THE MICHIGAN DAILY. AXR3HI6AN CENRAL "The Magara Falls Route."~ THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON ithirec onetionis at lChicazo fr St. Loi.kKlisa('Ciy. Si. Paul andlthe' West. For information and Ii noungh i'ieisicaii ocio writye toNVW.W. CASE, AnentI. Annli.Aror. GEORGE BISCHOFF, rLOkL5T. CNi°ICC CUT FPLOWC1ER5 &PLANTS Chaepin St., letwvenlHuon St. and MiliiertAver. at *r4S' r+i'' + '+ 0ir*ir~iF~4rs 110w,1s IT? You youny Ifellowrs are the moost partictlar trade in the land, andii all these yoars (clothels maker's have been giv- ingyou lihe'tag of their lproductioti-never ennsidering you1imiipor tt nough for sa(distintilty differenettclass oh gairments, till oane lin; nd produtmed iithousi mlt y Itailortid gal- mi'ets thai have alreaniy brought uiite l mk iof the tons yoting men's tradle. 'lade juist like sriecial-order sints. I vir i bitia s xr nitas youiwit iii iripicedito iieet iiiif eII -t4& ~e- SOUTH MAIN STREET. . :1; +". fINW tSrlllW1CK 'Taw se MICHIGAN VS. 0 S. U. AT Canin ruedlfrom lpageane I iruagol hBairdl sish(."I .()coli ct REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, li itliahiiiiimpesin ihtalilihe goiiiiils Fine Cigars and Tobaccos f ," '\Vs'ui ii iliilll lvI 1 JAS. 'W. REID, Prep. 312 State St., S. si'ere. ''r i'r'iare sitill many l' efl, lbut Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes ishi goiiil iii'i'iiiiiiilsiiislei't al evi o ilhl. to thecity. lily aii iiriia Fine Luncher in Conneection.-_ _ ___- ft~vrytoyilnii N i Cleoai. HOMEOP BANQUET. 308 S. Siate Si. R. E. JOLLY'. fi'irii illuilevaFo all rge Iae.) - un ifofii lii'niht, saokii i thi' ui iiiilir'ily ( toll, reiblr fitheii'Ifigh Schol The chool 0 for Dac inj i'rue roifision r. lii. lii iy Spiiie 6RANW R15If th ioos anljoiurnrauls ofi thle pro- G RANG[RS Ieii aiiiral if the llirriy o iei' lii Oround [loor on Mrayniard Strecd test l atclrwi~ esi j rsr.s. 'hne2" whueh la I ibeen hiosi'i. Sr. Cowell 0 YOU CAN GET A #presentli oiii of tiie'satii'exaiaioniii 0 ) ~III iariiiis state's. :1lv. Glho SH ot L un ch T)ie itoa loparmst, then read .a At Iuttle's, 338 S. State 11101ieofHmopty ilbhafo UNeSITY ACAD3 er Ytair 12 eens iy2::,() whenitieiili l, wirdi asisai PROFESSOnR nenOTa, PRINCIPAL PALACE C, PARISIAN Two _ofthemany_____s TITTMThV fl~hf~lY FACULTY AT S. C. A. * 1i1U1N 111. AGENCY.~U. -lo i ii iofii11wiSi lillli a' I 'riar ai Wuirli u'iissociiation awl lmakeillisgepnerallllil fr. F. DOWLIZR, Aqt of to Mt lii ipailt lul s o h ally a htl iriarliius, anidi with ithe iireiat Cracker Jack, Cream Chewing Candy, ;ircrua ' iii ina,"Idariuce aniiiihi'on Peannts, Buttered Pop Corn tii riiis is cri'a ;(" in nitu li rslhip, moire: I". B. GLBLIIT ailulll ill' i hjwl. i ii i, Ineii' so - -- - H~~~ie l tIi p o ra n $5.00 IN G0L'D first of theseit alksii)ai' liii Is Toi bl-k-.ui'i 1c v 'yWednesday, Novenmber 25, o hi at I"rili 5 5wilbe i ven'i nexta 10:0p5.,11 t theiweek Wieiniisdiay' ievenig isy iProf.Al- Pickwick Billiard Parlor and 'ri,' 11. loyul Who h hsenmifl.isi ll Bowling Alley Nheme'" 'liuvi' for iirs'niiiui of is U iiie net l iii miai . i i ii ''() epa nalition iii hi i litl Iii rmliiiir'iai it .Nu'ur luviry '11alllairseeis.. 70teN. Univ. Ave. l~l - l''i i SItudenrts xwiliMke ltreir lioadqtrar- '05 NOTICE. ter's at Fooiit's 2Muisic Ioutitii' his 5yeart Yiiir cl'11. a m liii a111 loday111a'tii1I f'ir Ipopuilar rmunic, mursic'al inr-o 'c'liikt'k Fii r"ur i ldi. 'I 11111out11111 mnrta, esupplrieanalstuirueys. rot;. KE 51NNY, Ira's. NOTICE 'I6 LIT FOOTBALL PLAY- ERS. All liiie 11en1rwhri 1played iliin 'liii Ui. footbi all gameic' tlelavi'iheiir i lull antil oltobaeOistoe efr oflcr'.anh. dsweitert'tyw an ri'ii'd. i' '1 1'', i L.riia ILttg 0 111 Wseh 11xl.It US '.iit'omAr's. hastre't'ut's her~ I ii', al.'s.hti',09 illot, streeg.i'o thtt FAlallehiO Rent-oreorit wNIt. lof Onrnin;anitigrdauhte, argeeloe encossae nowgraheng att1nary Wasnh- eJeMrs.Ddeon l e e SOt o Pantek ne r 11 5 b.or('eurning toi hevrihomreini t Havng la.thio FrontuI ut'uittnt-h--il iOinelkunoc' wet' ofi'Camp('ush;isin'le itdihilitto clothe' pressesihrtesihy tatinasu'ry ash- staiid, ut thrgasIanditeurn'shair e.t sil21 IPaolrim, stillS.i'Stt'. 'hilenig Proin anduro Repaiouring.ail the der a. Ii's asslng iii or utphonei'5'2-3rs. Wante aheiu 'r ladysiarty ier'.'lica w'ork.ui aulttii'courhs aiytricellrc''k god 'tlic, 7sui'it'ble forChistmas KOLLAUFddes 1, cThe- Tailor, 1111 wshntloot.I 1. se in luSnciii'g'can Idoi Isoayt'smlowhy rlalhs s e williu'ir'hisearut ea t risw eil. Bath Sup iesofnil.. indslaat all Actrin at UtiiegePharacy.'Aad LOOKING FORWARD to the new Winter Overcoats bearing this famous mark jfret ejmin & ( MAKERS %;: NEW YORK BENJAMIN Overcoats drape from broad, concave shoulders in the way they should---the way you want them to. The "Fulton ": rich kerseys, me. tons, friezes, vicunas, Scotch cheviots; 47 inches long, full skirts; new turned up skirt. bottom prevents silk lining from rubbing against your legs and wearing out. The " Broad. way Box": same exclusive fabrics; 44 inches; more con- servative, but just as stylish. Both coats are typical of BENJAMIN excellence. The price is righ. Ynr noney back i anyhing goes wrong. We are Eclusive Sellers here. CUTTING, REYER& C. 109-111 East Washington St. Phbone 582-3r Pantoriumi.I Cleaning. Pressing. Repairng. 336 S. STATE ST. ( Cusln~g'n) Clothes, called for and Delivered. Leave Orders at Cshins or I Phone 582-3. ZanitaY? f1un1Iber, ZtcAm R&(Gas fitttcr. OIbone 167. 8303 mZ. !sae ait. CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. 1 MAuEaS UIA~IFE I! EblLIIA LV ~Imk~asI~rau 125Souh fmai Steet WAGER hE COMA'JE Iporing *Taiflors e 12 DoWtaNStN., P*********P********P,****P*************************************P****P****** N lPPPPNNPNPPP********** WEAR A DIA"'OND Barrios Diamnds leave been worms for years Iry ifiehreiue ne~rs of the diplomatic corps from the South American Countiries. Thcese inagnificent stoenes heave beee thee admisiration arid wonder of society wherever thley were shown. Barrios Diamoneds have all the fire, life arid lostre of genuine stonees aned in appearanece positively cannlot be distineguishled fronm thema. It in a wan~tonS waste of money to invest $7.0.) to $150 115 a real diamoned theat may he lost from its setting any mnoment. You can wear thee identical piece us appearatece set with a Barrios Diamoned A T 1-20 THE[ C0tsI. Theese goods represent all of the latest mnost popular styles andI designs. Thsey leave tlhe distilnctive features of jewvelry worth many tines tlheir cost andl from which thnny cansnot be distinguished even by the meost critical. We absolutely guarantee tlhese goods to be as repre-tinted and will replace any stone thnat loses its origineal bnillianscy witleott one cent of expense to the purcheaser. Momey returneil withorut quiestion us case of dissatisfactione. Thme Barrios Diamnoned is beyoned doubt thee finest, most perfect imitation ever discovered and may be worme anywhere witha perfect confidence. All the beauty of a gensuine diamsond at a fraction of its cost. Barrios Diarrond Co. 26e6 aSo2th 4air'Street, I, I I ALALALAk ALALAk,&AL AL A6 ALA-& A,,&,&ALAk ALAk,&A WE ARE N.EVER UNDERSOL D-GO ODYEWAR'S DRUG STORE