THE MICHIGAN DAILY. OUR fAIL RINGAND STEAMSHIP LINES. OUR A 01, T'rains Oleave A nn Arbor by Central Standard . hEDAD ;;. 1 ~Time . /iItiI 1V1L~'NEfete October 26. 1902. T. E AR M N6T.ft4SOUTI NOILRH t o. b 7:0 . M. NO. 1- 9:00A. M. 2 11 33 A. M. No. 5-12:30 nP. M. is gaioing ino poputlarity, Comie and( see 515 be- T.INto. 4 8:25 r. tM. No. 3- 4:53 P. M. fore baeotg yor orer. Trains Not. 5 antd 0 run between Ann Arbor .2. andtlToletdootly. " .+ Trans 1. 2,03, 4.5, and 6, dottly except Sunday Tyreoe cro carsooonNost1 :nd4. ] PRICES FROM $15,00 T $40.00" .J IBG .A .T ILAet ''Best kfind of Wvorkmanshlip guarantteed. 4 jD., Y., A. A. & J, RAILWAY G. . 3.BUSS, t tij' eyr om o. f* sANDAkD TII'W S Manager. ! v Vo 2 re tot al houttrly frttm 6:1 .5. .until to. Tte outtoryauttlt11:15. borYpsi- 109-111 w askiingtorv St., s. 14. otooltoty 12t:t1t5a. nm and 12:45 a. no. 10er PI 1 tt c-k o a >rlY room 6:15 ao. m. antit 7:1tpl m Pictllres afld Framles P t n e t e h e DES E,") ART .STORE, ALBEKT LUTZ, 217 . F ouort Av 0000 VHMESRELIABL Eri iOEALER,.134 SOUTH MAIN STREET ' LLtu LouuLnj-).u , kDllv.u .v.un.uuLA). l V NV V .L 1 .&M-- N a --+. - a DARLING & MALLAEUX, f ooo5ft ftfof 'o fo o ttft t Pillows, Penannts, Fancy (foods U and Notions. ft3 R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the line of ' 3 Maker of Photographa Framing, Call on Rentsthler, I 226 S. STATE ST, Irloone 389-2r. Corner Main and Heron Streets. I if you teo ne O f o ur 0 :~Dla lr l ~~ EARN SPENDING MONEY. Fotuntain Pens at Coshingas. ___________._____________ (a'ntedl gleteancanovasertosl 0. H. Lsf, J0eer 0ne0v qick 'ellitog Chlristmnas tifte for J,.o'ovelry repoairted at Scbleede's, 346 101 }a~ia t.,yol sflo. Appily atotoce. Addoress +;.st;+;~t*+ +++a*t+ H++ +t+t +*+f+Ht+Ka+t* .Stoolo' St. 42-46 .I.'tt't..2.02...f~f ~ 11 Care lDaily.-_________ Li nen. and CUFFS ARE THE 13EST. Barker's Collars are Stamped "Linen" Other brands adertisrd and Sold as Linen are NOT stamsprd "Linen." Why? OUR NEW BUCKSKIN GAUNT- LET GLOVES JUST ARRIE[D. WA6iN[R & CO., 121-123 MAIN SI. 1101 DRINKS Choocolate Coife Maltedl Milk (ClatstBouillon BeeflBouilloon Tomsato Biltlton ETC. "lA" iSANDWICHEIS CALKINS' 324 SOUTH STATE. Gl oves Clemned ' itoets will omarle their heiuajoort- ON os .at Itoot'tes I oei looste ilobyear W[DN[SDAV 4, oSAIUJRDAV for ot pular0010tmusic, mstoicaolintl rot 00,0 001, supplol"s astuiesodc. -tos OF EACH WEEK AT LOVELL'S CORNER STIORE JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 2151 (loon St. S.Phonet'281. rq D x g t E . 'WV atkins, Fbo unotaint Pens at C sing's. ) TYPEWRITINYG Fresh ILowney's, Allegrettis, Spar. ttr0opttsattad10 323 S. Mai S. Oow's anod Hutyle's Chocolates at Cotsh- arto. e s all otourwork. ong's barnmacy. TH-ANKSGIViNG DAY EXCURSION Che,.li 'sRATES. American & European Hotel 'flo'Amioo A'rbor It.It. will tell ex Open x my narid Night 'oriouoot'elwl'tooNovitclcr 25oo thod Ptrivate .l1 toiteOlot 'oom lnd i eRoot1000005 21601, 00m000'olfoo t' u ltrnotoNovemer OatttkOniHALL, ioOWtLtns ALLIOY AD{tinlfr n n hr o on DANtOrO HALt. AOOol,.oo o lo 00 lio orooooo Try oua ous005tendero''loin teaksool tigt. 1ONoe26 209-211 N. 4th'nA', niRS. MR. A. FINGERL', GYM. SNITS AND BANNERS. MOONOGRAMtttoS t'tO'OAO.'0'0 Next loor too. koiwarosBr ~totthers, 0081 Sloeeootoo'so lBook Store'. LAST SUNDAY EXCURSION TO TG- LEDO. Th otlat; Soondaloo' exc'to'ionoftot 0 sea osonotot 'Totoldot wiltltoo given ootoyhe Xoooatrb001' 1. 1R. oo Notvemberlo t' 11d. Spec'tial"Nvtill lea'e 'AnnoAroto at 1025 00. 000. Fare ft 0 oooo oidtrip) c 45-511 Last Stooooolots ttooooooo, btween0 ('.0 :1 S. Stool' sttreletoand 1133 'oWaslitenawao tavenue0, a0btownoo' oloall t'bolt.owitho oldlbuck'.'.Ifo 0010 too5'24 S. Statef stee.0145-4 11 Lost-A ladoy's o loioo 0 toto. .00' win .1t ached'oi too Ic ooon ' loooioo. Fibndlr pes mito 6 t retalil and001 0.c to itoward' . t:ol Fousd-.1.1 lo'er 1"Iio'lo, 00.g-col fool ando ltockt, t lob iinitiaols'. It4. tp1.'. (Ot''k ne al tt4'1201)N. I lt'tt sO tot. 01 Biath Suppolien of all kinds at all prices at Cutshing's Pharmacy. Panteriam, 326 S. State. Cleaning, 101essinog stoolReptairintg. Clothes cutlled for atod deoliveredl. Leave or- des at Cushinltg's Dlrug Store, or 10100000'582. University students desiring to se- coure positions to teach will find it to their interest to write to James F. MocCuilloutgh, 629 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- cago. tf. MAKE MONEY. Wansoted a lady canvaser who can oworko about tewohours daily to sell a goood article, sutitable for Christmas gifts. Address H, care Daily. Lost--A Cottnta Phi Beta pin. Please re'turtt to 13021 Washtenaw Ave. 39ff FORESTERS' CLUB MEETING. Inti'010 of toe IMichigan Fotreserscc' t'lubl, 7"110 Wednesdtay ntight, WtA6( Hall. OGElO. V. IPEAVY, Secretary. CHILDREN AND DANCING. M~r. tool Boo. Gratnger anniouttce the first. of ai sorio'stof twelve lessonts its olottocitogfoot'chldroteo 11 to 15 years (of 000'. to takoe' toal'e'this aftfernoontt tooot4 lo 5045 o'ctlokaltte Acad- e lttoootane 2-410 foot'further infoortta- l ion.46 o loore'ft'onot suteo,tow cutaoins, tor'ovcartis stool tew loper. Are youo coold? 'C('0110'to 1ustool we''till beep 100'o troit. Sitogle toetl, bath, gas ottood te'leo' net'521 10. Jefferaono street. Sff 'Give and aTake" CO PANY isteprinciple of NCALLAGHANY& Suspenders Law~ Booksellers, Pllblishers aild Importers, Whateone side gives the othiet sideV Sakes. Comfort, style and service. Absolutely Guaranteed. 114 MONROE STREET, Metaltrimtmitgs cnotorot. 0 anod$1, anyos soto or mal pa i C.A EDGARTON MFG.CO. CHICAGO. Hon 286.Shitrley, Mann t a . .0.' t , .34d.: o s ' 1AL i ko u '^ 7xI43HIGAN CENTAw "The Magaca Falbouel TGiE SUtOlT IlNE-I(IAE.T ANN ARBOR to tr~ni uky CHICGO .Perfected in Lgypt. BUFFALO . Enjoyed in America. NEW ORK'MOLti)t 5t'AKE S F.CO"'?TAtSMOItORS AND BOSTON/7/ ta with lttret t'55 0''lttot ot 'ta t h co forotii, Cok Tio Pai~n. LouistotoxiaCitey . L O'ttO otoo the XXcxo ."saxetheoueptns. write lt . 8. .CASE. Agecnt.. tAtlor. / -5 ' w" , a ^x'. "rJ Always Ahead M AIIxA.[fln" THE-~'TAILOR., 7 In Styles. IJ..VUIXL I LdILL \L. C. H. MAJOR & CO., ..,Artistic Decorators,.. Speciatlty fine itnterioor dlecorattive wetk. 'Waoll looper.,Itaitntx, Oil antdGlossx. 20:31 .8Washintotn St. Ilhoneo237. GEORGE BISCHOFF, rLO1XJ5T. CHOI1CE CUT rLOWUI(5 & PLANTS5 Chapin S. between Iluorn St. and Millier Ace. Phone 500. Win. lbocbrein, steam & Gas jFitter. bone 667. 2103 5. State ESt MONEY LOANED ON Watches, Diarootods. Jewelr-yand all High Class Chattel an d Collateral Security. + J# rThe Best of 'Everything in Tailoring,