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November 18, 1903 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1903-11-18

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L~ook for tbe H.oS. C NI. Label SjCiaI Offeringsin
+.t security bond ever issued. We[
+ have Ilari. Schaffner & Marx o $.0At sFnyBahNbs iiada 39
* Suits and Overcoats $1,50 Adler',s Street rndaL Dress lnes, - $1.00
'FOMs 3 $4.50 JIen-s Finest .Liamb TIool, Swetteis , - $3.00
* $I2.00 to $25.00 T"he Clothier, a Bx t(3 Eitee Linen Uamrrbric ]landlrerelsiefs', fJr 5C
In edlesosvariety Neiwcst Sty les iii Neck Tics and Collars shown Ibis iseek

~RAND ALL, THE .+.#a
.! ~1211$. Wsigo t

Established 1111 106 Huron Streel, Ens
We arc prepared this season 'o meet every d emand. as 0
p vehave i seres-cil the oiiiitei if iwiioime. As nsual
* wse have TheI Inet Lurie c-f Woolens in the a
3 city. Arit and Skuis ill predoinate iniouiriviork ia, in S
* the past. We respectfully invite yiiir 0(1quiry.

,Others ClajimlThenuVWe A+.1 Rr RCd er r, 2SOH TT T
Hare Themil ; HISTORY OF BARBOUR GYM. liinig (899, (lielas.olfthle Iieres
t . (tontimioedIl - in Page One.) sary $1 5ii0 was on lianid,sonl in t1900
Shl oytes ndClms Lobtr, +i [r11897, wihltegcnt i liclard's $10,-thlieiretion of the building wasouse
I s a enc rlnCli tn are+00anid theismall aniouint -heviiimeniiiore liugiiu.The soon year sawit
I~elfs foodsuc realrves( ol S rid h~craised lie lbaseiieni t f arboiuurcpetioieun, aoilthe presidlent in his
Rih rerr. aleDrssd tt ynasinus was ruompeitedi, andiised I rtiisail of ii Anmore lbeauitiul
mci iyseneillii- iiiii i ~ la- a gyiitisiuuiii room.OTis yeai a nd cti mmouiouiiibluiilig ofiiis kius
The only strictly First Class Short 1'I- liu.M0.NIliislei-sias appiniited (or iiomien iuani le lfound (I ineiof
Order Dining Room in the Cty. .05iioimai's (lean, and Dr-. Alici' U. Sits-)iil, tiiversitiis. In adldition toi a hiall
" our 1pa s dser smsir l-isas appintboed (riiiretor rtof thne forgymnilast ivciwirk, the-rare spai-
t.> h ldisi ynliasiiin liiisii iion sheistilllsnunts phrlors, andl (u elngta
, :. i-ironli e irst, cue lubhieithe giii ii I d iuprsioncs, o-il liiforlectures
Willits, The Caterer. +4. liaslti um as oilya a uisemntidriirnon ceiiiurts, i-lay s, etc. I(Ii is ii-iii
r ytrByIi en i4 5( iiviireui jlivery iltiaheiii wiii au aoi (i-om nen oith(le iiiersitiy. iiiiiinil
+ 310 S. STATE ST. ssleatiail efr h nee o"eecs u o.ltrr n o
.t(le yeyiiiusitii ndaiupriiviusto hisliyCal Oiiliathrigs
N 3w' 1 B rinswick Ta blescar, I t ('nli noiiw u ilvogu ill ibiothi vi~tfii Ill-dei lii; aI iiiiii ocke
iiiiiushiiiii s iOstarted alti ithatimerii anid idressling oiiii, par ofit i iino a
AT a s Ci iii is e;i u-nueiu - liii wis S v-iiii 0 hi1ii iv-i i p aie s, iitc. A s uiiiiiis
REDVS BILLIARD) PARLORS, aiiiil ill Watei iriiianitlyminasiiumi. A I its: was iiiltiInlithe (iseniioIat
Fine Cigars and Tobaccos planii of threeii l ofS igyminaiisum iihe slieiim(he, ilii wh i ichio ythioi-
JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Shale SI., S. iS iirk iiwas adoptiiedi. the iwiirkiof'eachuiv' ir, irovsiiedi-ithivi iivsior. Th
ar being iiiii iiiic00 iiiiii- f t'la s heaguev'thi--sameic yeiir i (i-il
hlaIistesine ofiiiuc (inhan-ciut. of(heilast.-Pla i v-upthprloir omotal-,ei-n lx
Trkish TurihCigarettes and Pipes al lii viisiie lainiis carieii iiit is (Continuedl on Page Tivo.)
- Baiiiiii ilvnasiuiu toiday.____________
Fine Lunches in Connection. - iymlaiiiici (iiwan!i-iiani work it hTHEiiiAGr
Tie308 S. State SI. RI. E. JOALLY. "Ii, isii-miiidIas ifthei- (ibuilig eg itgie uniuit of lMionsItosili-
wouuldi iiieri-get-iiaiy lneiariri- -iiiili- Knott at (liv-Alhinso'Theat-i-on to-
+ + +"+"++ i ol l.ive esiis898iand V9 lipp ~ied nmit-riiivesining, in Paul Kos( era Irra-
The School for Dancing :I by- aimuuslint inohe son-iii-wan laiid. sai 50(00 if Charles SMajor'-s i-
+ liii I OilHalloiweien uof 1899 i-olhbspiits ie oi chivalry, "Wheiei Knighthiuod
6 KA~~J1I(m i viii- iIiiiitia Groiikiinsct-ioniiiwian Ii losuer,"isini-ig looked foriii-
Ground Iftoor on fManard Streci iii cionsoineuofuthei-si-oines o ti adto(ii iibiyiil~ orah thit-irgoers withi a
(Any- Bloiinwmid:ioi Stat- So-i--vt (ibu iliniii ansiaiiiait readii : "-Will wesri- r evui-ilgreiif iteivri-si thain isiisii-
Stores. 'Phonc 2-4 6 eveir (lioseciit ilmisluuui --lie ally thiensi-, tor evevinsi soi-ll ikinown
* *..................~. ~ *ci(s utftBai-ouriiiii- lsiiiincii areiinow ait o lay.
bit o vir Oleivnisc-ribedishino, bi-llm Oft Mina Knotit's pe-rforimance-v-of
the- carvitng hasc i--cr be anii ctmii-il1,"al tr5yTiuor" (hue troicsomne, ttivoul-
00 YOU CAN GET A afle h i oh atyii-s liie't-ltit uofuts sisiut- it lIhinty VIIit iis sail
H at IL tiicli Duing theisi' yearslitheuiwomen andiIiiitilul. Situ- brings lout theipathtici
A t tle's, 338 S. Stae then fii iiis Ne-i-uy noiii ii- ns idle. iiideas sri-l asthelicomedi-iy va 'itnuoi
s h eialuniuu wetreii-a lpillar ofi lhei characiter in suciii mnnttiir tat
/' sk h I D N1 \\iittWtttn's lxa-uteucliededu- i g ti (lilaIrtayualolituhi- hoydentish inceiirss. thu-i
iii -iluutu itd u t cstilltly iiii-iuilcaedallt-when tuardinalWoilse-y askustie
tie-.ons, $3 pei 'er))fI 1 1 ieiki thIiii uu. 'The me(1oritheii I tivursi t-luhau. ainvut- heishoiuld ciarty iiti-ce
UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, Slate Street hle i h okrglnby Ih rte.Kn ln eadn h
PROFESSORe SCOTT, PsisRn hi iililii 5itrlitoll.lilrilu.KtgI-CIPtryYtvrhtg(i
} " "1St- Oatr-il Assocvitionhut e a ttnuI-itroWrnhinigs sniitandulsitesays:
PALAC[E PARISIAN Iber itfuplayslt- unprocees utfsewti-ci 'tarry (his attswe-r tothe(b-kinge: Thai
wen11tItic tthisfn. lihe'cashitromnth(liv-I will see- tim maundlt'ewhouhileingdomin
T 0l MhDV AGENCY 'V sale iofithe1-.itf.N1. - hulls funMatt-hli.stlitt n-Ilell oreI will mtatrry Loiuis
* Jili.U 1J.11lL iU~i~i~l . 1898, ias Idulvoiledito the- yitiasiutt I tFratnce-" In a spee-chtthaIu-ill lontg
alis i60 last (5iliamiiSt. ur 10 67. andl nettediiit very coitsideurtilluu i Itt iiithe 'amvmories oft Ihun-selwho
Worna caltl e itandl ii tin i-iril pniiiitly amu nt.. Theii- Apill tuitberu-i f t li-hethatrliiir.
r. F. DOWLUR, Aqt. Inandr (f he-sattueuar was a Panrtiular' attentionil has been paul
- womn'snmber,de-votleid in (be sante hgy(ticmainagemnttnot oly to the
cetd. Intnumerablle- enttertainments selecting ot a rcompet-tnt sutporting
PHOTOGRAPHSi wite i ~ven, attu it is inte-resiInc to compiany tir Miss Knothilt alsoi in
1n1(1- (lit in this way originated (he thei-staging it, the piere,-Manager
Call onntainry-driess panty,whtinch has since lie- Peurley hissing secuareud the- originltat
SEYMOUR'S STUDIO comi- a yeatly party ofth(le Womltans Julia Marlowevi prodionliul in it. en- t
316 S. Slain Street. Lage irt

Phone 582-3r
Ceaning, Pressing. Rlairin.
Clothes called for And
' Delivered.
Leave Orders at Cshigs o
hone as2
£t LtCTaI IC PAN.5
I~ Electric Ckhafitgq iskn,5
31 Electric Table Lamsu
4~. W,.,inc5 .+ t Aai Phunza
121 Eant Lbery Sreet-
2nsd Floo.AkTt i1I'
1)1reui Li iin us-tim 'i'keioo Colum
bus, Ati lu, llslioi i Cul0 i l'i-cuti -W.
Va., andl tho'South. Ak uiuu aienti iii
appuly toi L.-P. -- i~wm. 1' ..7 it Si.,
Dettoit, lilt Mii0ULTON HOI (ie,
t. P Au.. iTo -edo.0
Hlighest Cash Price
psaid fr seondanlud ulthm.
Shoeraa irviilnwimiIt emiswa it.
Goaads caled for
1ts Emitt iisiinviiimiStrect.
The rofessional Sair Dresser
322 S. Slate Street, (up stairs, rcu nil s p-
(ms i pectru- tinw lie of 1 -iii- am lis.
Try smy Selentific Face Massage and
Money Loaned
Watches, Diamonds
Or ther petrsona It'll-Il y of
vats-. Wathes nd aimyl-aie h--
piled.tBargainsii Wotcims
and lDiaimonds.
Ofi--et resien-' 31 (V .ib
enty Sirne-t AnmnmArbo,'lo iuc 5
to 1.1:30 aim., I iio :31 p i.. 7 ti
9 p n. All Iusis--,. iden i5-
tial. JOSPHI C. WAlS.

E Used by all the Leading [l ut o ed
o l ~ lt$ 1 0.00 and $ I13.00
eFoo t Pnt-ai r onhlsan ne awith
& iecre aradtrb BIOSt.inUNIO world
Incoerporated. 4
Npai o k, hitcagliii0D((ais. 52A E , H LO H E
SewingYsOrfficag Fo, DenvGier . L[N 11 CO 1[
.5 for 190.1 aliteit iy ii Sterat 4
Price I0 cents. . 5 4I ISS. f1AIN STRET

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