The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. QIRID[VS' CHOLA Conditions of the Scholar vided By Cecil Rhodes-T igan Men to Be Selec The late Cecil John Rhod ed by his will for the est for male students of schol the yearly value of $1,500 any college in the Univers ford for three consecutIvea years. Two students from may be appointed to thes ships, one in the spring o one a year later. President Angell, of theI of Michigan, President Spe vet College, and President Albion College have been the committee to make th of the Michigan scholars, in with the conditions of the with the regulations adopt trustees of the will. The following extract fro: points out the qualilcatio by Mr. Rhodes in the hold scholarships: "My desire being that th who shall be elected to th ships shall not be merely b I direct that in the election dent to a scholarship regar had to (1) his literary and attainments; (2) his fondn success in manly outdoor sp as cricket, football and the his qualities of manhood, tr age, devotion to duty, sym the protection of the weak, unselfishness and fellowshi his exhibition during schoo moral force of character, a stincts to lead and to take a in his schoolmates, for those tributes will be likely in aft esteem the performance of ties as his highest aim." The following passages t the memorandum forwarde Michigan committee by th will guide the committee in cedure, and will aid youngn ciding whether they desiret sidered as candidates for th ships: "The first election of schol United States under the RI quest will be made between and May, 1904. The elected will commence residence in 1904." A qualifying examination held within this period in e and territory, or at centers be easily reached. This ex is not competitive, but is in give assurance that all cand fully qualified to enter on a study at Oxford University. It will therefore be base requirements for Responsi first public examination ex the University from each for a degree. The Rhodes' scholars will ed from candidates who hav fully passed this examinat scholar will be chosen for e and territory to which sh are assigned. The requirements of the sions' examination, as stat Statutes of the University o are as follows: 1. Arithmetic-the whole. dates are expected to be a correctly sums in vulgar an fractions, practice, proportio 'applications, interest (simple pound), square measure an root). 2. Either Algebra.t(Addi traction, mltiplication, greatest common measure, lI mon multiple, fractions, exti square root, simple equations ing one or two unknown q and problems producing su tions). Or Geometry. (Euclid's I Books f, II. Candidates sI careful to answer questions books. Euclid's axioms will ed, and no proof of any p will be admitted which ass proof of anything not prove ceding propositions of Euclid 3. Greek and Latin gramm 4. Translation from Eng Latin prose. 5. Greek and Latin author: Candidates must offer tw (Continued on Page Tw ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1903. No. 54 RSI1P FORESTRY CLUB MEETING. [ STUDENTS SUSPENDED. MiCM. CATALOGUE OF 1848. ships Pro- wo Mich- Instructive Description of Work In Serious Result of Prank Played At Great Difference Between University ted. Field Given, Fancy Dress Party. of Michigan in 1848 and Now. le provid- At a meeting of the Michigan For- At the fancy dress party held in Nowhere better can be shown the ablishment esters' Club, held in West Hall last Barbour Gymnasium a short time ago, growth of the University and the man- arships of evening, H. D. Everett 'of the senior a man was smuggled in by a girl ifold changes it has undergone, than tenable at class in forestry, gave an entertain- friend under the guise of a negress. by a glance at one of the old Univer- ity of Ox- ing and instructive description of his The young woman took him into the sity calendars. Taking haphazard academical work as student assistant in the U. ladies diessing room, where many of the "Catalogue of the Officers and Michigan S. Bureau of Forestry during the sum- the girls were, but was finally dis- Students of the College of Arts and e scholar- mer of 1902. At that time a large covered and ejected. Taking him in Sciences" in the University of Michi- f 1904 and party of men was engaged in securing the dressing room was too serious an gan, in the year 1848-1849, we find data necessary for the formation of a offense to be overlooked and both. smany things of interest. University working plan for the tract of land in who were upper classmen, were cen- Then, if nothing else, we were relig- ry, of Ol- central Maine, owned by the Great sured, and have been suspended. ious and deeply so. Our Board of Dickie, of Northern Paper Co. The ti ber on Visitors, five in all, were all preach- appointed this tract is mostly spruce and bal- '05 ENGINEERS BANQUET. ers. Our Faculty attaining to th' e selection sam, and is being cut for paper pulp. number of seven, contained four men aceordance Wesley Bradfield, also of the senior The905 engineering class will hold who might pr fix the title of Reverend will and class, gave a description of operations its first banquet tomorrow evening, to their names. And that the studen and methods of manufacture used in December 4, at 7:30 p. m. A good ed by the o osshsbe ragd body might not lose sght sftoitndi c- th. factory of Hinkley, Roberts & Co., program of toasts Ia. been arranged, ligions side of education, we find this m the will of Decatur, Mich. and everyoie should trnioutasind rule concerning public worship: "The ns desired sho se casn th 'Pickets students are required to attend pray- ers of the LIGHTS OUT IN GYM. members of the banquett sommittee: ers daily in the College Chapel, and Owing to the breaking down of a Richardson, Rice, and Graver. to attend public worship on the Sat- e students dynamo in the power house, it has bath, at such one of the churches in e scholar- been necessary to turn out the lights the village of Ann Arbor, as their ookworms, at the gymnasium in order that the MICHIGAN ARTIST RISING. parents or guardians may direct." of a stu- hospital can be lighted. It is expect- Rob, Wagner, '95, one of the found- To quote bodily the requirements id shall be ed that the trouble will be fixed in a ers of "Wrinkle," and one of the best for admission will be the best wayto scholastic couple of weeks. As a result of this, known artists graduated from the show the distinctly classical intos- ess of and classes wve postponed last week, and University in recent years, is becom phere of the University then. As the iorts, such so far none have met this week. ing a well known illustrator of chil- University consisted of but one de- like; (3) dren's books. The most recent ex- partmsent-the literary-the require- 'mth, tour- ILLUSTRATED LECTURE. amples of his works along this line mnTents are not so strange as they pathy for Next Monday afternoon at 4:15 in are the illustrations in three colors miht sim. They are "Candidates kindliness, the Museum lecture room will be giv- of "Dickon Bend-the-Bow," issued by tor admission to the reshanclass , and (4) n a lecture upon the "Evolutio of the Saalfield Co., of Akron, Ohio. Mr must be iot less than fourteen years l days of Musical Instruments" by Professor Wagner, who is still one of the ad- of age, and must siustain an examina- nd of in Stanley. The lecture will be illms- visory editors of Wrinkle, is now lo- tion in English grammar, geography, c interest trated by stereopticon views, and will cated at 25 rue Boisunade, Paris, arithmetic, algebra through simple - latter at- be one of the greatest interest to Ann France. equations, Krebs' Guide for the writ- ter life to Arbor music lovers. The tniverity ing of Latin Latin reader, Cornelius public du- with its complete collection of musical PROF. REED'S LECTURE. Nepos Cicero's Orations against eati line, Vimgmls Acneii, Grink riailit sken froum instruments and its attendant musi- Last evcning Professor Reed, of the the poetry, firs thrth tibooks of Ho- d to the cal advantages furnishes a chance for Physics Department, gave a very in- mer's Iliad, Latin and Greek gram- e trustees more complete study of the subject teresting lecture to the students of mar, Keightley's Grecian history to their pro- which will be presented on Monday the School of Music on "The Physical the time of Alexanier the Great uni thi r-nexty tetmofAeadrheGaan sen in de- x heory of Music." the Iecture was Roman to the time of the Empire." to be con- S accompanied with illustrative expi- The manner of conducting recia- e scholar- FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. nments, and was instructive and ap- tions and examinations is interesting. Twenty-five candidates for the preciat.ed by the large number of per- Each class attended three recitations ars in the Freshman Glee Club met to 'arrange sons in attendance. This lecture is or lectures daily, except Saturdays, modes' he- the preliminaries of the organization one of the series which is given in the shen theme was an exercis- in elucu- February Wednesday afternoon in University interests of the School of Music, tion. There were also frequent exer- I scholars Hall. Several sophomores, nembnrs rises in translation, composition, and - October, of last year's clui, were on hand to THE I. . M's MEET. toral or written disputatious. Public usher the 1907 men through the mys- examinations were held at the close wlbeteies of vocalism. The outlook is The I. . M's held another one ofexmntoswrhldath'css will be exces othoi the ot of their pleasant social events at Oyster of each term.' They were attended by ach ate excelent, both from the standpot of ay. Th old officers we e-eleced the Board of Visitors and by a commi- which can num sand aty.for the rest of the semester. "Dick tOe of the Regents. amination Croker" Stoner and "Tim Murphy" As the requirements for admission tended to OLD HENLEY SHELL Grey were added to the social com- showed, the University was strictly idates are The trophy which the Columbia Uni- rnittee classical in its studies. The subjects course of versity of New York will probably " -studied in the three terms of the send on to St Louis to be exhibited WOMAN'S LEAGUE OF MINN. freshman year were: Livy, Roman d on the in the trophy room, of the Physical antiquities, Odyssey, algebra rhetoric, ons - the Culture Department during the Expo- The Woman's League at th Uni- ancient history Grecian anti uuities. acted by sition, will be the old Henley shell, a vrsity of Minnesota is endeavoring geometry, the Odes of Horace, Ana- candidate four-oared boat about fifty feet in to procure sufficient funds to erect a basis, botany, andi eogy. In the length. The Henley shell is the only Woman's building on the campus. The sophomore year they studied rhetoric, be select- boat which was propelled by American building would be used for a girls' history of middle ages, the Satires of e success- oarsmen won. at Henley. The Colum- clubhouse, where meals would be Horace, Anabasis, conic sections, ion. One bia crew of 1878 rowed in it and cap- "erved, and a place of meeting offered plane and spherical trigonometry, log- 'ach state tured the Visitor's cup. to all women students. If the plans ic, calculus, Tacitus, Demosthenes, Is- holarships are successful and the building erect- ocrates, Sophocles, Cicero's de Senec- EASTERN CROSS COUNTRY RUN, ed the clubhouse will be the place tute et de Amicitia, and French. In Respn- In the recent intercollegiate cross where social events will take place, the junior year the studies were: dt in the country run between Yale, Harvard and will be made the center of wom- Modern history, Quinctilian, Historia A Oxford; Princeton, Pennsylvania, Cornell, inui en's activity, and Euripides of Tacitus, chemistry, Columbia, the Cornell team won with mineralogy, Spanish; rhetoric and as- (Candi- a wide margin to spare. Seven out PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. tronomy. The studies of the senior ble to do of the first twelve to finish were Cor- Of interest to students of languages. year were: Geology, mental philos- d decimal nell men. The best time was made On Thursday evening the Philological ophy, Italian, logic, evidences of n, and its by Shutt, '05, Cornell, who covered Society will hold a meeting in room Christianity, moral natural philosophy, - and com- the 61/4 miles in 33:15. E, University Hall. ' ' political economy, analogy, and Pla- d square to's Gorgias. ---'-- "The library of the institution," the ion, suib- "n. calendar sated, "was purchased a division, The M ichigan D aly few years since in Euroh, and con- east com- sists of between four and five thou- raction of Sent to your address until ordered discontinued, for six cents sand volumes of well selected stan- -, contain- a week, one cent an issue. dard works in the various depart- uantities, Phone in your order, (No. 461) or fill out and mail the follow- ments of literature and science." ch aqua- . Since 1848 the expenses have con- ing coupon: siderably risen, for-then 'the only Elements, * ..........+... . +.. +...+++-++ charges of the institution were an ad- hould be mission fee of $10, and a sum ranging in both--- ----------------------------- 1903. from $5 to $7.50 a year for room'rent be requir- and the services of the janitor. Tu- roposition ily- ition was gratuitous. Including .board, umes the Kindly send the DAILY until ordered discontinued, to washing, and books, the necessary d in pre- the following address. I agree to pay six cents a week for expenses of a student for a year ). same, one Cent am issue. ranged from $70 to $100. iar. The University wab hardly 'so cos- lish into mopolitan as it is now. Of the twea- Name--------- - ---------___ --ty-four seniors buttwo were from- s. without the state of Michigan;{of. the.. a books, Address-------------------------------------- fourteen juniOrs, one; of the twenty- to.) _.____._._....._....._...._._._.__..._...__._._..._......_. (Continued on page 3.) 0