaesto
sed lties iontftiegconcerItsIIIndd1at11
ato utelimiland reqestt11111 s
1111anc1in15raci the itripltenjoy-
aband ni iii 111 1 111 liitine. lilii5
rTsellralfmit-i-wlith istat- I
andtsenItiout ,400letes t rmii
peth a h etiie I ii---I -iii'
newel iii w promi~ Iii t etl i 1
iTth. dubsitwi lli-gietir it conitl i.
frmhere will no111doubi t:end.Theel
sill beispni-narstilatii(111-servie iti
li era ihouiisee will probalylbetlire-
by itP Maaer iling for theiiii-i-ii lS
iii lali i a l, ('l i
itrsi i 5wh ii ich ben Isul-t ivIll
alumIs i iI i iin iininiiduly
Thse tickt s wtiiill-i-be dent-i s--cl
amn paro- and iil-enit l(
idy e.17 f Chiag e tuli-is tiri-
antislibiyteser- ni-ti-s aanyime
pupsei nil i-titueariy rieisrvaionsi.
IThie iiiiCh iiicae l he i el iitolbe
gii ivni si-iei-yeiirs, itillbeagrt
Wi11 lbe leoat-il-ill ize ntilt e
antIproineteii-ihieits olCictai-l
sill bein iii ttiiiitltiiii-t Somiiu oft e
biet knotit woesinofithat iiitillitill
Thei lhesiwill he i titaiTietI1 i
i-lily placti wheie Ictnttiti s -arc ,li l
ueit.iAitrnid lRapsis aill[P,[eli li
ziioiidanc i partietil ie titil in
hoaroriofitheti- ueti-uns (laidlit eli et
sti-l Itclikonhr-ur-witlllobaly bthe
XitSuthuBen l .t liit tltitiimtt l
sill bhrgien iinlthetOltsver iiira
HouseiAt Suitdua t:turnigle.120
at. haltplce le GleClubP will iiig
in ble Fist Pe-sbyterian Cthuiiit.
hi- organaltins sill probilalyl
glveean eta corct aci JlittiIll,
tin the aftcirnoniotftDettmber 23.
Thie chus will moke their speieal
Pullmatn ar theutir ithome durigte
trip, antI every member anticipae a
proitable and enjoyablekacation. Nit
nen with Aetnditinsill be allitwei
to go.
The -ubs will atethtet Christmas
tour, prepare foLie Iligrat fial "J"
holt cnerthtret
With the recent cuottleion ot the
new dornmitory athBrwn Uniersit
a iew cstom hat been itagrated
at that Xnterstty which afet ani
interestheUnivuieriof ichI~igban
This it the n-ming itt the nitw buili-
lug itinore sitMe. Angllsfatter
"Cawel Hall" The mitememnt is

the former professor, of the Inier-
sity, but will doubtless be followed by

Meetinq to be Held On Dec. 29, 3f The Daily Board to Hold the First of President Angell Explains to Inter-
and 1--rogrm Arangd- ts egulr SndayMoring national Law Class the Ciocu.
auld31-Proram Arraged It HoularSunay ornng stances of the Panama Situation.
Manual Training. Breakfasts Today.
______________Preidet Agell sait yeserda:
fT-e tleligait State Teachers' As- fle Daily Boiad till meiet lti "The reonitionoft he Reuliciheof
eutiat ui e uuhihsill tic ticldiniiAnn 0m15rnigat 1 olock aof thi Oyser Panama lip this countrys is a rahr
Aurtut Dte-itmber i29,811 antI31, has is opyto enjoyithelsi frs sif a eric of utiutuitease tfl thc ntrsaional e htcnuyoitseitnemtSnasmrigbekat obe i-Cr fti nie tts"i e-
hue iittiestiAntiAor beoretvste nitthenm eglarly throughtoutf the ture tolis clas in "internationah
iniI ISI5, 164andi1874, anth gree-tIeffort ueat. Thinplan ot holdingupSunniay Iaw"0estreruay aternoon Iusally
oni the atr t f tielcaletetmmute s hrekfastsstodiseuts thu sort of the a tete governnent isnt rectgnieud
tutu-ntgiuttutt hutoiaktthe muetng tieelws wooibst treih lst eat byfle b t the ntons uil ft fer hostilities
fi 113 t htot Suuccsfult that has hIlander tlardt atut trvedubighty havuceasedit tweutn htints adteflt
eve boonie-t hut-hutOfIthue tessins utilesuccesesl.tSeelofthei Eu-Iasenmtet onr;bti hscs h
ingte,ptalst thutysixears,-toes encity olegtc-alishove-naout te-i- ctreumnstantes-enfetigitu thi- un-
on htavetuu-bit--tilitldiniLtansinu, fluistustomucthis eas, asndererit-u tion11111Otteitiltelly wthotpre cedet.
in Grahit-altItuitd -stubd otetinttSaginaw hatressoutednt club nuta thghe cas -t I 846 the UnitieiStates madea
;A Xprougratutuslute-nprep11011itotiPwide o ko n t i11 tc satins utu itsututhe-Iteaoupy uithsCouimtia tipwhich fle
andt aredil tressi swhitth smen innguiod fellowship andsui csiabtt conlst rutition iftfhfran-isthmtous rail-
o f thutbIttiluthi tues inthbutstats amnte em- s f t henntnt u bl o tuarib. isacm urs troideu for, secrisn-
till tivt a tat.I Anuauthris wl e Ihis the tutu tubthe etoriu tnake as itbutt avanages t hothtcuntes,
deieredi-byI re siuenutAtge-latble test- beiafasts a seppingt"stint-ft te1-il-teStes was givenfle tpttw-
tutuing itUng - lite1m011ning sessiusnuthe estalishmrssnt a asu'y PIs en oladtoosad rtctti
will hue a c stusinu f"Tie tollee,"tCubinclbuing in its mmblseshipt altrsubsa itbcasie it wanuie revolhuton.
It hic tiymrlloingaddesss wll hos acivey iterste injounalIm hus coutp hasfutsuitunu insecessary
.1 i ii I liibuilustti a tb t-se- st huI rus aiuet isus shut utisututbu l anduttros for the pettection sit
be iSi: Wh ututh hbEs hxitit Ith nittri stu ute .ruilway sitary eerny year sisce
i hut ofIo i hlge,~hby I Pesidetuthtttretaas naeNow twing to
Sptty, Oivut;I XXIht tthleeFx CARNEGIE LIBRARY iteat that the iteruceani canl
hemt uhof Ihe Situent," bun Pureset The lthery s-buch s tibebiluttblipwutudu secue e cat cmmecia ai-
I hut ltufsha tCollegeandsitizblenu scanssub ibs-enmoney psrsented-to fl 11v1nasuages flu Paama, the peole of
Ihp tyPr eidentl Dct-e itAlbion;stity ut AnnutAsPuttby Adts re totase- thus satwere greatly desirous tub
I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ge tuiat tir p teub-u u s to btilcteadilon tblur thtiasttauig it ult. Almost naturally then
Istu, o;Cll Ittut t MenuXinitthu coret-otubthus-iPh-iShiuool u-tlutsts shen tColomnbiaefsedon bsratify duse
IBuinsts Pu rth ItyPs identtct Mault PIt s heintton osithf seholtu oard cuasienal treaty ranting to the United
of hilsal Tse Ameu-rian Collecge lto combius thr Hgh Stholuibr uhasPsahes the ispriege of cnstusting
hut."IbyuPrsidetu locSum, uloftuKaa rth thafile newurt bulding flis the casalthe p-ople of Panama reu-
nzo is-itts--netocireieve thine roieslcon-im suteu asi tueocained uts-irineen-
I'es on . aLanuoillhebition of iithbe hunts School.hThlnthutstdttuei-Tic-nwsrepushlic wau at once
I fliihshi yofIowttu 1atnd rIfitt 1).the newhuks aequtreubt h lt lditwith recguizedh lipthis coutrty, also by
Ves iithe CIvuersip iof Chcagot tusch ant inireae thureficutiey P0 Panut- anudGermany Owing to the
wil iveadrsle urigthlsetus-nv"le it-h Schutotl studetslsohtheir li-clauseof ttthe treaty of i846 the United
Ir blary Anothhcrsreasonsuthit h ebsslSate--refi-fist ahiw Coombian
ui-srrie- Chapmsuanutatt, esho iluths that thus" Fight Schoiiui s litary at trouplut lbe landdutin Panama bu-
gusethut-viniit hg- addirss itsUiter-fle ruter ositoulsuautit andstheit-cause a sau-wiltsit secesityinfeetere
,f ill1tutu XX thur uas ID)c,-30,isusiteswill betichatuof nutst cnveineus wisuthauttthus isthmianiaiwy, whie itn
one flthimotutu-te1111 ind itpuotiulasrlto thus majrity iif thu tuwnsspeople.u ththus erusi htan, Clminha is unabe
ei sitt X thrtestfilet uetll uhto________________u cltroIops oveuistaud tlPanana
b,"sitte tutartg ustthueXWay?" FOOTBALL BANQUET becausu oftheiphysyicAl carater sot
MItsI -iCliff hs auniuser stub rputatin The" 'ushtbaltl-tiam asill bI-isen a thisecutryu-en IIto larly posible
s a ii tilt tutuntut ndbhen lecueirssub anqueit ullrinthe wsk ru- ubDecm tansrefhitsthat Climbia cast orum
undou tedl hetutu it tha it-ceestn bus 14 andui t slbittenderdsthIlim IP auaabasIsinher fommeenaios
turutsitan tuntretitughrigram iiby the busess sitnsiott AnnulAubutt. mltilheru adithis will e a sucesfusI
ira eans srlthe smanultainass estutray sifternootn vutiSt-tIllevut tioltnwitlhoiut hloodshed. So far
thg i-tildis tleio tt- preuisetllcreating assdX-Merl i ususudrih stared cut sttwith a n tsowsthisusis the fPst case of fthe
-uhi lahctln t tit tli 5 tuuloal liachers atersaut alesaly ut5, ussnesadt it sndthat annevecume tp isufhe
it is pc di thu ii c 1 5 tu ssousthIlls rofebssina sti-ut vtu signst--thu- itsut t osry itt uttenatisnal elaionsus
11111 iwill bhutrut frolItnutuAlbuinseacts liiithu afar hetbaqituet wiBSETAL
ututuettitiMusegotnuuantmlYXsislantibehis-l--utat Lthu-Coo tub seIad - s - helASK0T-Alb
It sistIhut mwtrt ofthIlitAnnsAttitu acconmodatiuonscart- soniniellmuitedh IhT' nvesity of Mineota as-
scoo1 '"leut truth w hut-btupacedlanut as Itheufotbhal mu-stasut tBoarub oP Pstaltteam aes coming to M ichiass
it utnte of ut th ml-ge rooms subthessLaw Counitareto0be theguetslsoithnr, orntm duintipthe saso, and have
ffilin,,wer. t il beIof i muh therewilnt sbteli-mites-thati iIchrs aotianofiere fr a game with thut
intereiisut XuAnn AurtburushoolI pa~ton cubit to tbusunsus men.NormtIIeansThey hvearr uangesd
us toail-u t ru-itingtugacherl s Ott XWe lars- sutucbeggdtasyneit amsurwtrths Mi A C,ArianutColeg,
1 it lnstiIil tuttia itter sfomI lll 2 uuubsribe,"southMrX s C-il lutt e woadtlD.tA C.lnd aeucorespnding
it it> I uuluer-is t-it bt htesistates is bst asudlwe51smplyt sow witAlsruaudlm
work11in theiiPItry schouoitlt is thur soaleu. leat'sallthete istoit. ITheUivetrt-siy itt Chicag has two
111111ow aricle-Is ithblurexhubitsnare Theyp signantdtmu-i-ti-urn ushing-t Pueamstuwitsk, osd a cusntlesslaum-
nm.Lilit tlhthbanius and forti y i su sactgPbrti-retit-tlre subthue snaleWestern ctlleges
iltl ibet c arekep uso intrested i tgn i tthtts ilhl ane tamus out
abutin lt t esttututhin tresencute it __of___________Ntiwwhat s the reason that Mich-
uis-tis u-it lutr tat flotusit. V R. SKIN GRAFTING I ganuannoil have not a team hut sever-
- hiatt ii Patusteviltsauih.Mus (hisa Al presentithersne sre usilen. usstat-al fe-sisIt suenlycannite the lak
inaso urulthisctinua i nsestr cn es tuMiiansuusuiesstupoh good matsuahfoe there are a sum-
i~strhonrof nn rbo, i seretry.two ase whch re ost nereti laibr ousmntutittcolege who ae play-
Arsiot io u to utaltavsios wtruthbhrantl11hlto uuuufse tthet ciunsothr colge asust pseparatory
girt-ut Iutbup lst-e.2tch111nXWatermna u luttspublic-usBosthu atc sin
tlsuuuututuu siariuc tu aibrnLigatisg cases andsuthtuutw-cre talcn tamus etefacilities fur fbhedeten-
a hisnus whesttswhichhngheuLtuies'bus-uoutiluntstoh a eastscouldutscarcely hr
Itt-tin s- etut ii- lionebit-utiengagedt e stssugpusna tsred.u The gmasiumus t every
by lie loabitt-ut itteeu l-uas s atcresfstto hn snr r lot hrtuie teaccsrousaton iagisabuli-andl with
carhoeO ocacasSiuon.si tu acTraine Fitzpatickcto lelsthe fel-
uttysittsrePHoneptathc sdepartmet.tclhus threc usn diout in the minu of
flits reporn t silsM ued hon be le inst ase is that itt a a Michgan man liar that we wossld
work~ al Chticago Cmnmon, which was man fro.mtOsaway whio was bad- have a baketbal Ieamu as usap-
Ito 101kcrthane at;Newbenry Hatt yes- y burned lat September tip a tu Iproachabile as ouruefoothall team
trsiap at 2, seocl, wilthe ivenutot- of boiling water whichu was spihlld The game itself is an excellent in-
toy at thus same houn, over his ppe forearm Xhenn Ioor subtstiut for footballl quick,
sapiyad highly inducive not only
- -to Inividiual work ut also fo team
- - wAr". . T1- y * - work

Ihe Michigan D)a1iy


Soot to your audress until ordered discontinued, for six cents I MEETING.
a wek, ne cnt n isue.The meeting of the basketball com-
if on Xvncyourot rdent (N. an issueotndmalmhefolo-itnrrs which was to barn been held
Phouis n ynr rde, (o 41) r fll ut nd ailthefolow-itsIteSnyders office Saturday at 321
ing couon:OD45, bao been postponed until Monday
-a..-.......+..... ......-..... , . .... .+ . fat 5 o'clock p. m. The meeting was
tpostponed on account of the injury of
______ ___ __ ______ -----------1903. $ ,M ss Emily Stark, and Dr. Snyders
consequent inability to be present
E The frichigan Daily:-- Miss Stark very severely otrained the
Kindly send thse DAILY until ordered discontinued, to chords of her neck while practising
tihe following address. Iage to pay six cents a wteek for in the gymnasium Saturday morning.
ogreI Thenmeettng called foe Monday at
saute, 0510 cecit on issue. 5 p. m. i to discuss an example game
oh basketball, to be played by the old-
IName---------------------------------------- e girlsion the fresbmen. At the
meeting the players for the teams are
Address--------------------------------------- to be selected. All committee mom-
___________ - ____________ bees should be present

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