THE MICHIGAN DAILY. V c~wA C~nA e4rte Niagfara Falls h'outa, TffE SHOtRT LINE-- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with irt conti on ss at (Iti iva- tir 1t. Lois. Kas iy. t Pau ''ii liitile, West.i write toi 1t. WV. CAXSE, Al.AnAbr New Brlllswlck Tables AT' REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Slate Si., S. i ve ut rcivede' l arbea n id fiticst Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes Fine Lunches io Connection. 308 S. State Si. R. E. JOLLY. The School for Dancing *Grournd Iloor on fMnaord Streel f re loick ivest ii, State' Sitreet IStores. 'Phone 2-4-6 $ YOU CAN GET A Hot Ljunch $At Tszttie's, 338 S. State UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street 4 PRFESSOR SCOwT, PRINCIPAL PALACE &. PARISIAN ,.LAUNDRY AGENCY., Offite 6;,i st a il ltiama Si. Pmtititi 7 Wtork called for anit ili'iivcil Promtly GEORGE BISCHOFF) FLORIST. CHOICE2 CUT F'LOWERIS & PLA;YnT iCiaptin St., btweieini luSt.o hle Ave Pickwick Bilar 77 [. Univ. Avenue Hlaberdashery GIVEN AWAY T We give a compilete Outfit of Htaberdvashtery cit ittir itivn selectioin with eacit of these Suits. How iv Ieetl tin..Z The price oft these sitits is $t8 each. You buy vie, 1 pity us $12.50, sod invest the tesit in hiahertiashery iof yoiur oivnlseletion, therefore youagvtt it forntinitg." It ytsa tily wool the stilt yo canflhave, it for $12.511atduil litthIle Ibalance in the savings tbankc. . Staebler & Wuerth+ IANOST!ZRFEIR, Caterer, SO*t22TA4SST. MICHIGAN CLUB HOUSE. Continued from page one. tis iotlcartning. Al; Colutmlbia, Earl Ilatl was given ky Williani Earl Doidgefotvtte social atid religitous tile itt Cotlumbvlia tsvn, while at Brown, tRockefiellcr Hall was given tsr a sim- ilotrhiurposse.m "The Htarvard Unitin has kroutght ic- get her ailIthetionflicting interests which exist iti a large Ubniversity. Whletnsitch interests exist sepaorately, wuth110 coimmniiexpiressed relation- siit, there catt le litle united tUti- versit y ttirit. Daily antI comic po- ipersmuiaial clitbs, debiating societies, teatertnities, traitning tbles, religios soicieties, state cltuhs. literary publica- tiitnsihe Atletie Association, and tmany othier gtrouips ot men run their cilatrate coiurses all iuncoinscious ot lthe cittmttintihind iot loyal feeling atii telloshstip that, pervadles all. Bitt it ttese various stutieni iterests ore broughttoiigcther itt a central bitild- ing, dedicateid loi the kighest idevelop- minitvifiUniversity tencthIe privi- lgsot which arc iteietoiiall alike, wvherc eutenitfall itnterests omeet, Ike reerredl setise ot a warm University sptirit sptrings tilta05never hetore. 11 is Itrutly a Uniomn, atti a utniion ot ev- uryiting in te sitdent lite. "Fothelivcutiivatiiontoftthe truie, loiyal sit-ctlledii"college spirit"- that tive Ifor Altta Miater-tkat begino with the firsitfrcshmtntd ays anti enidsontly iswit lilae. Notintg casn doisitmtuchi as5 this contgrcgai titinitt torces it a SENIOR LAW PARTY. Theiiseiriilawc class iwill give tirt first class portytin Motnday evening, Dietcembevr 14, itt Graniger's Acatdemy. 'This is ike firsitctntertainmet to ibte CHICAGO DENOUNCES SCALPERS. At .a meeting ofth le Juiotr tCollege C'ouncil itt the tUniversity itt Chicago this torning the' scalpitng o itt clets foir University evets was denouttnced't. antI the coitncil passed the tfollowitng restoltition : "Whereas, the practice itt tickect scalping tsr tUniversity atkleiic events amiog stuidents, wkichi sents tot le growing prevalent, and is detrimctal toi the spirit of the Uiiversity andtihie moral we'ltare itt the studeticbotidy at large; theretore lie it "Resolvedl, thai this tpracticesii cont- demned as tdisgacettul anal dislotyaltoli Ike University. THE STAGE. One ,of the mntcheertful protmiscs itt the neart'uitire is the rieturti vi Tim Murphky, wko always comnes ladent witci botuquet itt smilets tforhis tnu- meros public. The genial cotmetdiati comes Tutesday, tDec. 8, to liii Athetts Theater. On this ticcasiotihe, will ho seen in a new ptlay, Ike joint work of twot o1 the brightest writers itt Atmer- ica, George V. Hotbart atti E. E. Rose. The name ot the new play is Thei Ulan From Missoutri" atnd in it Mr. Murphy' creates a ntew comedtiy char- acler entirely new 1o his repotrtoire, arid original to the stage. It is that iof a broad type itt wide-awake Wi-st- erner's lite in Washington city. As may reatdily he imagineid, mattythitngs mightlhappen ito this idescriptioitiit genile'man, antI all ativlmotrc than tint, wouildim naginekatitensti o lthIle mnt ttrimtnisslouiri. Mr. Murphy casrrics a thotrouighly coimlevt'etprodultciti, oand is sutrroundedtlby a large compatny oi arti1sts. NOTICE. Hantdt-paintedl china Itir Chlrist mac gills at U'niversity AntShirt'. 56-xs Girangers Acadlemy O~rchiestra has arrotngediforthrle finetito llectionti it ppuitlatrmiusic evit' owned'in theiit'city'. 510 Student canvassers watnted for the newest thing out-the "Hutrry-Upt" en. velopes. Salary or commission. Call at t500YTtompson, front suite, up otairo, between 1 and 4:30 p. m. t A TRIUMPH OF TAILORING the princely Prince Albert bearing this famous mark Tred Benjamin &(q. MAKERS '': NEW YORK A ready -to -wear frock coat that you cannot distinguish from one made to your order. Thibets, vicunas, unfinished worsteds, double-shrunk in the BENJAMIN establishment. Fit individual and perfect, being measured on a model of your figure. Styles from New York and London fash ioners. Hand-shaped and hand-tailored by salaried specialists in sanitary shops. BENJAMIN Whie and Fasy Wshable Waiscats, too. The p rice is rih. Yer money back it anyhin ges wrong. We alonesell this fams apparel. CUTTING, REYER& CO. 109.111 East Washington St. P hone 52 Pantoriumii Cleaning. Pressing. Reairing 330 S. STATE ST. I (Ovr.'C-hsislsgi' Clothes called for and Delivered. I Leave Orders at Csies or THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor ROWE'S LAUNDRY 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phne 457. Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettis, Spar. rows and Huyler's Chcolates at Cuh logos Pharmacy. gie uigthe ycear. Cr ck r dc Ihbet music his beten secuiredl ftutulivotccasioti, atnd punch will hue Ftltuthcdforstrvedi idurig tt'evevening. 'There Furishd tfrtprtis aitd thurcht 'ill lie tus ocy-six lances, and there Soctal at iholittle i ceots, itwill be an uinovation in the way itt progirauns.'They' iill he iarticularly 301 S. Slate SLt. F. . GI[L[URI. aprpiuiialaelfir a law datncve, atnu itwill itakesandcasomeisou stuvenirs. Char.'l.'le's Th pr'ice o itt"etickvets is $1It0, American & European Hotel t