THE MICHIGAN DAILY. * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 'T s - - - Pritan Shoes " . r .. 4 M"'OGuL,, PCIQARL1TLS G;rolvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. "MOCIJL SMOKE. MAKE.S G'rTIAN SM'OKLMS a Cok Tp orPlai. Save the Coupons. For 1011 andr 11101 R _. ' . -;= :- « '. ,,. ,_: :,aao ~ i p0s :.o ". ."p ,y O From tor Yol The W. C. Keril Co. 8 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. 'ICaps and Gowens made to or- der and rented. Pennants for all colleges and. ~-. fraternities carried rd in stock. 4 rs'sB 5 r' 4. ClassPies, Class and T'eam~ gs.gNNl tCaps. AF~-. ', '.- Send for Catalogues. MONEY LOANED ON + Others Claimi Them, We Watches, Diamonds, Have Them.l Jeehryand all High ~ Class Chattel a nd * Shell1 Oystrrs and Clams. Lobsters. Collateral Security. , t'.j. himrder Spring Ciicon Large Id. 0 '0sinM, all the Lerodiiig BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ii.iSleakiost Foods, oer'ed with Nice S..leatCcsamowe itrossedad Rom7,Henning elect. Phseo5 4 Te6ays9it..istCas hr Office Hours 9 too11:30, 1ito 4:30OdeonyrilgirmtoClsthet . 7:00ts 8:30 OdrDnn omi h iy +.' 44 44 0 44111.1. 44 4.4 st.j. .,I,. , u atrecord is ourgarantee _ __ _.^-- ----to the ladies. Ann Arbor Store, I I I S. frain. Factory-Brockton, Klass., tFora Good Cup of COFFEE OR CHOCOLATE Mode Right and Served Right Call on PEINNYCOOK, The Confectioner, 1105S. StateSt. D,, Y., A, A. & J. RAILWAY 5TA74DAkD T114rf Foe Detroit hal hourly from 6:150a. m, until 6:5 p. m. Thea hourly until 11:15i. For Ypsi- lanti only, at12 :15 a. m. and 11:45 a. me. her Jackson hourly from 6:15 a. m. until 7:15 p. me. Then ati9:15 pin. and 11:15_p. m. Waiting Room. Huron St. W. of Main. Do YOU WANT A GOODn... $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN? Try the "UNIVERSITY." Mlann's Drug Store, 213 S. Main St. President. V. President. 0. F. CLARSON, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. CAPITAL, - - - $100,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS. - $40,000 State Savings Bank. l~c~W .J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Jan. H. Wade E. F. Mills N. J. Kyer John Hoarer Jno. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhart. Frank P. Gazier Christian Martin THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trains leave Ann Arbor hy Central Standard Time Effective Octoher 2B. SS02. SOUTH NORTH No 6- 7:20 A. a. No. 1-:00 A..s. No. I-11:i3A. IL No. 5-12:30 P. mo No. 4-S8:25 . a. No 3- 4:53 P. n. Trains No. S and 0 run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. Trains 1,12,3, 4,15, and 6, daily except Sunday Free chaireoarn on Non. I and 4. W. T. WILLS, Agent. .3J. KIRBY, Gi. P. A. R. E NT SC H LER For anythngtenthelieoof 4 * Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentnchler,'i 4.Phone 389.2r. Corner Main and Heron Streets. 4 For Chriatmas we have an amusu1l EARN SPENDING MONEY. ly fine line of Smyrna, Wilton, Body Wanted gentleman canvaaer to sell Brusaels and Tapestry Brusael rugs new, quick-selling Christmaa gifts for in all sizes, and can suit you in the young folk. Apply at once. Address patterns as well aa in the prices. 11, caro Daily. Very respectfully yours, MARTIN HALLER, MAKE MONEY. 112, 114 & 11t H. Liberty St. tf Wanted a lady canvaser who can ______________ work about two hours daily to sell a Founain ensat Cshin's. good article, suitable fur Christmas FounainPennat oshigo. gifts. Address 74. caro Daily. Math Supplies of all kinds at all If the old man doean't sent you the prices at Cushing's Pharmacy, coin fast enough, use one of the "Sur- ry-U~p" envelopes. 54 New line of Hulburt's stationery at Schleede's, 140 5. State street. 54.69 Pantorlumn, 336 S. State.. Cleaning, Pressing and- Repairing. Clothes Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar- called for and dolivered. Leave or- rows and Muylras Chocolaten at Cush- ders at Cushing's Drug Store, or ing's Pharmacy. 'phone 182. Student canvassers wanted for tho O RNIG-EES 1 newest thing out-the 'Hurry-Up' en-JOB t.S.PRInG 2MYES,21 velopen. Salary or commission. CaIMinS.S.Ponl5 at 500 Thompson, front suite, up stairs, between 1 and 4:30 p. m. tf Fountain Penn at Cushing's. The "Hurry-Up' envelopes are sold Univernity tndentn desiring to no- only by subscription. 54 cure positions to teach will find it to Lot-Lady's gold watch on State their interent to write to James F. street Finder please return to 207 McCullough, 619 Flee Artn Bldg., Chi- N. State street 54-56 Found-One watch. 'Owner call at 422 I make a hair tonic which everyone Kingsley street, identify property, troubled with dandruff or any other and pay for this ad. Hr. Carroll. scalp disease should try. Hiss Vough. 54-56 an, N. University, near Quarry's. Willits, The Caterer. t Oyster ity iPh:oe461. 315 S. STATE ST. > . t9,~s t~srt~O s+4..!+*t.4.4.4.~t+ttsit4.4.t AI&SPALDIBNG'S OFFICIAL IBTER-COLLEGIATE 4, FOOT BALL Used by all the Leading Colleges. Fsst Ball Pants-Lute front, l hips :en1 Sores toadded :1with fine curled hair ood thighs with:caae strips. G fr 5lin' . 0. SPALDIN0G8BROS. Incsorprtd New Ysrk, Chisco, Denver. O dicsOfficial Foot Hail Guide C1903, editedby Waltorea. ot P'rice 10 coats. ' BAILESY CaED3MUNDS. : SkateGrinding 12 .Liberty Mt. 0 TEACHERS! TEACHERS! Teachers wishing to prepaire for Ex- amination shotild write immediately foir our' Teachers' Interstate l+.xalnina- tion Course, as taught by mail. This Course is endorsed by many leading "educators, and every progressive teach- ei who wishes to advance in theiro--- less'ion shotlod begin work immediately. Address nearest ollice, with stamop, for replly. AMERICANi TEACHERS' ASSOCIATIONi. li2t Arcitlo, 1 O'iladelphoa,1I"a O URPOLICY - PHOTOGRAPHS Call on The building tsp of a Telephone System with every poasible mod- SY ORSSUI emn improvement; the giving of better service than was ever thought 316, S Mats Street. possible before. To be honorable, courteous and just in every detail. To- anticipate requirements. To overcome impediments. To be satisfied H~ighest Casb Price with nothing short of the confidence and good will of every citizen in the cunty.paid for second-hand clothing. the cunty.Shoe repairing while you wait. WAbHIT[NAW HONE UTEI[PIONC CO., Goods called for. Temporary Office, Liberty Street. near Fourth 4) gust xvasshn 'ton s~GLSEN stret Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbing and Stea Work. All at Reavonable Rates and Fist-Class Order at J. Fr. SCIIVH'S, 207 E. WaaloIzatOea. PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, the book for all the people all the timo. in all vocations; for home improvement. 60 pp. ilustrated, price $1i. Tmstd4 v cs onTar e oaths' correnpondenee course by outhorneFor a brief time I will send the bosh and course for 1. Will lecture on physcs raiingn rp1d writing for 1100 or ooe week for W0cO~ onducive to health an ppostive cure for srtn.Idvdaliler retained Business Penman and one lesson. 10c. Addrems Pro.OG. BIXLER, MaUiso n St. & Ogden Ave., Chtcago, I11. New Sleeping Car Line Between DETROIT, TOLEDO, COLUn1BUS- Leave Detroit io p. in., Michigan Central. Leave Toledo 12:30 Night, Hocking Valley. Arrive Columbhus 6:5o a. mn., Hocking Valley. PARLOR CARS ON THlE DAY TRAINS. Soy "Hocking Valley" to the ticket ogent .or write L. W. Landmnan G. T. A., Detroit, Mich., Always Ahead In Styles. M IL WARD, THE, TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring.