THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Look for tbe I. H. . r.abel I eciaI ffrinq in In your coat. It's the gtreatest H ren'& Furnshinu s ,,Aj 0(05rity hond ever issued. We ihave Hat, Schaftuer x :LMarx $6.00 All W~ool, F'ancq Bath Bobes, p-iecd at $3.98 Suits and Overcoafs $1,50 Adheis's 8treet and Dq-ess Gloves, - $1.00 FRIOM s. $4.50 Men's Fivest Laemb Wool Setters, - $3.00 ;- 02.00 to $25.00Q The Clothiier, BoxofJ6 Pin e Linen Cambric11 odlecrrhiefs, Jor 75C 1qendessvaiet "X Newest Styles in Neck Ties acid Collars shown lhis week *f Wi SOUTH MAIN STREET lACK E! CO i *ria.'rs t s r ti*ts4t ft *t *ta t +ti+ * 4i+ if'i J f i i+ r'irs*rash'4 i J t + i t Sri*ts* .+ i+a ir+t't* ++ir+jr+j 4 t* r+f. jt r N NNNNN N N e N r NNNN +Oi ®®! t .iRAND ALi . 4. rl >:t+ r+"rs!rs!r> >°r 'r>!Jrs°ts!rst>!r>!rst> r> 'I' 1 #- #- -1 -4- -47 '#7 -V f, - -41 -4 -4, -41 'r W 141-47 -$1 IV -*-,rv-OVv'T L~, THE IOTOGRAPHER 121 E. Washington St.i Established 1881 _ 106 H~uron Street, Eas ® BVR.CHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE We are prepared this season to meet every demand, as 0 we have increased the nutmher ot workmen. As usual we have UbeInest Line. 4f Woolens in the city. Art and Skidl will predominate in our work as in " the past. We respectfully invite your enquiry. ! ~S. W. BURCH FIELD r+t *r+*as*rs+r * *+*4r>*t *ws* s*rs*r *is*s*i *r * i*i *rw~*i rii r e'i 'M ' ' '' 'A' 7t + ' ii'it '*ra i Si i rr4 i j+ jOthers Claimf Themii We Have Themi is e1 tilla drlm oses ,+ o II .1 ,II 1 the, 1 I Ncrli] (se~fai hs~lu carv l ed wihNc Th stly strictly First Class Shet* 5. rder Dining Seem in the City I.£ theI ladies. A Willits, The Caterer~ (fly I p'r from 'less' 11 il. mlngh A 315 S. STATE ST. New Brllnswick Tables AFr REID'S BILLIARD) PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prep. 312 State St., S. Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes Fine Lunches is Connecion. E lryt'1hing Nelli and1 308 S. Sate St. R. . JOLLY. The School for Dancing GRANGUI'S! i rouind floor ons Maynjard Street 4 (1111 (dock1 ,vest nii seltie Street t stiores. 'Phone 2-4-6 t YOU CAN GET A 0 Hot Lunch r At Tsttle's, 338 S. State Lestino $3 prr TFom ro 1 2 tVerrsJ UNVRSITY ACADEMY, State Street j PROFESORSCTT PRINCIPL PALACE 61 PARISIAN ~.LAIINDRY AGENCY.. WIooa 1-ledl-lI 1and11 (Iriceredl promeptly fI . V. DOWLER, Aqi. PHOTOGRAPHS JCall en SEYMVOtJR'S STUDIO 316 S. Stain Street. SP'ALDING'S OFFICIAL INSTER-COLLEGIATE FOOT BALL Usd hy alt the Leading Foot Ball Pants-Lc f0erent, hips meld knmeespaddwt flneu5 har551115 cll[ Ithighs. - with 011111 stripes. A . G. VA5LDING & BIOS. 4 incerperatedl. New Yerk, Chcago, Dever. 4 +Spalding's Official '11111 liall Gside Price 10 ceents. 1 1 i 1 1 1 :I i I t c t t I t r 4 t c 1 J 1 C Ik f t S 1 1 I c f I c 1 t t t i 1 i i HIANSWER[[R, Caterer, S501111 TAST. (Cottinued IFom Page Two) Wisconsin still could not gain gain, Hammol~nduldlropped' bark for a, against Michigan's deense and Bush Iliac's kickfotre 11 24-yard line, the pute tel Graver, who by clever dodg- bul hbing dirrty in frntl f the ing brueght it back to the 25-yard polsts. Fverything seem'edl farorablel line. After anolther five-yard penalty to) a sucrcessful gal, anid hr botc~d Saidoc pntee to midfield Mich- the tall fr1101Janies's hanids diretly gal's defense was allsolltely impreg- Iove'hr te br Pandlemonliulm 111o111 nale('andc the ball went lver on down loose as the first score of the game on 11r 50-yarl line Mihigai was was mlae.' Score Mihiganl 5, Ws- agini penalizedl'.10 yards for agf-side conin 0. playing andI Wisconin alsee receivel a (On1the tnexttkirk-off lRdden'lcwas 1ff- fiveyard penaly. sidel and1 Shulte' adl t11repeat his At the freulet penalties Yost e- icke-tIhis time fr10111his 51-yari l10' ine mre rxciell and ventre upon110the P'ete'rson fumb11ld111111 leltin dolwned 0111, r1111which he was prmptlylx the tbal 111 Wisronsin's 5 yard linelPrledl by lhe referee. An exchange Maddocllk gainedlllthre. Linecktll~s of punts followed ani the ball be nettdI smll Igails. T'elie rrceslt play 100g1dIlo Michigan on her 2-yad lf th Ita011111c1me1 at Iis Ipinl. 'Thirdt ill. WioInin held tfle (owns 110 doiwn willshre11o11to gain. Madock Michigan's 25-yard line,tBush tried a was givens the al Cor 11h1'splremel0 drpll kick, which was bloed by Red- effort andl wihsa umigty leap hurdledtIll'. Wison~si was hellCr dewns Findlay oCr 1110' 111st tirltouhownl of the 1)11S1-yard1111. Timenecallel. titanc strulggle. I lallnlossdt ticked a Offcials-Wrenum, Harvard, umire; uificut goal andllthe cr11wel went wili. Dary, tGrinnell, referee; Cornell, Ne- ise seloe: Michsigans 11, Wiscconsims0. rsa, limesman. AiidedI ly lhe 1wi111, Sllttelloed 1111 btick-sfft ovr Ish' 1g1111p1111"1int'l FINAL LASS GAME A TIE. thec crolwd. OnIthrlimnt out1fromth1e1' (Continued from page l..) 25-yard lime, Abbott~i kickedlilIo (Curtis. chose tec' morth goal to cdefemnd. 1Brnm- whol~ dcownl'd till' tigskimson11Wiseom-camskickedoI1ff for the lass amdthe sil's 35yard 1111. tHlstonm lbldlbt ot vat ws (doweliel ectheEmgieeers ecovred('lhelbsatl l antd1111Ihe nxt-25-yardi line. tGathell made eight playho' gainecII twol yards, straining yards 5011 Iy sor, steady gains the his 11111 kmnee in thc' James's ligstin was advanced to the middle quarltrbactk kirk gave the altot~ Wis-o t i'eld where the Laws got the omsin 1)11hr own 1 2-yardi line. Wra- tall on115cdown. By olc amc five- 11110 wa110 downedl'Ifr1110 tehind by Rol- yardl gaimso they arned the all back del, 111s11g 1111 yards. ush puontedl again1te lhe Engineers' 25-yard line, 111155 his goal losts Itto Redden, swho wlee thcy fumnble. Omi a fcmblo' hlhee'i' all hattdl Mlbichiganmlform~edltill'pigskimn went tc the Law toleaafree plall' kicro1111511113:1-yardl 1111tle tirIy-yarcd line, hbt thy limo. '111e atemptlfaild bt hint1ball0 were unbl' to gain and th' ball went 17ar17y mised 11th'nark.tGraer Ito tes'Egineers olme circled heeller[1te1 ut-t 1on511tIho' 55-yardl right 101d for 15 yards. bt limebuckels 11111 5111 n the.'first 1p157 cirleid 1ush,1.faildl to net thema any graund anol dodgedl thefullballck 11111 aide([l by 1t1.y panltedl to the aws on the t0O splenidlhinmtererenceIfromis iammsnond yard lime. Hyde proved a ure 5111 Redden, evaded[ Atbot and placel ground gainer and again and again Itho pigkins squarely behindllte goal was ent thromgh the line, carrying pools. 'l1is pay7 was notl. allowed e- the oval back to the middle of the caseIof lis 110heing the tbal. f111, wen time was called for the Michigall lined lupl 011tho' 4-yarl firs lhalf. imi or tCo fIc rot' 1l1ac11'rickleareIby 'Ths' tEmgiers icked cff 5011 Hahn traveor's hooing thI' ball Hammond w1a50downedet ollthe 30-yard line, e was equlal teo tie occasionmsand wonm cirlei rigt end fr eight yards and lasting fame by drivingite 11511 again for 12 te Laws lost the ball, sqularely betwen the posts, Michi toumg,. in the center of te gridiron ganl l6, Wiscon~sin 0. 11n1 dowls. Hlme turned right end After the kick-Iof, Wiscnsin halt forl a _0-yarl gain but only to have his 1110 b1511111 their 35-yarn. line. Again 0s1151 los th oval on downs on the thely wre unlalble o gaims 51111Bsh, Il-yardl line. Thle Laws took le ball imi attenmptinsg ll clmplcate Madlocas to thir 45-yard line, where tey Cr- een from a fake punt, was throcwn Cr eited n (lwns, but regained it again a 10-yard loss, The ball was called the same way. The Engineers got the tack and Michigan penalized five pigskin again on the Laws' 50-yard yard~s. Bertce tbrokle thlroumgh the line ]fim(,, bmt lost it on the 40-yard line, for 10 yards. lames maling the tackle Hahn sprinted around right end tr in the bactk field. Wrabetz was im- 20 yars ut the Engineers got the jured11 an11hils place was taken by Rob- oval again on the 55-yard line and inslo., punted, when time was called "4ALLEN'S FOR QUALITY." Fall Suits now Ready $10.00 and $13.00 Best in the world VNYION LABEL ONr EVERY GARMENT ALLEIN, ITH[ CLOTIEUR 113 S. AAIN STREET Phone 52-3r Pantariumn.I Cleaning. Pressing. Reairin. 336 . STATE ST. tOv'n.-Cusns)a *Clothes called for and * Delivered. Leave Orders at Cshns oe Phne 582 3. ELECTRIC FAN.5 Electric Cki fiing Dishes t Electric Table Laisstm5 in f.. leehei qt li 11 t- op 5..u 4. POW~k COMPANY. : ICcr W-6longt-q and 4tIhAc. P.2731 BAILEY & EDM'UNDS, FISH NETS P'OPDr-CORATING. 21 East Liberty Street M.te ATHENS PRESS . 011I0 CENTRAL LINES Drect Lne between Toledo, Colum- bus, Athens, Ga~lliols, Chasmrton, W. Va., and the Suth, Asik your aet or apply to t. . LEWIS. . A., 7 tainrt St., Detroit,.Mich. MOULTON 1115C, G. P. A.. Toledo, O. hlighest Casb Price paid for seond-hantd clothing. Shoe repairing wiile you wait. Goods called for S. GODSIN. 818 East Washilngtone Stree-t. MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, The Prfessonal Hale Dresser 322 S. State Street, lp stars, etssp- iallsinlltationw elaldlells to o'cltier p01r1 losoinssspetlhrmnewlinerIof hilr 11111d1to1ile goods. Try my Scientific Face Masage and Manicure. Money Loaned ON Watches, Diamonds Or other perscmta propety of value. Watches and Jewery SRe- paired. Bargains in Watcthes and Diamonds. Office a t residence. 31 E.Li tb- erty Street, Ann Arbor. Hors 8 to 1t:30 a .1., 1 to 334 p. m., 7to 9 p. m. All tBusiness Confiden- tial. JOSFPN C. WATTS. NNNN NN N NN N # O N N eN N " °'' '"'' f WE ARE NEVER UNDE RSOLD-G OO DYEA R'S DRUG STORE