T H .9I C H IGAK D A,LYT. 1 1 { } 3 1 3 e t . f f F f t t f{ THlAT.' RE~TICULAR" SOPMfIE~ flI ABIOUT- . :_ F . CICARL1TEMS Qrok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in.America. 'MOGUL SMORE.'MAKLS EGYPTIAN SMOKLI5S Cok TipsrPlin. Savsethe Coupons. ®' Thew'. C5 KOFInCo, VA a i 411 E. 57th St,, Chicago. Gap s and Gowns m fade to c i r , i ader and rented. ii Pnnns o alcolge n MIAKES PVVULAK. .. You may get the same quality in other makes -at$5 but no less, i Ann. arbor Store, I 1 1 S.. fatin. [Factory-Brockton, fKlass. fraternities carried 3 - in stock. Class Pins, Class and Team w -r NNE. TC,-C R J'W..aCaps. ~ K eat ,, Send-for Catalogues. _MONEY LOANED ON Others Clafm'i Then,' we o r Watchcs, Diarncnds. Have Theui Jeweiryand all HighV , Class Chattel anrd ietiyitittitsLtdt, Collateral Security. ynet. 'Ccrier attune htlel are, t 4 S laity e tat .talltihe Leadin~g .t . BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. B lreatttfietid5served wtitNice ± + Rich Create. hattie tiressed asd + am7 Ienn W~f. ho e t541. 0the our Ato11:0, to4:ia. .. j.lTeonly strictly First Class Short l * t .3.. 15.. t. q.p.. .+is a . . . 4. Oj+ (J rPtrdeonrsis uIheaa it. tothie edit. 4 ~ + Willits, The caterer. For anything in the line of 4.04oysier thiy Pite Sl. Framing, Call on Rentschler, st tpetifto'tu CItiti teidnttiit Corner Main and Huron Streets. 4. "I 315 S, STATEST MAKE MONEY. s+- r4.44..44.44...:4..aa++.44..4 Wanted a lady canvaser who can work about two hours daily to sell a SPFALiINO'S OFFICIAL good article, suitable for Christmas FOOItTR-COLLEGIATE' gifts. Address FT. care Daily. " Used by all the Leading Colleges T Foot BailiPanatscfttttt, For Rest--A desiraible rosts;all metl- - hps ad teaSes pitiii etdt eii coniveniences; vacaied today. .4 ttecitreitee t idntis witht eatte stris 010 (iChurci sireet. 4A . G. SF510100 Si 01150 Law uildng ad Sima hi , Sietlila' Intcorptoratet. Lost-A pair of noses glasses, hetweetin New York, Chicago, Denver Hois. eeding itOficial FtittotBltltguide LawBuidin an Sima hi Houe" or 00steilted ity Waterzoa sp. 4 Fitnder please return to H.' H. Smitht, Price 1e cens. Sigma' Chi House and receive re- 444+............I.l4. For a Good Cup of COFFEE, OR CHOCOLATE Made Right and Served Right Call on SThse Cosfectiseer,. 300S. Statest.. D., Y., A. A:; & ,I RAILWAY STA-KDARD TIMtI FortDetroit heli hourly from 6:1I5 a. m. unti l ils5. m. Then hourly sntil 11:15. For Ypei- lasti only, at 12:15ba, m. and 12:45 a. sm. Oi Jtachsoenhourly from 5:15 a. m. oct11 7:15 p. m. Then at 9:15 p in. and 11:15'p.mi. Walling EBsom. Huron St.,. W. of Main. Do YOU 'WANT A GOOo'.. $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN? Try the "UtNIVERSITY."e Mllann's Drug Store, 213 S. gain St; 9.a. NNscEcHAitReSOtt SOULS -President, V. Presidest. S. W. CLAnKSON, teshler. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN ARBOR, MICH. CAPITAL., - - - $100,000 SURPLUS AID PROFITS. - $40,000 State Savings .Bank. DiIprCYOICt W. J. Booth Jna. V. Sheehan Wms. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Jan. H. Wade E. F. Mils N. J. Iye John Hearer Jsno.Koch Prof. H. S. Barbers Frank P. Glazier Christian Martin THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AID STEAMSHIP LINES. * - Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Effective October 26. 19012 ~ OUTH NORTH y No. e-:2a. A-B.m . No. 1- 9:00 A. M. No. 2--51:33 A. . No. 5-1l2:30 P,. m No. 4- 5:25 P.. M. No. 3- 4:53 r. m. Vn+,Teais No. S and 6 run between Anun Arbor nrtd Toledo only. x , 'ertsls, 21.. 4, 5, and 6, dalyoexcept Sunday re hair eams en Nos. I1'and 4. 2.WShG .W. T. WILLS, Agent. RENTSCH.LER 4. Maker of Photographs 4. Phone 319-2r. ANNUAL FOOTBALL EXCURSION. Te Chicago and return via Michigan Central, Weidnesday,, Hoe. 25, 1903:. Michigani vs.. Chicago. game will be Nov.lledo. MrsT l iel d :0Nv 6,Tcets will be gooti for re- ~trn. tin- all regular trains upi to eail includnig Monday, HNov. li0, .l903. $5.00 fosr the round tript. Special- train wiil leave Ann Arbo:r at 9:30 a. mn. Arrive Chicago:, 4:00 pi. m. Tier train will' cotislt of first-class coaches, par- lor 'car, dining car, atid lunch car. Passengers wisitig seats itsplorer ear make reservatiton in advance ,at Mich- igan Central Statio," Ann Aribor. Tickets onsle at SMeyers Hewn Stand by members of Athiltic B3oard, anti at Michigan Central Statioin. 50-57a AT GRANGER'S THIS WEEK. rl- akegiving nigt party Thursday night., 0:30 to 12 o'clock. Regular "as- semblies 'Wedntesday and Saturday night.. ,Pro:gramn class meetings Tites- tiny nighti and Satutrday afternoon. Granger's Acadlemy, on Mayinard street. 50-35 EARIN SPENDING MONEY. Wanted gesntlema cauvaser to nell ntw, quick-selling Christmas gifts for young folk. 'Apply at once.' Address 51, "care Daily. .JOB -P,) NTlNG--.MEYERS, :215 ,Main St. S. Phone 251. Fountain Pins . t :Gushing's, i , >T ward. 49-St---- t'. of M. Pins, Fobs, and Spoons at BASLEY eu EDmvr1Ds, Sthteede's, 340 State sre. 47-i? Fon-ter tre.~Skate O in in Foun-At erryField, a gold fob andt locket, with initials H. E. W. Ow- 125 E. TlAO ty St. ner call at 426 N. Ingalls street. tf .OOO N*®OAOO A large front suite, new curtains,PH T G A S niew carpets andi new paper. Are 00 od om ou n w ilke y66u wvarmi. Sinigle beds, bath, gas Call on. and telephone, 521 E. Jefferson street. SY ORSSUI F 316 S. Main Street. THANKSGIVING DAY -EXCURSION RATES. hennAbrRR;wlsele-"yhs 's P. 1+cintin tickets November 25th and paid for' second-hand clothing. 26th,, limited for retuirn to November -0 - 30th; and, fare and one-third for rounod Ahlorpairingte lte .YOU W. trip. 4ONov2t Goods called for, __________S. GO[DSTEIN. Fou ntain Pens at Bushing' n. *118 Easit t~ittelingten Strest. CAL LAGHAN' &COMPANY, Law BoksellersPublishers anlA fiortersilAO MVRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, The Frofessional Bats Dresser 322 a. State Street, tup statrs), extends spec- ial ititittinto the laedies to eall at liesper- lass to: inspeet lies new litietof heir ttnd, toilet goaods. Try miy Scientific Face Massage and Manicure. -- FINE- Pictures and Framles D1~ kI1~5 AT .5fk' 217..S. Fourth Avenue. ,. .. i EIecttic and Gas: Fixtures and' Construction. } ".Plrutbun ad Steam Work. All at Reasonabsle' Balesanad First=Class Order at .e F. SCHUH'S. 207 Ma Washiangtoen. &P I~j RF-TIN , I WRITIN 11 iiutraIned, pic I.' Ltd25yi esa.' eanatht scris tie e~rseey p n sia i ralnlglin r id writingfar iL0t. or oneowee ort$500. Ctjnudcive to hetith audsan ltvoeure or1s had writing. ndl idoallay-rstaided. 'Bses ttonen ' nd Anoenson,. I -, Ahdrosfrof. G. SSXILEE. .adsoa St. & Ogden Ave.. ChIcago. Ill. New Sleeping Car Line Between DETROIT, TOLEDO, COLUMIBUS Leave Detroit io p. m , Michigan -Ceiitrals, Leave Totledo 12:30 Night, Hocking Valley. - . Arrive -Col iniius 6:So a. in.,' Hocking Valley.- PARLOR CARS ON THlE DAY TRAINS.; Say "Hocki'ng Valley" to the ticket agent or write L. W. Laiidnean G. T. A.,,Detroit, Mich., Always Ahead It' Styles* M4IL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring.