FThe Yiagais Falls lRsto,. AINFI ARBOR to '05 5555 CHICAGOsiis NEW YORK 5 5sss Ii AND BOSTON a Mr-NliA. .. L ois. I soSo Il. ' 5 S. PuIso tx Fo1 no rtr tort ssssis, sss5 iro s tcss 55o5ca + w Ita to W W. I E sI - u(5 in\ 1 GEORGE BIS CHOLFF, CHOICr CUT PLOWI S 5& DiAXE -r, New Brlu wiick1 Ta les AT REID'S BILLIARD ) IAI .LOI{S, i Fine Cigars asnd Toblaccos c JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State' SI., S. f 5t I haves 15t lsi vc's i the I1555 s 11d in s Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes Fines Lunlches in Coonectionso 308 S. Slate SI. R . .JDL13 The SecoIfs' n VCI Ground I[Soor on rs~adlCI * - UIERSITY ACADEMY.00, hli c IPALACI .E x t~U CrackerJc sosici l,,t i is i i F1 5 5 Fs ii t.I to 1.>I ;! ,sO 712P~ .N 'is al woa a Back Suit bearing ~4~AI nS s'NEW YORK azrs/30 urable fabrics, "s us sew kby the London .I JTc rocess in the "32 " ooDressy styles, sistsercorrect New o K n L nndesigns. rec ttbecusemeasured o aF-ior excty like yours. I er al-r-i,because the 6 a tAoalrcdexperts si VWi7 roMS, doing ci'' ~ sver round, and 6 t xclusive cus- is oo al BENJAMIN ,F ~m hIr own. You5 531 Xsr nmsney b s 'si i 's wron. -ri1N ~Y iCO. is Ls ' isn ton St. < I.,Mooso 10:04 p ., Pickwick Billiard Krlor anI Bowling AIIy lis Uhniversity ssldentsii, tolis4iis - theoir interst s ts wis russ Isis I .I Mc~sillousgh, G 1)eiihea Itir< B larrioojsimonshiave sill 111e5fnre, Wlits : themus. It i0sOa wanonast ofsimone ~sy toii1 ",i 2 caon wer thesidenial iece Cin us piIasssicils os s~is I. Ii' is Il O 1 5 s a ii si 5 s 1 ' is is iii Ii i~ ii ~ 1 5 is ~ isiss's 1 1 ii' sosisis s lIsirissis l)ia liii is;1 iii i oe it or ex se t o ise purcha Isr. Mv -i-,y riss 151iSii i 5 51 is 1 1 ThF~e Barrios Do nd 1111 1i is 'ysii II Jsobishe n tii lii iii 1anywhereo i th perfect conflidzences. All t1112beasity of a0 3eindi anli i ndat0111 --ous i o s s 226 Soisk fhssairStreet, NN N Ot oiQ 1i + 'v4°Q49 s : ,a .202020 00 0 . : - 0.- ., . , ..; WE AE NEER NDEROLDGOODEARS DRG"SORE