THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ~1 1 AW IHIGAN CNT -The Niagara Falls Route." E'S I10 T ,N1 ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO ' BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with chtIr ix olletion-x Itlii x i far St Loul .l iuS:L~l ly. St.I .Ii:ad t e N_ t. wrt l 1'. ASExx~ I 0. ui Arbor.ix THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STAMSHIP LINES Tr II lii Ir ~ n rbrb ', Itl !l l l 'xi ,0~ I ii . , s~i E 1 Ixic A. 5e. (eo Xr'ii (. 121 per[i 'I ' \t t1'. N xI f- "NIlI iA . ii t-x xxi Xxxn.ent \\'. T.. WXX illS.Aet:. :1... l1 1 I'. G. P. A New Brlllswick Tables A REID'S BILLIARDI PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Toacos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Sate St., S. I a utrw iii l teIxI. r;-es( anl ined:ii i niir, ix Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes eve bim 11hi tothe(I x'y Fine Lunches in Connection. EveryhingNea l i 'ax. 301 S. Sate S. R. E. JOLLY. + e The schanolfor- 1 Registlxis el" X l ..Gravger's Academy YOU CAN GET AC 0Hot Lunch 0 0At Tuttle's, 338 S. State, UNIERSITY ACADEMY State Stext SMONEY LOANED ON 3BUINES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. , *W. J. LOURIM.? listtI~tli51i sseu in o ck x. P o11. U iii lo l~s9t 1,Ii i n 1::311 Rowe's -Laundry, 326 N. 5tht Ave. .THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor. Bell Ponl~e 457. P ICK WIGCK BILLIARD PARLOR AND BOWLING ALLEY REMODELED. NnW OPEN. YOU ARE QORDIALLY INVITED. 707 N. University Ave. S. I4OTTENSTFIN, Prop. GEORGE BISCIIOFF, rLOR13T. CHOICIP CUT FLOWrRS5 & PLANTYS. Chlxqii St., sbitieeniiIisron i-li. and lillee Xis%,. I'loon- Os W). -Ten next painted picture on the banner is that of the MOGUL Cigarette, a little roll ot tohacco much beloved hy the collegium studentum. Often taken to his room, whore smoketh he them." One of the lectures not in the course. Ten toerI15c. Plain and Cork Tip. * Established t88t 106 Huron Streets East 'a Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring Trade wei'hare' incoi' sed thillehimelifIorseieii'n. Axst a wx' IivixVbe e Fh~est 1K1rie of Woolenis iliiie' f the tilt. W eix'tfully incll 11itF o ij~clitl. S. W. BURCHELELD i~i~ii~ooooooo oooo~ooo i~o Others Claimii'hemfi We ixlljiltti IiP xi outs eree o l 011 xl PctUre S and Fa e +F Have lll(' wilxe. Ilee]oYIs ups DiiEe PkIL5 AkT 5TOR , +,+,+. +++tx. xiiI xxxe oi xono xx t lt poi lxi lilalil 'i oex. + .11 I'V "- f - +f * t ? ?f ?+ f I+ +Xffi+f f f. 4-Lyman Abbott. + lectricC CIXPfiIc 1Di.shkc , +5.. The only strictly First Class Short +*I( 'I lix A-.serial 11111 eelxs ilinfidet ltlii +* le-ti +. Order Dining Room in the City. +. +EetrcTblap 10' 1 e+ix Ilx111' liiI ali I;Iix lw Rev.lxlxeDr.Lmael ixli . ++111)11Vll liiiill- xiil>lI 1111111l1' 111111111:1IiIIi' +i+ ]toff.x i i.1iiItii1-I'IxS a* Willits, Ihe Caterer. -1111as I ill xii. 4ix .ii ' lli'ix + l+ +t Ii'. Ai)t )t.ilh l is lx oiiil xwasx 11er 3, t+ ,wt+ e l'.xix r lxx iI. '+t liiln i ixxxxxxli hl awii an.iii theii-Ill1Illi- + WA5I-ITENAW POUT & () tIi x x i xilxi0Ii-ill I iili;l +xii+i StI .+STTE T. ry. 1I'.liii ililixry finllXxllxly liiii in , ++ POWE-k COPXPANY. 'a, 31 S SAT W. Z'axihs irtlasortxwa 11lxxx e * +++ 111 CoiiiW -kiiit toxi1 INl(1i4I A1e.ix ixtie1z7< ++i] ]lut, 11 u i ieix-i 'ii- ii11111 x ii iL xi()2 '4 a4' +t'+~4 '4"O 'ttt D, Y., A. A. & J. RAILWYYI-I ixii .x I oi 1111 li.Allxil lli I1belx llim r l es sx inl theiiiiin"THE NIANIO lO) whish hex'leiit.i III(!) lto lxvii t 5 t -il .l 'lxiii ll, xxx'r ixl ii tit x. lixiill x l 111 xsssi t> x1 . 1 i')' ( 1) lxyii 111 x 1xi :lx . lieXo i I])liiiixelx lxxxix ltoiliteraturexandi o lxixlisx. FNU IJICLUB ilh xxxII..folc(. xxii. ll. it 17:1. t). ie H x lxe 1 i ii'xxxi(iii xxio Then l 11:5).Ill. :giii ld:1 1. xx. Ienryl WarX x e ech~isie ii lit e p bli a- Waiting Room, Huron St., W. at Main. i ii siP ofii- (l (hi iiiiiion," iandiii CLEANINGI PRESSING-SHINES lalii becaiel r-ins-iefx. Ili-. Ali)- Con lx int111le lioxi :e i oine, x ii Iexlo ll ax idted aioxo lme xof l j M M ERHPTCKTnN-AEA th e iixtu d e n ts , J a m e s W h itc o m b R ile y . liJe s ls o fxii N xi ie ill i 11 " Ildx T eP10 -I ® - - - O N IE D O L L A R .- tii he Motxiii I 'xixl,1n11dsixnoii l il-o 111)- i lxxiiiixplo s xof Nexw Testami ntx ~lxcI(Inii on the liii Lx. I.A. xxs 1111eral x-xx"L i -eof H niry lWardi Bechie." 1)1. 3365S. STATE ST. yerli 1 , o xis te occ sin of a xxixr AbliiltI xilioxxxlispakon -heNi-exo'Pxole O~a lo r. s . liiiliii11 iii lxxxpi hull]lxi.- - ii ii l i l xoyo I o riii x ofdis ta-c liilll - l____ 1111ishm IXOWhih es l acod I illiiiii i lii iiiiiiil i- ii 1107' ili% ii 0501F. Hopkinson Smith. i 1111xi xxi-l ii illlIii Ps'ililo 111111d -iii 11551 lavsx i s 1ii liiiiax ieeiiiiioi li i n ii I i veyx sor ini t. 11 horn 15 t .11 ilaios oft iiiiai;i"' llpli snlnliithl i ll be i' ii lul ilil l ll 11111 il 11 ii attenx ionlx xat -'iil ii x l-il lx ii i tired il lx'fro xl-ill hs p eaanei n Anni' x xx Iei tprsnho eeeii ithi 'im l'' 1 ill 111111 1 years he l was ii a lecturlitourl iicl-ll - ly 111 iiiix. li 11x1x i as i xiisxi xxcalliixxin l aii ii 'l xiso x the ibxstx brace ( ivela d, '1olcd , I~tr( ii a . iiSih sisssty il ol li. ' l lii ) ip ableto- securxxx iii nxis. :lr i ley xoll tas 1an11 ixi'i'ix i iiis'ilii'x li P and xioodlOratorical Association. lxa~ ro is xworks.x xxxi- iiilsiiliiiiMli. Smithsiioy lx It: ha xi xitheliii -lisi liiiforii-h ss- x\liixiiii iix l oxxx xii iiw 1i i xehe li) Xxt I litllhi sc xiixild ex "Ctiiiiii. 1111iiiit i(:1 tl i io Ixiiix lxx-' Iiii lx iii xx -0l'-ofiiolone pa, i il Annx lArboxrxiisisi i- olast iis li- cl~i~xi-ii 'xisoif(s-i eixs he-xi ii Oratoriiiii iiica -otst. ek ini Octob-ier. l l xix lix I lxxx isxr xo i s sx ear-~ly,. iiildsxix 1011et 1h I ']'is i the ionly ml nmixsxi lf ly hc pclx111li i~l iithe art isto te a-,an ii aductx5'x s sintil xfiiour i-i l lt-i the' xorators ii in I tlilixiily 'can isob- xi "' 'ixxi il'lx x:i-i101dexscr ii-ixels"hlrie ~i oo i fice' i Nsauxistrxeet. til a ol iiIlix lxo speik and111 s-I-lerl d di~i i al cct speaker ofiiil xx Aniorii iixhreheis Franclis 11t. SithIii lixn xsocsiaioix i llxxiii yearx xx hlii theix ia"ii. = ;a ix. iiilioxix \'hlxx h h ('lix' illy becomxsxixF. IHxopkxisonxi S nlil ssli x i inx' he iii xiii- anne ent i itld. ixlxdllie i clowixixxxchooxse-s t iii11111111 hal 11ige xlisii's li ter-i . Anounem ent for Fiftieth Season. xixi tSo tere esxp xxr al- iii xiit oxli--ist isand xxspa int oM . l~iI xxi i teow O t (ii ce i are 5x xxixi xxi htd ll l iii ith i-en ixs. Northropxi of i n. , Nov..IX' 11.i tii xx ixiire- ixn wr. WXiixix l,~ii liiiNovxi. 21. Isb liBeecher, Dec. 5, President Cyrus W. Northrop. Henry Van Dlyke. tLvsiiasiAbbott, lii. 2 li' xlx'xii l'yrs- W I. Norl tihop Iof flinr 1111ain5Dyke,11a1utioreandi l nix- "It'. liiiix~ino u l Oiil li, lxii xli. Minn st iii'xx l siv- sxiiy xxilspex--kxtoxx1iii1 Ph1n1h lsli h11d11aivex-y iitislipiiixx lelxx I iy lxii -- --x I)pll-- il uu.x..sI 'xxii -s upy. Nox vmbxe II. P'residenitx Nix-il- lhe xxxi to pxok iixhxi t o s ix'iily h i il I)is Nix xx rp is ;aut aeanpdlii xi uh i f xiorxse- (te-graduateixx life 15.1 P'incexi11lxxii i li xsii lx xx 1.ii x'sl xl 511 i ldiiithix chairsof*i t-hilxi gradua 11t i o--ionh xw n aadies tol i corix- Sa' n pckts .0 liieix-s' i nlxx i Al aix Ma .teri. Itix151 ])it('li his xldiviiy siiiies. lIe rei' ('xi ull onpalefour hi' isslilixilthei preidenic'yxxof it ixixix'-- soixal IUniverity 1and1 alxx nxxxi olxi xpro iinence ixa111an -educatoxrx 1'resiiixnt Nosrthirotp xiiilxsxxakionxxxing Lxxxx " LLEN'S FOR QUALITY." Walter Wellman. Wlterll e l'lxmanstIhe noxt xxnewsy lllpapeixiorx-spoissiix- axnxd irecticexx ixlorerx,xwiii sill-k xxix'"Behixixi11he Scx-e at.0 lVaxhixspixsx.,' i-. Wllmsaxn siliipr iil sxintoxdden axmex-immixi-iiatlxy oni lis oetion- xxwxiliith -th 'liii'Iipii llx-s'xrs. tOvxe his signlatuxrxesif'"ten- hir"''elprdicted tliillixe xoixnatlionxxxxI, tioth tiClevxelxxxxandlaxx inexx in 18l81I Al alWaxshiipg11n1 corxesond nt lxiiWeIll- xinu xxxini iixhis lmnti. It ix a xxat- Ix's sif exomin xpxoill ilWasingtonix thatx Mr. llxlimxxi tas xsoed-xmoire' larxpi-no- sxx eatlxxii thani iaxyiiotheri gxixislixiiiix-x fix i ti meI.sxx ItMr. Wl-xii llmanx oth xliiiable ix's lxiixnxx'x have been ix inodiis'hi Axeir explotiisionsx. HI lx led xltwox expediiloins ito Ithe'Noxith Pixle, the latest onxe ibeinxg;liI1898. Isabel Beecher. IOsbl G (arghil ltBeethesill apptear' oxx Dxc. 5. JoshxnTemp~le lGxaxvxsxsayx of he'r: I estimate' Mrs. lBeechler lxs txe comsing; figure xutpon tie eadxxinxg 4 1 Fall Suits now Ready $10.00 and '$13.00 Best in the world UNION LABEL ON EVERY GARMENT A[[[N, ITH[ CLOTIER ~The W. C, Kern Co. 1 4t1 E. 57th St. Chicago. yiL/ , LgxIX I. G tlaso d Gl o xisili Ytxsorx ee'a.,±~ 1xPexxantx sixorall sillex x xsxxnd L- ,7 ,c ,yyrah "o endfor (Catalos.px' WE ARE NEVER U.NDERSO. LD GOODY.LEAR'S DRUG STORE.