The Michigan Daily VO. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1903. No. 40 A P1UNTV STRUGGL[. SIX-YEAR EN. COURSE. WOElNS GYMr. PLANS. Yost Says Wisconsin Game Will Be Faculty Plas to Combine Engineerl Routine of the Classes-Basketball to Fiercest Contest Ever Seen On and LiteraryStudies- Such a e a Feature-Sections in Folk Ferry Field-Rain Interfered Course is Needed. Dances and Fencing-Cross- With Scrimmage-Badgers In - Country Walks. Good Shape. If things tirn otila tint'University Facutliy desirt.,tiere wiltbe anther Ter sor: for the year n tBartotr Michigan adherents wilt have the joint corse addetd to bhe caendioar tGymnasinnm hanopencil with large. satisfactioin of seeing one of the great- for next year. Te plant is to cor- well-at tended classes, ani a geteral eat. gridiron contests of the seasnt, ine the literary and engineering spirit of inerest and enthsiasnm. Es when the Wolverineosnmeet te strong cottrss as te medicial and~ liteary erything in being don by both Dr. Wisconsin tearn on Ferry Fienlt Sat are rtottbitnedIanti oter a sxyear Stydtr and ie assistant Mis Stuart, urday. Despite the defeat wbtchsl th course wit a degree ttront eacht te- tt) make te wtrk ineresing an well Badgers suffered at the hands of Chi partmeit asihelpul in aditittn tin the reular cago' two weeks ago, the Madisino At a meetng of the liteay Facutyi class wirk plnty f imettt ani ipor- players are reported to havt hail lie Monday evening a coimmttene was ati- futtnity is ben givei ot play better of their opponents in ever y pintiedto conrofer ssills atimitnitee Altfitstyear girls are reqirei to phase of the gamne except the kicking frimth ie engineering Facultly tintle take le reular gymnasium work. department. With Eckersall out of purpelof ifortmutlating las ot'uch All gir ls whivitishtilon taint ay wirk the Chicago line-tip, the critics assertI a coritse These tent will metne Iat i in tegymniasim must benst take a that Wisconisiin would have wiolhandis once andilas the' sens llto eaf-s pihtstcal examiniatitin. In attitittinito down, as their offeine was well-nigh vriattlc st-ntime-ntexpressedilfor shti h Ile regulanr class wotith le istyearl irresistible. Coach YstIas ito est acortisi:, hitreisinlit te tdoittill.t grstntrigive-tiseeeiatwturknfotins- tation iii sayinig that the Wironsinth iat it snill te establtsheditr tinidevlo entt t when necs- game will be the haridest struggle 'fle wortunthe ii-last toieritns t --rv The riguise clas'aunt oe the ever seen ont Ferry Fielid. He bases tliitaty prtsmenttissmintuatoittpt-tras lie.'iSnyder ottlineti, in as his preidiction ott the fact tha.te thlii-bengitig sIntisin tie nt gtttt'tt Itlitti: Wisconsint teant are ast-ditch ighters ingietart nntitt Tint jtnitortasituse liThe ftesmtianiclass is divid-iet intto andai-e ilchjng to prove to the worild itortuyie-rs ofi -ngineering ntutrtilythrt--sttitons itch of these sectitin that the Chicagsotdefeat didl not put involvi a tcotnsitetabletamontotti et-simneeintg thlie times a swee. The them out of the championsitnp rutn entttheandt ethnicta wrknThe' shtot- iworkidn te is for secial deveopment, ning. The Woverine tlayers rcaizecwittkproabyswottlt be taken in espetally desie to secure gooti that Saturday's contest pronies to these last two ,years Many o the litluist-,situ better nerv an muscle he 'fully as hard a struiggle as tie erat stutite nts as it istake Ics yeas ctntrtint Ruimeintary aptaratusi Minnesota game, aindare treparcditotin mahit-intistwit yea-sr-ot orkni, dumbntbells ad Iniaitcnb ilay the ganme of their lives man tie French andtismett iminesoh.inwintgng anti tning it marching. Yesterdlay's-strmiitirrutediit he EFi sht hysics rteistty tic wlkiigatilruntintg art- arts tf thei strenous Iprogrant which Ytnthail Thee siittldl te itiitlittle tleinittat tswork, planned this week Thi' soaed ranintg for ithetprtottrstiits sthaltsThIte avancedt classes metnthiree grounds wottldhnot alltow a scrinimae a sitent miigti sienditwots yi--rs iitithtu--a-neel 'P Ttt wot:Iofithttisec and the men emerged Ifrom the lgtttstraight itetaryp wittkttwoinit iraigt an-ar-tla--iallsit three gnera signal -practice coveircitwithn nntd'enginetritg tali(I twoi iterarcsty adtivtsisittns hetirhist tclasssittwork is The 'Varsity linetp wsasanfoltiws: tnineetitrnun' t mittiatiothtitetif rsthtmanawork. L. ,E., Wseeks ;I.PT(, mmmis;L ., Ter-ason for constetinun"thu foriii gedtr getitratuev loenit ant Shue; C,regormy anti Hannmumh m i mmon;int i i of itt-hi -ajo's'e - sipisasis u t' r-ulart-e shutan wr- ftR.. oodihng; R.T, Maddockion' i ut i th etuaniofithe stuiets ity h'it setontd class tcotnssts itt tptar- E,, Hammond;QEmitrcios;L.I II itntht ematy iestmIient ittsireto tinuiis swuntkIanl inoorat hlti sIThe Heston; H.HILraver;F,Laing'man helm' t'o ien'mgineer-ig autdl tntointittiworutkIfori tis class is dviediintio two The scruibs were given lbe all nit obstac'leso nn seurngredilt. Mnnty itt arts ingter aphaatts woiInan defense signals piacticedt by theathliienguinrig sitidni isshm loitaie "-muttsatwhih ttint meiii re toou- utuncht smug, incluitngsingle andulnuble ine somnecohin' literary stuiesbtndertiArteu-nglte lurtiost'whnonae nucable fomnationn&thin' presentt irctiistsis the lIn d Itit m ito en-i-pharth work anti unet- iflt Several tadical changes mu tie line- difilemt. A cominemdl i-unitse-witlthcut apantu utwuntk ann ul ght-utann- uip for the Wisconsimn game ant rum--seve;to ineseI thesendhu is satsytuban th Ilet's ftuthotseawhun an moed, although none of them ear si. enuen'thirnsTheii ttitclass s tie the stampm of trutth. Die of these pit-u- mst ptutular iof althe la sses mumthe sitent stories in to tie effect that HAMILTON CLUB CONTESTS pgnmnasitnum Innworcusissts nof Captain edden will .,e ilayed itt the 'Outlast ItMondiay es-iming Novc 9 ,gymnaust in acis rttytfpoli-datccs line-sas melii tie oratrnnicals iontisl s dcnitonutthin'Thists anScandinanuvanmpean- Madison reports say that the flai- idec hMichigan'ms reprsentsi-etine the f smithd advacedniclunit sviging Ihns gers were given Itheir fiercest annum- fget anntlHailton IOrauticl s onunclss was sumpouila last eat that make of the season Tueday nightttst i-mtwu lt-tn-tttmua o-sectins have bien organizeedftun and with few exceptions, the mcmi atn-11, whinchis AlesamdtrI amiltnsmthins year. Athonugh ths advancedt pear to be in first-class lbdeie oaruescio et hretmsa ek n Coach Curtis has decided o have Sco- nnoreintere'si nunaithnnnannul hecolegeswomuan whimhs madbait-ye am field start the game at fulback,-as lives Itiese 'untilsnts uitl st-tin'thaIswitem may- inte antmake armange- an's leg will not permit him to Ilay purpnosetutu-it s titaint the workh twicenun eses Captain Abbott,'Wiabets antI Findlay 'Thecounstittiition'twin tututon mu-" ioncet'a wi-citiitregular clegi wrkh were not allowedl in the scrimnmage latiettsei'contilesintspoim-isthint theimntemernstumt tie nteunance at thu because of slight injuries. oratinsm-"shall1be relatngtotnHIannl 5pnnasiusu A class in Ien-sng will For the first time thin week ninth-tunit contmporunun riues, ors ntuit-ts -i l)hieharrnumgedtannuldtrctent il enough~ ens with be admitted to Ferry Field, which he aul innthin Thi rtio ns 1uwomnwisthm sufficuint strengtphi andu in order to see a tporteon of tonight's shaltntscotan more ituthaisnn, nutrevius Itrainimng sinfyitein teire- practice.-wornd. ight ucollegsnatepe-inteon-m enrsuch -a class'There s a reg- sented: -NorthwssttentCin-tonMihit-lu- aninennis ctutton the gymnasimm WEDNESDAY'S SINGING MEETING. igan Ilimnos Inditana Itwa'tscoun ninerant intn tsprngn it is expec'uted Although the bad weather ketpt sin, and Knits tollegn-u Thisincus that tbc glus wilt have tie use iot the manry, away fromt the singing meeting althtielug cnfntene ''cuttlges -x nutdoornentnis commas as wltiReg- yesterday afternonon,- the enthusuiasm ct-tt Mnnuesta ntx 5lldge, a uan hbasetall eamsunwill Inc mgan- of thse present made op for the lack snmallhtilninnucslruth-pt'kingshe-pl e.n, izeu-nhhinteach nifit-e casss IThoe of numbero. Professor Stanley led Tinhe wining ortinsu atu teun o tutu ionomt gt a ulace onmithe regular the singing, and each nuf the footal egs will he -utnt thum cagtne-spu fihrst lemnannu whim wi-itoInpIlay wilt have songs was repeateel sevemal times judingogsum thoughtu antundtmposinunn.ini ppounumIituitonsdo sin H-hndbtal Under the leadership of McAfee- cle amd finit wilthe snletetintrom tie(ins nevenr mccin very poptula tbefoe locomotive and other Michigain yells eght. 'iTheefinitewiltthelivenruti titi1mmii but thetimetdrns are silling were practised, together with tie "I!- orations a thtie hamuihitnn (limut on .Ta itanhi apoheIhu girls alms wish tin Hah! RhI" of Wisconsin, in tinner nary I whieretey will hum-finaly tinly ]liei'gaint to he able to fittingly welcome Win- graeadiltututlihttelivenry annultougt Attunng tie tpossblitis fin tee ia cosin on Femry Field. 'hhe winn enutfirsttian-n' silt ru-ivi-mtt -tim, ewm swinnmmg tan. last year Stirring speeches were mauls by $t00 and adimissionn tin tetaitn th ie- tanknwis in goodutshanet all ready Yell Master McAfee and Manager Club withouuut tie aymnt mit nut ( amp uetutliit iit5umtossaible attues' Rtoberts. Both dwelt upon the coo- fees; liescondm will rict-i- a prieccu- tInn et wae Innomput mm it. A hock- tesy- with which the Wisconsin team of s$50. i-hut s ason a simie uf the futre should e treated next Saturday, 'The exipense nut thtmoun-tinloanrun Anhe tian out hr. Snyie's, which Manager Hoberts told of Michigan's testantsn wilt e pisi by the cum.sill proalyInc carriedt out in the reputation anmong other Western Ini- These with vary accoring thtieathu (s-p-rng s tin substitute the regular versities for clean spotmanike ath- tance tbetw-eetn Cicapgo anthe ibmffer-! tymnnsummn wor n p~tuuleaant days, typ letics, anti showed bow necessary it ent tUniversities. Finn exanmple tie rsscunutry wals. 'lie gymnastin was that this reputation e sustained. Ilinois representative sill receve $5 s a disareeableulace in the hot A singimng meeting was announced while Mtichigan wilt receivm $5.Fie prng caysanti the cange sill ito for the afternoon on Ferry Field, and dolars will asompbe given each cmiiij a very ageecable one. 'There is no also a great song rally, as Professor testant tin cover the expensis ofiptent rason why a coss-counntry wal,un- Stanley called it, on Friday evening ing his nuration. Copies tnt alt thusde the n-supecision nuf a directonrant at 7 oclock. It was sugegsted that printedm uraion will ben sent funthelm eade shouul nt b anheneical as at the game Saturday afternoon ev- cmntesting colleges. any auntrI in tie gymnasiuim. eroewa ibncryfas ri ntecnetls.Mna vnn -some other way identify himself as ErnestP. Hali-dnay won fettplae PROF TRUEBLOOD SICK. a follower of the Malte and Blue anti Hugto Snnenohein the seconnut Prom.IThmnas t. Tent tlood has been Another good suggestion was that p ilace. In coimmenting upnpum the nuns-: tnable Inn attend his classes fine th' small megaphones be uoed. Professon tions of last Mondlay, Professonr 'ruit- mas-t.lainlays, nun accunt of a severe- St iii y is very desirous that everyone bloond sain tht some of time oratiomn ! attache of tonsilitis. He is now recov-. learn 'The Yeitow and Blue," and were very line, amid that he in very ! ered sufficiently to resume his work, that it be made a part of the rooting well _satislie with Michigan's pros- and hast evening expected to be able on Satfirdity. - pects. to return to his classs today. CO""WUNICATIONS. (The Daily Assumes No Responsibil. tiy For the Sentiments Expressed in These Communications. T'o tie Editor of tie Michigan Daily: I sish soin uter an emphatic protest againstlie writing, pubishing, or snmgingmof such compositis as that which appeared mu the Michigan Daily of Noembuter l, underthe tile "A New Song." 'lie writer of it may te andh idoubles in, a perfect gnteman, hut his sting it it s mttended ti rep re.sent student sen mtment generally, stannsunsis as a st nut tun and vulgar cads, careicss oh the courteies anti decencies of lue anti woefully deli. cient in a sense nut humor I objtct uarticuliarlupmumthis or any otlen college, Inn profanty not e- cause it withcrrute the mrals of the- freshmnibut humcause itusseot of taste. hacknneyedand ununny Finaly, I prtsto against any col-- loge sting intended to be sung at foot-- h at games hy students imP thin Cniver- ally, suhich cannothe sung by women. A. . 'fu thus Editorm: Durming the last few days since the pnrices fine the Michigan-Wisconsin game ave booen puted, my attentin has been called by a largm number of students bonth menl and wmnen, to the comparatively large anmount of money nemcesay to see the one important summitgani. The srongnest argument I have heardminit fasvor of tie ight prices in that tie proumndsn can be filled just as reaiy by flue alto wilt pay two tdollars as by ubhose whit can pay butt a qumaerntotntthat amnount, and -the Atletic Association will make that nm uchmretmonmey. tranted tht the Athletic Association needs alt the monney it can get fine improvnements, ethr tint-idint's nt hclp the pouce- book ofniltie average Michigan student. Wity awnuldit lnctupehapsabe a little hunten sopunsomeha. mire slwly with mintrna gounds. stanes, etc., tuing tiepmices f games within the reachtot alt oun tatudents, antifeel that am t"e imortant gameus aet hatheey memernofltie intttion aounmd the gridiron paining foe our team, rather thanmsitnin u his or hen room, hx- telm i sappontedihicanie of his ttter inability to spendi two dollars tine admttance A thouand student s a conevativit estimate nut those sho omust of necessity, deny them- secvs lins game. Some one says, twinmdolars-wiy, you can get intos ibm- Michigan-Wictnin game fume a olismr! Tms him men can; they arts able inn standtime awhile, anti then can walk arounnd and get rested; but the amumen-cant they stand or walk aronduforiiithree houur? Again, the womendIn'tturt nountil totthec gamesI Dontityoutnk wise scwoulduhave four tmies tie nunnuuce mirlu thlbsre i they cotuldiltiny tickets tune temselvesn at a reasonable pricttnt ithe mn coul hump tickuets tine them at prccs which wouuuldnti conmpelI a man to wear a swaate finea mount to save bs latn- they, in itmrleIntisskeunp tineit It is a ine thump tim have a bautiful finan- cial shomwingp at the end oleach ficat pear smitoIfnteol1that we can putt thousnands -into inmrovememnmts, ut bow much eter wouldi it be, boti fume thet future andthie present, to have event' studment a gooud, tiya one,, a- ing abonut lie time to e hail at them appnroachimug gaine, and not to have hint pessinmistically commting, for a month before it takes place, over his chances mof seeing it at all. The idea nf not charging ton the opprtunity min witnessnug collegc sports is being agi-- ated amd, like other questions of mo- ment, will fake some- time to- solde, limt in thein teimn, why culd not somne system be inaugurated which woud maie the burde nfait hevier upon those alto can best afford to benar it? A Suggestion-Why not issue to each student, when he pays his fees, a coumpon which woud enable hint to purchase, fume a nominal sim, a ticket which wouuldi entite- him to a eat at any 'anne fume which priceatther than ordinary- are to bit chargedl? Clege games are primmarily intemnded for the students; bhiK was aecide.d by the discussion in referenmc, to the pro (Continued on Page Three.) -