The Michigan Daily
"rICI1IGAN 36-0. S. U. 0.
Wolverines Scored All Their Points
in the First Half-Buckeyes Took
a Decided Brace-Fumbling Evil
Reappears--0. S. U. Was
'The largest crowd which has ever
beeo sees on Ferry Field this year,
yesterday witnessed a stuhbsrnly cooe
tested gridiron hattie, finally uecided
is favor of Michigan iby a score of 36;
to 0, ove~r the aggregation lists Ohio
Slate IUniverity. Fiutihousasst r(o01
eosit whomitne tiithoatnd wore tc
scarl e't'sitgray of . S. I.,sate
M\ichigans demsosnst rate tier supleriority
tirsf ith luckyes hy runinttipttt3
pinssts ini the ftsrst halt',otily tto Its'heli
atittalttmsst out lliii inthelii'secsoti
hatfhyytier i oonlenit s. ~iigsats
slumtptsswas compste, andotiut eii'call (it
Iisis sas peirhap' s tl itt s've( Ithe
Xoleritse gsal litnse. i Tsheirst salf
'whie ittotissall lisat couldtetesrset
froitsa i its anstanspit it ts it
the tonly scoires osithlii'dayi'it spssiteso
disas trossib ask.i lditfustsbltes.1 is
Grtasvse'rtietlon s tessreditot earnisog
iretsf icianssix tstoucisousirtbts
heis yt'sttisu gasiing abiltty.
iHestonswest ittott tegaealin tslte
secondshlft]butseas tisisble t bosic
fitti ie fast weaheing-"offiesseuvwhile
liticitigaus's defesss'was less sutccess.
fit] its stotptingetie Bucikeye rushes,
shitch inicreasedti strie't'ias tilt
tallfteprogressed.Fretestsist sisttu-t
sioil isstsedsnolie 1iinst)O.S. tI
haskuseld, andsi herilinest howeiii in-15
creasediitiitoiistssr ipttpisnges is
thi XX iii erisses 'CTe listurei'of ii lii
secon ipitterid Itas a ii 15515]ice bac
1' the i l sfi y,s onii thiri owl] i
ive-rdii lineiwsist l sclsyai Vwas
If(!( forlis dowis. s te.tssis Loiigtmanis
sits](hsves' in stusntriusthei' iBukeye'
slitseCioily io is thrownissbaickI Ioi
lossi's. ILsitsrustbty XX'a'itur sant
1,i5(a s isi d siscss1' i nsit i i seliss s's iis
lieiagoyssyendsesd snsy' by thiicallstofi!
uit t ilthithlist lsaillits hio'u s tosss
sits sitl iichiai's ten-yaistlinut
The (asssss e t li usglostsias itsiskedi
lie fnistles sites'rtirs]alsags'' l i
glartinig'faust lohsst Xicigsans sasis
chasnctre to scores,''aisisc'mpltly unis
sivdte ter uscss. lheii' XX it rsis":
stisssstli'' the 'i ets osithei'ssessestrugy
"is' eft Xlii s st's'isnd Iwsils' (7 'sary
isas tie nlyr nia leave the
ga5m(itheii si''i lispedo htint wss'con-s
s5i~sitsably 'lckenisds afteis's' I s'y's
reis et on55 itst atccouni iiitso nitsjiss'd
he.Go(is'pssed']tir bl, d-
f hisracios. 117 tHasellIninsti11t
f XW isconssinss ... .......... 5.1) Ottslsss Normsalt ........ *
f Dasrtmouths18tAmherst. ....I...nshe.s..... 0
f 1Xinsesssis ................. d46 Lawrenice . .. .. .. .. .. . *
f Yale ... ... .,.,.,.... .. 1530 Syractis' '.. .. . .. . .. . 0 *
f Brinst .. .. .. .. .. 214 XV ermonst; . ..... '... ... . *
f Pennsylvansia ..I...... 10 Harvard ..............17 *
f Pinscetosss .......... ..... . t1L Lafayette . .'.. .. '... . 0 *
f Ca~rlisle Indii s ...... 2<8 tGeorgyetsowns ......... 0 *
f Case . . . . . .. ... . . 17 COhios Medii's . .. . .. . ..
Wrinkle Wilt Make Its First Appear' The Girls Interested in Basketball
ance At Wisconsin Game-Many MetiBabuGn-C-
Fine Drawings a Feature-A Re- MetiBabuGy.C -
view of the Contents. I mittees Appointed.
No, 37
"'' i r lst sisisisho's' hsi t I XX''sslts
isill stilteassat the tintsi ]ftheiiXsconsil
sint ;;ane.
'fus stsates'enst is's" destas s ali a siy
le~l'isenati iiI's y'esstdasy'byEdwvardi
Pest 1to sis" iii'esitor itthissseasris]
this toisu stirst.
About th fir st iof liihesonesterit
was ssssfate Ithltheii' X Iisile swould
not,] bei sisilishi iithis year,'asditihie
wa55sills]disfoundatiiosn listsucs a slats-
ment.i Xiassy osithe o lit sismnessosi
lte siaffslid t] it ritsnitocolle;'tis'
y'ear', shtansd' s ]eIoftos sish listdis
tunsgiidtheiiirte t iliisifispendi
ily Ihlir tius sin tsh]etss'wirkis Tlis
Isloked'is if is ' threwold ltel nosisaiters
si thos whsoi s'Ii 'ostr'iustd list ys'' ''is
isigeslis's' iis sisresdt to a ll owtiisi hii
fannyti' 5pap's'r iito ie 'rsitsn ils. 'this're-
sul. o thir work w s sitllibe ste rom
1tIisfir stisse
Thoifirst. i]]nn ihe i ts'se Iiatest
toi the is'lti'i si sss frsa h aeshowssirs sits
ygood Ijisigisss i iltoa nsoiis. lithe I sit
va'sity ' f i hi] an ais' thir ole
The'covills th his edi is] sa 5 lirtl
i5' iii]co ll tuu stadleiclrs llsy
liarisisssiBasciss. XX it."hiss Cosit
trb td sevel ii s it so mrit..'s
stal( Isis si ifie's] Iis soils n:tsss toi
h lpithi it hush syer
On o teiea acsofth line nnis itst
bses wiscis sitli beipublished Itiis yeas
will] is's seres'ofssl''ls IsfiManysiNi
t5515,'' silt l u l i' ii(o "ii iii] is
lSverasl heas fors tis eiffsilsrenst it-
wo ciustalias' I ntes iii slis' b
Iewdeartliare fro's'shissis] pres i
iris' ly stiuinis'.the isWr i ls' It il le'
Tisc sm'eting" sitall thi' "iris in the
Iiisissity, stesreostdits hasksetball,
was helst it sarah tCaswell-Angell.
Hilt at tBarhoutr Gymnasiuim Friday;
Nov.s6, at, 4:15 ).m. The meeting.
es wellt tesided, ahbout ottohundresdot
girlsbtidigy present.IfiiOa ary of
liii yeat's work istOn te nmade Iros
tie issterest shssiwn at; this mcieting, it
will tiests sae t presdict a susccessfulsl
Miss SissasrIits"assist'ttsirectors
ofi ts' gysmssasium, adtdressesi the girls.
ss'. ad i asts fewIis remsars usabsosutthe
worsk foIsistheiyesir,1ani e'xplinessd hsow
thei arrangem'entsi sir Itie gasseslt
lts'eschssduies'esc.,ate Isti e matte.
Commsissttes'fIromtsearls ofthlis'classes
are isbeapposisstesd to cosnifsr with
this elcomsm i'essofithIotister classes,
Ih feshsmans 'commisstten is ltcoss-
s stt ins'membhes those' sitthe
stit) si lsassetsitf nlsthr ue's' The Oil-
poss isnssent ofacsossmst tee hits tie
iii shississiclass iissli e wasteuris.
visiotallyuni]lst'egir us'm tsohit
knowns b'elitteeritosuch iotesisndlhisthe
ie .Snydehr suppls'eentedh Miss Slt,
arts resmsiarkI.Shss'gays' alisti oh
ts" 'ommsittesfote tevariossclasses
Tise isreshmssans sommistee cosisists sit
hiuss C'aneyMiss Brig~ham, Miss Jacuk
si 41 Miss I lssiss anditMissIBeadile
'hue ive'mtembessiofthlisscomsimittee
's ae but' 'lithlie's' es;f'ive insto
1hesrs 're ' i s' ssnily togel. a sore
represessta'ti's opitiofthte class.
'P's'- 'sisissecomittese is Miss
Fsmily Stalts Miss May Greene, Milso
Alic t's' h th's'Ile juiorisecomittee
is Miss Shsafer, Miss Ciara Higgins,
ass] Xiiss Parniell;tile stisecriii'
smsituse is Xiss' 'trattoni, Miss Yerkses
Everyman Produced Under the Au-
spices of the S. C. A. is Uncanny
But Interesting--A Novel
'Cite odidest, muost gruesome, anud is
noose ways the msost intoresting flay
that has ever hoots sees in Ann Ar-
hoeruvas prosotnted lat evoninig is
U niversity Hal, It was a fifteenthi
conturey nmorality Iplaystagedh is the
style oh 4111 noe'sago, withut shoe'
true lgist, orcelssir rstsasy therrsot
the insdesrn accessories. iThoe cs-
tumsususwere'oesdf rsom thnpaintings
oun. oltFlemish drapisntes, antiwese
oentirely dif~eettfrsm anything .sects
as. thu rsesnt time. The play waa
written hy a Hoeltcpistand to-what
might he issued a dramatizetdsemoni.
Gush sends hiss messonger, ;Death, tou
warts "Everymn" that his tine on
earths is drawringt to a eclose, ansi Ci
prepuare lute a hung jouirney. Ho gives
him iho privilege of takinug with him
soyyuof his frenduus whit wish to ac-
compsany hint, His friends, kindred
stud riehos, huiwevr, refuse to go with
him, and hue fails hacks tut his Gousd
Dteds, whsich see represente'd hy a
womn tied dow's hy the evils of
"FEveymn's" life. At ltse time she
is unsahle to a'sist; him, Suit direts
sins to "Knowledge." FEveryman is
acompssiansiedusn isis way to the tomb
hy Bosutty, Strensgth, Five Wits, ansi
Discretioun, hbutupoun reaching this
grasts is deserted hy ovoryonehilt
Knowioedge anut Cooduu flods. The
moral is thus pontod oust that sothing
avails a mantho0 hio journoy to the
oilier uvoeld hust tknowlvedge and goodi
'hetsacntress who uplayed the rote sit
"Everyman" displayed sdrsmatic 'bil-
ity sit a sigh order, white her suppoutrt
wasiuusutally good. A snovel iphase
sit tileactiosn was in the' fact that
nearly alsittheu otsraies sandh exits
wer' mae thrusoght the ausdinnce fruit
the lack. I The'lacsksit seseryse-
ossitated that tieniece Snpusformned
snonise art.,anth this audhiencse sat.fotr
an hoor asd a hsalf withust asny in-
Ihe play us usndeedi a literary curt-
osity, andlus busth interesting instruce-
tive 'usts thin sodens of houuught of
ive cesnturises ago. 'lhe muanner in
whitcI it was stagedt gives a "oisid ues
itt thin difficutins undenrwhuis chatos
andi playwsrihts labouredhisothos
stays. It wouald he hasrd to say witeth'"
or thinperfnrmsanceesitsractedorsue r-
ressts'st shosweu, howeverIhow
Mihig 'si5tt',I oithe s1eondshlf i ,blacki shirtii 5 of h~ l isit I Hall. altusmiuss Xis]tmorile.'Thu fleshsuiet u rft ssIthn wsews Cejo
eassthus' slt stiry(itus] ders e'stiltingll4'"'seenusususdials' Sin iti.sit Itthse'uvasriousscoumittes ss v '5a h ulyhtsa
anuuII tssc)vue'nrtnlhtestslsis'lttili'salluthise isIs pliiitassiyhtssIssousei,,st his sasanudistw
thue studeng1hsuofutinelopplis'ttus ion.lTille, lhII;.Shsis htai s ntiuste's''s sltui t w eld Mony yt5:45p.rm.,unlsei is taisheyhow _vrydifferentwererecreations
ituts suitanhie'Its] rulln ss-c siut' steri istl ils ts in tsisolege evuse'nt's hiss' u's's ot ushuesew-"s i
dtusls' 'Ifets tyuIrituiCaptai 'siihes'in tsfuel:,it islnot realilyhis'sesui'buit luaru lts] us hssgasm' sitbasketbal, C ROSS COUNTRY CLU B.
suitkilalne' 00' ittit'5tii shutsveral s isesrahr - et s tsofuS] pshuslots foIs a , situayediout gymnasuim, A Setsterslay- than yesterday could
Stgllcsnsasits s I ususlaye r eure d nthan I earsoosut 'l't hii't'l, portring 5515 si dhmasntssloiw thisomesof nsushaisve hseen desired for the rustsof
pisknonaflnll ih cen osill]teestsit'shapp1enigs us]thue Ithut'guruss, uitalien se'einsgthie game the' ('oss Contry ClubSto Y'psianti.
tis]ld shbefoesits, Reddtu'nuseutuafstes eenn-plyedt accoirinug toialt sorts sitrusheshixteensusmmbors of the club started
timtuasuin'5spilteI'ofi ill ree 'eu's' lltshr Krns ssosills rutuulitdsn .I hasvelfoundu that the moifdshu'istles, Insis the gym. oh 11:21,issder the
dowedth rune i md-fel. Iheeat venysoodlptrus'sasutsilltptush as at have thusmu, are Sest foruse isle'adership ot Captain Kellog"g stud
ofiisals aanIa robewills the albly his-ItIhis'pap et llhe isaIsethus Iuteruhut'tmortifie'dsystem, evesry time readiest the Normsalgymu,, Ypsilantti,
shihrigan folist s, andIs a ltsssieis flute yeas.0Otlurealuturessous]thus'sallt]ouuches thne tissueit glues to as.11:114, mouing the rutn of 'oven
ofside suiplaying anduttshlinins55t'e (sutesvill be:'thun opposne'nt; sithlitsoune whit droppedl miles itsexactly 4 mnutes. 'The
line w'r"e ssusit'u's Thus' ichig~an (Afiitiels-Shot. story his'E.'ANX'PItit.'Chues Inliiscrambleuorsethe hail squaud finishedutin abunush, nut a man
playevs'sr''usis's'er hyiscal u usutul C sslusutiuss lull usssi"nslush tl ander."' shens'ts is droped.sT,'he game hplayedhgiving oust.
tionthanlststhus'ivisirs, as allisritsashy TIelDainusstg(lie]uls-oern bt'R. B. I1 unudertlisssystemosgivsspulenty uf ex- After re'achisngthue Normal gynm.the
essry downuutotut''us] thus te sussuu need'Asstrnttytuues'of liihefist issues'art'e se an'dsuits nout. tints thusgirls sos rien uduontdthei' clothes, which haul
edi tuis' taksensosillSatssruay's game ueIlsart Icotib huti ons. XI anys viny they cannosithdoutheir college worth heen previotusly sent dowtn,stud thetn
flslowiedlthueuprecednto's ormr' o d tcssnctliuus uts s ii 5 i t hewa 'ouecinugs asdilroerlssy. Althosugh the gamy _may enjoyedi a Cally-ho nide aroond the city
gameths uts thin C) S. thin rough-halt-thins'ssnwill appuearsinihefirstnum. sui em sloiw at firstC, the olster "iris ansihoist to Anti Arbor.
sessitfthe spout.hliugsigwats atue havs'not fhound it tinthus Iung russ. 'lis-ruin shows coneltsivey that
ifa.voritseupastinme itthe Buckieyesst 'nd iufe suze'oft ts"I-e sfuirst uerwitllAl a votentaksen amsong the players the Crtoss Couontry Cloth is developing
the officiasiwses' eetusso ly Susblindtalsuo is'etutu handshtly.ningle cslast ye'ar ut swas sdecidled almost titan'.susoevery itele onsg-isance runnessrs,
alt sutch ilust artotis tcorusi t s.iC's ch totssss1Ht hueeused 151oiielsuhe siorul ussuty ht stay iso game as we dos." saushthat, it is an impuortant factor its
Pesrry iHalsithgaoil is playes pages.'The' sta'oh]is nus hey Snydhe'r urgedtall thus girls to huilding upiuthe endhuracsnast td speed
.i y il suheuthssmntslatyedsh
thei gae is ue Isttse iat an ~an aniy sism i]]en stsisi hswi lpoal ept uscomsesit hitoractice and tohistalskhiss- of all tong ansi middlie listance me'n
hhi aei h atrhl'ado ater. Cras itsasdsstousther Daulsyhis's husto the uother girls. 'Cle seventh semit-anual race takses
miust isi givesn credit fuse rematrsale , yserday':uplace shorntly, ond the mets with now
grit ansi perseverance. "Michigan," I want it undelurstoodss thus] the DAILY BOARD OF CONTROL. hegins trainisng expmresly lute that
saidl he til] Yale fuhtach "5a05 555 li tll s Inta-closecutrporuatioun. The first elsctioun fete the Michigan! event. The usual doily s-on is from
p iiur toe u us hut backsfhelstplayers ansIa All 1c11ntusiiiiits' nthttils 'wrhat Dily's Bosardt iiiCiunitl tkplace two to fourusmiles. Spcial attention
iuiniaiusus.'ih itts suts in wey swnt:.i Teis sa goodssul susus1111]y yesterdtay at slothsin room C, Utniver- wilt So giveun Is any new men who
evnlsandguweuwshrkeditsthu orieuihsitnoftmakingIlls stallfunowsuit mansy sty i-all. A very small nusmher utfmayudesre tt enter thi' race, provid-
endsin ood hap intss'ecod tIme unslproablhy liieoutatdieduson", siuduens tusenedt out totuyle, The ing- theyrephort at the gymnasiom
half.,"he slafaPs55olisleesushi i5 sas il uthret' mess a-ustwere elected wore: 'sonme day this sveek-at 4:15, Every
Captain Reuden. voices the genieral Ilw:J. A, Sinus, C. A, 'Thompson, and W. one will have a gotud ehance in this
opinion whetshoesy' that icuhigan aManaigis ssstuse FshsvseshPu""ti; S. Shiner. race, as it is tuo he a hsandicap affair,
soust tite ustirace ifXWiscounsins 1s to hssssssu'ss smsnasgr, IauitVoruhiisu-us. 'Thu-snenil-n, tgethuerwith thte three antI the time alloiwance 1tooicos wilt
'thdeeae extiatfulows. sstantilusines ss muanageCartl I',smenmbes if the Facouly, will contl ?ulbeholiheral.
Th aerna olw: Kussleren. the pulley cof the Doily, Heeofore l -
Michigasn won the tohss, anidrchose toI the East thinuapurunesarersi, the thut managemesuthaso haul comsplete The Unoiversity of California hassno-
the woat gosal.Jamess caught the sucks stoudents us the comisc shutelasoi there coistrol of the Daily, Suit this new do- ceived a challeng~e to ploy association
off stud returned iC to thue 10-yssd line, s tutureaon iss s y it i shussuhsh sut eSt oiue will makse the students per- foottball, and it is likely that this gain
(Continued on Page 'Two) thus at Mschigan. sonaliy reprosented. wilhhsnon is odded to their ist..