Th Michiga1
Vol:. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1903. No. 48
Coach Yost Chased His Wolverines Keeps the Thousands of Library Vol Proposition Before Big Nine FacultyI Series f Pictures the Gift of Pres.
Last Night-Preparations For Chi- Ines in Repair-Job Printing Of- Conference-Specials May H-aes Angell-Represent Living Game-
cago Struggle-Oberlin Game fice Gives Work to Five to Tabs Specified Amount of Display at Museum
Pales lno Insignificance Be Students Work-Preparation Should hbe__
side Championship Contest Complete. Thruglh the inssof tPreieot
st-itof the lstituios o runners diI Aigeli 1lr i erit5 hs ecetsly
The adsverse eathier cesiittoitiisofi silt ihe Ctdiversity o itt cheligats with Ti'eiew pIripiositiits tiorconsidesit eniad e richer sy a seies of
te 1pastthree tays hatenso5thadlthe sstlt-wh eich le are lilefamililais thes atinsat the IBig Nine Faculty ( iter soie' uil the must wonderful photo-
ejfect of putting a duttpei nn. ielts ook bitery, loated ini the taseenest ne sesistn, to le heli at the Chin tg gra hs evset taken The pictures are
gatsspIrpaoratios for Tite 'spiroarh-, of e(t(, Lbrary tBuildingi. Thistspllan Beach Huel the ay after Thaissgs s birsiide cltrgemiets oi otgraph,.
lug Chicaugoustruggle, aso i stotigls is ownedt antdliopertedl by th i5iivtr itg, ae e teno m ie.Prfessr '.,.sOf1litsiog ousre i teir sat ie hunts,
ilsesqud lttoslereaeitshu lyiiis' utlori ir ealosie orLw te .Jtnes, te Mtinessta ri-reseita'5 le wttchsweretalenbItAlrlGerge Sh-
tiumbilers, store itan enougiihlslfir lto lbeneit f le totter-ut y Seeral atil treshdenst f the cn eser o rhas otfIPitsutg. Thy re pictres
eassfacesd the chltly tbltsts oiii rfi er s agou iitas titfud tiat the x SLihecitrrenttiyear, was i itt agstoaSun sit eer talet at ight, y faslight.
ry Field last night. Ali titfte regi- p tns iotkeepintg the cittstaitly i- ty, o isIisreturn frtotmsCampaigns tii r ts tgsotp iswhich cntsists of fie hs-
lays, ex eesi sssitsg st si were ii sisig nsttmber oit orisies its the lt i sMinooasulis. i tH raph s is lstIst s Sore te rear wall of
its harness, ,andssithe signlsworik wis a i odrisiit pass tirottwas ecmng as Prtfessr Janies sussad hal siceuhis ilseideer casts ttttthe secnttfloortsseof
itt the fastest surt. BosthiJattisiandl tst i tt stinsstme istorstance. Notis ontly circular cotiniing lproposassls frts le Ii',l(tetn
Norcrossshaila a etit ehSint hets lit olbottoks larselto lit'rebounditi tften,. Icissisn aite confereceemades byst e tc Iiis phtougraps are the restts
VastlyandI tir- latter siar lit slteittit ut a sbt-itailolbtininglts tmustalsi oasts' diffee'tcoleges hostblestsen t t 555055y5year5s' worik ositIhi- lar- itt
hit slit Obsirliss gamer litauseit ofst be gint e ts azin'tes swhicht 'tte situt, ssw sitsre ail roms its andt i 'li . s is huh t it s i sltct was
Iattis' sprsainei' wrstut wsicset lactsKet on fliiisailsit isota spplmtas-ssry stat ite' ~l es e cithisel, Iihe'hatcout-
thes quart1sttatck at adadtuvistage Its When'ts heis hmondi-sBsi Iackuis Cot-is moest. IcItse-si' t etosithels tiiwig ii tt.ita m t otutnI iale simsmtet
pa~ssnt he p itlts'.'spattu wei'nt istioft ine indelstsr'ysbusiness fits:itscii tha s iproduied-i tnt' successful
Te fIoznti ttcion sisd t li - tionisititgrou d iin AiniAtboutfits 186,ii heiveri ssits l siitt siisi ss'a iii ttiii's HIei'hlstspenit.itdIa's'itsthe
mad tec oiessar y t abanssonsiall ii0 ste tca i' tsr'ssi ui pat s I . Se ltsti usdents sluldrthsivol tt i iiiaset tFiirlstis Mcsla
Lutoriiiig urhasd hei plntand Scoolcorseorful euialetso sikleuc ttitofi sitor itns i hi ganser
ofi a setrimmtge'b'c' use ft h fl 55 h s I i ssit e n te scamp~us 'is1e etult tiat te atlets'soit a cillige soldsi ee motsisieih torah w r
hoodt ofs acti et'sts. The i sti r se1it1 is that dli thsestlast siveral eare bei' iiicliatae giails i tknsit yi n lyg te ihaittts atsl -ito
abletoligetfir1tm footthldssoiit te I-it s ro lttsl it ls sait soritsell, iesile i see rti ttistay~is 0of h tieials Ea'ht thitis'
sssnw u.nt sir statira thisrt'eiri'Aipsitsribedsatouittofsspeettl
hutsshtcttsg lss i e nmisitii a, sa't rl u ti s. ok souutli te resiu ire sohal tegatp5htiti waen stou Vs ets lienutd
plays sicre- sunstff 15 fsti ss i t lstye e Te itorkOit i inist" 0tutkIiis n'o al ssudentts aathinslitswaningshenshsfosn
Teatstsisnats' tsbetig eitchit 'h l ne r thlintest'litg ittoctesitthat it shisusl e sticessar y fIsis 'gsbiltty siplace stwh ih wsute stavte lssr or
Maon r big Prete, 'e ws a ott ite, hiscust tIit s ~ i ush'sutr a i hti i asits 19grud fsonitcst aty fawnso
meni--stts's"raatiits.tDsirie hiss(s t eet oq eto s saeite s's ere iwo It tohdritk, his'st us itsIi
Aulntwert r i d 11outusatuet.thalfthu t s eiast e tfs il ane o i-a'-tng is -ihgs siuh ust'uis 'suu tt u t~ea hs hs
is e frotmg isu it- Ob'isinds icttetiH C s suis'yhe ertoltttoswithiisenistrance ttc itt os1''titiitiot.]s-ihtiast.tIe0 tyhas
\Sth'''usssths itt Is iiitsthusmetutuomsthe.tOhiotctu-etesit--[hy is hute tu ss htt t Sut'mr fo t'uun tt' teth lu--hit ing atu crositts te titunw si
this'ghardts'aea ,'anuinend's b Idite suitcond gtionttcut make'ri-sits nn-i' eitit5initsc''a thus-sit
sitcii: ito guustusul ,thess hs iiih bItso Tiii ulpaiSarely
hit e at5 s si ghst lu ft t thi ' h oldti tis tutuheiiuback wsolktitentthttiareitwo wilts tiighhlsuIc snsistuwouldiauitssute
sitverineliot sit hit (iin eintstihss
st-sth ees"nistutu' ois" 1 reheredsktsh-lih- ow
si r t tiue.1i iiht Isiptui eIi 0 tr t tcttttut y ovs't wits ln p ts sly ptuuth luteut'-' Iht ii uit h uhshom ci A slut ii s takef
stt'hscoe sue itstti it 1 usast yttsst{{,{'''hnuachslut lust-u slrucodion~ tdi.c ht-u'as wee c Bitt Tke
Chcgo b arsore, ene o" h m , Iola d , h fr m"af e m ss- i t ru-u' itta Sugg- i otat on-t(t I th''a ds e tt~ t hutmiselvs. a'i-sa t
so e a g r td a o b acc l r n ,h sitbeenl conlu te's us witths 5 s I ti sias this cotw t ttS' i'st, tlius t it th si e fots sih ntS ursaglsiaterst Ius
peih ,ut t ous t tius's hlut Midwayus Oil(' ut hut' i uso ttht -hu-ut Stu' 'hut it lit'S lt l it'5 St - ii hu nst ssa
sass-shut suIeais uuistu auvudhu lehs' uheushgographudie t The igeiiiu
us th alis o is tus 'oith e scttIat ilet 'aesis, fulthus'enaredefori'olus"thu--i-sc-t-h tuu'bttuwhill tatstsh sse u is
oft e5ao n h a co ta5e s i _ Sf cuit s e,'tih's ops'tl 5 ni ehi .it i vehnut t u t Hcit s it- thus-icusus h m s elve' s aarac"'st.isuasy it
i t. as usuou(' us'sui t ms ush it's Stutu1ti ide aI- tle n wb his'en ith,swis rts:si ts ,l its act woi du tm tu ,i s n lua s l thid W itsh iss', a slightsg iagi aet ia 1on '
wh,s os ht'stlsoe shs i t i-u's'osi to e usa e us'h prn frtin
caugh , na ping and ltho gh c lust sus t i tsof 'd -gth m ga iuslslsr -isch ru(issll na urtk ll-ttH tc
w is lb s driveutseA s q u sthi ' sitis 10 olvn t nc h re 11 h ec n e r n a q e ti nH f lf .t e av . T e att d s o
Irs is t s ftisitihets-t, tus ut s tt-umSi hgiss -i al ft his bi ndingst dunsu oeiu u tse y Ise f ee'
~~~~~us ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r suvssus t Sas sit i t tu i us iSl huetus hat-sttast tyears, h utspeSius'" tudsen1tts l ih ith u prsststl ofAnth ity s, tits-
i1505day.5have be n technicallyuelgiblesforuS iton thes-s ol is 'suu or51 ex-is
lT'e anno nceses' th t Y stSw uts Stdi tcatnsthis'tuuuse aflte wichustheys havetutu' peduuss detsth
sa tifietisugoit o a lintress m osIhs siS I his us 5 tout st lsfsorl'r'' ut 1ttu' uts'' s' u i iti sltsistw s
guuusi"sue sit"it U s ths'ade its ifromtth St hue hutgod.s lmst Sisteuptotup'' fs I suitsclussl
lerst o ca c iht suss t tssit i ea ,ws a S uu t heP of ssrsJ nosuithe Slut' i-amo s pitur.uttsuf a be utfu
rooted withushe r eates 5 sits lut hutisussari i, t ioSMsui ts i s sssass-to'us c h ig j ti-'-h'stt, ilwh itS colt esh adt mait tutu ii head tuiftusdol satterntitn S hsusu sc
oilsss'r'tig'theiucatotimhoplis55'AtsitIsirshis' slogbe issnehewsllues
shistii S hul uussu'shis' -ttu-itti ts-s s1-an ushr listheto stall, )ii 'hyvit s pail ssshutsah s e itih1, tsh's it. uAt, uris s'so ifts. uieut lth e gs
Seem d ferg odshb read t eusut iutis's' s tt ut ih ci isiui iitha to sii t ofs Su s tittn ]iAr- elua Sctytil o esp ricasing n e wato
corroborationibystlutist-soosaltS'l''As Irustd t ar t e d sls- slilies. suu bus ckus ou nd um ist heol deeot
prspect i oatus , ' let- l'hano ht sit ite --sthus'ea tutui si ny ofts'laroutS isiutt Ih h IchsuolssI's htgiIta h-t- icui' sil "ii h1s ase tn
liusir ltytity s ush harh -tuu hg un-es-tis i stlllitplas-i sts ur tu cohy lalwg11ast is sp r gss-In usfidta ns ,sAboadihoisdean w
csh aosipu ulimiistil uss-ar harsh 't'eI' ris.,soisy tutnsig at 1 eht isorustli rueions suts' r cns id r--"wnusil hutei out s okdIoas
iurstls ~ ~ ~ aqusiton fitthrfomt Thutee c o (lu's-st uririss 5hr bah g mi ttis-lo ire nSlur d'been rt'S st lu is' 5 inetesSO UTI NS
hssll tug hig , t sr u-su'hav es tuuus'porl ue sts'u it s ti5t555woitil ristg'h triecole e iitat isse ue -3 tus auh1s ute's tubes i atpoolif Ew in:
vusuuuiug uruusS ysstuu tus s-ttulut"''501 iii h ls llrito stf his Sis bus t hadsut abdIen uspro ess is-lure 51at inswhic husthe itstarit st-leerly
to e th'aus' geot ossu- '-vor c a nus- hushouss-tfess Situ-is' ls e antust ssh usas sutrsau litS hus
Teinssus hisAl sIss Is--iiss-s eis fs- ir ri- i ah luahuipriynrs aeuuug larg e or ute te q ' % u - Vsh iea us sb ausei of tthese athe
gaoluntne sh ncs e thaut-tsfhs usdI hooshi rksss aJhus onvuenienStbutshu muilegs-y sos-s ttegas Sa tisiiy' i uiect'-seicasit uwn C
giuntillatscontissnue hm a renusofg con'su'sa nd uetsr T~s hu-sr;smuatritaseet nrssty Si hs egie ttI ltusuis l eths' ingss sis15 eyg doe
I Sy ssuhssssatse suthiig arsty tsntlsuss hutsh-propsuos lh t urs-sluh aSlttsu insih tf itcthi ddein
Easty rnerssu s. n19 ' a o gTheans S iv., lltallgNoThe athlte stou ldthat shtsp ed't s ise ox ure s it e .mush31s1s:th lss
ce ltoe.sntchbului aoss 1'tS hh cssus ou sltsIN TyRCASh w S es lirureettlyum nserigexis cireulaut : lient, itea car 'tat istedea wth o
she eChiu co trilahe wmaloe h yl uauO st hehutnhlieruscwassefotbaly amsie e a iuaituus aitnals rs u ,itashi th c las .h u p o ns
sisgip sspoi Sr heflo toelshoan tiwus cas tusheuiorl sered thusslts igrhfSschrolusisthul shahgothu-re i ssuu' lstsS isturu o i h
sturgo.and iaof iro tes isltohsmesayhard aysie l t Situ-daygoerestn ilt 10to siSrtat Slitsrn asenscogetss -i_
eropiiohs aeuss ehsi so .statfa ce fobi hict o au b-r i i se s'lo sTho inalmesuinothe inge - hc shyhessulmarshyeoeactee, an loved to
in Shin manner. ,staitedtuan as thelaws tusrcheid thetFotb ail RushesCmiteb-hr-ar'enal dsoiinadknl
:McAfee is detirstussitmolting te I thing State street.,truth their bannseer aus huhooehseaaesurrtu; usivdahnd htweetn
routing at Chicago thin clissax ohfSite flauntinug high, She inevitable coinflict causeultiseadanes is Shede sht. e e tRsle lota eetn
seasons He said last night, "'to wantocutnretde.uul - ss!us s u tos- i this'hbereavedl fanmily our heartfelt
ceepysian to yell swhetber the fellows The twostuams will put tftrwaed sThethCliiasur.tgmstatPeei
are scatered o not. annual "kefthei best: gabfest Saturdyltatchygeansiseaondsenuathemotthatgatheir
orescaieed se uis W inis mai" hee bsh ffsutsunSaurdy t catuothe nightaother Tlhanksgiving day. A 55o5row us shatrni by every member sif
the Chicago gatmis a "cotrker, as far t he formee ressilt.IS is saitd that 1 erau h 'cs yctsiruswtthus class atnd
as rooting goes. Chicagoi has a -ood I Yuot ohfereud Beehlee, Sbhe stronglie it lustier Rtesolived, That a coipy
team, ansi I have received lettes at, I tacklie iouse engineer's teatsthe I"unl hesse tresuiossbe sent to the
most daily telling me- of thert prep- I ehatue t gu tot Chicagos with te - __j_______f_ astily sit thus deceasedh, and thhat they
aratiouns for the goose, To get prac-heam:.bitt that be eefsused when he he enuteedupouin the minsutes of the
tine for the Chicogo game theu fellows learnedl that his peactice with she ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLUB. class, antipubuilihed in the loscal pa--
ought to get out to the (Oherlin game Vasity squadl wouuld make him inet- There will be a meeting si tihe PLt!
and root. 'We must bore the hand ;ugible (sir She class game. Hail he Rockty Mountaio Club Saturdtay morn- ;3. M. BARNES,
with. us, foe it is altmost a necessity. h et the enginee team would have ing at 1ll o'clock is the Webster So- IS. R. TINKHAM,
All that I' can say further, is that I ;been mterially wealiesed, so that his ciety room, Lw Building. B.ETEEDt,
(Continued on pago 3.) (Continued on page 3.) VAN VALKENBJRGR. Committee.