THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FallTHE3 MICHIGAN DAILY h il Enteed as secodclss matter at the Asn Pubalideddily lloioiyecpted dung the at the 1, nit rity of Michigan. ,IfU Editor Today-C. STEVENSON. The Largest and Mot I_________________ Complete Lino of [NGIN[ERS VS. LAWS. Y W YA ~ u-I Championship Game in the Inter-Class W OO51 L11 Li'N S Series to e Played This Morning HUUL~i~iAt 10 Olook. 'Thle senior engineers will entertain lie eneiior ngineer of Wisconsin io- ay The Wiconni men will arrive in Ain Arbor will e found ii Dtroili tenmorig from their at G. if. Wild & Co', 108 eastern trip, aid wilt be met there East Washington St. Great by a committee fron Michigan con- pains hve bonn taken in sitin ig f D'oge, Drake soil Keler. the selection of all suitiogs, 1m cmitentccr 1mt trouserinits & overoltiogs TAsnn trtee thleysvt lemt for this season. n roweete ilb e at the Nnglie~ing Buiiliing by the other nemierofuthle senior clas, ff .W ILD C aid asedlirtevrondthe campus. ~'3 At 6.',0th le uvent it the ay sill G.I. W L tJ concn a class spper, at which the Wiscnsiii seniors sille the gests d$E.Was. t. of tie Mticigai seniors. The siupper ~O8 E.S~Tas. St. wiltte erved in ruimi111 of the En ginee ills Builuing. Seeches and sng wilt, it in expected, eliven the evening uiiti tine for the W5.isconsin Stewart Edward White eginees iio leave fr their train. At tho o i miii 'sn lase," Te ticetnfor thi Supper will be a~lilazi ic i etic i. sol at seventy-ive cents, ani all froni Fraser, Artiaga tD'oge, Ms lae. ntr uite 1 fb it ts rai'uis tarul.rtMe~aiti. The expenses of the Thomsa~s Fogarty giners will be borne by a class tax. $1.30 N~d'PA W ONDERFUL M EETING. A ook fltitt the charm anil 9 niue ro ag . the mystery and the svonder of (Cniidfrmpg1. the great woods. it has becn Coach Yost, that Michigan would play Isaid of Mr. Wlitc that he has the last minute f the game an hard the powr to make you feel the as le ist. woods as thc masters of salt wat- Captain Redden was escorted to er-flction make- you feet the sea'' the pltorm. He sal tuay's game *and in thechapters ot thi- bonik titt ele ratswveotaylo ±this quality of his wokIcis iinor db legetetee±lydo Wprominent than ever befire Ferry Fied, ottd assirei Michigan There are stories ofi experiences roters that tie team would tie ev- and advenutes "on the ong ery ounce of strength that was ii trail," in the wilds of C'anada, them to carry off the victory. its of woodcraft. sketches of the The attdiene was then s wildly Htabitants and the woods Indians hotefulthalit it itsistei tn hearing of the northern country, pen pi- something ftill t'oach VYost himself, turns of the great forest in its many and variable moods hereponm the smiling iiHurrypanlstem arhdoteplatfor _______________________________ amidtumtuoustitti cheering antial- plaus. Coaich Yist exhiitel a tais- S hechanitan is te shape f a rabbit foot, ieceii with yelowv ani lubse rilbon, ANN 32 o tARBOR.16Wdad DETROITAv e salvwas a siit that Michian would win, le adeithat the tmen ssre iniifite ioiniition and wotli io thei besttit gain a victory. After The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. this talk eery mian on the 'Varsity eltven, inldirg the twitotiuarter Capital stck,$0,000. trpls, $175,000, bakb adi Weeks asi Persn offered tResources, f.H0ttlt A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS sitie fitting wrs tf enciuragemen TRANSCTED. ii ret otis'lto peristett ceerig and tOreit-s:asuthures iE.LIiscuet. Pres.; W.D.a calling for seehes. Htarrimn, Vice Pres.; N. J. helt.,tasier. Tefliina sieaker was Professor -- - ]'ates, of the law dearment, who Q l~y1 nisiiL adlesswlattale remassron the DRCO, stengthiiif Michigan's team. Atr nite rais for the' Wisconsin ffice 209$. 4th Ave. Phone 18. Resi- eve, the rooters sang thei"Yeliw dene-302 K. 5th Ave. Phone 314. andttBlute as a cuting song and inn Ambulance on call. great lasnmeting was ende. MUSTUD[NTS' [ECTUR[ ASSOCIATION ANNONCS PRES. NORTHROPj N frfNNSOIA LUNIVE~RSITY J ON ISATURDAYT 1V[NING, NOVEMBEIR 14, 1903 Subject: "KING LEAR" ~@*0*00*0*0e**e**e*0*@*0*@0*0*0@*@*0 "ISLE OF CHAMPAGNE." N N N Vus. 50 R. T. svlhugs' t'rituuraaihni es. 9,00hso - iiie Mchen'sticiessof Iarttersmp 2.00 Maddtock. .......Fidly Mechesis oai'us os-lumteship, R. Eiodard's Otlauiines miiCumseson Buaiminits ad Carrers. Shhipm & Hammiondi ............... ush iuiithmcsst'omontLa~uw Plead- Jamesor ~ .... isggTHIRD YEAR. Jae rNorcross ....... og Coleiy's rhi. of Cunstitthanal L. Ii. aero L~taw. clthi...... ..2.6 F~eson ............ Vndeblozn Ioy tuicses Cutsiltatial lmw. 20 R .IH ± mhtsiss 0 hlsBukcs Cuises on Psiity .trisirudeiue : dee.0 Graver ........... ...Wrabetz Eu]lot's GeereliiPractice,:Vas 500 F. j Syer's Css on Pheate niptr- F.n timunmt uw .. . .2.0 Longman ..........Scofield SMehems Ptuihe Diuers . .ee The officials will be Evats Wren CBukey's c. . . .3*30 ±betskit Ot tf Harvard, umpire; Darbyg of Grin- litester oCuinveyn itg. nel, referee, and Fred C .rel f i E. BARTHELL, Nebrans, etdslinesman andh time-I In the east two impotant conets .Sconud -Had. will be playetoa.Yl an 325. Sate St. Second Flonr. trincetots will battie at New Hasen, $ N N N I NO for the championship of thin east, anti- Chicago and the Army will meet at Wiest Point. The latter game gives an excellent chance for comparisoni between eastern and western football,- - Yoli' owVe t- to'your Banners--All sizes and shapes--at f tDtI~fWlligs Darling & Mallaeux's Savingo st i. - - BANCY STOR, COR. STATE AND LIBERTY STS. ____________ Souivenirhtray givenmuaway Firdy audSat -______________ urda~y wimeey prchiuse s2 ofi r imore. D1tAH M. 51!IABLT, lManasgr (Honaax, i ' ovember 16. JULES GRAUS COIC OPERA CO. In the Greatest of all Comic Operas I1EISL Of CHIAMPAGNE LARGE AND HANDSOME CHORUS. Prics. 25c, S80c.778c, $1.00 $1.50. j Z TUEBSDAY, NOV. 17th% THE EMINENT ACTOR, ROBERT DOWNING -N THE HON. JOHN NORTHI PRICIES : 25c, 35c, 50c, 75, $Itoo. HEFNRY &KYIER, MECHNTTAILORS, NvRrvAE