THE MICHIGAN DAILY. a11 TlEMICHIGAN DAILY Enteredas secodclasscr.statthe Ann I Arbor Yost Office. Announceffellt.. The Largest and Most ,Complete, Line of... WOO LENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. H. Wild & Co's, 108 East Washington St. Great pains have been talten in the selection of all suitings, tiouserings & overcoatings for this season. G.eI WILD CO.1 108 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White Author ef "Cojurers Houise," -The Blae'rail,"etc. TIDE FOREST Ililustratedi with 18 fall-page iraitigs and awiti decorationstby Thoen~.s Po rty $1.50 NET A book full of the charm and9 the inystory and the wondei of the gteat woods. It ha been said olSir. White that lie ha9 the pow r to make you lcel the woods as the masters of silt wat-j er hection wake you feel the sea" 0 and in the chapters of thi hbook this quality o1 his work is moy_, prominent than ever before. There are stories of experiences and adventures 'on the long trail, in the wiido of Canada, hits of woodctaft, sketches of the Habitants and the woods Inudiatis of the northein country, ices pie- tures of the great forest in its many and variable moods. 5heehan's ANN ARBON, DETROIT, 320 So. 'State St. 160 Woodlward Av. 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO. TO..COLUM4BUS C. lb. MNa~or & Co., During Thanksgiving Vacation Wivll be in a poition to decorate your rooms without iconvenience to yourselves. 303 E.'Washington St. 'Phon 237 Pulished belly tleondayeceepted) durnsethy; colilege year, at i17 K. W5ashisgtont street, S(besemcctfloor, side entrane) Phone §u:.3r1 MANAGING EDITOR: II 5. EMORY 'IOcMASON BSNESS MANAGER: ROSCO 1 RSO EDITORS: Athletics. - - = ROETn- K. WALvONt News,- - - - J.5,S. LE ASSOCIATES: Cltffod Stevensoen, Roey Peebeles, A. M. (Grave, tHenery 1. Erwin A. C. Pousd. A. it. Otmeyer. Joseph.Y. Kerr. Stoddtard S. Motre. Ida M. tiriesirigg. L. Waite Jeayne. Geo. A. O(shoes. tIaroeld C. Suittet. Edior YToday-A. R. PEEBLES. Sueaeeetihes-ToeDollir etr i ear, payabie int advance. It/detisqscii af ter 1Nov. 1.'1Y)3, $2.50 Office Hourst-i2:30 tn 130 and 6t30 to 7:30 p. m. Daily. Address-ROSCOE B. HUiSTt)N, Bsiness Man- ager, 33i Packard Street. Teiephnne; d6i. " CALENDAR. Nov. 21.-Addtress Ity Chiorles Hurrey on "The College Man in the Worlid,' MacMillan Hall, ai. 0:30 p.i. m Nov. 22.-Spteclial religietus meetina in Newbierry Hall at oi:-5i Nov. 24.-Tuesday evenitig. Thanks- givitig recess biegios in all lUniversityidepiariments. Nity. 21.-Singing Meeting 5:00 p. to. University Hall. De. 5.-Faculiy(Conicert in Srhoiel of Music. p. tn. WITH A PATCHED-UP TEADA. (Continuedl Freim Page One.) Norcross 'fitoledel Hillis' punts, Shultz. falling oni the pigskin. ,Shiultz made 20 yards arond righ. antI the ball belonged toi Oberlin ott Michigan's 40-yard line. Michigan hielid for dowtis, bitt was petialized 1(1 yards for aft-side lplay. Maddork punii dt~i o Hammond, who 'coontiledl int his traecs, Line lburks faileid tooidvansce the bllt. Orreejeiggied lillis' icck and Redden ag-sin saved the ball for Michigan. Fromu this point ihe Wol- verine advattce was like alireicessotn. Maddork fuombted the pigskin after he had crosseid ihe goual line, tbit Nor- cross saved the secite. Hlammnond goated. anid the scoe-irwoo, Mtichigan 22, Oberlin 0. Behinid great initeference, Stimpson ran beackc the next Iiclk-off'tee the 35-i the match to Oberlin's goal would be ®f3~fffff+fff~f a mere etiomeration of gains by the * Yo mieNesi tackles and blacks. Curtis scoreid the * orEtr ed n touchdown from the 2-yard line, b'lut" the ball was called hack, and a 20- yard penalty administereit. Ham-t a e ia n this poiteWolfetosoreo' apltice * kick from the 20-yard lute faileid. AtZ al ; at left half. Mamontd scored after a 2 sL succession of line hocks, atid kicked * Text-ooks his onigoal. After a seties itt penaliies and gainsZ Hamniond made hi,,; seceonid failure on New and Second-Hand. a place- kcick, andi tinieo-as calleit" shortly afterwarid. The intermnissioen *" was enlivened by the handl.Drafting Instrumlents- and Te floig sbttswrnoted when the team litied up~ for ibe : Enginee tring Supplies : second half: James for Norcross;* Norcross for Reddcn; Person for Hige- ASeily low; Thoimpson for Dettree; Ham-Z mood for Gregory, atidEykce for Mad- Rihf-~as dock. : TheRih Prices Alwas 'Thle first score in this half was hard2 to get. After a run itt 20 yarids by eod-adBoo1. Wolfe, Stimpiseen gut the pigskin away e on-nau}O } frmteih neri ndiown7e te hll~ Bought and Sold at wotild net. alleiw tie score, bosseverc on the groittd that the hail hail teenti dlowntede by Wolfe'. Mtichigani sas* again penatized fur hoelding, anid Ober- liti soecred her ounly chance toi score. *A R' Metealfos drop-kickc freem the 25-yard BO KSO E line wetit wideeoef the pists atid Mich- * B O TRS igan steupoters breathed eair.A se- UP TOWN DOWN TOWN. ries of punts antdeedreins b ly and Thtompison advanced the ball to "ffffffffffff the 30-yardl line, svbere IHammnond tried another place kicki bitt failed. The balws-coagaite woreidctback to Oberlin's 10-yard line, anid tCittisse-es 3 SLJ T sent ever. Hanimond goialed. Score, Michigan 2(1, Obcrliii0. GAS ES I Theompson got Michigantsnxtsco t igkn a e t ar tied down the fiel with mouie iii less ad rlit byliet. kstatncin i msiiiSit leain- by'gthelar ckfbyie.Haou ndcd ek Rain goal, making the- scorie, Michigan 36 isih Oeln0 The Wolverines played their way Lind. I~I through the opponent's line fh igoe Sinail aI o. gains, and two mitiutes betorecltyi5 Fre- re.a- , k;:IiIIIl I. Iwas calleid Curtis sco ri-uaittikicedi . ilteei I hiso owtngoial. Score, Michigan 42 Oberlin 0. Folloiwitng is the line-uip: Michtigat.t, Otierlitn Reiddena. Nerrosso......Met call L. T. Curtis. . . . tti 1I. C. r Slitilte ............ It"elees Gregory,Hamumontd ...Mcf~aniets H. C. Goosing............ Vant'leei H. T. Maddick, Eykce ... F. Dolant, Harding H. E. Tom Hammond, Itenlop...Shuirtz Norcross, James.... -Huninugtoun, ... . . . . ... . . .McCarty Weekcs. Wolfe ......Stimpoon Rt. H. DePree, Thompson..Miller (Capt) F- Pigelow, Person ... . Golan The summary-Officials: Nofe-re Hollister, of Northuwestern; utmpire. Ed. Rtyan, of Detroit Athiletic Clutb; headlineomati, Mecugan. Fitual scorie. Michigant 42; Oberliti t. Time cii halves, 22 minutes. Touchdowns, Citris 2; Weekco, Hammoind, Thomp- (Continued en Page Three.) All Hot fa I o ltiGd rteres qed , WiliamS' Slv isg - t yard line, where he was tackled tby Norcross, Sloe only man between the runner and Michigau's goal. iHillis' putnt ssas recalled and Oberlin lost 5 yardso for "off-sidle playing. His tnext attenmpt was blockied, Bigelow drop- phng on the hall and Weekes scored after Fa few succssfol line"- buicks. Hammond kicked' a difficult goal. Score, Michigati 38. Oberlin 0. Shiulte Ikiecedl toMiller, who re- turtned the pigolciut te the'3(-yard line, and repeated for a first down. Cur- tis spoiled two plays and Oberlin woo forced to punt feo DePree on Michi- gan's 40-yard line. Tlie accoutnt of NNN AA*A*&Nm~te "a e*4B4B4B4B4B* NO4OO N 444*4444444444444444 N44444 N4*44444444444* wv. . TN[ M UDUNTS' L[CTUR[ AbSOCIATION WALTLER W[A W ill b~ a k o n c R S 1 l M - I saturday tveninq, Nov.:21 A DfrIISION - _ 50 CENT8j DCAN lM. 5ffAISOLT, M~anger Monday, November 23rd Whe F .aousO.igiraai. Evrolasting Botaston ia ns With Baanabe. ftMa cDoal%,d. Ametrhcas premter mutsieal organteiztin-. Y. News, Septnuber Pithi. t903. Dekoarv eft .So-rolt's "."Robin. Hood" The only Amertcaen eotsic upera classie. Nutitg lthe itt tnuthee wortd cut eottte opera.- Ne. YAmeriean, Set.liii,103.c Cho BOSTONIAN'S Own Orchestra. FTIC2S Rows$x.00; Ox-chests-e%- anod Raws inn Ci'- aei$1.0 bali. of La-nr.-Floora $1. isal. 75n; (tal. S0c. TUESDAY,. NOVEflB[R 24, 1903 SW[[T'S ARTISTIC VAUIDVIL[EIANS, POPULAR PRICES I I Z i N lN N +N N NN NN NN wfNN NN1 HENY&KEMERCHANT TAILORSUNI- AVORT