THE MIIhIGAN DAILY. NEW FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. The famous HAR'T', SCITA 'FNFUZ &1-MAoRX "and * other wyell known and reliabile urtkes includted. .# ~JACOB 1LUT-1 +217 South Main Street. The Righmt Thinigs, and Ellongm of Them + Is what keeps tihis store in close touch with the young men of the University. Our exhihit of jSUITS, OVERCOATS, HATS; CAPS, AND ALL THE NEWEST MSEN'S FURNISHINGS ;t Is generous and( interesting ant! is made up of >' li ust those things that give tone to the wearer. + Stte Sains an.OHOeENRA LNE Men who liket evwe' Stat SaingsBan. 'OIO ENTR L LNEScost frequent here.e 115 1rri lRtT0,;Ino. v hiIi 1DIirnet linet' ls'ls'i'i' 'letlo, Colum-i t.. Jasii. A/y'eit 1 hr.V. C. Xi1 11V.M l ie Isl isat nll'ii. o5Jt])till' I lA5 1C ln V ~I1~ 1 . 1 t ".II St<< appy ti 1_,.e1S s . . A 7n fr St. ,t i t Yno. 1 o I)N' t r M IS .TltO.(hl't . 'Ii .''44 '7' < R E N T SC H L E R For' anyllhing in the line of - .+ :+,b4 Maker of Photographs Framing, ('all onl Rentschler',nad111o tet Eih VCoc I'heni"}e. C12r(ornt elMaiisilIoiSties'' If you haveonse of or .+ r: + +, ,;'s , , . *}tt,"+r~rt DollarAlarm_ Clocks_#_4 CALENDAR. IMPORTANT. ( / r j - Iue toi a mistake in proof readling, fQ L.U ILJeweler, '° Heloii'i' F iday- Op)liligireceptio the iroomse in wictceorse i1n Moolt' 109) S. M~ain Si. $ (I tr : ,, ipalnrmiaistationkiuldaieits'w. Ca ( Silt I. nonittiet frosm the anniouncet ofi'i t nt lo Adl-i ets ing. ilitiarkmeet iff i-t, 'rati e, Scenc'e aiii -Y, M. C. it eeptiioi. theiAils. S Theclass willrmeetin i oo Everything to Make Your Room H( toiliit:11lisa'il cittinilus 5'. tif Univrsity hall. ALL-FRESH OUT. lt S ornr (oreitnid iates fire tie all fresthmtart foot- ALOELSCreStr.BULLETIN. hail teamt arc eqsutsteti to mueet at -_--Feryfeldat :15 everydary. A coark MONEY LOANED on Watches, Diamonds' wil he rv ide ada tedlo' ()r ot( r" orsrn~l proerty f va~lie, Mtch. lass i iubill' bei pit PriledteartS1ltarrsnehitliuli' isfST (. it Jwr t rr irediuu rix' i t ti ifl (l ines cti on il I olltii clesst.o is S'il'roomiif'l. Ctst O T l~i'aty t5irs'r'iArrArboir.i'iigsi . h1ira i inr' rl i''~iths I oi li ilu 'iNOTICE taiesCnieta.oari at:lith tisa ie hiour. BoiIith 'lat'sss Altlrctndidiates fott'the Mkichtiganr JOSEPH C. WATTS. «iwil uuc'iIt . fi r lst liiy7'liiai(.'s oifo'oilt.1all least shottuld reptoritattFerry fi t ttliiiiiiir ta iliii il tho sed isrs pits l}.> I. I. YOST. I ~Dwight E. VWatkins, ieit ii clear class.-IiSrat IW aenuesitleorlHotya' TYPEW RITING i-tiiissil ' iits til t r e rugSttre, 1017Mtain St. S. l~pits ava iito323 S. M air.RSt. iilllbi iniroiiiHi itlis 1,Ia, tii. luslda. ' _____ ZAUIIMA & PETRIE T,,I .1 irst la)ori)ifal\'s(Ib DEI.+11 I ~c1 '~o ~ Ity,1. 71. 'losi 'sN. ___-_______ FRESH AND SALT M\EATS. tiuiyitelir r Ch17Sar I.5 locoltesattGIodiyear''str. 107114E. William St. GEOMETRY. flit a{ C. H.IMAJOR & COOIertpp All studeniiis io 1 i' e d iitmiiiin t who Alarm t'lott ,..Artistic Decorators...Ii i ii t ili( l I il) ;0ntry ' s.i ol Al.Hailer's. speel Itesi'i ur'icr do't'trii ii'u'watt. soily i'latss woirk.. ,A spialcltiss wlt Fe R n- rtilim frriti' 1ti~l aprPant, )i rl Ulas e 'orn c frths ~irp rindcr ~h.Fo Si thadImey.uri4e 11 dlressed atmtodleratte 4, f4. MS, RYAN & REULE. tu~~r~ at u+,rti * +reil Stuttt t 'I i ,r s ti i's trig Sitore. 750c'extral. Singoamison 1.0 Officers. { 'Presient;-'.IU.tCoutterii, 1227 X'ultanii :'21 ...ii'auii Slteet tgllS612sisi t reieti. 't'r'i i ,g Se rtry--. (S. a ty D 0 S iinreet. Slititik. I.. XV. fu hS t. a I 2,, itS. rA .. t. I. lo ise. It. S . liV ier ' , t tiltit' iii tl F.iitl C. It. Foste. it iiIt>sS i i. s The sl niofi'gssnerali i'iii stray it.ike ts i llush is toddy5.SIt Nv l }.Sr' I.avs, tun ])' fitr es. in. 1 hn lr St ce ous 0-1 . 1) Thei iii'ne'ralita'tmtssintit'ns tmtuy 1at miii. is iCi' iii ii's i ' igst lrnit I i I i Firstd Year Class. Sir. I, Moni.--"Thrs., 4 Room24,Uni.Hal lees JeessaryStore. udfsapl at OLLeas UFecTure Tilorte, i number. tit I.It American & European hotelj Ir iOpent ]Day .and Neigfht~rO 51I.1 takttHALL, itWLtSO ALLEY 'AND 209-211 N. 4th Avea, intRoom A.t Aliti ntending to tstilii h JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 2-17 Mattin St. S. Phoneit281. - i KOLLAUF, The Tailor, - -- 11.10 Huron SIt. E. Paili Sittitiies itS rll tRidsill all srioes at. t'rsltli's :I'lttritittt'r Freshl Lowitey's, Allerettis, Spar. roiw's andri Iirylte's Chiocoltnaes at. Cuish- JOB PRINTING - MEYERS, 215 tng's Ptharmatty. tlair t S. S. Phioe 281. fbbbbbbbbbbbbssssssssssssssssssss """..""..."..... s SOrGUARAWTERDn PATENT LEATERSHOES. Also'a Fie pesne L indo wt~-ALBERT LUTZ4 The Reliable Shoe Dealer - - - 12'4 South Slain Street. ITHE11 kinds, all styles, always up to date, the most durable Shoe made and always the same price, $3.50, three hundred and sixty five days in every year. Meyers' News Stand, Give uIs an oppotrtunlity to figurre on yotur list. Z PRIC[S TALK. We carn saveyonuImoney 011 ja .LAW BOOKS --m (N .e-Second- Itrr CALLAGHAN & COMPANY I stir 'I'iiitiis isatnt 114MONOSERSTREET, CISCAGO. ANN ARBOR BRAN..IH, 3'So State Street, IOpposite Law Building I" ± 4.~3lt.++t....5.5ngritr4.+5..+5.. + Our Genttlemen's FrlifngDpatenr ' JUST RECEIVED A~ Alarge assortment of :Shirts and Ties Q T FOR ThiIS. SEASON. The Effects and ColoringsI . Are Beautiful+ S SPECIAL UMBRELLA SALE for $i.oo f~ j ManagerU.S C ut~*ix9, RLeyet" ft Co, '1++++ 4++ +4g*Sngu "+df.* s t'f..44.4,,+ 4frr fi~.s4.g a~,4. 'a a.4 .4.~ Al.-- A L .... J Aways Anead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring.