TEE MICHIGAN DAILY. N.agaara Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE-' ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago fo St. .Lens, Kansas Coy St. Paul and tier west. For information ad tisogtickes cal nter write to W. W. CASE, Aent. Ann Aro. New Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S IBILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tbacos JAS. W. REID, Pop. 312 Sae S., S Ihave nse received the largest and fiest ine or Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes' ever brought to the city. Fine Lunches in Connecion. Eerytihing Neat and Clean. 308 S. Sae St. R. E JOLLY. Th chool for Dancin ThGRANGER'S Ground F'loor on Mayo~nard Street One Block set or State Street Stores. 'Phone 2-46 0 YOU CAN GET A 0 0Hot Lunch 0 At Tuzte's, 338 S. State$ Lessons $3 pcr Tem or 12 Wees2 UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street { S POESSOe SOTee PeINIAL PALACE R& PARISIAN ..LAUNDRY AGENCY.. Oicer 15 iEat William St. Pone Hit. Work called fr and deliered ponptly Ml. F. DOW[[R, At. GEORGE BISCHOFF, rLOkZI-5T. CHOICC CUT FLOWCII5 & PLANTS C hapin St,hbtwen iHiren S, and Milite Ass Phone 801i Pickwick BiIliard'Pdrlor 707 E. Uni. Avenue TEACHERS WANTED! We need at once a few more Tec- -s. both experienced and inoxper cooced. More calls this yor than ever be fore,0 Schtools supplied with copetent teachers free at cost. Address, witi "tamp,- AMERICAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 1423 Arch Street, 1_74 Randoliph Bldg., Philadelphia, Memphis, Tenn. Pa. l laberdas'hery IGIVEN AWAY # lWe give a complete Outhit of Haberdashery of yourl'own11 4 selection with each of tiiese Sults. How'? Rend ion. 1 The telice of theese seits is $18 each. You buy (111. ' paylit $12.50, and invest the rest in lhtberdasilery of+ your owne selection, therefore you get it for noethineg.+ if yeou only want the suit yoeu ean have it for Xl12.50 and 4 puit the bealanc'e in the sangs hank. 4 S taebler 'Wuerth _ 24' IUANOSITIR[[R, Caterer, SOU SATEST MICHIGAN CATALOGUE OF 1848. Continued from page 1.) tieree sophomores, three; and of the sixteen freshmen, oene. The total niumbler of steudents then was seventiy- severe. After enche stuenets 00011' was givenlilt reoom. leaisaeiermitory. There is a shert annlounceementi ihat a detpartmlent est medicinle wascon- teplated i in teneear fitte.rs' ''ere- quirements tier admissn score to be "a good rEnglish edeecatiore, the kneowl- edge of natural phileesophey, the eole- mentary mathematical stieeces, anod seecie anacae itantce wiiltilte Latin ande Greeck language's no will enaible1 the stuetltle apprecite' thee techeei- cal ianeiege of medicine', aedeiarid aine write' prescripetiones." ''Michigate trisen at lihe C'iicago BieacieHtele after iiie gaeme toeek ep 'i coltetien lee lily Ia etgehieuqtueiteior tCeae'he Stagg. Tinlekleg, however, iieat Stagg mteelgieseon'setdrule toespir- it eif their gift thecyedecidedl net 1o senei tie'flowers. tDr. Itaycrieft teld Stagg sehat the Mlicigan lieni hail deore, a1111t110 Old Maei aas greatly ilei'aeedtee knowesf tlee spirita'hicii iromepted1th' elihiganeetn'o lie c- membiere'hine." NOTICE. bondill i'eive'r'ity Hllia gold mnoeigraneinl. GOwer ceate ifidat secretary's eoffic'. Send ieAe'weerdlin one111' if eese "Ilr- ry-Upl" eleveloehes. 54 Manager Seaholt receiveed the feel- ieowineg letier freemAir. Willianes, man- ager eef Baird's Opera Hieusee, Lansing:' TIM MURPHY. Wehien Tline Murphiy retureis eeext 'T'ce'sday,, Dee. 8, teethee Atkins Then' ter, lil ademirer s will agalinlaenss'the leasueri'eeof seing hini.lee aplayu if Wahington lifi', andeljuedgig iy the sulccess of a coutple esf liltforer plays, it is iet a Weahinigtonenceviroet- mentltheat the tieblic like meest tie see the genial eomedin.tButliet i'is noet iti play a politiciani, a -atatesmani tr a claimne. 'Thislime' he will he teen in atientirely new typee,(if character- izatieon. Wiiteoeut revealieng so eney of the tactas ito take the'puuihlt 1111d flavier frimeneicipeatioh, it may he suggested thai. be title gives a giood idea ot the play, It is ralled "'The MlateFroni Misoulri." What siort of a meenea.primtelllv'type cit Missoie ane miegiet he, wihat;eight teappenelteeim lee tileeatioenl eapitol, wiet. a special- let 1o11Americani charactee'zineas Mr. Muerpehy is, teegiet leeowilthitetole, lre' lefite oe iee maegiention. It is ibiendeiio ie i'neilvi' toi thi'soil, reali- lic' ahd hltutrali, aneaggressive' .1ti iheotest teliew, nmiceable yet lioiiilg. andtl yplical ef the';goeecldiii ouileti' ''It's geod toie limnerry andi wise, it's gueod to be heenest aind tru'.'' Tit e w lay is biy V. VE. RsandeieGteo. V. i-ii- bane, twoeocithie'bist-kenewe enteito- day writintg plays. 'They devuoied thleir besi eneergies tee "The' ManiFrainMis- soiee',"anteu hlii'sieccess Mte. Mureephcy1 hns echieed is lisst cf t sur'pris-e tha it mighteterwvise be. t'hnraeir enid playev lave maenic'a prononceiVid bit. Tie'priidiuciIit alealvy and1 xi i- l1i'vepictoerinl display, andtihli'e oi- pany is the largest tient he has ever carriced. FOR FOOTBALL skating, touring, and all Winter sports and recreations ... the great "Crofton" Coat bearing this famous mark jIfred jBenjamin&9 MAKERS 3. NEW YORK Cut loose and 52 inches long from English and Scotch checks and mixtures. Broad, concave shouldera; hand. made, close,-fitting collars; pockets that won't rip; new one-piece belt in the bac!:. The correct Engiish ulster with American improvements. Just the coat for crisp, cold days on land or sea. Ch BNAMN TCAof3-" no ale i s nly.a C~ CUT,EYoE& O. n P041Es hngto82 t ClHIn-Pesin. RliiG. 336 5. T AE ST. MAEINQAER CnESnhega LUe EDers&atCO.,hinEs rE 1 Phone 582 C~ leinglilressin.Rpait. 301 S . Stale Si. 6U [I loaties dnlediifor''Viiaeccnys Jon tLe -a ssOresaustingors Scoo Prild ho. 584 "Teeo Rich To Marry" theoreoughly _- - pleated my patrotns. It itsouiiqite HAVE YOUR PHOTO and very fienny. Beirt C. Clark, Wheeu 1, ilwfrXms res;iudb yeoe will rememrohtas thilee elninatu eonse. See onr ead-ilbegses: h hin- "In Old Keotuckcy," baa a part that is tuir tee Xeuiiii gut. thoroughly stuited to him, anti be made Darling & Mallaeux's a bit in it. Ton need hare nie tear in FANCY STORE, reccemmending "Too Rich Toi Marry" COR. STATE AND LIBERTY STS. teo yoiir lpatroets. 54 Ouer assortmnent and display eof 11151- THMSRWPorio iay goeods is bettle- tieycar ten in TH ASRWrpieo t the precious oeo. It you wsant a niceTI h t Moes are. ca irerdaenoroeaner RO WE'S LA UNDRVY + loeor a fineavrportgodweaer sitrely please yaot. 326 N. 5th Ave. Bell Phone 457. MARTIN HALLERt.t .4 ~WAGNER & COMrPANY, Implorting Iailor, 123 South frlein Street, DOWSN TOWN., 4 *.S..S..'.ni. IllS I tl~ T I ii'S"l"I"S"i") deledab dee5t0adeitb4tb~lO58tb4o84nt4e~eSoS WEAR A DlA"1OND Barrios Diatnonds have been woree for years by different nmenmhers of flue diplomtitcorps from the Southeniritan Coeeutries. These magnificent stones have hoots the admiration and wonder of society wherever they score sliowne, Barrios Diamonds have all tine fire, Ilfe and lustre of genuine stones and ins appearanete peositively catnnot tbeeditilttishled from them. It is a wantoni waste of money to inv-est $75.00 to $50 in a real diamond, thait reay be lost from its settieng alyny lonelnt. You can wear the identical piece in appearance set with a Barrios diamond . AT 1-20 THE[ COST7. These goods represenst all of thle latest most popular styles and designss. They have thne distinctive featieres of jewelry, wortlS nmnny tinmes their cost ated from which they cannot be distinguished eveen by tine most critical. We absolutely guaraantee these goods to be as represeented aend will, replace. any steene that loes its originlal -brilliancy weithnott one ceent of ercpeise to the purchaser. Money retuned without qinestion ini case of dissatisfactiont. The Barrios Diamond is beyonsd donht the finest, most perfect imuitationS ever tdiscovered anel may be wottrnanyswhere with per- fect confidence. All the beauty of a geinuine diamond at a fraction of its cost. BARRIOS DIAfIO)"'ND CO, 206 Soutb Main Street. r It 11:1,18 :1 1 lift 11 ip i }.; WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE