THE MICHIGAN DAILY. "'f___ __ Si ___ __ ___h__ __ ___ __ i ' / . . }.+ ~a /," s t X ii .. w . z .. ti" < . ''' r ! r .O ' ,. , F ... ... ti _ . _ .. O..' .. . THAT PARTICULAR SOMIETHING ~URITAK. sSHOES MAKES ThEMEA P1101'A.4IR IFF"Insomoll low fGrolvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt,' Enjoyed in America. "MOGUL SMOKE. MAKELStEGYPTIAN SMIOKERS Cork Tips or Plin. Saethe Coupon. The W. C. KernlCo, 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. Caps and Gowns made to or- der and rented. Pennants for all colleges and fraternities carried in stock. Class Pins, Class and Team Caps. Seed for Catalogues. YOU MAY 'GE9T THE SAME QUALITY IN OTHER MAKES AT .$5.00 BUT NO LESS. Ann fArbor Store, .111 S. Makin. [octory-Brocklon, Mrass. IMONEY LOANED ON Watches, Diamonds, Jewelryand all High Class Chattel a n d Collateral' Security. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. W. J. LOURIM.: Rtoom 7, Henning lIocek. 'hee401 .'. OffieeHosr9 o 11:30,O1lto 4:30. ho 7:00 tuo 8:0 Fo4aGodCpfR E NT SCH L ER For anything in the linen!of OFE RMaker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, 4Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Hnron Streets. COEEO LAST SUNDAY EXCURSION TO TO- One huindred .and sixty-one couples Made Right and Served Right LEDO. danced at tGranger's Saturday night. Call an [The last Sunday excursion of the Mr. and Mrs. Granger announce the season to 'Toledo wilt he given hy the annual .T'hanksgiving night dancingf P[NNYCOOK, Ann Arbor R. R. on November 22nd, party. The ijuetectioheir, 310 S. Staee5t. Special train will leave Anns Arbor at 4 10:25 a. in. Face for round triipthe. University students desiring to so- I ~ 2-50 curepositions to teach will find it to D A AC 0 I'A their interest to write to James F. , .j O J.1 tlil j ,TROMBONE PLAYER WANTED. McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- 3TAN DAD TIM' Al trombone player can gel extra cago. te. los e tt. half hearly tfuom 0:15 a. cm.uetil workl with the Academy tOrchestra. e:15 p.m.. Then hourly until 11:15, her Ysa- Call on Itoss Granger, Granger's Acad- MAKE MONEY. bentslonly, at 12:1t5a. m. ad 12:45 a. in. hue Jacksun iourly-fromi t:15 a. mi. until 7-15 p. cm. eny. 45 Wanted a lady canvaser who can Thea at 9:15 p . ad 11:15 pi. m. work about two hours daily to sell a Wailing Room. Boron St., W. of Hain. r , ,~ur., ,,,, nav ~ riiczin Do You WANT A GOOn .-. . $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN? Try She "UJNIV[RSITY."' 1Mann's Drug Store, 213 S. Main St. E.a.nINNs, uARaISONSOSee Presideat. V. President. S. W. CeLdARONx, f',iuher. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBORL, MICH. CAPITAL, - $100,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS. - $40,000 RATES. gifts. Address H, care Daily. Tho Ann Arbor R. R. will sell ex -_________ etirsion tickets November 25th and Fountain Pens at Cushing's. 26th, limited for return to November _________ 30th, anid fare and one-third for round Students will make their headquart- trip. 40Nov26 ers at Root's Music House this year for popular music, musical instro- Math Supplies of all kinds at all ments, supplies and studies. Atts prices at Gushing's Pharmacy. JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 215 Lost---Stunday afternooni, between 524 Main St. S. Phone 281. S. State street antd 1133 Wasbtenaw aventie, a hrown leather hell, with Fountain Pens at Cushing's. goid buoklr. Return to 524 S. State street. 45-46 Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettis, Spar- Others Claim Them, We 4, Have Them, i-i, 'retie r ving e Cleos.Large 3 sly S -teeak, alottthe Leading lireothfaiut bos, sievedciiih Nice ich C iri-ami. loislrssued ,ad naty served frutet:rs. I Te ony strictly Firot Class Sort Order Dining Room In the City. Our pist, reorid is our guarantre Willits, The Caterer. 3" itystir lay Phoer467. tpeiTfroui G:30 t1 itidntgtit. y 315 S. STATE IT. SPALDING'S OFCA 2INOTER-COLLEGIATE FOOT BALL Used by all the Leading - Colleges. Foot Ball Pants --Lacetf-ont, his irdknes paddediith~i liine-crleidiair aiel thighs. wihcase strips. ' A. G. SPALDING 5&5BROS. enoporated. i S New York, Chiags, Denver. .Spaldiices Ol ia ot B, It tide 'rise 10berdts. BALY& Ei7DPUND.5, FISH NET'S 121 East Liberty Street. PHOTOGRAP.iHS Call on . SEYMOUR'S STUDIO 316 5. Halo Street. Highest Casb Price paid for second-hand clothing. ~Shoe ropairisnxwlisle you wait. Goods exiled for. S. 6O[DST[I N. 118 Fast Washington Street. .4,4,4,4,4,4,4,*'4r4,+" ,4,4,'* 't! i'4,44,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4," ELECTRIC I5AN.5 Electric Chast itg DiskeS lectric Tabl~e Lamprs Ia fact,aytiao to iqhteha p your ro . Calltihahcldsee ourdeisla..... .9 WA5J=TLINAW LI6xHT & POWERk COMXPANY. Cr. W,-hiasttisad s 4hAve..Phone Z73 State Savings Bank. Lost-7.00-yarid dash mledal at the ing'o Pharmacy. Wiscotnsin game. Returnl to New- w. . othtu. V Seehn Rihad R Tomson. EARN SPENDING MONEY. WCm. Arnold hr. V. C. Vaughan Wanted gentleman canvaser to sell Na. . Wye .11 ohii,ilsrer Lost--A Gamsma Phi Dte pin. Please new, quick-selling Christmas gifts for Jnoc Koch Prof. Ii. S. terteut return to 1321 Washtenaw Ave. young folk. Apply at once. Address Fr"ale P 01azier Chrisiian Siartin 39tf It, care Daily. THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMHIP LINES. , CALLAGHAN & COMPANY Trains trace Asn Arbor by Ceatral Standard? 'Time Effective October M6, 1942 __________ ___ Law Booksellers, Publishers and hIl orters, No 6 :0 M o -9:4A .No. 2-11:33 A. M. No. 5-12:30 P. M. N'-82P.. No3-43P..A Trains No. 5Sands6 run between Ass Arbor 114 'MONROES RE T sod Toledo only.ST E , Trains 1, 23, 0. 5, undO6, da ily except Sunday Freeochirears on Nos.i-add4 J. J.,KIRBY, 0. P. A. W. T. WILLS. Agent. CHICAGO. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbing and Steam Work. Alt at Reasonable Rates and First-Class Order at J. r. SCHVH'S, 207 E. Washinigton". BIX[[R'S : PHYSICAL -T RAINING IN' WRITING, the book for .all the peopie all tho time, in all vocations; for home improvement. 600 pp. ililustraied, price ii. Tinted 25 years. Three monthos' correspondesce course by author $7. For a brief time I will send the hook sod course, for $t. Witltiecture on physical training in rapid writing for $lin. or cneowool for $300. Conducive to health "±nY osi mtiv'e cure for sad writing. Individualty retained. Bostness Penman and 4one iosson, 10c. Address Prof. 0. BIXLER, MAdtmon t. -&-Ogden ,Ave", Chicago; Ill.. New Sleeping Car Line Between DETROIT, TOLEDO, COLUfIBUS Leave Detroit io p. in., Michigan Cenltral. Leave Toledo _12:30 Night, Hocking Yalley. Arrive Columbus, 6:50, a. tnl., Hocking Valley. PARLOR CARS ON THlE DAY 'TRAINS. Say "Hocking Yalley" to the ticket agent or write L. W. Lanldman G. T. A., Detroit, Mich., .. + - - T _ r - - t - T t a t - + - - - t < < : t - ----------- i Always Ahead In Styles. MILWRTHE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring.