The Michigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH.,- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1903. No. 53 TWELVE MEN 6ET "f's." EMICI1GAN WINS PRAIE. Just a Dozen Football Men Receive Member of Mosely Commission Places the Coveted Insignia-Sixteen Men Michigan Among First Five Great Awarded "R's'-Fourteen Fresh- American Universities-In Class menWin the All-Freshman With Harvard and Cornell. Numerals. Hon. William Henry Jones, member The following twelve men have of parliament, who is visiting this been officially awarded the Varsity country with the Moseley delegation, football "M": which has for its. prpose the study Redden, Maddock, Heston, Graver, of higher educational Methods in Am Gregory, Curtis, Hammond, Shulte, erica, is much impressed with the 'Gooding, Longman, James, Norcross. growth of "democracy in education By thus restricting the honor its here, and finds the state universities value is greatly enhanced. Probably in much superior to the 'old, privately- no other large school in the country endowed colleges of the East. Mr. will so few men be accorded the Var- Jones says it would be difficult to name sity insignia as at Michigan. In ad- a first five great American oniversi- -dition to having the greatest team in ties, as we have so many institutions the country at Michigan we also have of unquestionably high standing and the' team which is the hardest for the large purpose, but that if he were to members of the squad to "make." do so seriously, he probably would The men get heavy blue sweaters have to name them thus: Harvard, with the large yellow block "M" and Cornell, the University of Michigan, blue caps surmounted by a monogram the University of Wisconsin, and the composed of the letters " i(of) M. University of California. F. B. T." Student Manager Thomas To name the first ten, he said, B. Roberts, whose faithful and con- would be still more difficult, as that scientious work has earned him the woul put a larger number of great thanks Hof the entire student body, institutions into coipetition, but that was awarded an M cap, like those if he were to do so, it would be almost given to the members of the team. In impossible for him to add any five to speaking of Roberts' work Graduate the first list mentioned that didnot ':Manager Baird characterized him as include the state universities of Il- 'the best manager Michigan had in linois, Nebraska, Minnesota, and pos- years." The reserves, to the number sibly Kansas and Tennessee. of sixteen, were awarded sweaters em- blazoned with a big "R." The men ithus rewarded for their faithful and FRESHMEN AMUSED CROWD. thankless work in bucking against Perhaps the most amusing feature the Varsity are as follows: of the Thanksgiving Day game in Chi- Bigelow, Barnett, Clark, DePree, cago was the 'curious antics of a num- .Dunlap, Doty, Eyke, Edmunds, Car- ber of freshmen who were being in- rels, Hal Weeks, Ted Hammond, Per- iated into the Three Quarters' Club, son, Reed, Thompson, Wendall, Ding- a freshman organization Before the man, heavy fall or snow on the field was The numerals for the freshman foot- cleared off, Capt. "Jimmie" 'Sheldon ball team have been awarded to the led out the fresien, someof whom ollowing men: Work, Neison, Clm- were attired in summer costumes of ent, Hammond, Patrick, Rumney, white duck and straw hats. The lead- Workman, Becker (Capt.), Kirby, Sin er was gotten up as a drum major,. fiair, Bartlett, Allen, Thompson, and with a hat covered with multi St. Clair. During the past season colored plumes, while others wore Coach Johnson has developed'a strong black nlug hats. Each man carried team, and the men who have received something; one had a bird cage; sev- their numerals have worked steadfast- eral, had hams stuffed with sawdust, ly to attain then. The caps ant and one poor little fellow brought up sweaters are already on the way and the rear with a doll in a tiny cart Will be presented to the men before trailing after him. Soon the gallant the Christmas recess. Captain Beck- hand was busily at work cleaning off er is trying to arrange a banquet for the field, with the aid of the football the All-Fresh, which if carried out will benches used as snowplows, and nu- be a fitting way to wind up the sea- merous shovels and brooms. Ietween son. the halves, when everybody was doing Sketches of Team. his best to keep his feet warm, the The football careers of the men freshmen divided into two squads and who, with the' wonderful tutelage of played a mimic game of football, the Coach Yost, made the champion 1903 ham with a rope on it doing good duty Michigan team what it was, in spite as a football. Wonderful and confus of numerous obstacles, are as follows: ing plays were executed in rapid suce CURTIS G. REDDEN, CAPTAIN cession, with everybody trying to Cutris G. Redden, captain and left steal the ham. )ne fellow at last sue end, has just concluded his fourth ceeded in executing an astonishing year on Michigan's football team. 1-fe run around the end, with just one lone entered the law department in the man pursuing him toward the distant fall of 1900, and made the team in his goal., As the tackler caught up with first year, as Neil Snow's team-mate. the runner and prepared to dive at His strength, accuracy and speed were him, th man with the ham suddenly noticeable from the start; and he had realized his great danger and let the tat intangible football faculty which ham fly at his pursuer. His aim was seems to be inborn in fortunate play- true, and while the stricken man was ers. Captain Redden graduated from ploughing up the snow with his face, the law department last year and is the other, with the ham tucked se- doing special work this year. He en- curely under his ari, ,made the only joys the unique honor of being captain 'Chicago touchdown of the day. of' the Varsity football and baseball teams during the same college year. Glee Club rehearsal Wednesday He comes from Roseville, Ill., and is evening, Dec. 2. Important. a member of the legal fraternity of PARKER. Phi Delta Phi. He weighs 180 pounds and is 6 feet in height. WILLIAM H. HESTON. " William H. Heston, left halfback. T he M ich has just finished his third year of col- lege football. Hestoni va's giyen the Snt to your address until o position of varsity halfback from the a week, one cent an issue. statt. His great speed won a phenom- Phone in your order, (No. 46 enal reputation for him his first year. During the last two years his plpying sog coupon; has been consistently Wonderful+ Tine and time again bhe ripped through the Gopher line and rushed- around end for 10 and 20-yard gains, T when most of his team-mates were be- The fichiean Daily:-- ing tackled for losses. He is 5 feet Kindly send the DAILY u 9 inches n.height, and weighs exactly the following address. I agr 180 pounds. He hails from Grant's same, one cent a0 issue. Pass, Ore., and is a senior law.> HERBERT S. GRAVER. Herbert S. Graver, . right halfback, Name --- has also three years of playing to his _ credit. His sophomore year he won Address (Continued on page 3.) +._. SENIOR LAW COMMITTEES. CICAGO LETTER. Four Committees of the 1904 Law Representative of The Daily Maroon Class Appointed By President of Writes of Feeling At Midway Over Class-Other Eight Will be An- Thursday's Game-Other items nounced Later, of interest. The following committees have Chicago, Nov. 30, 1903. been-appointed by Pres. Ralph Scat- Historians have already recorded terday: that on the twenty-sixth day of No- Committee to Audit Treasurer's Ac- vember, 1903, it snowed in Chicago. counts-E. H. Ripley, A. F. Allyn, 1F. And not only that it snowed snow- E. Wood. flakes until the ground was covered Washington Birthday - D. D. to a depth of four inches, but that it Schurtz, C. E. Sandall, O. O. Barr, E. also snowed touchdowns and goals H. Decker, T. K. Saylor. from the field. Beneath a drift of Social--M. J. Schaberg, A. L. Rich- these touchdowns and field goals, ardson, J. H. DeVine, E. W. Sutton, twenty-eight inches deep, were buried C. E. Dvorak. Chicago's hopes of a Western chain- Picture Committee-H. C. Gahn, C. pionship. H. Brittenham, M. W. Reed, R. W. Chicago was disappointed at the Risley, W. F. Morrison. outcome of the game as she has rare- Announcement of the remaining ly been disappointed before. There eight committee will be made soon. were many reasons, some of them tra- ditional, others of them better left un- SOUTHERN CLUB DANCE. said why Chicago would rather have won the Michigan game this year than The Southern Club of the U. of M. the game last year or the year before, will give its seventh annual dance on or the game next year. For all these December 7 at Granger's. The dance reasons defeat was harder to bear. this year will excel former ones in But Chicago makes no excuses. Chi- the display of Southern sentiment cago was beaten by a better team that and reminders. played infinitely better football. Chi- The Southern men in the University cago men have no words of censure are a true reflection of the new spinr for their own team, only words of it in the South, and it is intended that praise for Michigan's team. No team the annual dance shall reflect that played more beautiful football on spirit of undying devotion to the mem- Marshall Field tham the "Machine" ries and chivalry of the Southland, played there on Thanksgiving Day. which no Southern man can ever for- Moreover, Michigan's men played get, and that larger loyalty to "no clean football and showed themselves North and no South" of which the to be true sportsmen through every younger generation justly feel so moment of the game. So Chicago proud. congratulates Michigan, congratulates The banners of the Southern Clubs her on her wonderful record, her great at the different Universities will form team, her glorious victory and her fu- part of the decorations, together with aur prospects stalks of tobacco from Kentucky, and The faith of Chicago men in their the stars and bars of the Confederacy ,coach and the future of their teams and the flag of the Union. is quite unshaken by the events of The lady dancers will each wear a last Thursday. You could not make ball of cotton in reminder of "those Chicago men believe anything but fields of snowy white"; the members that Stagg is the greatest of coaches, of the club will wear the club full As for Stag",foe man, he is admired, dress. the bar from the Confederacy worshipcud at Chicago as no other fiag with fle white star of nion oh- man is. as no other man will ever be. witerating the red star of disumnis, This morning a mass meeting was wsrmn as a sash. held in Kent Theater, attended only by the men of the University. It was 1906 LIT. DANCE, not a memorial service. The meeting The '06 Lits again announce that did not attempt to explain the defeat. they will enjoy life on December 11 The defeat was accepted. The les- by a class dance at Granger's. This sons of the defeat were brought up be- literary class has shown its spirit sev- fore the student body and the mem- eral times this year, and has earned hers of the team who will return next a place as one of the leading social year. Profiting by those lessons Chi- classes. Class spirit seems never to cago looks forward with hope and con- be lacking and every member of the fidence to another year. class seems to be loyal to 1906. The opening of the Reynolds' Club This dancing party, which will be has brought a great change in the life given at Granger's, promises to be of the men of the University. The the social event of the year. The clubhouse was built by the University committee is charge is malking ex- and turned over to the men, who or- tensive preparations to have this par- ganize the club and conduct its af- ty excel all previous ones given by fairs as they see fit. the class. The building stands at the south- The tickets are now out and can be west corner of Lexington avenue and obtained from Gradle, Imus, Porter, or Fifty-seventh street, facing the new Atkins. for $1 a couple. The Acad- gymnasium and iMarshall Field. A eny Orchestra, of four pieces, will commjsion of students, headed by Dr. fumish the music. James W. Thompson, of the history S - department, began more than a year MICHIGAN MAN APPOINTED. ago to workuout the plans for the Barry O Franck, '03 Lit., has been club, such as its constitution, the fur- appointed assistant professor of nisings and appointments of the French at the Central High School, building, etc. Detroit. Mr. Franck has been taking While certain rooms on the first work at Harvard for the degree of floor. of the Club have been open to M.A., and will continue his work in members since the beginning of ai- absentia. tumn quarter, October 1, the complet- ed club was not turned over to the students until last week. * DAt that time elections of officers to gan D aily serve until March next were held, with the following results: Howard rdered discontinued, for six cents J. Sloan, '04, president; Oliver B. Wy- man, '04, vice-president; Leon P. Lew- 1) or fill out and mail the follow- is, law '05, treasurer; Roy D. Keehn, law '04. secretary; Frederic A. Fis- chel, law '05, librarian. r.... . . .....+... . ....-- The clubhouse is three stries high, and is constructed of Bedford stone, ___1903. in the same Gothic style as the other buildings of the campus. It has also a square tower 150 feet high. In this ntil ordered discontinued, to tower the Alumni Association will ee to pay six cents a week for have headquarters. High up in the tower chimes will he placed later. The clubhouse contains billiard and pool rooms, bowling alleys, card --- - - ------ - rooms, library, theater, dance hall and other appointments of a well-conduct- -- - - ---- ed men's club. It is doubtful if the (Continued on page 2.) r 6. ai ,E