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December 05, 1903 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1903-12-05

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Fall TH E_ MICHIGAN DAILY The first American to receive a
_________________ Rhodes' Scholarship is Eugene Isham,
Eneed as secnd-class matter at the Ass Yale, '02.
Aror Pst Offce.___
Published daily (Mnday exepted during the A donation of $20,000 to the gyl-
e sll( e e y a , a t tt 7e .W a h in g o s s t re e t, n a ist m f n d w a s r e c e n t ly r e c i v e i a t
The Largest and Most J lunches are contcie to ysepi
Complete Line of . EDITORS: among testeldents.
Attztcio'. - - iounT SC'. WLNs __
New,- - - - -J. S. iRAY At Chicago the basketal men wilt
ASSOCIATES: hereafter receive ise Varsity enbltem.
CliffordI Stevesn, .ohy Pechles, A hockey team is beg pltnodto I
A.M. f dve, the:ny tEin.h
A . c. 'used. A. U. Oteseyer onpete this winter with till other
W O L N S Joseph Y. Ierr. Stddard S. Stloer. college hockey teams.
Ida M.55. reesrigg. 1. SWete Jayne.
is Ann Arbor will be found Eio oa-.W AN. dsw oardpinthotewunrth theh
at G. H. Wild & o's, 1021twrdhpo utew8htepy
East Washin:gton St. Great Satisciptifs Tee Dellase eares, pybtu isle director.
pains have heens taken in advhane. if etisueset ufter Ne. 1. '10 $.10 _________
thosselein&overcoastigs Office Hans:-12:Sfs tn 1:30i and 6:30 ta 7:30 te.Y . M. C. A. NOTES.
fo hssse ean vecaig . m. Daily, r.J A. tC. ilder, of the Giemnl
for thisseon Addess-ROSCOE B. HUSTONt, Business an- (etarimen. wilt seak in MMitan
aer, 331 Packard Street. IHall Stnday at 6::;) p. i.
Teehonen,461. Mr. Jots0 tt.Mot, president(f tie
GW I L Dttnten ati sna smumittec If Y u g
U7T flMens Chistian Asociation soke 1(o
VR a large me(ting f 01e0 in Detroit
______________ ____________Thursday, Dec. . A nmer of tmit
108 . Wah. S. CAENDA.itom "tie University Associatiot at
_ 0_--ah.S. AENA.tended is A oy.
~N4/ 4/N H~iN "NN Dec. 7.-Lecture by Professor Stanley
on "The Evottion of Mssica In- PREPARING FOR FRESH. SPREAD.
Stewart Edward White struments," Museu leture rolm The iterest at present amotg te
stirf"Cnrr' es," at 4:12pin. colege girls is the aproachitg fresh-
"uTimBlazdflazed Trail," etc. , Dec. 7.- pSouthern Club dance. sman stread.The sphomore conimit-
THEit FOR ST De. 8.-S. L A, Lecture Course. te(s are at worke trying eo maee tse
THE FOR ST Lecture y President Eliot, of party tile year, as it almost always
Ilusmrtetd with is8fal-page tatiwles Harvard, on "Democratic Reme- is, the most successful woman's party
ae wthdei~iii~s i~dies for Industrial Strife." of te year. Ths' upter Glasman are
Thorasa Fogarty Den, 10-1906 Clas dance, hs' filling uetrograms for their
$150NE freshmen." All the tnew girls are
$1,oO ~loolig forward to the evetii as a
y..-.. ... . ilThe article i today's issue a tow and untried experietce. Saur-
cstb room cannot but appeal is every lay evenitg the party will cotme off.
A hook full of the charm and Michigati student. When we read of
the mystery and the wonder of the fine rooms if other Universities
the great woods, ft has been: ttuhsvs iesr pt hr PUBLhi.2 LECTURES,
said of Mr. White that he "has ittuhsoroesrsptThr TedpamntfRmn]n
the power to make you feel the is not a place in the University were Sedprteto Rmn tn-
woods as the masters of salt wt- the men can come together, ani there ages anounce a course of pulic 1ec-
er fiction make yott feel the sea' is no dout Pit that this is the cause tires oitI"otntemprary France," toI
and in the chapters of thi- hook o serious evils. Those desiring relax- e gives y memers of te laculty
this quality of his work is msorns ation and sociability are obligeid to f that idepartnen, and by Assistant
prominent than ever efore look elsewhere, and the resitlt is of- Professors Hitdlon, Fairlie atii Jones,
There are stories of experiences9 ten disastrous. The tree spirit of a who ieve kintly lent their ail toitleI
and adventures iion the long b roader ritherbood, which is at the Coire. 'Thlee lectures will almtoli
trail," in the wilds of Canada, gie ai uvy fFac n e
Habitants and the woods Indians to show itself, and cotseunttly coii- etple as they are tiday. 'ey will I
of the northern country, -pen pie- lege spirit suffers. eal wilh the country, race elemetost,
tures of the great forest in itt The elements which it would sip- government, indus rie, education,
many and variable moods, ply are among the mest impirtant etc., anti show how the main actvi-,
benefits attendant upon ctllege life, ties atit interests tf the Fretch tpe-
tand cannot e had to their fillest ex- pie are expressed pithlicly ani trgn-I
tent through any other medium in a iged- They will help to explaiti the'
e~a ' University as large as iiirs part that France is playing in the
Ths acsmsnapaetelnel-mdenwrdadwhthrspca
ANN ARBOR, DETROIT, wishers of Michigan, ani if placed constitttiop is to the movement tit
325 So. State S. 160 Woodward Av. efore them would sirely bring aboit consitustiona life. 'These lettres'
some actions toward giving uts the ctv- will be given itniiMotday and Wednes-
e*o O @ ~ ted clubhouse day aftertioons, iuring the rest of this
senmester, at G t'cltk, ithe lecture
Th n ro SvnsBn.NOTICE, room.Tptan Hall. The fleet toture
The An Arbr Saings ank. There will be a secial meeting tfuili be given next Wedneseday, De.
Capital Stoc, O$50,000. Srpss, 17,000. the Daily oarid this torntng at 1t 9, by Prtfesir Canfield, tn "('nitu-o
Itessarces, 12,000,00
A CEEBA BANINGUSIESS oclocke in the Cmpusffice. Every- pirary France-The Cuiny"
TRANSACTED one should te present as imortant
Drnns hre .iiscPn. O .business wilt be discussed. '02 BENEDICT,
aFIOFCRnimanaViens. . .Frit, . .Cashier, D.Mr. William Thurnan of the t1lls
- ----GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES literary cass, was tmareiilTieday
M Ir tl~l FUNRAL Professor Stagg, of Chicago, ts still evenitg to Miss Miary Adele Ruggle,
ened wt an attack of peitmnia, (hicago. After an extended triti of
Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Resl. which has taken a great deal of in ~he Westerti and coast states Mr. antI
denne 302 5. 5th Ave. Phone 314, nerve vitality. He hopes to be able Mrs. Thurnan will retitrn ti Chicago.
Ambulance on call, to get up in about a week. were they will ake their home.

-- Special Limited [ditions -
t'om.tfAP COPYtttfltTS
.-irti Btllaeuds. 5 iiisiitissStll Caletni
Octre te ll t rti aIted--
Between i'tl~iielt'llustrate
Ca )tts , Cjrit. Kn}
ti Cii-t atriiyl, -tii- e -i osii
a "I he G ldentltlo sei II intrtutyd
itt-l. a te f Iiaft l .iiittiu l,sse
-i- l ai si fE1 jtii . ii,Sit l dJ a lwl
Wh'sfSBook !!cSltoes.
For LoeTrown. l own Town~
*i~Ach "***~eee~.e .rn,,
Haulsii leso
I eD ke aho o I . dlin15 li
31 ti t,: e Col'a
ste ite ile addd fom imet m.~
j ar' SiteSkte Stores.s
~_s y s ll,,e diestc 156
3 t le I tt e l It e . c l t
3 liii iii Blo iesl q it I Vlt. ie it 3
325 S. S lt tate SI, e cand Flnnr.
t It
D t; non' CSl t s rifl s it1h
yottr fce.' Us
WI lilm' Sha yvilng o
Str .iick, n i icnce os.. ao

44444444~44d i AA~~~e - -' - -. - --

President E~LIOTI
"Deluocratic -Reuiodies for Indulstrial Strife"
Tuesday Evening, Dec. 8
.Admission, - $1.00, Season Tickets, - $1.50



OrAN M.5r.$ABOLT, M~anager
DEC. 7 DEC. 8.
Chares . Carkes Bautful The eminent Consedian,
Chares I. Cark's Bautfol MRt. TIMl U'Iit'RV, in
The The Man"
Little From
liis Dorothy Sherrod and an ex -
ceptionally strong cast,.
Prices: 25-35-50 and 75c. Seats new Prices: $1.501, $1, 75c and 50c. ±
Selling. Seat Sale llhinday. *


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