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November 16, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-11-16

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The Michigan Daily



No. 45

In East and West-Michigan Well
Satisfied With Saturday's Results
-Light Practice Last Night-All
Eyes Now On Chicago.
Both in East and West, the scores
of Saturday's games showed how
fickle the goddess of Fortune can be
in gridiron events, and how little cred.
ence should be placed in compartive
scores. Michigan and Minnesota,
rival claimants for Western champion.
ship honors, were the only teams
picked for winners who proved worthy
of the confidence of their supporters
The fast football played by Coach
Yost's men brands them as winners
on Thanksgiving Day, and gives'Mich-
igan a firmer hold on the champion-
ship. Wisconsin is out of the race,
but in view of the Badger's strong
fight on Saturday, surprises may be
looked for when Minnesota goes up
against Curtis' pupils. The Gophers
had the expected easy time with Ilhn-
ois, winning in a walk, by a score of
32 ,to 0. Schacht, the burly tackle,
was the star, and never failed to
make his gain.
Chicago's hard luck undoubtedly
lost Saturday's game to West Point.
With an even break, Stagg's men
would have won 6 to 5. The game,
notwithstanding the Westerners' de-
feat, has had a salutary effect upon
football relations between the East
and the West. Stagg's men played a
remarkable game in many respects,
and the strength of the Maroon of-
tense surprised the Eastern followers
of the sport. Kansas lost to Neras
ka by a score of 6 to 0, but clearly
played the better game, and Jack Mc
Lean's Missourians were defeated by
Iowa 16 to 0. Nortwestern, confident
of success by reason of her hard.
earned victories and tie with Chicago,
could not gain consecutively against
Notre lame's defense , and Captain
Salmon's players had the satisfactioni
of seeing the contest end with a 0 to
0 score.
Princeton established her claim to
the championship of the East by her
great victory over Yale. Princeton
improved as Yale weakened, and the
individual performance of the Tiger
captain, Dewitt, in kicking a goal
from placement, gave the Nassau men
the game by a score of I1 to 6. For
the second time this year Harvard
suffered a mortifyingdefeat, this time
at the hands of little Dartmouth,
whose giant forwards smashed
through the Crimson line at will. The
final score was 11 to 0. Columbia de-
feated Cornell on the Ithacan field
by 1,7 to 12, and Carlisle filled the cup
of Pennsylvania's sorrow to overflow-
ing by scoring 16 points against
Pein's 6
Speculation already is rife concern-
ing the make-up of the mythical All.
Western eleven. Chicago papers say
that four Michigan players may make
the team. Heston, Redden, and Mad.
dock are regarded as certainties, and
Curtis has a chance to go in as the
other tackle. The preponderance of
opinion, however, points to the selec-
tion of the giant, Shacht, of Minne-
sota, for Maddock's running-mate.
Michigan men will be slow to admit
that Gregory has his superior in the
West, and all the other Michigan men
are considered as having strong
The practice last night was natur-
aly rather light, and as usual, after
a big game, all scrimmage work was
religiously avoided. The damp weath-
er also shortened the work, and the
men were allowed to return to the
gymnasium early. All Ann Arbor is
resounding with the praises of Train-
er Keene Fitzpatrick for the perfect
condition of every man on his team,
and more than ever before are Michi-
gan men convinced that in addition
to possessing the greatest coach in
the country they also possess the
greatest trainer.
There is a strong movement in the

East toward the abolishment of
Thanksgiving football games. Most
students are'desirous of spending this
mid-term vacation at their homes.

Mr. Blauvelt Addresses the Members Their Education-its Restrictions and Prospects for Exciting Meet This
On the Manufacture. of Fuel Advantages compared With Those Year-Handsome Prizes Offered
Gas. of the American Girl. -Many Competitors.
On last Friday evening the mem- Last Thursday afternoon Mrs. The annual Cross Country Club
bers of the Engineering Society were meet will conC off some time between
entertained by a most interesting le- Crooker aresse the women of the now and Thanksgiving, probably the
ture, on the "Manufacture of Fuel tniversity at Newberry Hallon Eng early part of next wee. Interest Is
Gases." Mr. W. S. Blauvelt super- lish girls. She asked the girls to sit increasing as the time for the event
lntendent of the Solvay Process Co on the floor, "just as English college draws near. Being a handicap event
of Detroit, who delivered the lecture girls do," and then gave a delightfully there is opportunity for all, and an
was a student of Columbia Univer-informal talk on the English girl as excellet chance for untried material.
sity. He is a young man - t excep- This year there will be more men try.
tional promise, and the -engineers she found her, during her five months' ing than ever before, since. the ath-
showed they appreciated his courtesy stay in Europe, letic management will give three indi-
in speaking to them. - ,-She spoke of the English girl at vidual loving cups and two ribbona
In his lecture Mr. Blauvelt com- besides, the usual club honors of in-
pared the principal. methids of the homes, at college, anti at church. She beisteualcbhorsfin
signia, and the time-winner's name
manufacture of fuel gases and the by- said in part: being engraved on the permanent cup.
products formed from them. He then "The English girl is not so busy The course is about three and one-
took up the advantages to be derived as the American girl. She has much half miles in length, and the present
from the Retort coke oven .over. the
old Bee Hive method, showing that mire leisure time. The class of Eng record is 19:41, held by Captain Kel.
not only is the yield of coke per ton lis 'women, corresponding to our Am. logg. No restriction is made to enty,
of coal greater by the former method, erican college women,n ever fit them- though of course, those who have had
the hard cnitn riigi h
but the by-products formed pay for selves for anything. They study h , consistent trainig in the
the process, leaving the coke as profit. simply to get an education, and for squati of twenty that has, been rii-
He attempted to show that in the general culture. Consequently they ning every night, will probably win
near future perhaps the iron of a mod- spends much more time at home than ihe honors.
ern blast furnace would become a by do the American girls. They know Owing to several unavoidable cir-
product of the gas produced. In con- more about cooking and housekeeping, umstances this will be the only
cluding his lecture, Mr. Blauvelt The band between the English girl chance the cross-country runners will
stated that, as the gas arising from and her mother is a very close one; hiave to tryeout this year, the inter-
blast furnaces is being utilized for they seem more like companions than collegiate race having been declared
power in gas engines, it is found that like mother and daughter. The Eng dff. For this reason we may look for
there is an excess of power, which lisi girl looks up to her father with a close and exciting contest.
can be sold. The importance of this much difidence; she regards him as a S-
power will in umes of a fail in price superior being, to be loved. Her SENIOR ENGINEERS.
of pig iron, keep the blast fuirnaces brother shares the same estimate, as owing committees for the
running, the iron being stored until do all men, to some degree. Senior Engineering class have been
high prices are again attained. 'luhis "Tfis attituie is ue t the emtire appointed by the president.
he auddesd, will keep lie narkit st-a separation in the education of girls Pe 0. V. I.mH nE. R H s
her, for although the rise and fall ins smith buys in Englamid. in ireland and Hry D. V. .Hall, E. ald.
price may vary as much as it does Scotland colleges are largely co-edu- -Picturake, t-airry C.nal.
now, it will not be 'so perceptible' atiomal, butiii Englanu there are noA Picture Committee-J. C. Wright,
The employment of men will be stead- suith inslitutions. English women are A.wT. C. FA. C.
her, and the conditions throughout the iermuthed tu study at usen's coeges.y.
rwill Ce mitre unifurm. nmattermen he Invitation Cmmittee-George Hag.
cntybut nut maier how prficient they areTenxmetgofheE ier
'he next meeting of the Enimeur or how high they rank in schoarship erson, O. W. Forkner, L. Kirsch-
ing Society will be conducted by a they are given no degree. Of course braun E. E. Ware.
party of semior engineers, who wilt Iithere are women's colleges in Eng Memorial Com.-Donald Waite, H.
describe the summer surveying trip lanu, Citu at men's and women's col- A. Harris f' ,L. Keller, K. H. Prat,
-- liges aim toward specialization. This E. G. Stroby.
'VARSITY CALENDAR OUT. is one reason for the narrowness of Auditing Committee--L. A. Whitsit,
The annual University .calendar, thie British. An English college girl C. Biggs, R. S. Hall, A. Gregg, O. C.
published by George Wahr and Miss or boy takes tip one thing and doesW -
Lovell, is just out. It is composed of it well, but knows nothing of many '06 LITS WILL BANQUET.
several pages containing pictures of things. The masculine element of the soph-
the campus and the surrounding coun- "English girls are very athletic omore literary class ,will enjoy a feast
try, all interesting to students. They hav many more out-door sports at Oyster Bay on Thursday evening.
Among the new features is - the than American girls. An English girl Time occasion will be the annual stag
front cover, which is a large raised thinks ittle of walking twenty-five banuet of th'e class of 1906.
facsimile of the University seal, done miles a day. She is out of doors rain Preparations for ass elalorate
in blue and gold. The use of the seal or shine. "spreazd" and an enjoyable evenilg
has become a fad this year, and the -"The English girl has very little have been in progress for some time,
calendar is therefore certain to be freedom compared to her American ad the, committee has now an-
very popular, 'There are also many cousin. She nmust pay much more noanced the date for the "big event."
new pictures. Among these is a new heed to th, conventionalities of life Many members of the class desired
one of Michigan's mascot, the squir- As a consegence one of the greatest a banquet, and others asked for a
rel in characteristic attitude. The faults of the English girl is her stiff. smoker, so in-order-to please all and
picture, so popular last year, of the sess; she is very hard to get ac- give the class, something to remem-
library, by moon-light, has also been quainteu with. Another result of this ber, it has been decided to combine
reproduced, with several -new ones o is her dependence, her utter lack of both.
the same building with its ivy coveer self-reliance. It is an awful thing for A class stag banquet is given for
ing. an English girl to be left without the purpose of bringing the men to-
Several pictures of the Senior money. Labor for her is considered gether, giving them the opportunity
Promenade, and a couple of the en. degrading; there is no kind of work to become better acquainted, to foster
trances to University Hall are also for the gentlewoman. Schoolteachers class spirit, and to pass an evening
used. have no social position whatsoever as pleasantly as possible. It is the
The architect's drawing of the new in England. Even then there is little duty therefore of every mesber of
Engineering Building is given, and hance for the English. girl as a the, class to be present-
from this one, gets the first iea l echoolteacher, fur mesi are usually Tickuets can' Ce had of Laub, Barnes,
how it will look when conmpletedi. employed to teach even the smallest Davidson, or Stevenson.
Take it all around, the calendar children. 'nere is an increasing ten-
this year is the best .one yet gotten dency for women, who have to earn VISITORS BANQUETTED.
out, and is a credit to the publishers their living by teaching, to go to the The Wisconsin Senior Engineer
colonies, especially to- Australia. class, which has :been on a trip
There women teachers receivehigher through the East, stopped off here to
D. U. HOUSEWARMING. salaries and more social recognition." see the game last Saturday. A com-
Delta Upsilon fraternity gave its mittee of the '04 Engineer class met
new home on Hill street a house- them at Detroit and escorted them to
warming last evening, which was at- WISCONSIN ATHLETIC INSTRUC- Ann Arbor. The class spent the morn-
tended by seventy-five alumni, who ing in showing the visitors around the
were in the city to attend the Wiscon- TOR VISITS BARBOUR. University. In the afternoon the WIs-
sin contest. In the morning the old Mr. Angell, the athletic instructor consin Engineers attended the foot-
men took a tally-ho ride around the at Wisconsin, paid a visit to Barbour bal game.
city, and a banquet in honor of the Gymnasium Saturday morning. The . A banquet was spread in their
visiting alumni was served after the girls' gymnasium had caught the spir- honor by the '04 Michigan Engineers.
game. it of athletic enthusiasm animating all Four Wisconsin professors and two
Michigan hearts, and a large number of the students, Messrs. Griswold and
LECTURE ON MACBETH. of girls were present practicing bas- Rome, offered toasts. Professor
Last night a very enjoyable lecture ketball and doing stunts. Mr. Angell, Wrentmore and Dr. White spoke es.
was given by President Northrop, of who had been instructor of athletics pecially of the new spirit of fairness
Minnesota, at the Methodist Church. at a Normal school, previous to his pervading athletics. Mr. Stroebe
"Macbeth" was treated in the same going to Wisconsin, added much to toasted the '04 class.
scholarly and interesting manner as the girls' fun, by teaching them some This banquet is interesting, as it
was King Lear on Saturday. The in- new games. For a while the gymna. is the first one which has been held
cidents of the play were discussed, sium was the scene of a glorious for years in one of the University
and each of the charcaters given romp. When Mr. Angell prepared to buildings. After-it was over the class

thorough and crisical analysis. The leave, the girls made the gym. room accompanied the visitors to the train,
audience was large and enthusiastic, ring with the Michigan yell; then, in upon which, after some rousing
and intensely attentive to everything honor to their guest, gave three rahs cheers, the visitors returned to 'is-
that President Northrop had to say. for Wisconsin. onsin.

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