THE MICIIGAN DAILY. IACHrIGANCEN "TheNiagara Falls Route" THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, KassCity, St. Paulad the West For informaos and througisticketsccslon or write toW W.W. CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor GEORGE BISCHIOFF, rLOk1t5T. CHOICIE CUT PLOWE5R5 & PLANITS Chapin St., between Huron St. asd Miller Ave. Phone 809. N~ew Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. Ihave-ustreceived the largestlandrinest line of Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ever brought to the city. Fine Lunches in Connection. Everything Neal and Clean. 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. The School for Dancingj GRANGER'S Ground floor on "agnard Street One Block west of State Street Stores. 'Phone 2-4-6 YOU CAN GET A ' Hot Lunch At Tisttle's,338 S. State Lessons, $3 per Term of 12 Weeks UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street PaRFESSOR SOurT, PRIsNtAL PALACE R& PARISIAN ..LAUNDRY AGENCY.. Office 615 ast William St. Phone 657. Work called for and delivered promptly P'. F. DOWLER, Agt. 110W I5 TI? You young fellows are the most particular trade in the ; land, and all these yearso clothes makers have been giv- ing you the tag of their production-never considering you important enough for a distinctly different class of garments, till THE fAKERS O COLLEGE CLOTHES came along and produced those smartly tailored gar- ments that have already brought us the bulk of the towns young men's trade. Made just like special-order suits. , Staebler @ Wxierth, SOVTH MAIN STREET.; -- I, The Michigan Daily Sent to your address until ordered discontinued, for six cents a week, one cent an issue. Phone in your order, (No. 461) or fill out and mail the follow- ing coupon: ---- - ------ ------1903. The Michigan Daily:-- Kindly send the DAILY until ordered discontinued, to the following address. I agree to pay six cents a week for same, one cent an issue. Name- -------- Address ----- ---- WiY NOT READ YOUR OWN DAILY? OVER A THOUSAND. I I YOUR BLACK SUIT to be correct should bear this famous mark MAKERS NEWYoRK Serges, cheviots, thibets, vicu- nas,unfinshedworsteds made lustrous and lasting in the BENJAMIN shrinking plant. Guaranteed all pure wool and fast color---or your money back. The single-breasted sack: 4 buttons, narrow lapels. The double-breasted: 3 but- tons, wide lapels. Both have broad, concave shoulders, hand-padded; hand-made button-holes and close-fitting collars; all hand work except where expert machine work improves upon it. The price is right. Your money back it anything goes wrong. For sale by us only. CUTTING, REYER& CO. 109-111 East Washington St. AN ARROW HIT- 4 0o CAN TAB A" MA iDEN QUARTER S ZES 15 C'S ECH 00 TWO FO 2511., CLUErT, PEASODY & CO, MAKER Phone 582-3r Pantoriumi. Cleaning. Pressing. Repairing. 336 S. STATE ST. (Over C.sshing's) Clothes called for and Delivered. Leave Orders at Cushings or Phone 582-3r. Wm. lbocbrein !Banitarq1plumber ZtcAm & &0 fitter. pbone 667. 303 5. State St Bath Supplies of all kinds at all prices at Cushing's Pharmacy. According to "Printer's Ink" no un- dergraduate collegiate publication, daily, weekly, or monthly, has a cir- culation of over a thousand. It is the ambition of The Michigan Daily to reach and considerably exceed this mark. There is reason to expect that this can be accomplished. The circu- latin is noiw well up In the 800 mark, ani is still increasing. If a college "Daily" is clean, newsy, representative, and the subscription price reasonable, it would seem that everystudent faculty member, alum- .~ ' o ,aa ,aa, aw .u a aa ~a .. , wau Cracker Jack nus, and friend of the University could well afford to show his college Furnished for parties and church spirit or good will by subscribing. socials at wholesale prices. . MICHIGAN MAN LECTURES. ((continued From Page One.) 301 S. State St. Us . GI[B[ T. ment is rendered dounly difficult, and ---in many cases the first thing to be $5.00 IN GOLD done is to employ all possible means :gv ny p. ne., a tt'e to rid them of their prejudices of P kP ad m'odern methods before attempting P k c , Patoran anything farther. For this reason Bowling Alley the irroblem of rendering Manila a Under new management. For explanation fit place for American habitation is a call and see us. . 707 N. Univ. Ave. far more difficult one than that accom- - plished in Santiago and Porto Rico. Pantorium, 336 S. State. Cleaning, Nevertheless Dr. Burns stated that Pressing and Repairing. Clothes four years of American occupation called for and delivered. Leave or- had worked wonders along these lines. ders at Cushing's Drug Store, or and in time the transformation will 'phone 582-3r. be as complete as in Cuba. It is very easy, however, to drop into the habit of "sponging."i.e., read. ing some one else's paper. Never having had te satisfaction of read ing his own "Daily," there is undoubit- edly some excuse for a student in not subscribing, especially when he has to pay down two, three, or four dol- lars, as the case may be. TheMichigan Daily byits offer ot a peniiy palter, six cents a week, mailed or delivered, does away with the paying of a larger sum at one time, and enables a person to have a trial at reading his own Daily and paying for same a smaller sum than is charged for any college Daily in the United States. PROF. NORTHROP TONIGHT. (Continued From Page One.) spondence by Secretary lBoulger it is expected that he will come in the early part of December. The date will be announced as soon as fixed. The lecture will tegin promptly at $ o'clock. Doors will open at seven MUSICAL CLUB NOTICE. The picture of the Musical Club will be taken at Rentschler's at 8:30 this morning. J. W. WATLING. Jewelry repaired at Schleede's, 346 S. State St. 42-46 W AGNER COMPANY, Inporting Tailors 12" South "ain Street, DOWN TOWN. WEAR A DmIA1OND Barrios Diamonds have been worn for years by diffiereut memnbers of the diplo:nitic corps from the South American Countries. These magnificent stones have been the admiration and wonder of society wherever they were shown. :. Barrios Diamonds have all the fire, life and lustre of genuine stones and in appearance positively cannot be distinguished from theta. It is a wanton waste of money to invest $75.03 to $150 iiia real diamond that may be lost from its setting any moment. You can wear the identical piece in appearance set with a Barrios Diamond AT 1-20 IE1[ COST. These goods represent all of the latest most popular styles and designs. They have the distinctive features of jewelry worth many times their cost and from which they cannot be distinguished even by the most critical. We absolutely guarantee these goods to be as represented and will replace any stone that loses its original brilliancy without one cent of expense to the purchaser. Money returned without question in case of dissatisfaction. The Barrios Diamond is beyond doubt the finest, most perfect imitation ever discovered and may be worn anywhere with perfect confidence. All the beauty-of a genuine diamond at a fraction of its cost. Barrios Diarnond Co. 206 South |fainOu1treet, WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE