THE MICHIGAN DAILY. -~'STEE to PEASE + ALrrLrI * ~ IE'JE'k'+ Facto t O We have beer) in Ann Arbor about live Years. Ask those that wear thein. Ann Arbor Store, I S. Makin,. In .' .. Gjrolon in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. "MCOIL SMOKE MAKES ECYPTAN SMOKERS CokTips orPlain. Sv the Coupon. e~ctc7c~ A The W, C. Kernl Cot 411E. 57th SI., Chicago. Caj ps and Gowns made to or- - l ~ deer and rented. = . Pennants for all colleges and Will I ~ afraternities carried in stock. Yt : ' }on S.p crcgo (ICnss Ifins, ('lass and Team. a j 4e C,. jape?. ~o c, rs s' 4 Send for Catalogues. :MONEY LOANED ON+ if Watces, Diareconds, + .. lewelryand all Hligh1 (+ lass Chattel and "= i' Collateral. Security. :+ 3. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. W. J. LOURIM. + I .o ,,tleniitiKBloct. Pihone 459) r "~ fi l r : o 11:30, 1 ito 4:0i "= 3fs is 0 o2::3a PENNYCOOK. ; The Confectinner. 310 Soth Stale St. Fine Conietios. Laoches, j tIcYl}e em esda veWheaie - D., Yd., wA. YoA.e1n&hdil repaWAY Wlingoomelte,tNuon It.. W on MDan.} pli rynes n the "UNe4 Iliplt oi-SI. IanesCragtoe.2S.ainS. 310 i~siet, S Stato1Street, D, .,A . & Jli. RAILWAY 3S'AN ADTIMESltI CFrDtL, - -f ouly -ro $l 5 ..n. nil 6S1,)EF LU.S1 AnheFROF 11tiTlS1, : $00For 000i {4} s4a~ uo~iiil i iI 10pu ijg.iaaoti) .19-6891 OtdO 0 {? '.iiii)s5u0a o ict 7;'OutaiJ snidejiOOS0qd }o 10)1KM I4 4o gillsp cI III 2ullfiian tost HN H a N N B H{ IUn cryi~t.j Notices,. Freosh Lowney's, Allegrettio, Spar- row's and Htuylers Chocolates at Cush- NOTiICE TO CLASS MANAGERS. ing's5SPharmacy. Iheconttto of the AthlieticAs- tFountain Pens at Ciunhing's. soiciatioii all cliasIfootball I cia nin-i sigiiia iust blii abilited lio the 'Var- Typieiriitig neatly diiie. Walter I. sity footbiiallli) atcc, aldhi s approv- W1illis, 1247 Wilniot St. ai obtined ii sSre cap.andiisweaters _____ ____ iii1ii 1.i 1. B NI:, OB PRINTNG-MEYERS, 215 ' iMsllI iiic iaitn St. S. Phone 281. 1020 S.tUvrsally Avs. --_______ EARN SPENDING MONEY. NOTIICEI. WVinted iigieiileman iiioiiivilusci ltosillj leii- lifii i1w V)war, I 'Pl 2dii- rwws, quick-selliiig Cheistmais gills fiii dai, 7 >) 1. i., iin ii Si p si romiofyonnY lolic.Aptly atoe. Addess the \V ) -in i Gi instisisi Alli nie- fl, care Da~ily. Others Claimf Themi We )+ Have Them. D. S)I)iiOist s c li 'sink, Loisicis. + .. fish. '1't ic i toicci'i iiE i*ii e i an ..5+ l_ inio iiiiui 1)) all ilei iiii l 3ic Ric i e 5'tisi. sino iDressed nd +, The only itrictly Firit Class Short+; . . Order Dining Room in the City. a Willits, The Caterer.,: + SFALDING'S OFFICIAL ' INTER-COLLEGIATE FOOT BALL " iUed hy all the Leading c- Colleges. Foot Ball Pants -I we tiosi, A.G PLIG&BO.Ieopiae.New York, Chicago, Denver.pldns()iti ot.blGue for9 tiso. e-tedt by ii'lteiiiil). .. i'ie4.eels +. BAILEY & EDIXUN D,5, FISH NETS I-Gig a)COigATItO. 121 East Liberty Street. PHOTOGRAPHS S i a i li E ii . Iii lI Z1' 1 511iqu slie toiatll l II.N 0(1(111812 NOTiCE. at 4:15, rom C. A liItltIStN. Niii :lth a1.i, l'.It +ltll, i'ader. ^tUniversiy students desirinig to se- Sham 1)), Mtaniieure cirtFace A as-' sage, 25 cents. Milss Vaughain, N. Uni- versil~y avenue near Quarry's. -37 ty up-to-date and first-class. Any corn- Call on bination ot instruments desired. 'Traps and song hits a speeialty.. SEYMOUR'S STUDIO - 316 S. Main Street. F1ontain Pens at Ciusing's. cure poslitionsloto tecrt wilt nindaitE 0 __to___ ___ Sae SvnsBn.their interest to write to James F. Highest Casb Price SaeSvnsBn.McCullough,6329 Fiiie Arts Bldg.Ci-Ftr Rent--L-arge ftrillsuites- liath, orseodhal gacs, h ag and ruoludwater. S.ieclpai o ecn-adOtolilg. t t uco~5 caat3. Reue J. soothIllo. V. Sheiehanitiratea to stildentls. (all at 2125. SIoo rep,-tirigwhitle yous Wltlt. Wnu. Aenolud Dr.i- . V - llll ' .Y 1 , tous. lit. Wadei 1". P. Mills K LA F Te alr 'I'ayer, 11hr-e doors niortli fromi SGootsiclle o r. ) N. JiDyre)ht1oric -OLLAUF,6TheDTailor .1luo loch) tell. II. S. (t"sebsei 110 Moron St. H. Cams.i-36tiis,- N THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD BOKS FOR EVERY STUDENBOT'S LIBRARY. + UC4.ICZF'151 + AND STEAM4SHIF LINES. 4 TrainisIeai-eAinArboruby Central Standlard L' ybslolIrs, to;il lobliulsoaw Vitlultpost tdoVl.l.isey i'Viis.i et..C okgD~ ยข Tinme 11115,1er i i~ liiiril iF llltwll5 .2 5ols. i T-pe I1.2. 5. sli i tiitolI li-st-vy. :1 ols.. j I l C n- it-a s e ,tteet~evciuherll~li52. ii ilos .ioy I isr fthe Loisittaotuci hte. Elol. ectic'ITabe l tni. soitS NIrl pisal Prices toLU. oVM. 01'Is fool, onytlin- o tii tenoopyour Not .2e ..M. Nt.1- i9:i0A . Si ' room. Callin i seo uroocuspiay..... No. '2-1133 A.M. No. J 1 3I)). rt. CA -'& COM AN No. 4 8:5 . a,- . No. :3 4:3t1 M e~j. sE (_T" Traos No.15iaids5runl betweeti Ans Artor (feau/ P' blrhezr nard Imnporters ) CHICAGO WA5HTELNAW LIGHT & 4# "d Tiiedo only. " O t O5AY T'rains 1. 1, 4., ,ondi6, daiy except Sundaiy ANAROPaw ..O.WRis COMPssAY.I.a J. J. KIRBOY, G.11. AV. r. WI:lS, Aget.L BRANCH """ State Street, 0j4. LwBidq.+ + Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Flnmhing and Steam Work. Alt at Reasahle Ratei and First-Class Order at J. I+. SCHVH'S, 207 E. Wanhiax~jtox. BRXLER'S PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING, thoe booko foe ohl the people ao htieli. 1 inal voeiatin; i-fosiiire iiprovenoitt. iS no- Illustrsted, price ii. Tested 251 yeaes. ''hriro s or e-spsoitit'curse by oothor $7. 'r a brieltimiel1wilsend te bot and cotr )tiorti. [Wili lecture on plysloaltraaning 110rapid orititog fur$) r OI 5'5one ekCfr 05). ditieitolhealth alid positiveeeurefor had writing. Iindieiduality retainied.Businiess PemanosaOd oeson, i0c. Adidress Frof. G. BIXLER, Moadison It. & Ogden Ave., Chicaon, Ill. t New Sleeping Car Line Between fDIETROIT, TOLEDO, COLUMIBUS Leave Detroit no p. ms., Michigans Central. Leave Toledo 12:30 Nighst, Hocking Valley. Arrive Colubus 6:5o a. nm., Htocking Vle~ PARLOR CARS ON THlE DAY TRAINS.t Say "Hocking Valley" to tile ticket agent or write L. W. Landman G. T. A., Detroit, Mich. t5544145445111+5&.5ii.nn+5..55.55.45141 Always Ahead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring,