The Michigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1903. No. 50 WITH APATC ED--UPTEA". ***f'Lf f f f f Michigan Rolled Up 42 Points Against + REULTS OF YESTERDAY' GAME. Oberlin in 50 Minutes of Play- Small crowd Witnessed the Last *f Michigan .................N42 Oberlin...n.............. Smllc fth Yaro Frr * Wisconsin.........6 Northwestern.............. 6 * Game of the Year on Ferry Yal..................... 16 Harvard .................... 0 Field. * Iowa.....................12 Illinois.....................0 * Before the few shivering spectators f Nebraska .................. 52 Belleue ,................. . 0 wbn braved the chilling wind on Fer- * Virginia Polytechnic Ins..... 11 Annapolis ................. . ry Field Saturday afternoon, a * Benton Harbor H. S......... 42 Arln Arbor H. S............. 0 * latched-np Michigan team defeated Oterlin by a score of 42 to 0. Thef Wolverine team was composed largely of scrubs, and James and Norcross FANCY DR[SS PARTY. SENT GR[[TING. were the only Varsity men to get into the backfield at any stage. While the Leading Girls' Function of the Year, Walter Wellman On S. L. A. Course score is not as large as was expected, Carefully Planned-Successfully Brought Words of Greeting To the scrubs deserv credit for the good Carried Out-Some Clever Football Team From President article of football they showed the Costumes. Roosevelt. handfull of spectators present. The presence of Alonzo A. Stagg. The prettiest party given by the "Tell those boys at Ann Arbor who the crafty Maroon coach, was another University girls during the year, the play football that I am deeply inter- cause of the low score. Coach Yost fancy dress party, came off Friday ested in them, and that I would rather directed the scrubs to play only night at Barbour Gymnasium. About see them play a game than recognize straight football, and the fakes in one hundred couples were in the another South American republic. which he has drilled the men during grand march, and the gallery was They are a bully lot, and I admire the past week were studiously avoid- thronged with spectators. The or- them greatly." The above message ed. The frozen ground kept all but chestra consisted of three pieces, and was sent to the Ann Arbor football a few of the regulars out of the scrim- throughout the evening the music was team by President Roosevelt through mage. only three Varsity line-men, good Mr. Wellman, when he was apprised Gooding, Shulte and Curtis playing Girls in motly attire began coming that the latter was to address an Ann the entire game. at 8 o'clock, and from that time until Arbor audience last evening. Oberlin played a heady and fast iiine a stream of girls kept coming in Walter Wellman, the newspaper gaie on the few occasions they se to be 'recived by the commitee. At man and Washington correspondent, cured the ball, and considering their the head of the reception committee appeared before a large and enthu- very light weight, made a consistent was Miss Mary Farnsworth, president siastic audience in University Hall showing. Their end were especially of the Woman's League. Miss Farns- last evening, under the auspices of fast in getting down on punts, and worth was dressed as a Spanish dons, the Students' Lecture Association. Hillis' kicks were long and high. Ob- with full skirt, lace corsage, and lace Mr. Wellman proved an able and en- erlin's strong point was in providing head-dress. In contrast to her cos- tertaining speaker, keeping his au.- interference on running back the kick- tume was that of Mrs. Angell, who dience deeply interested as he related offs. The men waited for the runner stood next in the line. She wore a anecdotes of life and men "Behind and then moved down the field in a flowing, Oriental costume, of rich, blue the Scenes at Washington." solid mass. Once Miller got clear o1 satin, with flowers of deep pink; she Mr. Wellman spoke as follows: the bunch in this way and Norcross' had on her head a pink turban. This "Washington is not only the political tackle was all that saved a score. costume was presented to Mrs. An- capital of the United States, but has Michigan's defense was like a stone gell by a Chinese lady during her res- aecome of late the national center wall whenever danger threatened, dence in China and besides being if refinement and culture as well. It tI ,"-- t'liOerin t show to very beautiful is very interesting. was once described by a stranger as score. Line bucks were futile, and Mrs. Jordan ait the new mm ber o a cIty of "magnificent distances," but the Buckeyes could gain but little the advisory board of the Woman's a city of "magnificent vistas" would skirting the ends. The Wolverines League. Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Rebec, Mrs. sow be more appropriate. The beau. were inferior to Oberlin in running Jennie Cheever, Mrs. Charles Davis, ty of the architure in the public build- back punts, only two clean catches and Mrs. Effinger, completed the re- ngs and private dwellings, the holl- being made in the back field. The ception committee. day gaity of the people, and the at- Oberlin ends were quick to take ad- At 9 o'clock the grand march be- mosphere created by the throngs in vantage of this weakness. Michigan gan, led by Dr. Snyder and Miss Stu- social life make Washington a Paris lost heavily by penalization for off- art. The march was a very pretty in beauty, but with the American side play and holding in the line ne, and showed the excellent training standard of morality. Many of the scrubs, who have the girls have had in marching. To "Foreigners never cease to marvel worked hard and faithfully through- the onlookers the scene was beautiful, it the ability of great men in out the season, were given an opportuo the lines winding and unwinding in Washington, whom they consider to nity to show the effect of their sea- all sorts of figures, the colors blend- be low-born. Men who once followed son's drill, and the result was by no ing and mixing, costumes of every the plow in boyhood are in the fore. means disparaging. The agitation for possible kind, from rare , beautiful most ranks as scientists and profes- a post-season California trip has nes to the plainest and most incon- sional men today. The wife of an at- caused a great renewal of interest, gruous, mingling in the designs. The tache of the Austrian diplomatic corps and the scrubs are putting forth ev- mist beautiful costumes were un- .n Washington remarked one day that ery effort to land themselves among doubtedhy the old-fashioned ones, with American men perhaps had less of those taken on the trip. The 1901 tight, basque waists, and old-fashion- superficial grace than men of Europe, California trip was allowed by the ed, full skirts. Several of the girls but what was better, they knew how Faculty as a reward for the hard wore their grandmother's wedding to treat a woman as their 'intellectual work and sportsmanlike endeavor of gowns. Miss Whitmore wore an equal and moral superior.'" the men. The University of Califor- olive-green satin, foulard, her grand- Regarding President Roosevelt, Mr. nia has asked Michigan to consider mother's wedding dress; Miss White, Wellman said: "He is undoubtedly a Western trip, and the feeling is ev- of the medical department, wore an the most earnest and positive nature erywhere evident that the 1903 team old-fashioned pale-violet, satin dress, that has occupied the White House deserves as much credit for its sun- with an overskirt of stripped violet since the days of Andrew Jackson. cessful season as did any of its pre- and white; Miss Converse wore her The president's life is a most busy decessors. mother's wedding dress, with a waist one, and carries with it more anxiety The regular backfield was kept out of pale-blue satin, and skirt of bro- than any other station in American of the Oberlin contest to avoid ac- caded silk. In striking contrast to life. In this connection it may be fit- cidents, and ought to be in fine fettle these lovely, old dresses, were some ting to remark that our public men for the Chicago game. The Wolver- of the ridiculous make-ups. Sis Hop- are no less deserving of praise than ines have the better of the argument kins, with plaid skirt and stripped are the heroes of the battlefield. It on form, but Stagg is a man of sur- waist, with pig-tails sticking straight is mainly due to them that this na- prises, and Eckersall's drop-kicks may up from her head, and blandly inno- tion has taken its place in the forward figure largely in the result. Chicago cent face, made merriment wherever rank with the other nations of the is not confident of success, but Michi- she went. Miss Dickinson, a senior world. When the Uited States gan connot be caught napping. The law, whose home is in the far West, deemed it proper to brush Colombia Wolverines will be coached and train- represented her home country,- as aside for impeding the world's pro- ed to the minute for the big game, Wild West Bill. Her costume was ex- gress Europe said nothing, nor would and can be depended upon to uphold cellent; she had on a heavy cartridge she if we deemed it proper to annex the confidence of their supporters, belt, fairly bristling with fire-arms, the whole of South America." The game yesterday ran as follows: and bowie knives, and her wide som- Oberlin won the toss and chose the brero was set on her head in a very ACCIDENT IN POWER HOUSE. west goal. Shulte kicked off to Stimp defiant way. Lieutenant Chase was son, who returned the oval to the there to keep track of her. Lieuten- The large engine which was in- 20-yard line. After two futile line ant Chase's soldier costume lost noth- stalled in the engine room upon the bucks, Hillis punted to Norcross, -who ing in interest from the fact that it campus last year, broke its cross-bar fumbled, Redden saving the ball in had been through the Cuban war, and yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock, mid-field. DePree went around left had seen actual service. An old darky and jammed its piston rod against its end for five yards, and Weeks fol- mammy, who talked the Southern dia- cylinder head. The force of the blow lowed suit. The hacks bucked the lect, and danced -ridiculously, no one was so great that it completely smash- Oberlin center to the 15-yard line, recognized, as a pretty, popular upper ed the cylinder head and hurled it where Curtis took the ball for the classman until the evenig was nearly against the wall with a terrific force. first touchdown, in three minutes of over. Miss Elizabeth Bush, dressed Several students were at work in play. Hammond kicked an easy goal. in pure white, made a beautiful and the room at the time testing the efi- Score, Michigan 6, Oberlin 0. imposing Miss Columbia. Little girls ciency of the engine. The fact that The next score was not so easy. in1 short dresses played withv their no one was injured is considered Stimson ran the ball back to the 23- dolls: a pack of cards, the queen of remarkable, for every two minutes yard line. Two line bucks failed, and hearts, the queen of diamonds, the they took the reading of the gauge. (Continued on Page Two.) (Continued on page 3.) (Continued on page 3.) LAWS DEEAT ENGINEERS. Final Game of the Interclass Series Played Yesterday--A Decided Vic- tory for Laws--Attendance Large, In one of the best class games wich has ever been played in Ann Arbor, the 1904 Laws yesterday morning'on Ferry Field defeated the 1906 Enin- eers by a score of 6 to 0. The game was characterized throughout by fist, clean play, and the lack of fumbles was a proof of hrd and consistent 'practice o the prt of both teams. The game resulted in a clear victory for the taws, and leaves no doubt as to which class is due the football championspip of 1903. The glory was not conined to the game alone, for the Engieers were routed in the rush which took place after the fray on the gridiron. The Laws form- ed themselves int a triumphal pro- cession and marched from the gates of Ferry Field to the Law, Building, -where they broke up, happy in having won for two successive years the in- terclass pennant. In the first half, with the exception of Hahn's long run, the honors were fairly eually divided, but in the sec- snd half the Engineers were outplay- d both on the offensive and defen- sive. The Laws first kicked off to he Engineers, who on not being able to advance tpe ball, punted, the Laws were equally unfortunate in not be- ing able to gain, and a kicking dual ensued until the ball was in the cen- ter of the field. Here Hahn, by a clever dodging and hurdling run, broke away for a touchdown. For the rest of the half neither side was able to gain substantially, and time was called with the ball in the center of the gridiron. I this half Knight drop-kicked from the 35-yard line. It was a pretty try, but the ball fell short. In the second half the Engin- eers kicked off to the Laws, who car- ried the ball the whole length of the field to the Engineers' 15-yard line. Here Badenock attempted a place kick, which was blocked and bounded back to the Engineers' 40-yard line, where the ball was downed and saved for the Laws by Lee. The Laws were unable to advance the oval and punt- ed, here the Engineers by their most brilliant play of the day, started for the Law goal, but were forced to punt o the Laws 20-yard line. Mathews by a very pretty quarter- back run carried the ball 20 yards into the Engineers' territory. Further play was interrupted by time being called. The halves were 15 and 20 minutes long, and Coach Yost officiated both as referee and umpire. Time keepers were Boyd and Jones. Linesmen were Karston and Walton. The line-up was as follows: R. E. Brown.... .. Knight R. T. Faling ......... ........... Cron R. G. Turner ..................,Sibley C. Seit .................Tullock L. G. Badenock ................ Spaulding L. T. Hamner .................... Beechler S L. E. Lee ......................Edwards R. H. Putman ...................Gotschall L. H. Hahn ............ Homes, Corruthers Q. Mathews...-...-..-...-....Snow F. Hyde ...................... Kennedy With this game the interclass sched- ule has been brought to a close with- out a hitch. Manager Harry Wier de- serves considerable ciedit for having so capably directing the interclass work, and for bringing the season suc- cessfully to a close. Y. M. C. A. NOTES. Chas. Hurrey, an old Michigan grad- uate who, has been appointed to the position of college secretary of the Y. M. C. A. work in the Middle West, will address University men on the subject of "The College Man in the World" at MacMillan Mall today,