THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Just Received ANOTHER LOT of the Famous H. g ___S.___&___H.,__ 54 inches long, .4 i Black, Hand-Tailored #They are Swell Garments Te~~t Prices ReasonableCltir 217 SOUTH MAIN STREET b RANDALL, THEI H uTOGRAPHER 1r2- E. Washington St.J f l*44 44i5~a ma~osa ma vI SlPeciaIOfferinq& in j ren's [urnishings 3 $6.00 All Wool, Fancy Bat/h Irobes, iricel at $3.9$ 3 $1,50 Adler's Street and Dress Gloves, - $ 1.00 ± $4.50 Men's Finesl Lamb Wool Sicetters, - $3.00 Box of 6 Fle Linen Cambric lb elcrohiefs, for 73C Newest Styles in Neck Ties and Collars shown this week "1ACk & .CO JN V ' NO OOOOO~NS eO4B i6O4NB ter.Na - IEstablished 1881 106 Huron, Street, Eas BVR.CHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE s-I 0 0 We are prepared this season to meet every demand, as 0 we have increased the numher of wiorkmn. As usals we have G6e Finest Line qf Woolens sin tlhe city. Art and Skill will predomioato in our woas ino I h pat4ersetul ivt oreqiy ! Se W. BURCHFIELD"! YST ER B]A Y 1IANOSIER[ER, Caterer, OU 224 S.Poe5 C SOUBh STATE.ST. Pbone CA E I G C . Alice Freeman Palmer Memorial. Daring the past season nsinteen P i ri (C'ontinused F~rom Page One.) lives were lost on the gridiron, one lakedI to give lie sum of ten thousand hoy svas driven insane and seventeen dotllars toi establishi a Fellowship, to severely in/sired. With two excepii Cleaning. Pressing. cArjbar Sirs. Palsuerz's name, anid to he lions, the victims were membiers sf 336 a. STATE 1lby siie graduate woiman; or, niiniir srhool elevens, who wesnt isoa(OverC it' sub- ire Ithousand doillars are subi- the game with no p~repiaratio~n Sir a AND S A N Q V E T scribed, to estabilish a Scholarship, to bruising ciintest, and without a 5WH A L L E i o held by us undergraduate woman. 1haught1 to their physical comdit ion. Clothes called 2. 'Thaitlithewiiman students now in No mnember of any cit the first-class Deliv'eci die 'iesi rty he.asked ho raise a elevesoof thi'e ountry was ikilleid ir t S0ans cisliient toprocure a gouoilpor. permanetntly sdisabledl. Yale aniil litr- teave erders a1 Cus Spectal Dirxes 12 to 13 Itri t ofiMrs. 'almer, to tie placed in varid cactifurnisheid a liriikenleg lto 5P. M1. Dsitly, 35 Cens4 j thel I'oisain's rom at the Blarhouir add toi the calamtsiy list. Phone 502 L _ _ _ _ Tysn acisi. The showing isf' the West. is a great. For Ladiesa n.rnd Gsrsttaers I sccrdrasnce with ithsese sugges- trihste to she skill of the trainers who 315 S. Stelh t St. Pl~uesn 467 (jLinst h:,womssen of the Uiversity lotk after the coniioiin of the "lig liateibIsei'srekinig stiasdily toi raise Nisse" eleve'ns. No msembur of asy M n y the' slinispeifiied fur a F'ellowship,. of these teams susstainies an injuty New runwic Tables ted i ca su' of the Inilasider, andi the spraitied knee. These cuold facts are ON a rced esnlttohis ssfund. This enough Isosdiscoitrage the polst-se'asoin W/atches, Dia AT11.11,insaltailof aellissg sisyline issue kickers, whii vocife-rously ,assert thtat Os' lttler peirsonsalt REDS ILII1)1.AR o fS, thei IIlndler, liiieibiari tt stoag- colle'ge fuoothall shoussilli e ostrarissid value. Wastehec att E in IgLARaD TsARLOs S , iisi lia smaide'the genserous offer hecassse of itslbrutlality andsl sasiges' t paie. iras JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Stale Ss., S. IOlis ethIsia irofthei proceedls of alt life anti limh. antI Ditmotts. I litsi st rccit,, O tinscsties tsthelit-asirit tiosi t'ewssmest get, and Rather, ousght: the griudircsn cotstsa Offhe at reaidesnsce, tne-'lf the oneystssyIak~essin hy t .the of immuature ansI unconsdiionsedslyssuths, ety 1Streitet,AnisArts Turkish Cigarettes and Pi ea fithi ~ le Ilndster us the hall osf the often representling HighsSrhlssanadl 3 u.AlIliis iii 511 tai Ieiling wllsbegivess to thse Acadensies, to bse'discotinsesd. t, JS~ Fine Lunches in Connectisn. waen 5firth si ipusles. The result Petitiosns sigedibiy pars-sts hsave If eytlisig 'cs-t a desi'ian,. oithlssis-sem has tress,sissthe wholse, lesd the faculties of the C'ollmbsts 308 S. State St. R. H. JOLLY. god.The'l I, girls hasuc acesedesd in Jutsciosn, Pa., ansd lreenfielsd, Ohtiss fff~~~. gett itg asots, irtey usew sushcrip- High Schools, hi declare' against lie B IE 8,E1 to s'espIcially aissnssethe alumni, sport, ansd it is expectesd that, several BALYe.E The School f or Dancingq Th -' ssesucesss has snit attensdesd inre schoos will fssllssw lseir et-T Skate Onv i RAN4:iR's * s cthe s'sf Ilansss initUniversity ampsle. ___11H Ground d'oor on fraynard Stret hl.Cosdrngtewrtieso O' 51Btiort westehifhSheamesSytisets The /juniosr literary clasosaill give beiidshoteditact th'iexitl'lenticha't"51 Stores. 'Phone 2-4 6 assi ctiaslth xeln hr-aslag hatiquet at Oyster Hay Decem ,##r#us 4# r*#*#t+++r I i tlt naid',th aks b n er 11. Arrangements hare his'ese j surprsing;menfe ATHENS 0 .. ats.w'w w . wll consict i hsrir effsrts luring the md o osn far ihasparkling prssgram ositotiasts. The + YOU CAN GET A (11,1rsisidsainlopporstunsity will he given hanquet will lie ihefCr01st f a srits *4 J CI~ I a (sal ion' toshowssavhis lsue'for his Al- toi le held uluring the year,.'~ For Sc maiil lsteIby 'ontreibting stoisthe -me- ____ _.____ -' nsior i sitoe of her great slaughters. THE STAGE. , ' At Ttttle's, 338 S. State 'helsi ailusofccourse, goes oust es- "The Man From Missri," lie tie w OHIO "11 s o- '". peis alic to this girls, hail the tUniver- play written especially fur Tim MurN-R st ills i stught in isi wise to he hack-O I phy hy George V. Holbart and EdlwardsN R cardis host wtsinsg their honor fur a E. Rose, Mr. Murphy will present her DirectLine hcetwecen I, C $ "cio-d-si who istwson honosr anda re- far the first time at the AthessT'hea- hus, Athens, aislliuotisCt ____________________ usiet ter Tuesday, D~ec. 3. VTa., and thse Smsiths. Ask teas c $3 psi t Ie-us of12 St\eikaTim Murphy will he oeen as Jin apply toL.1. I ,. .I t:rs.1? UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, Slate Street NOT PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS. Ilconcho, a tyeoWetrrnwIs Detroit, Mich. MdaOULTC Penresent nence . Co sltlege tb sall is ntIas dangerous the stage, a oort of Remingtion coswbosy .P PALACE ~ PARISIAN a ssmaisy wouildl have us helieve. The or ritgged and kitidly nature, who Highest Casb P Dli v lalctcs ur hepast season findn himself' very much at home i TITTTT'b'11 AGENCY..ahssw rssscltsively that the chance of Washington society, The comehy paid far Sessuusd-hts .LAUIUIXL JM' 1..a lplayeIrIon a college team to go fairly hubbles with bright, pithy lines, shoe repairinsg wis thrughcl the seasont without suffering clever and laughter-provoking situa- Goods called for. Office i alt ilam 4 t. I ne6.. Wirs catied fur ansddII etidppuutly ijurisosf a more than trivial nature, lions. The services of an unusually 5.61 Fi. [. OWLEIR, Aqt. aire as gr eat as iti almost any other large company of players ar- required Eas tvWsnugtiosSiree-c ofitIs many sports. Untrained play- for its presentation. It is the nmost ers affotsrd the material for the host of pretentious play that Mr. Murphy has MRS. J. R. TROJI ALMNIS A.,I'AL[, lfatalities ansI accidents, which in do- ever offered, a carlsad of new asid The Professonat Hai. Visew-Phzotofgrasphar- clared by thoise usnversed in the game appropriate scenery Seing earniestfur 322 S. Stale Street, tap stats S'ii'aa sfit iy andstamsis'. lsts lheilst nhi- to lse the lackest stain on the fair the complete setting of the four acts ialos 5 ioisethrnwnm ffotal ftecmd.go s. ni c e Iuds tIerios c 0 lsssc. name of footbsall. of the comedy. gosid. 316 5. plain Street, Ann Arbor Try my Scientific Face 12 urn. Repasiring. ST. 7aslengl's) for and d. shings or oaned imonds prouper'ty ot ,jittwelry SRe- in Watches 33 Nsitu. Lih- biii. tIous 8 :30 1) ini., 7 to a stsonidesn C. WATTS. INDS, S ty St. 4 PRESS ers411 .L LINES Toledo, Colum- Charleatpni, W. kyoui' ageist or '. A., 7 Sort St., 'N 1/0c, A.. Toledo, 0, 'rice sod clothing. ile you wait, OLDS~TIN. ASNOWSKI, it Dresser 's1, ets-a - sia eue- i cell ailiht r- - hairsand tit Massage and WillSeCymssur SItiidii'lote89 Manicure. «4 *44 4 4 4 4 &I..... . - C *li5so~tl~t4t+''5rs5±"AL6LEN'S FOR QUALITY." *4*1 SPALDING'S OFFICIALf FOOTBALLE4±TE[all Suits now ReadyE Usdbyal hLaig $ 10.00 and$13 .00 isendhyattcsheadgworld line ucrti-lesbirdt' iis Best in the wo lz with caess5strips. ,V I L B LO E ER 0A M Tr - A. 0. SPALDINO & BROS. V I N L B L O V R A M N hicago, Denver. I 4 ,THEU LOT IE 4. Spaldisg'sYok, Cica ,;i 'is ist sd O'5.ia FosrBllGude03,.,editrd sly Ws lter nip . 13S." I S R E Price 1iscenuts. ..13S rAN SRE , * fffff~ ffff N f ff "*C ELECTRIC FANS5 lIectI'ic Cka ftkg Diske5 Nectric Table Lases is tact, ayt.qtol 0, igi~te up y'eur 1 WSAHTEHYAW LIONHT & POWEk COM5PANY. r.W-intias,,a..sdthAce. Piias.5273 WE ARE NEVER UINDERSOL;D-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE