THE MICHIGAN DAILY. .., All Alnolno lent.. The Largest and Most Complete Line of :.:: WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. H. Wild & Co's, 108 East Washington St. Great pains have been taken in the selection of all suitings, trouserings & overcoatings for this season. G IIf fILD CO 108 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White Author of "Conjurers jo e," The Blazed Trail"ec TIT FOREST Illustrated with 1 full-page drawings and with decortsio by Thaons 1 Uogrty $1.50 NET A book full of the charm andt the mystery and the wonder of the great woods. It has been said of Mr. White that he "has the power to make you feel the woods as the masters of salt wat- er fiction lake you feel the sea" ' and in the chapters of thi book this quality of his work is mor.. 4 prominent than ever before. There are stories of experiences and adventures "on the long trail," in the wilds of Canada, bits of woodcraft. sketches of the Habitants and the woods Indians of the northern country, pen pic- tures of the great forest in its many and variable moods. heehan's ANN ARBOR DETROT 320 So. Statei t, 160 Woodwar Av. N N .. .. ..... 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Plri-e.. 11T..~ ยข . (IMajor & Co., During Thanksgiving Vacation Wmi be in a position to decorate yourroomsnwihout inconvenience 0 yosrselves. 203 E. Washigoa St. 'Phone 237 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Entered as secosd-class msater at the Ann Arbor Pst Office. Published d4il (piadaygacepsd) durslngthe colleg yar, at:117 EV. sinogtto seet,. (basement floor, side entrancO) Phone.05-3r MANAGING EDITOR: S. EMORY THOIASON BUSINESS MANAGE: ROSCOE B. HUSTON EDITORS: A4flaIe. - ROBERTK . WALTON Now', - - - - -J. SK im sR- ASSOCIATES: Clifford Stevenson, Roy Peebles, A. M. Graver, Henry P. Erwin A. C. Pound. A. H. Ortmeyer. Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More.I Ida M. Brownrigg. - . Waite Jayne. Geo. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. Harry H. Andrews. Editor Today-A. M. GRAVER. S'iscripio-Two Dollars per er, pya4in I adveance. If deliquet ffer Nov. 1.10,2.0 Office Hours:-12:30 to 1:30 nd 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. Daily. - Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, 5siness Man- ager, 331 Parhard Street. Telephone, 461. CALENDAR. Dec. 2.-Lecture by Prf F. J. Tur- ner on "The Beginnings of the' West," in Museum lecture room,' at 5 p. m. Dec. 2.-Lecture by Prof. J. O. Read on "The Physical Basis of-Music," in Physical Laboratory, at 4:30 p. Dec. 5.-Freshman spread in Barbour Gym. Dec. 8-S. L. A. Lecture Course. Lecture by President Eliot, of Harvard, on "Democratic Reme. dies for Industrial Strife." Dec. 10.--1906 Class dance. The regular meeting of The Daily Board will be held. today in the Cam' pus office at 12:45. All members must be present. In this issue The Daily prints the first of its weekly letters from the Chicago Daily Maroon. These letters should prove interesting on account of the nearness of the two universi.- ties, and the many things they have in common. In the past the feeling between Michigan and Chicago has not always been any too cordial, and it is hoped by means of these letters to establish a stronger spirit of friend' liness and good fellowship between the two greatest institutions in the West. At the recent game the Chi. cago rooters gave the Michigan team and rooters fair and courteous treat. ment. They showed the best of feel- ing toward us even in defeat, and gave us all the credit for the great victory without detracting from it or offering excuses. GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. Professor Kelsey, of Michigan, is lecturing in California. He will de. livertwo lectures at the University of California and one at Leland Stan- ford. His object in visiting California is to organize two Pacific coast branches of the Archeological Society of America. The students of Leland Stanford University are considering the adop- tion of tie honor system ilo exagupa- tions. The tgtal regi siraOpn Columbia Uniyersity fur 103 is: 447, with 576 Instructors. TWELVE MEN.GET "M's" (Continued From Page Two.) gainer; but his forte is the impreg- nable defense play. Curtis also rivals Hamnond as an accurate goal kicker. He is president of the fresh engineer- ing class and comes from Pueblo, Col. He is 5 feet 10 inches in height, and weigh 196 pounds, three pounds more than any other man on the team. R. F. SHULTE. R. F. Shulte, left guard, was not considered particularly. promising when he reported for practice the first week of college. Sulte has justified his selection by Coach, Yost by; con- stantly improving throughout the sea. son. Shulte has also developed into a splendid "kicker-off." His kick-off s are the best seen on Ferry, Field in years. Shulte is a fresh lit from St. Louis, Mo., and weighs 192 pounds. His. height is about 6 feet. CHICAGO LETTER. (Continued from page 1.) City of Chicago has a clubhouse more fittingly or more richly furnished than the Reynolds' Club of the University. The woodwork is dpe by hand, in black oak. The frescoes are hand- painted, by the et rural decorators, The ftirniture was desisned specially by the architect of the building, and the rugs were all made to order. The club is doing more than anything else to unify the University life of the men, All men of the University are eligible to membeship on the pay- ment of the annual dues, which amount to something like $8.00, a very nominal sum. The club started with 450 memhers. The Varsity musical clubs will have an extensive Christmas trip. The, en- gagements will be as follows: Dec. 4, Englewood; Dec. 11, Mandel Hall; Dec. 21, Dubuque, Ia.; Dec. 23, Rock Island, Ii.; Dec. 24, Muscatine, Ia.; Dec. 25 (Christmas), Washington, Ia.; Dec. 26, Burlington, Ia.; Dec. 27 (Sunday) a. m., Burlington, I,; p. in.. Ottumwa, Ia.; Dec. 28, Ottumnwa, Ia.; Dec. 29, Chariton, Ia.; Dec. 31, Ft. Leavenworth, Kas. Trials for the Cross Country Club have been held over the four-mile couse with the following results: Lightbody, time, 22;29%; Matthews, Lyon, Kelley, Henry, Woodworth, Wer- ner, Crocker, Fahr, Kerwin, Kirtley, Post, Flemting, and. Tvlor, whose time was 24:51. The annual freefiman-sophomore game resulted in. a score of 11 to 0 In favor of the sophomores. Only once in the history of the-University have the freshies won the annual game. The present senior classwon its fresh- man-year game by the score of 6 to 0S Coach Stagg is growing slowly, but steadily better, although he still suf- fers much pain from an abscess in his middle ear. The. doctors expect thati he will be out again in a week. The election 6f a football, captain for next year will be held December 16 at President Harper's annual din- ner, given at his house. Speik, left end for three years, will probably be elected HARRY W. FORD. FIFTY CENTS EACH -- IbecI im ed ,d3Ions -- POPMt'L . QPYR GHTS at POPULAR PRICES. Farm Ballards. 5 Illustrations W111Carleton Lazarre, Illustrated Mary Hartwell Catherwood Between the Lines, Ilustlrated' C apt, C'har-les King Abraham Lincoln SpeechesL LtChltteden The Redemption of David Corson Ch arles. Fredpecick Goss The Golden House. IlstFated Charles Oudley Warner The Californians Gertrude Atherton Tue Aristocrats Gertrude Atherton: Flotsam. Illustrated Henry Seton errian A Mlaster of Craft W. W. Tacebs The Mantle of lijah. Illustrated . Zangwill Warwick of the Knobs, Illuosrated Join tri Lloyd With Hoops of Steel. Colored Illstrations Floresce Pinch Kelly For Love or Crown. Illustrated Arthusr W. Marchmont The Love Affairs of as, Old Maid Lillian Bell The Captain of the Janizaries .Tameu M. Ludlow Babs the Impossible. ll1ustrated Sarsh.raud The Black Wolf's Breed. Illustrated H'arrintlickson Well. After All Frankfort Moore The Duke. Author of M. d'Haricot 'T Storer Cloustan Other titles will be added from time to time. 50 CENTS EACL Wali's BookSthre& UP Town Dwn Town eaking of There are others, but none with precisely the merits of the Fiesisas COoodspe ed'&1 Hatters I78. Main You owe it to your. face to ,use Williais' Shaving Stick. - - -- - -- - -- - ,.~4 & 4~ *55555 5 TfI STUDENTS' - LECTURI ASSCIATION President ELIOT Of HARVARD UNIVERMITV Tuesday Eve ing, Dec. 8 LECTURE BEGN$ at 8 O'CLOCK Admission, - $100. Season Tickets, - $1.50 DAM 1M. $ffAsI3OLT, Manager FRIDAY. DECEM-(ESR 4, Julius Howe's Company in Edward Owings Towne's Funny Farce-Comedy PRI T R - - - I5c, ZSc'5c, 31 No. Higher. Seat Sale Wednesdgy. r. ._ IKNRY & KYER,. MERCIANT TAILORS, .NEnYE