THE MICHIGAN DAILY. i TII RA' I7I( l I i ,5SOM'II's Ii. } A 017 lILA! TI/ll 1Y/l 0111H I SA $.0 BTNOLES Y...................... (;roten in turkey. Perfected in Lgypt. N Eni6yed in America. "MOuL SMOKE MAIMLS EGYTIiAN SM'OKELRS d ~ Cork Taps or'lain.. L f P The W. C. KernlCo, 41E57ih St., Chicago. (} aps and Gowns nntadc to ori A, 7 der and iented. Pennants for all colleges and ill I - fraternities carried " i _ 'in Stock. cASe /4.& '~tv Class Pins,(O anld 1 i Caps. c. ~ Send for Catalogues. i I 'MONEY LOANED ON*: .l(-ieli-\.anrd all iii . Psi Colateralsl S-i-ii-tr. 41 *BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFID)ENIAL. W. J. LOURIM. T fieissur s o II ,, *,o 7 i: 00 to 8:iii liera (Giodi(Ciip)of ~1 } ~R ENT S CH L ER For anything iii the line of 4I1 FFEE OR 14'I Maker of Photographs Framing, Call o Rentschler, 1 } ; ( 4I *'1 Phone 389-2r. Ciiriner Main and Huron Streets. 1 CH C L T EARN SPENDING MONEY. Fountain Pens at Csigs Madse Iiglit and Sierve igs 1 ht ; iWainted '-untlIusncanvsser to sell _______________ Call si new, tquick-selling Cliristmsas gills for, Fresh L~oocsy's, Allegrettis, Spar- ysoung folk. Apply at once. Address row's andl Ityler's Chocolates at Cush- PENNYCOOK, 1,cr itl., 1 5 +1 i's lliirmacy. D,, Y, A. A. & J. RAILWAY 5TAN'DAI/I)TIMEII 6:V) .'psi. Tlicii I ssicl si lIt:15 Fr isi- issiii isi. ii :11i::1. ris:InidiI,3:45i a. si. Psi-f .iickssii Doiiily fi-oss6:1.5 a in. anul :i5 p. is. Waiting Room, Euron St., W. of Main. Its Y OUNAT 1Aos'A liissoD $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN ? Try the "UNIV[RSITY." Mann's Drug Store, 213 S. Main Si. j Presiden. V. iiisidiiiii FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF10ANN lilillIZ, 11('11. CAPITAL, - - $100,ii0ss SURPLUS AND PROFITS,. $40,000 State Savings Bank. 1 WV..1. BIiiiiiiinso . iise isis iiis. A riisidi1is-V. (1.I. Os,isisi is. 11. wadse V. F. OMil N. .i Byer Jh 1aa o isach'Prof. 11. Cs.f :icisic Frankii1). Giisiicr Chiisiiaiii i siiiii THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD orcs aitloot's Alsisic 1-ousesthis year attacthedi toilonsgchain. SFiiider fo ii opiiuilar iii il, ir'inica5l iisiru- Islass- c-i ici ito i17 Foiestsiaveniie iicii , suippileis andiIstusdies. -5 oi --tt n r.cicciiieiird. 3l J0B PRINTING- MEYERS, 215 Found-Ait1-sutryFielid, a ;;old foib anid Slain Si. S. Phone 231. is-Ietswithiiiasls E. 1E. W. Ow- --___ --____ueriscaill l, 426 N. Ingaslls si cccl. tf tOthers Claim hem, WNe Have Them. hid 5al'siiioo. seve tiiii Niec R icicCasii.tsc resd n ,=ac SThe only strictly First Class Shorn +K Order tining Room in the City. 3 Ouicpstricioris ouriicshiiicc Willits, The Caterer. r tOystcer laty 'Phoned46. tia pen tirom 6:30il 1 iii iht .1 315 S. STATE ST. $ ' SPALT51N;'S OPPICIAL t INfTER-COLLRGIATE * FOOT BALL - U.1 sed by all the Leading " PotBal Panti s -ce rt, ssie wiith cane strips. iissrpsss i Sew Tork, Chicago, Denvrr fo 19ic is edsliitby 50alier lJawp. ,; Price 10 cents. f BAILEY & £DMhUND,5, FISH NET'S rOR 01C01/ATINOG. 121 East Liberty Street. PHOTOGRAPHS Call in SEYMOUR'S STUDIO 316 S. Main Street. Hlighest Casb Price-- paid for secon~d-iiand clothing. Sh~oe repiing wliilo you wait. Goods catlled fun S. OO[DSTIEN. 1 East Watsliigtsn Street. SELECTkLC FAN,5 + t, Electric Ckaf i'g Dishoes Electr'ic Taoe Laooms S In fact, anything to lighten op yoour .1. SWA.51=TENAW LII=IT & . POWERk COM0PANiY. + +fCor.W.isngtoii and ss.tiAv.Phone 273 lnicersity students desiring to se- sure positionts to teach will fiiid it to their interest Is write toi Jaises F. SMcCullough, 019 Fine Acts Bldg., Chi- sags. tf. THANKSGIViNG DAY EXCURSION RATES. rho AiiiiArbucofrt. .will sill ec.c s'cision clci s Noise-mnscc25th and Fountain Pens at Cuishing's. MAKE MONEY. \VuWatesd a lady canvascr who cati work shout two hours doily to sell a gooid article, sitable for Christmnas gills. Adidress t-1. care D~aily. i'.of .1pons, lb,;lu nsoipliiioons51 20uh, lsi-nil tiforcrtuirnIto Nsicember ' 0 j- -- :lilt andou facesansoilnes-thirdl for rsund rii . diic A .lai:e'roitiiiit(. ni-scurains, trrp _ Oov sinewcarptis andt u-scpale. Ares'ou LAST SUNDAY EXCURSION TO TO- Yiioc arml. Susgl'eiesbathi, gas LEDO. ansi:leputhionet, 721 I:. Jeffersionstrs-st. 'theIs i. Situsday excuionifIthis tf sasoin toiT'l'ed'oi sill lit-gisconliy 1ths, -________ 'sAnntArbor t- .ft. R.i Nii'ovem'er 72115. IAthtlctii-ci--ireslito s btxesathes lii Spec'ialitr aiin osill lcsaves-AiiiiArbiircat I5vrsitis of Kainsas ansi Nebraska 10:25 a. iii. I-ac' ustrI-riiiindip 50c. has c ebrc ic oiln uftfiiniaccount ot 45-50) troiiblc if ulonstanduing. ASS STEAMSHIP LINES. U.ALLA~jHAN & W.MVANY1 Tdraisuiilease AiiiiArboibyienit('-irsal Stisudsuod 'iimes htecive letisiicr 7ii. 1902. r. Dmlnle-n Di~oii SOUH NOTH Lalw DBooksellrs, tVPub lshers and Imfporters, No. 6- 7:20A. M. Xio.i1- :00A. ii his. 2-11:31 A. M. N .Xii 3 . m . No. 4- P.. N O. 3-4daP.m trains No. 5and 6ru betiween AnArbsr 114 MVONROE STREET, and leidoionly, I'rsirss1.2.3. 4.d5, haily except Sunday F-ree chair carso Nis. 1sand 4. w. T. wIill S, Agent. I CHICAGO. J. J. IfIRBiY, . 0.1. A. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Conistruction. Plumbing ass Steam Work. All at Reasnsahle Eaten and First-Clasn Order at J. F. SCHVH'S, 207 L. Wamhing~oi. PHYSICAL TRA1NING IN WRITING, the boisii tor sll the peitle sill the tisme.isnsll eissmtiios for homes iproeent. lie pp. iliosirauesi'.ti . Tested:!.! ea~rs. 'fsrsswsoi iii' c-eohiiis'-).is-i'coiurseliy autoir$7. fsorsabrietimeitwill sahsen h mlsiossaorss ofti . i~ill lectumreuuon physical trsisisgin esapidisriisg for $t011r1. tiuwes'slsctisoilothonucsii's tiheslthi ashlposiiescm-e tfirihitin~g. nissis'iamisretsinsed. Blsuss in sinanand one lesson,. Isi. AI Iresms Prof. 0. BIKLER, RidisoaSi t. & Oglta Auva., Chicaga, Ill. i P 1 t y.'I. 4.. . .4.4.4. . f.. T 1 . it. is4. .4 . + ,i. New Sleeping Car Line Between {DETROIT, TOLEDO, COLUn BUS 1heave Detroit 10 p. ni., Michigan Ceiitral. Leavee Toledo 12:30 Nighit, Hockiig Valley. - Arrive Columlbus 6:,5o a. ial., Hocking Valley. PARORI CARS ON TH-E DAY TRAINS. +Say "Hocking Valley" to the ticket agent or write . .L. W. Laiidini G T. A., Detroit, Mich,,, ----------------------- . 1__, .L Always Ahead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoringt