THE idCHIGAN DAILY. IC I XAN CENTRIA " Th Niagara Falls Route" THiE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City. St. Paul and the West. For informationand throughticketsicalstonor write to W. V. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. GEORGE BISCIHOFF, rLOkJ13T. CHOICE CUT rLOWE & PLANTS Chapin St., between Huron St. and Miller Ave. Phone 809. New Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. I have ust received the largest and finest tine o Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever brought to the city. Fine Lunches in Connection. Everything Neat and Clean. 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. The School for Dancing GRANG[R'S Ground Floor on Magnard Street One Block west of State Street Stores. 'Phone 2-4-6 YOU CAN GET A Hot Lunch At Tittle's, 338 S. State Lessons, $3 peeer m of 12 Weeks UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street 4 PREnnSaRe OTPRINIPAL PALACE 46 PARISIAN .LAINDRY AGENCY.. Office W East William St. none 657. Work called for and delivered promptly . F. DOWLER, Agt. Cracker Jack Furnished for parties and cliurch socials at wholesale prices, . . 301 S. State St. F.5. GI[ERT. $5.00 IN GOLD To be given away Wednesday, November 25, 10:00 p. m., at the Pickwick Billiard Parlor and Bowling Alley Under new i anagemeit. For explanation call and see us. 707 N. Univ. Ave. 110W I5 IT? You young fellow are the most particular trade in the land, and all these years cloies makers have been giv- ing you the tag of their production-never considering ye uimportant eio ;h for a distinctly different class of garments, till tH E "A'KER& '®F COL LEGE CLOTHES r came along aid p oduced those smartly tailored gar- ments that hae already brought us the bulk of the towns young men's trade. Made just like special-order suits. Every bit as extreme as you want and priced to meet your purse. Staebler (Q Wuerthl, SOUTH MAIN STREET. k 4 P , i F F I - - - - , --"- , T ! , -- GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. "A GREAT CREATION." The football training table at In- Mr. Robert Downing's appearance diana tiniveity has ieen discoit- in this city this evening is looked ed flack of fudforward to by the theater-going pub- e Ce ilnds. wi sith pleasurable anticipation. In his new comedy, "Hon. John North," Orville G. Frantz, the well known Ile is delighting large audiences Harvard ball player, has been appoint, wherever he appears. The play; ed head coach of the Harvard base which is in four acts, was written for ball nine for the coming season. Mr. Downing by Herbert Bashford, The scene is laid in a region of the Cornell is endeavoring to form a country the author knows so well- smimming club, and to send a team the city of Seattle. Act I represents to the intercolleigiate meet in which an actual mountain view, as seen from Harvard, Yale, Pennsylvania and Col- the Poget Sound metropolis. Mr. unibia are represented. Hashiord has caught the spirit ci the t si o t Northwest, and has written a rattling 'Ivert of ewsasich sCrite seite good comedy of Western society life. University of Iowa, which for some Robert Downing's "John North" will time has heeni on a decidled slump, eetDwigs"JtnNrh il tis hearobsedaga dcidyaerslump, stand as one of the great creations of has been artused again by a series of the modern drama. The interest cen- tees about the strenuous nominee for Governor ci the State of Washington; A new German museum has been who becomes involved in an unpleas formally dedicated at Harvard. The ant domestic affair, which threatens museum was planned smne time ago to thwart his political amb'itions, and by prominent Germans in America, which creates a world ci refined hit and Emperor Withoutlis asolent wihcetsawrdo eie u his aid to it. tnheir purpose in estab- mor. The play is one of quick action, ish slit am to it.TheiriiieinesHab- thoroughly American in sentiment, litching suieh a ntiseum is to give Hai -anofteiersthtol. vard students a true conception of aid ci the interest that hclds. what Germany stands for in modern CHANGES IN ELIGIBILITY RULES. civilization, what her ideals have Some randical changes in college been, and what she has contributed football rules regarding eligibility of to the world's best intellectual pOs- players will be considered at the con- sessions. Many valuable gifts from erence of the Big Nine in Chicago on the Emperor, Prince Henry, and other November 27. prominent Germans have been re- The following are the most impor- ceived by President Elliot, to be tant: placed in the museum. 1. Venial offenses. These, as well as grievous ones are now punished by The woman's dean at Northwestern dropping the offender from amateur University objects to the custom es- standing. It is proposed that for mi- tablished there by the young men of nor offenses one or more years be de- not tipping their hats when speaking ducted from the four years' eligibility. to the young women of the Univer- This would seem to rather encourage sity. She said in part: "College men more than discourage amateurism. are becoming less chivalrous. Tip- 2. Migrating athletics. At present ping the hat when speaking to a an athlete migrating from one univer- woman is one of the few remaining sity to another must wait one year be- indications of the chicalry which char- fore entering athletics unless he is acterized the earlier ages. I think a graduated from an academic institu- man should be careful in such small tion, in which case he can play foot- things, as taking off his hat when ball immediately in the college of his speaking to a woman. These little choice. It is now proposed that men things mark the gen.-eman." graduating from small academic in- stitutions must attend the University Tone year before becoming eligible to S. C. A. NOTICE. play with the latter. Dr. Nathaniel Schmidt, of Cornell, . Football rules committee. It is will lecture in Tappan lecture room suggested that the committee, now Friday, Nov. 20, at 7:30. His sub- composed entirely of Easterers, add ject will be "The Permanent Value a few Western men to their number. of the Book of Genesis." 4. Proselyting of athletes. This Prof. D'Ooge will lead the mid-week subject is also to come up for discus- service on Wednesday, at 6:45. sion. i li CHIARAUIER is the measure of the man--- also te measure of the man's clothes bearing this famous mark ,Mired Denamin MAKERS n NEW YORK "Character" is the watchword of BENJAMIN workers. From the first shrinking to the final pressing their one aim is to give the garments Individual- ty-a character of their own. BENJAMIN Winter Suits are designed, shrunk, cut, and tailored by 3,000 salaried specialists in the most spacious and sanitart tailor-shops in the world. The price is right. Your money back if anything goes wrong. We are Sole Distributors hers. CUTTING, REYER& CO. 109-111 East Washington St. IS THE MARK OF THE BEST SHIRT CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. MAKERS Phone 582-3r Pantoriu m. Cleaning. Pressing. Reairing. 336 S. STATE ST. (Over Cuasing'a) Clothes called for and Delivered. Leave Orders at Cushings or Phone 52-3r. Wm. lbocbrein, ZanitaX1?"'jfumber, steam &Gasfittter. Ijbone 667. 303 5. State St Jewelry repaired at Schleede's, 346 S. State St. 42-46 I Pantorium, 336 S. State. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Clothes called for and delivered. Leave or- ders at Cushing's Drug Store, or 'phone 582-8r. i . WAGNER & COMPANY, Importing Tailors & 123 South ain Street, DOWN TOWN. W AR N NI G ! Certain persons in this city have recently put on exhibition, and have offered for sale, a cheap line of imitation dia- W A RXIX INN I. mouds, having claimed them to bethe genuine Barrios Diamonds. We have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising Barrios Diamonds, and by our absolute guarantee we have built up a reputation and a business which we will protect at any cost. We have the exclusive right to this name, which we have been using for years, and one which is favorably known from Maine to California. We are the sole importers of Barrios Diamonds in the United States, and they are the only stones that have ever been discovered which cannot be detected from the real diamond. They are warranted to retain their brilliancy forever. We wish to warn business men, newspapers and the pub- lic in general that we have absolutely no connection with this concern and are in no way responsible for their goods. To drive would-be competitors out of business, and to prevent the public from being duped by their trashy imitations, we will inaugurate TO-DAY, A SALE without precedent in the Jewelry Business We offer Rings, Brooches, Pendants, Scarf Pins, Lockets, Studs and Cuff Buttons that are apparently worth from $75.00 to $350.00 for from $1.00 to $4.50. These goods are the exact copies of the latest, most popular Parisian and New York designs; each article is set with genuine Barrios Diamonds. They are positively guaranteed to retain their brilliancy forever. The mountings are all heavy gold filled, exquisitely finished and warranted to wear for twenty years. 4.0 u n We especially guarantee Barrios Diamonds to retain their brilliancy forever, and the mountings to wear twenty years. We will give $10,000 to any charitable institution if it can be shown that we have ever refused to replace a stone that proved unsatisfactory. Barrios Diamonds will stand the acids, heat, alkali, etc. They may be washed and cleaned the same as a gemuine diamond. We have contracted for the exclusive sale of Barrios Diamonds in Ann Arbor. All goods sold there are guaranteed to be as represented, and any customer buying Barrios Diamonds will receive the same goods as though their purchases were made in one of our own stores. BARRIOS DIAPIOND CO., 146 STATE TREET, CHICAGO Genuine Barrios Diamonds are for sale in Ann Arbor only, at 206 Sozth Main Street WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE