THE MICHIGAN DAILY. THAI RARTICUL[AR 5OfrIETI1NG Puritan Shoes POPULAR. You may get tbe same quality in other makes at $5 but no les.. Ann Arbor Store, 1 1.1 S. Ma1~in. [actory-Brocklon, Mrass. a MOGUL LCYPTIAN CICfItLTS Qrotvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed .in America. -MOdUL SMOKL MAKES LCY1TIAN SMOKLtS 10 or5cens.. }fThe WC. KUrilCo. 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. 7/ Caps and Gowns made to or- /i der and rented. ',' Pennants for all colleges and itt itt Vfraternities c'arried ..c s' Q'/y A (It Clas Pins, Cla ss and Teamn Caps. -z yo3 05o ", , Send for Catalogoes. 41 + " .411441114 ' 444" 141'+.ri i.414.4141i" 141. i.+aJ+Y ~MONEY LOANED ON j Watches, Oiairaends. Jesteiryandall 1-igli .' ". Class Chattel a rid 4 ,, Collateral Seceoty. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL '~ .° W. J. LOURIMV.. ilena 7.tenning tlock. Phner 45.+ IT ffc H ors 9to 1:3, til) :S0 7:100eto8:30arr M0 a. For a Good Coup of+: R EN TS CH L ER.For anythingin the linesof 44 COFFEE OR ~~~~~~Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, 4'IPoe392.CrerMi n uo tet. 4 COFEsO ConrMiadHrnStet.4 CHOC LATEWe have somle special, offerings to Made Right anrd Served Right make in flistloll desks arid roll top Call on deaks. If you are in Ilee of ut tch ani article, it pays yeu to conie arid see PEU~NUWCOOK, ouir line. Thie Confecetioner, 310S. tatell.tI A very nitcs assorrtmoent ofnMorris 4 .-........ ........ chairs, jtist coma in, ranging ini price _----from $6.00 to $10.00~. Theiy are 511110- D., Y., A. A. & J. RAILWAY diii quality for the line. ST ANDARD TIM)C We alsii carry a very i e oe of Far Detrrilt ialf hourly from 6:15 a. u. unti receiving chairs an(1 studiy chairs, situnt:5p .he oryutl1:5 FrYs-cerul ivt o ocm n annti oly, at 11it a. m1 and 11:45 a. mr. Far bobk them oiver. Mart in -taller, 112, Jackson hlourly from 8:i5 a. mr. until 7:15 P. U1.1., 116 HLLiberty51 7-1 Thienat 9:15 p. a. nd11:15p . Sor.4-4 Waiting Room, Huron St., W. of Eatn. _____ " DoVYOU WANTA GOOD ... $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN ? Try the "UNIV[RSITY." Mann's Drug Store, 213 S. Main St. p'resident. V. Presesin. S. W. CLARKSON0, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICHT. CAPITAL, - - - $100,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS. - $ao,000 State Savings Bank. DIOZrCTol3tib W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan W Vm. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Jan. H. Wade E. F. Mills N.J. Kyer .JohnlHaarer Jno. Furls Prof. 1H. S.Cartiart Frank P. Glazier Christian Martin THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trains learn Ana Arbor hy Ceatral Standard Time Effecti-re Octoher 25,1902. SOUITH NORTH No. 6- 7:2S A. 5M. No. i- 9:00 A. M1. No. 2-11:33 A. 5. No. 5-12:30 P. a. No. 4- 0:25 P. so. No. 3- 4:53 P. M. Trains No. 5Sands6 run hetween Ann Arhor and Toledo only. Trains 1,,2,,3, 4, 5, andt6, dailynexcept Sunday Free chairecars on Nos. 1land 4. J. J KIRY, G P. . T. WILLS, Agent. J2.IRYG .A Pantorium, 336 5. State. Cleaning, Pressing and Rtepairinig. Clothos called for arid delivered. Leave or- ders at CushingslDrug Store, orr 'phone 562. Bath Supliles of all inds at all prices at. Cunhingos Pharmacy. EARN SPENDING MONEY. Wanted getlemian canvaser to sell new, quick-sellinig Christmas gifts for yorung folik. Apply at once. Addreoo It, care Daily: JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 2151 Main St. B. Phone 281. Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar. row's and Huyler's Chocolstes at Cuuh- logs Pharmacy. I 4.441144114411411441.441+4 Fountain Pens at Cirshing's. MAKE MONEY. Wanted a lady canvaser who ran wont ahout two houirs daily to oell a 'good article, suitahle for Christmas gifts. Address 1I. caroeIDaily. Lost-A tarir oirioe glasses,btwsveen Lawv Buildling artd Sigma ('hi tounse. F'indier pleaise return to 1+,. 11. Snmithi, Signia 'hiIliiusie aniilreceie 're- ward. I4t-5i U, of Nl. lPins, Folio, andl Spoons at. Scilerile's, 116 State street. 47-52 Found-At Ferry Fielid, a gold fobharid locket:, wills initials E. E. W. Ow- ner call at 426l N. Ingalls street. tf A large front surite, eew curtains, new carpiets antI new papuer. Are you coild? Crime tii us arid we wilt beep youo warm. Single bedls, bath, gas and telephone, 521 E. Jefferson street. tf THANKSGIVING DAY EXCURSION RATES. Th Ann Arhor R. R. will sell ex- cuirsion ticktoes November 25th and 26th, limited for retuirn to November 30th, anid fare and one-third for round trip, 40Nov26 Fountain Pens at Cushing's. .'4st1 tf'i.4.44.414r4 +t+" +4s t f141..414141441444 SOthers Claim Them, We Haye Them, 41 lash'.der srig Chie, Lrge- 4 Iis-e i-fitiSFoossds sre ithi INice _ ich CrIeIsarm. aaeres vsedl and 4 neahly'servediltor huislers. IT hr only stitly First Class Short 4 Order Dining Room in ihe City. (tue Past reco:rd is our guaranteel' + Willits, The Caterer., O((yster itay P'lier467. 3 Opera tromt:6:30 titllinighit. 315 S. STATE ST. I PALDINs'S OFFICIAL' .INTER-COLLEGIATE 4 FOOT HALL f ned by all tir Leading 4 " Colleges FoSot BallPantso_ Lade frontl, tiles :and knelies paddedt witi f ine.-surle ir sesithigths New York, ChicagoDenver 40 -pading's Otlilelial iPoot BItl iuds Pice1OetOs. .41 BAILEY & E~DMbUNDS, FISH NT FOR DECOR(ATINaI. $21 Eant Liberty Street. PHOTOGRAPHS Call on SEYMOUR'S STUDIO 316 S. Main Street. Hlighest Cash Price paid for second-hand clothing. Shoo repairing while you wait. Goods called for S. iOLDST[I N. 7210 RastlvWishington Strret. Money Loaned ON Watches, Diamonds Or other personal property of valuic. Watches and Jewelry Re- paired. Bargains in Watches and Diamonds. Office at residence. 33t E. Lih- erty Street, A nn Arhor. flours 8 to 11:30 a. in., 1 to3:30 p. in., 7 to 9I p. ni. All Business ('onfiden- tial. JOS[Pfl C. WATTS. CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, Law Booksellers, Publishers and Imlporters, 114 MONROE STREET, CHICAGO. ( Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbing and Steam.Work. All at Reasonable Rates and First-Class Order at J. Jr. RCHVH'S, 207 E. WasMlongtozn. BIXIER'S IPHYSICAL TRUNING IN WRITING, the honk fur sll the people nil the time, in all vscation;: fsr home improvemeot. ,00 pp. iluntralned, price :1. Tested 25i re; ra. Three months' esrres pondeaci coarse by authur $7. Fur a brief tore I wilnnd the hook and cours far 7i. OWill leture an physical traininglin rapid writing for $i10, or on we-ak for 0301). Conducive ta health and pouitive cure for bad writing. Individualityr retaised. Businesa Penman and one lemson, 101. Address Prof. G. BIXLER, Madison IL. & Ogden Ave., Chicago, Ill. i+ r+ r+SF+'. +: +:t j.+i +:++Y. S«.hJt-.2..' +3«.'ltts .' i w la,.+Ta.+w.i ,a .+aJG.JL .L ..L +... M _._ .: i New Sleeping Car Line Between DETROIT, TOLEDO, COLUTI BUS Leave Detroit io p. in., Michigan Central, Leave Toledo 12:30 Night, Hocking Valley. *Arrive Coluinhus 6:5o a. mn., Hocking Valley. * PARLOR~ CARS ON TiHE DAY TRAINS. Say i"Hocking Valley" to tire ticket agent or write4 L. W. Landmnan G. T. A., Detroit, Mich., r5. W-*- W-*-++++++++++++++ , -W w -a. 1n Atsc 1 kswa' Always uscata In Styles, MILWARD THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring,