THE MICHIGAN DAILY.- ++..+++++~.THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD O UR AND STEAMSHIP LINES. T A LO IGlki'slev Ann Arbor by Central Standard + Efr'R 'T fective October 26,1902. D P R M NIT..SOUTH NORTH N~ o. 6- 7:2O A. M. Ne. 1-900 A. Ma. 11o. 2-11:33 A. m. No. 5-12:30 P. m. is gaining in1 popularity, Colle and see us be- 3+ No. 4- 8:25r. Im. No. 3 d:53 .Tt foepaigyu rder.+ Trainn No. 5 and 6 run between Ann Arbor 14adToledo only. T'rains 1, 2, 3, 4,1,, and 8, dailyrexcept Sunday J~lr.eKchirc arsnPon N. iland 4d "'" TW. T. LS WILLS, Agent. PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $"40uuu Best kind of workmanlship guarainteed. D., Y. A. A. & J. RAIL WAY Manager. Fo~~~,R yr Detroit half houyrly from 0:13 a. im. until :15 . mn. Then hourly until li-l5. For Ypsi- 149-I11 WaShkirngton. St., t Iantionly, at 12:15 a. .and1la45 a. m. b'or Jackson Hourly from 6:1a. In. unil 7:15 p. m. +4e +"+++++'.*'. ++lo+ + "+ + +;.+ +*. +,+. + + ...++,r . +.' 0Then t p.1mp.mandd 1:1il. p. ~ I 1 .'++ +++i~'a Waiting Ranm, Huron St.. W. of SMain. PctureS aild Frames 1 R E N T S C LEiiIhaR rah For anyh n theino Makerof Potogaphs Framing Call hon iRentnichler, '14 0 Phone 389-2r. Cornor 1Mai and Huron Streets. n DE FkIf5 ART STORE, t'i 217 S. Fourth Avenuie. ~ 04snd 555550 5o51 0 0 ' 0 0 DARIN & ALAEIXUNIVERSITY NOTICES. Lust--A lady's pin, on Sunday after- DARING& MLLAUXnoon, on Liberty or Slate St. Find- Pillows, Penannts, Fancy Goods NOTICE. er will 1)e rewarded if returnled Io and Notions. Mrs. Cosgrove, millinery store, 127 A bussiess tceetiilg of tbe G1ec N. Main S1. 79 226 S. STATE ST, SMand~olin 'and Ban~jo Clobs will lie ho!(I in rloom i)25, IUniversity ITall, at -_____________ ++ t+++ra+ +X+ + +++ . ++i++4a++t++ ++ I4++ . + J) nP I.V' ili +.llly. We leave 'ihur'sday of ibis weols +f Yeau)1) " on '.lemis I ° ri ()'Cloc-k.'" IiVIAtlIN VERIlI7t, Callaghan & to. 11t5Y)11 01 01ca o of olp.sidenf. Dollar Alarm Clocks _'_____ . 0. H.Lutz, .Jeweler, S~identscil.lii111111'he1ir' isallliarl- Pantorium, 055565. Slate. Cleaning, 1))')t. tII 10 t ,,3;uers a.Itl'sse5110'1loose tis year Ploosing and IRepairitng. Clothe's .4'+t~yi~.ei0' ~s5~iwe 1) )0)1 l~il~si- lllbl nsr. coiled for aiid delivered. Leave or- On-tid ffo al 1)1iss11)p)lli1 0 )and olstues. -Its deis at Cushilig's tDrug Store, or One-thrd oilon all'phon~e 582-3r. }Z os5 I Linen. and CU FFS ARE THE BEST. Barker's Collars are Stamped "Linen" Other brands advertied and Sold an Linen are NOT stamped "Linen." Why? I SOLD AT WAGN[R & sCO's 2 FOR 25 C[NTS -- w - t rr++-ie- MARYLAND RACKET 'q BRAND' "IICH1IGAN BANN[RS At [OV[L'S CORNER STOR[ November 7 to 14 Inclusive. VIOLINIST WANTED. I is)Ci~llliilliallou crelo EARN SPENDING MONEY. ply very (f))')),11111d5istillinge to do W'anted gentleman canvaser to sell eme~lrgencey work.i('c11 find such11a p0- ote', quick-selling Chiristmao gifts for Ilitinith 5111hel)'AcadI-'lmy Orchestra if young folk. Apply at once. Address Al nuicilelal. 11)1s0 Granger, manager, ti, care Daily. Irancer's Acaeom)'syo)nlMayinard street.- 79-40 Frent Suite to Rent-One hincs went of Campus; single beds, large clothes Lost-Bet atlert in ; tna11e001)1 pressen, graten, a stationary wash- Ist-ck; re-wardi loe returnto I)Ct. A. stand, bath, gas and telephone, 521 I 1)10)11, 604 S.Sg.81)' 3:8-431. 0E. Jefferson St. Extra file musice can be looked foir Lout--A wath'l, 111 redl 'sael 011) at Grainger's reguilar assembly Satur- gold, VSiIctlnlY afternoon)l, helwesnlay nhgnt. The Academy Orchestra 'Tapano1 Iloll a1.331::1 Woos) 11105 io fool gotingIs) the fronit. Mlr.fGran- avenuettt. indteir will 1)1000)'returnI wWI~iIlc1) tr rgrn ~ir 1o7310 \asl)tllOat ave1)1) an1d1rs'- lee 1ouldnine oestatprgamq- ceive rewardt. 39-40 trt ieocok 3 FERSERT IN ALASKA. jLost---A tiOlsl Phi Ieta 1110. Please "Dtchl" Ferhert, Michigani's tld return.lo 1331 \Vasteosw Ave. 'Varsity coach and0) foittball hero, is :l9lf sow away north in Alaska, ice boiund for the winter, and coaching the Es. JOB PRINTING-MEYERS, 215qtilmatux to play football with a bun- Main St. S. Phone 201, dle (If fturs oti the frozcen rivers. We Leave T hursda 1101 DRINKS (itd'e Clatti Bouillon 'B'tef tB osillon ETC. and Take" is the pninciple of President j Suspenders What one sidegfives the other side takes. Comforstyle and service. Absolutely Guaranteed. Metaltrims sugmecannot rust. IlE oaid$1,anyystoreer osil pOOpa1. G. A.EDGARTON MFGI. CO. Bo 286, Shirley, Mass ~Dwight E. Watkins,$ Dro ues a5 card101to323 S. Main St. anIdlaels all foryor work,. OUR [NTIR[ STOCK (GO[S. We can save YOU Mroney on LAW BOOKS CALLAGHAN & COMPANY (Lain ePjblihers arid Importers) CICAG~O Ch~'ll'.ANN ARBOR American & European flotel BRANCh........ State Street, Opp. Law Bldg. Open.Day zend -Nighty Prleivae Dinin .o om1s01101 i novms 1 BILLIA s) HALLt, OOWtIl~d'AtLLY AND DANFateMntLLeather Shoes TyrfamuIedronsrasL a hr290-1 .4hAe RS. M. A. FINGERLE, L E T LV Z GYM. SUITS AND BANNERS.TH EIBEA ER LU Z TH EIBESHOE DEALER. 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET MOONOGRi IAASPEC'IALT1Y. Next deer to Edwards Birothero, ever Sheehans's IBook Store. ' . ~ GIrnzl N CENTRALJu "T& M Fagara Falls Routo." THE SHORT LINE- CYTA ANN AROR toCI4SARLTTLS ANN AROR toGroton in Turkey. CHICAGO Perfected in Egypt. BUFFALO Enjoyed in America. NEW YORK '-e'MOUL SMtOKL MAKLS LOYrtIAN S5OKLlt5 AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago freSt.F'.. Cork Tips orPlai. Louis, Kasass City. St. al aisd the 'Vest. Save the Coupan. F'or information and through ticketsecall on or write to W. W. CASE, Ageint. Ann Arboor.; i f I A fA1SANDWICIHES CAU(INS' I 324 SOUTH STATE.j MAKE MONEY. Wated a lady canvaser who can work about two hours daily to sell a guod article, suitable for Christmas gifts. Addresc H, care Doily. Bath Supplies of all kinds at all prices at Cushing's Pharmacy. Fountain Pens at Cushing's. Cracker Jack furnished for parties and chsurch socials at wholesale prices. F. B. Gilbert, 301 S. State. Fountain Pens at Cushing's. Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettis, Spar. tow's and Huyler's Chocolates at Gush- ing's Pharmacy. We! leave Thursday of this week. Callaghan & Co. 1Cot yotur books bound at Schleede's. -40 University students deniring to se- cure positions to teach will find it to their interest to write to James F. McCulloughs, 6319 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- cago. -tf. The Factulty at the University of Illinois have organized a football team and will meet the team from the senior class soon. Always Ahead In Styles, MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring,