THl MICHIGAN DAILY.V 4, ; took for tbej e .8 '~.Label In your coat. It's the greatest s~eurity bond ever issued. We ±havfe : ait, haffner & Marx m1U, &and. Qvercoats FROMUT $1 . 0 to $23 00 The Clothier, In endless variety 217 SOUTH MAIN STRE3ET jSpecial ffe-rviinIf $6.00 All Wool, Fancy Bath Robes, pri'ed at $3.98 ± $4.50 Xen's Finest Lanmb.Wool Ssvetters, $3.0 Box of 6 Fine Linen t3ambricq Handkmrciefs, for _$cI S Newest Styles in Neck Ties and Collais shown this weak I? ~~~ ~ VRHIL9 AIJD4L IEEthihd~I FINE TAILORINGTRD We are prepared this season to meet every demand, as we have increased the number of workmen. As usual - ~we. have rhoIFinest Luie 'f Woolens in the teps.We respectfully invite your enquiry. 121 L Washington, St. S. W. BURCHFEELD 1 1 c r Others Claim Them, We Have Them: Shell Oysters and Cams Lobsters, Fish, TederSpirlsechce, Large Juicy Steaks, all the Leading Breakfast i'ods, sered with NIce Rich Cream. Game Dressed asnd neatly served for huters. The oeoy strity First Cl.. hrt OrderDining Room in thetity Or pamt record Is or garatee to the lades. WiiftsThe Caterer Oyster IRa ?Pone47. O i from 6:0till midnight 31 S STATE ST. New liD 1lswick Tables AT RiEID'S $jIARD PAR.RS, Fin C5areanad Tohfccos JAS. T, Rl 1b, Prop. 312 State St., S. thave ust received the largest and int line of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes' eer brought to the ety. Fine Lunches in Connection. Everythng Neat and Clean. 30$ S. Stayc $L R. E. JOLLY. The School for Dancing 6R4tNER'S= Ground floor on "ranrd Sreet tOne Block west of State Street Stores. 'Pbone 2-46 $YOU CAN GT A Htot Lunrch $At Tuttl's, 338 S. State $ Lessons, 63 per Term of 12 Weeks UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street Polor $aaOe Ns, PRINIPAL Y PALACIEeC.PARISIAN A LUNDRY AGENCY.. Olen i1 F Est William St. Pose05i. WPOrk called foi and delivered promptly MI. F. DOWLER, At. PEIQTQGRAPHS lww- Call ea wKStYI OJS STUDIO 36 . ]ain Stree. SPALDIG'S OFFICIAL~ L INTER-COLLEGIATE" .QT S.,I ~seby a)) the Ieding PFt, hipoad a pdedwith a. fine erle t±at highs .. with Cae or p. - A. . SPALDIN & BROS Incorporated New York, Ccgq. Denve 4.Spalding s Otcial ot all Guide for 13, edt ffW tr Camp. IIANOS TLRILR, TWELVE MEN GET "':. Continued irons page one. "his '1M" by taking Redden's place at end in the Iowa game at Chicago. Last year he was used as a. "utility' man, playing at end, quarter, half and full. One ot the most remarkable teats of his tootha11 career was his 55-yard run for a touchdown through the whole Wisconsin team, two weeks ago, bhe brilliancy of the run not be- ing dimmed. by its disallowance on acount of a technicality. Graver weighs but 168 pounds, and is 5 feet 8Inches in height. His home is in Chicago. Be. is a senior engineer, and a member ot the Theta Delta Chi Fra- terity. GEORGE GREGORY. fGeorge Gregory, center, is the third and last ot the trio of men whos have played three years at Michigan. Like Hieston, he made the first team at once, when be reported tor practice in the tall of 1901. Gregory is strong. both tin offense and detense. Gregory tips the scales at 192 pounds, and is 5 toot 11. inches tall. Be is a senior in the law department, trom Seattle, Wash., and a member ot Delta Chi Law Fraternity. JOSEPH . H.MADDOCK7. Joseph B. Maddlock, right tackcle, is the only membser ot the team with two years' credit. Maddock's playing against;ibMichigan as an Albion half- back first attractedl attention to him in 19s1. Last year be proved the ath- letic find of the year. Be played in every game ot the year at right tackle; hmis line bucking and hurdling being p~heolmenal. This year lie has bees a more consistent grouiid-gainer than last. Maddock is a remarkable ath-. lete in the weight events. Last spring he won nine points- tor Michigan. Maddock weighs 190 pounds, and stands 6 toot high. He ranks, as a sophomore in the literary department, from East Jordan, Rich,., and, is a member ot Sigma Chi Fraternity. JOBN. BARRY JABES John; B. James, quarterback, has played one year only. Be entered, the [ uiversity in the tall of 1901 with; considerable experience. Be cap. tained the strong 1905 All-Freshman eleven his first year, and last year{ led the scrubs. This tall be took the next logical. step torward and became Varsity quarterback. James is a beady, field captain, and a sure backlield tackler and a menmber of Zeta Psi; Fraternity, Be weighs only 1..42 pounds, less. than any of his teamo-mates, and. is. 5 feet 8. inches in height. FRED S. NORCROSS. Fred S. Norcross, qtwterback, owes Caterer~ 224 PThone 582 his brilliant ri -;to, he..position of, n o r U I Varsity quarterback to his ossession of "never-say-die" grit and nerve ,more than to any, other qualification, This clang Prsn.Re5rn. fall he reported; at Ludington for pro- 336 S. STATE IT. li mary practice, and ever since. then (over Cshnad~e's) he has given James the closest kind of a race for Varsity quarterback hon- ors, The. result of the rivalsy has: Clothes, called' for and been, the divis, ion. of the honor, both Delivered. men getting their "Is"He: in presi- dent of the. sophomore engineering Leave Orders at Coohiega: or class, and hails, frosm Menominee, Phoney 582 RMich. Bin weight is, 152 pounds, bhis _______________ height 5, feet 8, inciss RALPHB 0. GOO3D1IJG. - Ralph 0. Goding, righi guard, has +4+oint risen in two. years. from-the. All-Fresh- IELECTkIbCPA5 man; eleven; to, the Yarnity. Last yoar his aggressivene s won+ him, the posi.- Electric Clsaf ioorjDishesc tion of first, hoice as substitulte tor lcri aeT~lis center or guard. This year 110 has tcti OI .ar2 played with the regulars from tile first. I-ie shi es,_ not by spectacular In f{Act, onthios to lighten up yourI p1 yiolgbut rather. by reliability. roo, ..Cll So and Ace ourdisplay.... Gooding weighs 193 pounds, and. at 61 feet 2 inches is the talest man on the WA.51iTIYSNA LIWST& eleven. Be lives in Ann Arbor, and 4p O pIY is, president of the junior- enginseering P~IkC MAY class. C,,. Wa.kinoahdo. tl\ Ave, Pkoh. 27a TOMB AMMOND,. b "' Tom Bamnmond, right end, in one of -- Coach Yost's four famous freshmeii. H '+ + O Hammond's renown as fullback on the4 BAILPEY t EDMVN08. ? 1902 championship Hyde Park Bigh ( p" : thtl of bota wdsreda Skate Gri nding thtolwsaotafiepeda EckersalL Be forced his way 121 E. ISert " t.. to the Varsity in short order, and has y never been in danger of losing his "~ ' ' place since. Early in the season be t +" Y Zi+ +~*+l dleveloped into an accurate goal kick - G* TH NSPR S er,; and still: later on, began field ~ A H N RS goals with considerable sureness. Ten Q~ r + of Michigan's points against Wison- .f. + sin were due to Bammond's ability, 291dsi Fio,. Aet. Tkeatr t ad.. and he also made 13 against Chicago. B amond is a fresh law., and, from Chicago, Be is over 6I feet 1 in ri' heighst, and, weighs 185. pounds, OHIO CENTRAIL LINES1 FRANK LON-GMAN. Frank Longman, fuillback, started Direct Line between Toledo, Colum- out the, season as tackle. After a bus, Athens, Gallipolis, Charleston, W. shor: tmehe ecam riht ndendVs., andthe South, Ask your agent or sho t the oaslbecmerigtonmen apply to L. P. LEWIS. P. A,, 7 Fort St., logtheeasn a fulbak, ouganDetroit, Mich, MOULTON Mount, ,in an all around player and excels in G. P. A.- Toledo, 0. i ,i lineC smansing. Longman alwayl plays with the right, kind of fighting spirit. Be, received, bis experience on the. Kalamazoo Bigh School team, ans is a fresh engineer. Be tips the scales at 177 pounds, and is C feet 1 inch tall. J. S. CURTIS, J. S. Curtis, left tackle, is another of thefreshman inds, With no quali- fiication at the beginning of the. sea- son, except his weight and strength, he has become a tower of strength at tackle, Me is a consistent ground- (Coptinpge. tO' 94 page: Two,) aALLEN's !FOR QVALITY." [al dut&inow Ready $IO.E and $13.RA Best in the, world VNLON LAD 1S$1o ON EVERY GOAR$%W~r'T AL ~,Tm- CLOTH I C I1aw p-- AIN STREET N... ~ **$C5** fHighest Casb Price a paid for second-hand clothing. s Shoe repairing while you, wait. 1. Goods called for. S. GOLDSTEIN. r %8 E-ast Washington Street, V . Of M. Ailtiseptic Barber ShopAD5T ROM J. R. TROJANlOWS4I, Proprietor, Face Itaasg.e a Specialty. 322 SOUTH STATE STREET 1Money Loaned OrWatches, Diamonds Orother personal 'property of value. Watches and Jewelry Re- paired. Bargains in Watches and Diamonds. Office- at residence, 331 E. Lib- erty Street, Ann Arbor, Hours 8 to, 11:30a. m.,1to 3:30 pm.,,7to p Business. Confiden- tial. JOSIMI C. WATT6 WE ARE NJ$VERR UN1ERSaLIYD.OGfO~pY4J?.R' DRUG STORE