THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Allnounoolll ent.. The Largest and Most Complete Line of :.:_:. WOO0LENS in Ann Arbor will be found at G. H. Wild & Co's, 108 East Washington St. Great pains have been taken in the selection of all suitings, treserings & overcoatings for this season. G,, H,, WILD CO, 10 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White Author of "Conjurer's Hose," "The Biszed Trail," etc. THE FOREST lliustrated with 18 ful-page drawings and with decorutins by Thome* Fogarty $1.50 NE'. A ook full of the charm and2 the mystery and the wonder of the great woods. It has been said of Mr. White that he "has the power to make you feel the woods as the masters of salt wat- er fiction make you feel the sea" and in the chapters of thie book this quality of his work is mor. prominent than ever before. There are stories of experiences and adventures "on the long trail," in the wilds of Canada, hits of woodcraft. sketches of the Habitants and the woods Indians of the northern country, pen pic- tured of the great forest in its many ad variable moods. t5heehan's ANN ARBOR DETROIT 320 So. State t. 160 WoodwarJ Av. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Capital Stock, $50,000. Surpiss, $175000. Resources, f,000,eO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Orwscnns: Charles E. Iscec, Pres.; W. . Harrimas, Vice Pres.; M J. Fritz. Cashier. 0. . Martin, D iRETOR. Office 209 5. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Resi- den4 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. Ambulance on call. THE MICHIGAN DAILY supporter s after the game... The Senior Engineering Society's banquet Entered as second class matter at the Ann to the visiting Engineers from Wits- Arbor Post Offce. consin was a decided success, and Published daily (Monday excepted) during the was remarkable for the good fellow- eOllege year, by the Michigan Daily Board ship exhibited between the members at the University of Michigan. of the two colleges. The Wisconsin MANAGING EDITOR: men said that though they were now R. EMORY THOMASON out of the race for the championship BUSINESS MANAGER: of the west, they would rather see ROSCOE B. HUSTON Michigan win the honor than any _- - other team. If Michigan can produce EDITORS: so favorable an impression' upon a Athletics, - - ROBEnT K. WALTON just defeated rival, as this indicates N Awa,-- - -SSOCIATES: she need have no fear of being con- Cliltord Stevenson, Rosy Peebles, sidered discourteous in any way to A. M. Graer, Ilenry P. Erwin her opponents. A. C. Pound. A. H. Ortmeyer. Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More. COMPARATIVE SCORES. Ida M. Bronrigg. . Waite Jayne. Geo. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. It is interesting to notice Michigan's present position among the Western Editor Today-S. S. MORE. colleges, as indicated by the following statistics: Subscription-Two Dollars per year, payable in P'ets eored P'ntS, ames advance. If deinquent after Nov. 1. 103, $2.50 S'ored Ag'nst per gm. pl'd Office Hours:-12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 Minnesota . ..4591 712 445 113 .. Daiy.Michigan .... 49 49 10 Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business Man- Chicago .... .. 41 3 3 14 ager, 331 Packard Street. Illinois ....... .m11 89 30 12 Telephone, 461. Wisconsin .... 304 37 38 0 Northwestern.. 217 33 18 12 Iowa ......... 147 93 1 9 uN~oN ner. Indiana ....... 122 91 20 6 __Though Michigan still lacks five points of scoring 500, she holds the CALENDAR. record for the highest number of points scored per game, and for the Nov. 160-Lecture by Prof. McLaugh- least number scored against her. lin in Tappan Hall, at 5 It is evident that only two teams p. m. stand a chance of scoring over 500, Nov. 17.-Lecture by Prof. McLaugh- and that these two teams will surely lin in Tappan Hall, at 3 p. do it. Minnesota will pass the 600 m. mark. If Michigan does it she must Nov. 21.-S. L. A. Course, lecture by roll up a big score against Oberlin Walter Wellman on "Be- next Saturday. Oberlin defeated the hind the Scenes at Wash- Ada team by 12 to 11, and Michigan at Washington." defeated them by 65 to 0. Case de- Nov. 20.-Women's League party. feated Oberlin, but since then Oberlin Nov. 20.-Adddress by Dr. N. Schmidt has shown considerable improvement on "The Permanent Value in her play. Last year Michigan of the Book of Genesis," scored 63 to 0 against Oberlin the Tappan Hall lecture room, week before the Thanksgiving Day at 7:30. game. If she intends to pass the 6000 Nov. 20.-Inter-Department debate. mark this year she will have to do Nov. 21.-S. L. A. Course lecture, by a little better than this next Saturday, Walter Wellman. as 42 is too much to expect to make Nov. 21.-Oberlin vs. Michigan. from Chicago. Michigan may well be proud of the MICHIGAN COACH SUCCESSFUL. true college spirit shown by her stu- A. C. Steckle, captain and end of dents and supporters. In the game the Michigan football team in '99, with Wisconsin Saturday this was es- sends word that the team he is coach pecially noticeable, and there is no ing has recently won from the strong danger that the team from Wisconsin tam from the Uiversity of Califor- will have any reason to talk of unfair nia by the score of 6 to 2. In his let. or uncourteous treatment received at ter he says: "Nevada did 'em up Ann Arbor. The good feeling be- brown. Regards and success to old tween the supporters of the two teams U. of M." at the game was more strongly man- A. C. Steckle, ifested than that at any game seen Capt. '99. here for a long time. It has always Accompanying the letter was a been a custom at Ann Arbor to cheer pamphlet with the title, "Souvenir of for the opposing team when they ap Nevada's Victory over California, 6.2." pear on the field, but nearly always In the pamphlet is a full description ni the excitement of the game there of the game, and statistics of the will be more or less cheering from the team. By defeating California and bleachers when one of the opposing tying Leland Stanford, Nevada has team is disabled. This is one of the earned the title of, champions of the most inexcusable offenses, but it has Pacific coast. The credit of the great occurred repeatedly, notwithstanding victory over California is unanimously efforts to stop it, and the Michigan given to the "three Steckles," Coach men are certainly showing great im- Steckle, and two of his brothers, who provement in being able to say that are playing on the team. I. Steckle on Saturday not one such "mucker" won the game by an eighty-five-yard yell was heard during the entire run for a touchdown. game. The fraternal spirit towards Wist The Columbia-Cornell concert will cousin was also exhoited in the royal be given in Ithaca this year, next Fri- treatment of the Wisconsin team and day night. + Your Entire Needs in * SLaw', Medical and: 2 all University S Text-Books. New and Second-Hand. Drafting Instrumets and Enigineering Supplies I A Specialty. The Right Prices Alwavs. Z tSecond-Hand, Books Z " Bought and Sold at WAHRSI BOOK STORES, UP TOWN DOWN TOWN. Uniiversity Books. LAW DEPARTMENT. FIRST YEAR- Atm : :: s 5a Anoe lCot racts 4. .......... $ 0 I lutim&Wodffs Cse0o Cain:: e~lt as......l.'.... ...... '0 Niso's C ses riinl a:.e:30 Burasc's Case on sales.. ...... .50 Chastee'Caes oniTrts:e eel... ....e.ts2850 SECOND YEAR. lluicut's Negotiable Instruments 4.00 Ferry's Commeonekaw Pleading. . 3.50 uiti BunA e 's .tases an orlily .1 isisrids(.:.. 4A TiIay on iialiPrperty,Vosls.. 0.10 wilgus' (or portions. Vos....9.00 me:: l'irraentso le srtem'll ri 2.0 Me'.h ms s :s on , l ':sershtip, l 'oddar's outlines and Cseson Blms anoed Carrie's. Shit & Das .sC:se ts::. lonaw 'le:::- 3 THIRD YEAR. C o ey's Prin. of Constituioal Law, cloth.................... ..... 2.50 ioyd's Cases Consiittional tLaw.. 2.50 Buin ci > iie .s Cases o aJi spna rLa...u d n...... '......40 ilsyeb's tus n oPr-ive '5 M ecns l i c of Ii e .. ....... . f( CB :u 's'i ' :S.:t e ys h P..'?.1o 5 Coley's Taxatlion ........... ... .. .3.50 Brewster on Cnveyancing......... C. E. BARTHELL, Law and Medi'al Books-New and eo'nd lBand. 325 S. State St. Second Floor. Irritated faces soothed and healed. Williams' Shaving Stick. I THE sTUDENT' [CTURE ASOCIATION, wAER WUAN Will Sleak on i-a-urday venin, Nov. 1 AD" I1bION - so50CENTSh qklw HjEJ1Thr"EAT1'ORr DrAN M. E$ABOLT, Masager T 0 1N G H T THE EMINENT ACTOR, IROBERT DOWNING --IN The I-Ion. John North. A Story of Society'Life at Puget Sound. PRICES: 25c, 35c, 50c, 75, $i.oo. ZbhbrebaV. iRovembet 19tb Julia Marlowe's original, complete $20,ooo New York Criterion Theatre Production "WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER" Seats now Selling at 5oc, 75c, $I and $i.5o. " ~O4~O*O~We*~4 HENRY & KYER, MERCHANT TAILORS, NE AIYE.