THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall THE MICHIGAN DAILY Entered assoecod- so c5 ier at the Ann Arbor .ird ee Annlouncemfent..1; Plilshed da:ily (Mnday excepted) during the college year, at 11: E. Washington:street, (baemencsteaor, side entrance) Phoner802-3r MANAGING EDITOR : S. I ttY TIY ltIMA.SON I BUSINESS MANAGER: tlOSC'tt1'. B. tlTON EDITORS: The Larget and Most Compsilete' Line of::: Aihietiir". - - - RlOBtERIs. WALTON Naas, - - - - - .. S. Atne ASSOCIATES: Alif1ord t ot , itRoy .Pebles. flA. C.IP aid. A.iH.tOrtnmeyer. W v L j 0 ,t.'1 a vet r g. . It e Jy ce. i L E S toisep Ybeer. .Sodda:rd S.More. tee. A. Otsiborn. Haold IC. Soitih. HayI:e. tt. Andrtews~. in in Aborwil befoulcl Editor Today-A. H. ORTMEYER. at ('. IT.Wild & t" (iCo',1 tscipiot _Tie::IJ::lii er yart, payi le 05 Fast Washintgtons St. IGteat tac.I eltitet tr-Nu 1193$ r pa:ins have teenitakitt n iiiie.t di~ieitti~Ai.1 ittPt thie' el:':titit:or1al11 -itilgs. 010ice Hoars:--12:300to :30 and 6:30 to 7:30 teiii:ito.2-- A ovet'eiatistis p. m. Daily. firt: tthi.:iii-' nAddress -ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business Han- ager, 331 Packard Street. Teiephoni, 460. 108 F. Wash. St. CALENDAR. 101** 4SO 0 *94.----it t Lectur:eby tcrof. F. J. Tar- ne oi -.'it: Bttgtitnitngs of the. Stewa.rt Edward White W \est," in 'IT:atanItall lecture a ul $1. 32:o~jt~ 1"'s' i:: Ii E i~iiit:: : Aittet t: A Flito ittntteetd t:: of 5 Siilec.t 'toiti ta e agu th ia i:ee tT11 i':Ii* Let::ce 1 n by rryat l lti Et::t, of eajt(t't 'i t , fl-:~ rt ciCfi 0 - DC- I --tIcetact, nt tpeadt in at r bome- tIwei f 0 (e cor dt: s ( ic tdrralScf j :' ttiomae : o ar-Ityi d" Dee.--0-iSOG nta yoofdonor Sane aditttr'ti.0 A's ut I I' ii to o MuicatIn I4.11wl ttis."aiy 1 hsa.t\leoii * NTIEOFPSeTPONleMtleNT.~ th h ste tt:~r ':and. tie'woner ofitet.i:' . A . LectureMoe sai of a r.ita itetea t:di : 'u:iisIed "bas * h alt, l o "teoIr tic em toods:'s ftie m'a t ie ot it te e.10 -96 lsSdne ths uait o hs or i ior iNTICE1 i OF:: P'ST PO N a Erte:ME . pro inet tan ver heyor * 0 ' n I'll ,iit atoflhtel:oard f e Cn- he? e ar tosI epri n cs a irlt:oftthe: cit: tganiyDtai:ly' is:gc os:t- 320ilSo.iSte St il60sWo 'dwaA, me:115 ill:::e::tiditnara too l, \r:-nt abits t:fittood:1liefA. tstetche:etatf thea Y atl',aat 4 'e.tin ti T. eaSCO' iT . abTLE d tOe woLdsIdUas t i S:d(t:,ee::tyen Thos ewshnrtoh e theirtro, oms papre,- oto aie Ca hao b irom c-. tint O ted,mo ec ors ted s i tlei: e Ciao rcolit Durin the hristas VaationS::r:el ialsrtrSenlat' fte shoud lave rdes eoly. lfe at itird t(Ontc:',hare coee men000 20 o.SWashntoSt. 1 'PhWo nerd A 37 Ihel atChou'andtttdollarsn ha: been Prof. Matic W. Sampon, of Indi- ana woo eleted Ipresident no' the Western Conference, to oscced Pro feso:r .Jones, of Minnesota. Tep plications of Nebraosa and Nore Dame for admission were not granted, on the grdund that the conference would become tunwieldy if enlarged. From the Chicago Daily Macon: "We really ou1gt lto say we feet a maling bloe at the Mihigan gae- butf wat's the lsa?" A iunique meh:of'£jpromoing Spn- i1: cnvrsation amotig the members h~ao beets adopltedI by El Circulolbtee' te, a Spanishelu tb at the lUnivesi~y of Caifornia. Dances and social par- ties ace given by the club, and the convesation at these affairs to entire- ly in Spanish. n this manner they hope to eomne proficient in the Span- ish tnguet. Th~e engineers at the tUniversity of Iowa made an innvation in rottig at a recent football game They come oto the Gield intwos large wagos drown by a tractiotn engine. Exoepti when the signals were being givn thley kept up a systematic tootttg of the engine owhistle along wtil:tiri 00w11rooting. The students at Nrtwestern tUnt' rersity are cnsidring te prchtas' of the old Eanston: Boat C'lub,:t: le used at a students' clolb:ous. A Stong Man's Cubl is orgaied at the uniersity of Minesota, cne: sistinig of all met: wo eed Si0l paints in:the strenlgthl 100. Tihe tnews'gymasumn:at Princ:eton:, wrhichl has tbenildttting Ifor:'th' 1100 ye'ar, wiltte formally opteeisooni. ORGANIZATION AND PLANS, 'Th e ogaliaioitothe.:::'Wom'a' Leagu~e andt the 1:101:0for the'y'ar' wt(reor'a1t present practiatlly com twenlty studtentseac'h. 'et: fth mienmbers :of earl: goupl art' uppettr lassmetllatndlspoore, woi are to new girls ws'o':copletetthI:'g'outp. Raofltse Itwent y-ne:'grupttisto t have at:uppehr'classtnattoattdtseeral ptronest:'se froms amntg te' tt'ulty tbodies at its lead t avise te:'girts, t etp ptane'ntetainmen'lts, et-. Dur- ingg the year act: of tese gt'o:ups eit tot givt, for all te embter of the leagule several enltetainmllentsa.of whatever nature tle membters :1sit'. In addtitioin the mtemblesofit'eahi grouop:are supposed t:to-e. seitly frendly In each1:11:0, adto I)mteet socially as a grouph. lUptthitlim ue tis yer tetpar- ties given tuner tlt auspices tof tle. Woman's League, te fancy-ress pa- ty and the Thanksgiving party, hae) beenl givent by the league as a whole Beginninag in ft' ncac futrethe' var- ois groups~ will begi theit workt.'IThe' ist groutp tparty wilt Itt'ivieln rbt- ably Fridlay hDeembel 1iTe cha'rb' -t- actrloffthis part y is not11yt ant nonlced. Tile namves (f the leades andt pat- ronenses of the grotup011:1th' lists of persons ii each, will he fontdIpot ed tin the bulletin in the ath f Bar hour Giymnasiuim; all Woman's Leage girls sohtldlo11k1: tithe lists adilse ,ini which groutp theit names ome. F1illY CENT: EACHE - SkeciaI Limited [ditions - Pit"fLA1%, ICOPYRIGHTS at POPUfAtl l1"'ttCs. Far-m:: Ballardsu Illustiitrautionsetli':orleton tazar:re. i i trae Between 41e'linesiIi'ssIfiof i'h.-:dus l-r:'ueieh(itss 3'l:i,olden t House'. Ilutae Flosa. liutrtedllenrusytutouiuit:Merrimanit A5 Ma~steut it Craft t . .iJaob~is 'Slur w l .Ot if Et lijah. I iuetratt:t. Zagtwill Wa,'rwltik of theunb. lulrtr tohnluti Llotyd With loo ps f Stee. Coloe l'strat~iny oLovefut':uoruown.. Ilustatedu Arthu:r W.or. u tt ' h ut:ap taio't a i za rlitiOte l ilto: ll Jamtu~e it. L::uuso Babs thei:::u::stibe. hluittiateutiSarahtGrand WhBakrolls Book. 1rStres. hilslTown Down cTon S1h1.After-O' FrIanr or J. lovearnClouatan W ah '.Sy Bookasfly Stoes usnTow n of on Town $3.00.... Shaving Stick. . e.. .. ...a - AA .- A -AA~ -AAAI-A -A I N N N N N N ®~ ~ ® N . e i iii i l i i i i i0i®i+ i i®iN mOiNNNN.i i lf a 7 tTiHE STUDENTS [[CTUJR[ ASSOCIATION 'President ELIOT s Of HARVARD IUNIV[RSITY r 6D1effocratic Remfedies for Indllstrial Strife"J Tuesday IEvening, Dec. 8 LECTURE BEGINS at 8 O'1CLOCKi Admission, - $1.00. 8Seaso1 Tickets, - $1.50 I UUMT HEN T HE T R.L~k: 1DfANM.5AOTMage T FRIDAY. DECEMBER 4, "Julius Howe's Company inl Edwvacd Otwings Toswne's Fun~ny Fare-Comnedy Too Rich To 1drry PRICES: - - - I15C, 25e, 35C, 50C j No Higher. Scat Sale Wednesaday. I rONN rr IH N NfN®N+@ N O iOSr iNNN NNN NNN N . .f Nl N®.f4N f N NI TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS AND, HATTERS. 334 5. STATE ST., Phone 342-2r.