THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. lilAT PABTICILAJ! SOI IYII NG PURITAN ~ HOES1 l~O 1f A i'lIS! 'THEM i A0111!. - E x r i I i 1 ; a i. 4 (jrolvo in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. E~njoyed in America. 'MIOCUL SMOKE MAKILS EGYIPTIAN SMOKLRS Cok Tisor Piain. SvetheCupon.. The'W. C. Kernl Ca, 411 E. 57th St., Chicago, s Caps and Gowns made to or- der and rented. Pennants for all colleges and r fraternities carried" s in stock. Class Pins, Class and Team } YOU MAY GET THE SAME QUALITY IN + OTHER MAKES AT $5.00 BIUT NO LESS. Ann Arbor Store, I I I S. frlin. [actory-Brockton, Mrass. Foir a (Mind Cut i of 14RN-B H E Maker of Photographs COFFEE ORne39-r Phone 389-1r CHOCOLATEAR llFVnF 'r4,4,4... 4,+l4cg gNI.++* SMONEY LOANED ON Watches, lDiamonds, ' ~. Jeweir.yand all High (lass Chattel an d Collateral Security. SBUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. W. J. LOURIM. Rj oots 7,Henning 1B1o(k. Pise'4inS O lleflourscl9eti 1:3, i to 4::is For anything in the line of 4, Framing, Call on Rentschler, +, Corner Main and Huron Streets. t 14 1 , q 4) g ,p 44 4 , 19F,4, L 1 T,Q',"?D4,4,4,4 4,44,4,4, 4 vacu -- Send for Catalogues. 4 Others Claim Them, 'e Have Them. Shell iOydters and Claims.Liir, '1'c lik nde r tiri, giceLno eis,g Fish .ii« u icv sais, all tine Leading .1 lrs'aktast Foeds, seried, nithnNice Slich Creanm. Gamie Dressed and n eaily served for hanters~. The only strictly First Class Short Order Dining Ronos in the City. Ou laste record is ear guarntie to tie ladles._ Willits, The Caterer. O Iyster flay Phone 467. ()e l f~e rain({;30 till niidoigiht. 315 S'. STATE ST.:' I SPALDINO'S OFMiCIAL . INTER-COLLEGI'A E FOOT BALL 1'Used by all the Loading 5'Colleges. Foot BallPants- trace, ipssand ks paddedSith linre curledi laliisad tiiighs wcae' sstrips A6.SPALDING A BROS. L frSpad ' ew York, Chicago; Denver, 4 Ofpfdig' c(iel 1Foo ,, i ui ods 4. te1903. editedSky Walter-(amp.. Price1l cen, B5AILE~Y & x'7.DM"U 'M FISH NETSw$ t'OI(DI'CoIaATI C1. 121 East Liberty Street. MaeRighit aiid Served Right hAIn'order 1o11vc11111117 tors151tok Mae Call oil lnersil 7 fArtgallery, 11he aiithin P[NNYCOOK, hav alrrangedt'l o have thie gal 11111n1today fromnine111toiltiwelve, S h ontfectionier, 310 S. ;ci 0. oiii ou oclck USHERS' NOTICE. D.1,!Y., Ari A.,& J. AILWIIAY alAl]lishers for the gaoi(,iedi1 Fonr Detrit bait hour ly from :5 until elk s wll lie gon 6:15 icam. Then hourly uthii'1:1. For Ypcli- °lanti nly, ati12:i5a. m. and 12:4 a. a. her- .Jackson hourly fromi 6.15 a. m. until 7:15 p. m. $125011Biiys you a tailor-mladie1 ,Then atil:ip.hi. and 1iolS p.. Waiting om ao t.W, of Main. Traiher, $3.25, mladiein your measi OJeercnat. $15.100nit Kuhin T'aillo Dol You WANT A 'GOOD. . . Panr1111, oner Fired Natinal Bankl 42- $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN ? i(i ii71711llglse Try the -"UNIVERSITY . al vollies ini tailoir-malle Cut. aindis011 01. I coo-show you11fah Mann's Drug Store, 213 S. Main St. mae byehy11 elistlnotedioilier: ihe woldi, 01,0alirice cenient X. U. J(1505, 55ARRSO 0SOLEt Presidenut. tV. Presidient. excepitionall l olklinichip. Sain 5. 5,lW. ARKSON, Cshier. Ilingualranteledi. lKuihni Taiiorliing FIRST NATIONAL BANK los, leer Firsti National laok. 42- OF ANN ARBlOR, MICH. Stiideis isl lmiiaie the ieadli lesnat ol111 teelesicloose this CARPTLS - $100,000 fni- poilalllr mic miiiical Inl SURPLUS AND FROFITS. - $40000o - -_ .-- i _ ienss upplie ile s td imles. State Savings Bankf. L,°uain Penn atlCunhing's. Lo t-- omnia CIhi Beta pin.Pl ni1kCrTO.h returii to 1331 Washteniaw 1 WV. J. Booth Tno. V. Sheehan 3 Won. Arnold Is. V. C. Vaaghan Jais. H1. Wads E. 1P. Mills - __ N. J. Iyer doiin IHaarer Last-Gioldtlociket andilchain inivi Just Kocih Fret. -1. S. CaskIn ilaortC Frank F. Gazler Christiau Martiun 'i 1Ollolise. Reto43SDisonRead 1 THE ANN ARBOR. RAILROAD - AND STEAMSHIP LINES. C.ALLA.GHAI Trains irisesAenn Arbor by Central Standard Time Effective October 25.,i1902. SOUTH NORTH Law Booksellers, P No. 6- 7:20 A. M. Ne. 1- 1:00 A. At. No. 211:i3x3 A. a. No; ,5 is:l sP. a. No. 0- 8:52P. MI. Ne. 3- 4:53 P. Iu. Trains No. 5 and 6 run between Aon Arbor 114 MON and Toledo only. 'Trains 1iS, 3, 4,i5, and 6, daily eceept Suday Free chair cars on Non. I usd 4. WV.,T., WILLS, Agent. Jt. J. KIRBY, G. F. A. C Electric and. Gas Fixtures and Construction. Flsmbing and Steam Work. Alt at Reasonable Rates and First-Class Order at J. P'. SCHUH'S, 207 E. Washingtons. University otudents desiring to se- Ann cure positions to teach will find it to li.I their interest to write to James F. ritieo McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- ilery cago. tf. and I______ I i he- ure; wring !43 tris r5 of ofac- Car 4.1 q ar- year Ace. ltf ricin- ,turn 14 MAKE MONEY. Wanted a lady canvaser wiio sin work ahout two hours daily to sel11 good article, suitahle for Chrinttna; gifts. Address 14, care Daily, Fountain Pens at Cushing's. Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettis, Spat row's and Hunyler's Chocolates at Conk ing's Pharmacy. THANKSGIVING DAY EXCURSiIN RATES. Tim. Ann Aibor R. It. will sell ex. cuirsion tieketn Noveniher 25th alil 26thi, linilted for rettirn to Noveniber 30lh, and fare anid one-thirdI for roomd trip. 4lINos'S6 Studetstnwill tmake tiieir leadquarl. ero at Rootionuic House this yeas for popliular music, esiucal instru mietst, supplies and studies. -tts JOB -PRINTING-MEYERS, 21r Main St. S. Phone 281. EARN SPENDING MONEY. Wanted gentleman canvaser to sell new, qtiick-selling Christmas gifts ior yoting folk. Apply at once. Addreu. It, care Daily. a LS r- i- v .. a ,,. d PHOTOGRAP H S call on 1-r SEYMOUR'S STUDIO 316 S. Main Street. Hlihest Cash Price, paid for secoind-hand clothing. iShoe repairing while you wait. r Goods called for. S S. OOLST[IN. :115 ast Wnashington street. r LIrCTkIC PAN,.5 ElUectric Cka f iig Diske5 bcrcTasle Lamts I ii tfact., a ytling ta Iigktch upeycu, ro. Callih in ace-oursac diplay.. WA.5I4TLNAW LI6HRT $x POWEIR COMPANY', Car. Waaingtt a ad tk As., Phra-.27I r& COMPANY, 'ublishers aud lImporters, [ROE STREET, [IICAGO. 111 a 1:: 1,1] l : Il 11 ;i 11 :I, 1 1111111161 !:1 I :!: I : I j: ,: ': i Ii: I : ;,: :''!, Ip r + , B-IXL[R_'S_ SPHYSICAL TRUNING IN WRITING, Sthe book tar all. the peapis all tha2 time, isnsll vocaitins; for home improrement. E01 ,~pp. Hiuurated, price 0. ' Teuted ltyears. Three months' correspmndesce soslrse by $1. For a brief tIme I will send the hook and caurse tor 01. IWillecurI o and poutice csre for Sbid writing. IndlidualtyretaineS. Buusess Penmanan on umeso, Itc. Addross Prof. G. BUELER, Madison St. & Ogden Ave., Chicago, Il.s w. New Sleeping Car Line Between DETROIT, TOLEDO, COLUfI BUS Leave Detroit lo p. in., Michigan Central. Leave Toledo 12:30 Night, Hocking Valley. Arrive Coinnmhus 6:5o a. mn., Hocking Valley. PARLOR CARS ON THlE DAY TRAINS. Say "Hoceing Valley" to the ticket agent or write L. W. Landman G. T7. A., Detroit, Mich.,; .T 1 441.4 -w 11......x.... 11......i w lip .TT MP _ r ,......._.: _ _ Always Anead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring,