The MichiganDil VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1903. No. 36 NllCH1HiAN VS. 0. S. IU, 1Ilo"l[P. BANQUETI. 'Varsity Will Line Up Without Hes- Nearly Two Hundred Guests at the ton-James Seletted For Quarter Tables-Many Physicians of Note -Scrubs and All-Fresh Scrim- Attended-Excitement Over the maged Last Night. Disappearance of Banner. Wih the exception of quarterhack The gentlemen of the practitioners' unit left-half posit ions Michigan will course of the hotoeopathic depart- present tin' same line-utp against 0. S. mntl last tight laid asie the weight:- I. this afternoont shirh hatled so ler matters of scence atnd deeot ed Asti enaously against Minnesota. (oach themtselve's uneonditiotially to the (tis Yost anouncedl tonight that Person itssion of the mtterial sinstroance of will tate tieston's place at half, as life at lie Oyster Ilay. The orcasion the lstter hseno1)1yet fully recoveredl was Itle tbasnet giveni 1)y'the gentle- froos the roughi teutme-nt received at men of the l1aculty of ithe'depart tri M4inneapolis,-and will noth(e subjiectleditoi)thei'csiliiitiig, l-mhro ofIthe plo- t) a rich h-lore the Wi~sconsin game: fession, the students i oof lhe (deptart- Jamnes 1155 tiloted the 'Varsity meii, lie fart ernllei-igat's, unithle throughstihe signal plractice Ithis w(ek ladlie's. Groupledl around till long unit will start the grame in that too-t-altes 'err 175 guiesIts, while at.thtie tioin. tb-at-i's return frilms 'tiicugoheailof tetil'bilte silttie idtaitof liii moade tile backfield intact, snd theseciteol, whosereadly wit and atirei- tregulaltho-up was sien last night arteermnitiheIlbanquililet on, oftheii in signal lpractitce for lie first tone siost siec-osfl 'velielud lure, ttis iweeh, Aftertie lebanquet: was cliisidilDl. 'lhe sec-od scritmmage bt'wieein lie Htinsdaulecrci' attit iiiniiiicei tIhat ti-Fresti attilthe striits again dIcel- tmatnyof the'-friendso of lthe itepartiieiit oilie-dlsome-factstortk, althioighi costly chits'erii'ffile itoibe'presenit.tiid fuitiblitg lost the fre-shmnen several sect: greetinoga, aiiihelienail the' (n- elititces to score.'Tefireshmetn crcre cage-i frii tiiel-abiseit ciis, wciiit gis en coiitinous fpossestion of the eliii t 'lerilnuac frtoni :Reget;t(tarr y, tiall insiidild-h, antI after s--v--al ciiairtiiin if threI((oi---pati-i-i-nen mnit es of playWirkanisecitreidthe tiiti r lifthiei'beiird;ilfriitnDr. J. P osval on s fitnitle' soilcarrieid it accosse Sutherlandt,1DIi. Dearhbori of Newt thy' goal lint-.The' scriib liti-fcsewas York,. I-ir. ii ornic. of t'lu's'ilatuu, anii gretaly impo i nl'l''l ceiThl'urscday's matty others. st-.t'ititmagc, antuillAI-Frtesh gititis l -l(lg (i'li-isuntcc i THE[ FENC[RS' CLUB. DAVID. BISPI1Afr A Defense of the Sport-An Interview Noted Baritoe Sang Before an En- With Sir Frederick Pollock-All thusiastic' Audiece-Several En- First-year Students Cordially cores Givcn-The Program Ex- Inivited. ceediinrly Good. It, is tnit gencerally kntotwn tperhaps, fDuvidl tiisjhatiseas heard hy a amnog the first-yeur studets, chat ani most alilrel-alive auccience-lust evet- ou'gatiieilti likce the Fencers' (Cluth ing, seheti le uapipered )n the Choral exists at this University. It not only tion Series. 'lime and uguinth ie exists, buit is itt a flouirishitng ccciii- ttniteidtasritoneo su called oitt to urc-_ tiuiciier of stuidetits who daily, ftrom' 41 to U p. to., take the cexercise in the fenicitig riiiott at thie gymnasium. 'Tlii clib exists forithelii-purpose of miituially (criimoting liiie science of, fentcing. It is toritenidedithiat mem- tic "s shoutld, at tiii-enid of the seasoti bitctii'e expett fencers, althiiugh see- ora e iat-liyercbecisoequte proficiett in (hr sport, as wscshoswn, tefore at lit s--eroticetIhitnidreid Ieople is Gwi iiiurnamnt o f lust Atiril.,Btu li' soeii purpoilse, atdiinittentiotn is to ins-truict tiieniiers its that act, atid give them-n a tteansti (Itrecreatioiti Pl'e- of culture atnilrefineoteni evirywherein cciutie feticitig us oi- of th-ic acomplishmnents. Besidles the >3 ercioc which fentcing afforids, it de- i-ills ihietiiiiy, corrctis lie tcriagi- si-il hearitig, beieits the eyces,ad levl'sropes Itle Iperceptivpe r ls.s 'Chirecintiti idiglisli jurist, Sic i-ill-cit-lillicki, sshoii tas lh-ti-sev- utal s-eiks iago and idelivredi a series tcei'ile i-faeer 11he audience cwith eicoiires. Fiiliicinu' is te lProgratt: Nasc- aliBo~s cirom "'Nint"I Huandel ('urn tmtu len,tir. hby fPapinti,(Giordlani 'ihe tass wih tie Delicate Air (arc. iy "'A. LI - t , c,.Acne ItAdelaide- - --........Beethoeti talli-te icc Harficer's...- Schuiirtmanni M'innelied- - - --........ rsims TCie MSls...........1teyrerer Relinlichie Auuicordercng .... Icli (ragei te ilinne.... Alierri ele's........... Caec-ilie'- --..t.. .iiaidStrauoss Wennu i uit en rtPlum tn gehast - - Ailtelitliio ir ige-.. ...(Hgl otto The Sands oDcee (I t lgslcyt, totctc Whieni csacs ire iii 11ec (1 et Shis (1 Yiicnt- - -.....4... ltlicasltie (Bucrns) t. -. itWtzeur Aiif \V4iu'ulrznluen (Lowe-l)..-. Pirate's Songtu(Stevenson).. si 'sightfiotall is-i-ri'ft-ct-anuc titrIb' it-Ii, lb' Ilitea s ito-il up 15 fol- liows: All-Fresh. Scrutis L.E It/. i9, I a, tiitiitii .. ..... .... (11 t1 c-clh ic- - --i~rnxocl . W ork .... ..... .... EatAl-iluuG.l Cllntl .. .. . .. . ...... iI) iI I' 1 ... , J3Ia c Is .....--1lei .... Iltnllncd * -- lcrlclas agaitn in ieienceunditii e ircticIion lit Proscuing Atitoy litffs, (111(1al- thout~ghltillstats weiri'dehe- lad,;swithi the excep'tiot of Biictantholii Ioiiwill a-tuuiliti, scvital oftthel'squat hue-' soon' hialitifutl huntitig ye-steiridliy, his lkis goiong iighic'taitli]Iave'tagitigicc-c fifty yard(s. Ito Ins team ctill lise-ut on l"im-re Field (his aiternottias iilliiws: Michigutn.I, . S L. IU. hdtIllte- - - - --........ 't Cacrt tGregory- - - - -I......... iiMye IR. I. Maiddock .............Mactier Htammnond- - - --........Walker Junics- - - - --..........Foss L. F. P'ersonit . ... .. ... .. . t'lliteet Graver- - - - --..........Swan F.- Longman- - - - - ni-s Te officials for the game are Ritue- hart, of Lafayette, umpntire, Walhridge, oh Cornell, referee, Michigan rloters were gladutoInlears, that Foss, the little 1 23-pound quarter- hack, would sorely pilot his team in todays game, Foss has maude him- self a favorite with Wolverine rooters tuy his electrifying runs in past years. Three special trains, carrying over 1,011 rooters, wilt arrive over the Ann Arhor road at 11:017, 12:001 and 12:30 (hit morning, (Continued on Page Three,) ai: '" hifew3-oiesugi iwheuniwe'1 ii Pu-i uns, -is an'"c-exli-t fetucer I, t t(svinob, llivir. irsill vu. 01111:1 cI luilto lit-i tuhsidia.Re ceas sut of iu g( ut1 lg i'ascc esLARGE CROWD WILL SEE EVERY- pla tin 5i h ii-Iult aii lwi ht-eruany fentihg wscdoner'N i'-a (lii-i 111(1ihtgi-nt. Del)t,Whouu sill i o gl ytiuiailu. At tinvIl itation MN ''ct ii li' uict '''ll' huuuut ,fi i111t. Nuigueski, (the- it'sidet.utu tljors' "I.huoarudcontaitning seals on stale If--gi-uit~ Ys:-l-tilanti Ipeopule csas reured tiolv II- l r.flay aid Me. Gradhle gave ac !IVeahi's Stiii tci lviistuorelastu-eu-lu- It'he l-l ii su oflteit aricey, wi-g l it sing. it lor hte than:,0{cl-titlecsill he hut lutsiull- i Ii'iisiI 'uiu-y I huu i r ii usro -i euhc who satcheu-uh thi'-e thouglu ' from theI Normal(51 City-. ,t-'ilah auh ethh-e ts n lociinu ruhs hr uena (i3 tuulut 11. iI l li. Ipthin iibelulief as- Pn tedacfrmi c ey lsyadwth een-i'I hisis hargi iv .ii iitliciattent ions situr ti.thu-it lc.In- ((esponse utoiu11 re, andu Isadl saclt ic, anth, us tn rhcu i iite u '-~ueu uus irgstil ha h wst, mnt act, he 'teildlMr. Nuguiecki aft ersaruds called l (13the iuliurset-.(huesue 111,1it ws ver wel done andt cat it thuran vhupital ii. lit'Said: Iuss id i'(l-t 11( 115ti-ue s-u-l hneandtht ulty thuer. iuii lciiIuetuue: si ustutIisul:IuvstItrhiu'inchu-tufenucig Iswouldh tica creudit u-en otuluer 'u-lie!u e pl- -olshuumt: G s o l iul i-all lllo liciditseuiftoI a ii Ctuititi'1 l w11 sherie it. is suadei'aI 1'((iiil lth inim r' Ii.U i-;)r cdw iilu'hav - -I r-y mbetr of heit." Aii/e ''uuih theiri class:-t o, lak uarkit-i niage- of h+'olloiuu;tug til. Dhli~uiDr. II inualul Itis tei'niiion it many emuinlent.t Ih iie, opou~ithyt selice gneat; ha-lrtccdU. A. I'. BII -5-. hu- siliuthenthat. fiuc-itugtuffuiruds thuehiest II s ra ittly. inth inI-ilduc dliiie SI i-ti:ci l ts+uuiiiiie ut a oruuc if c-iIcis-- ash rcreationu as -Al iet illll eu'esred.citthur Bor, wliiispoke upon "Tlile Spliritii it intioslenil, but is Severeil , teSretuust'o-i-Itday, auth it is of t het'J'i ills'' thuprheisiedulhI, roeSue l ost, -s trdy hperson. Sit' lreul safeto saythaItoutallliheudesirale setls time when the. 111 scilucsIs hld l,- uni -itiuhuut, ihl 'xueh Il ru y nonul. itd, a sluiet il i- titull I-el tosilec tunrs,u-c,''c ii page 295, says: I1 IThieurem atale sale oh seas for his coaus'. 'Ipa idta aiit Iihit , uuuuI But t ddumy ice to those- of a l1n 5 11sfayis aan evidenuce that thu peo- to lie, Salic ttu'Joncis, inr stcean ofl 'tuhe iof atP t-ies, uedical andthfdli plc' tic'e dtInt d iepreciate the valuec who pass to (bniuuh cm3 'cluIserciitness tihat 11e exer'cise uf thus oppotuitiy.Itis ieesting a ight iut tic'deput-l-nlt-il tfir the if a-eus, whotie isthe schoool of thei' 50Cote thatic-r rsitvedilsets -wieu' ighth, ciuiatisceuru, or ints hue practice, ore sel) .I frt day thcanaie'ri-siee-i tuuing this tiaus;1 aIdiv e stit lwas ei--ullI ueupt ulEih aIon lice Ci'tul-ay fir tt-S. I, A, creutti-uby the(lv'succe-ssful abtrac - tion s nhirshe cfleo soa~inr eancd ii; us expectedchaictti- of a ti Altuhaultlaiuiut lii rwhschIs imttIle'of niegiular corecetusofthelivcsve y Hall11 willhi' crowiced tontighut. adone ticI ii'walts, bifsouts- u-stses ill halit t ii asedentaty ife."' ofl the' oppuosinug flateri-uty. Thelii- ii 'l' stortIis vt-cy'gienrl in the bg I NTEP CHOLASTIC FOOTBALL, f'air t nial 1it stir n wi tsa hut lt uu oilugu's o ie ht'1last. tluseare alao Oh the tw'enty tour tv-attic yeho c-u 151cil luutrftut u-u u-i iiuuo lie) ite ilt -xistel ill mos tu of thushargirteel thii- nt-'isihiiilti be eli-utuli o,' suasi uctstriwhliii t itrodu-lluuctrhi' ities ofthisi'coutry. -Atthue Cuty ( he IDisteu Pe'uinsuaut iifist' at'-note Mharvii it f Mugut, hu-(sidetu-uior theiNIew Yetk, Corecll, thatrsaul, Yal.- h al r eir il-i-c-luciusonlshill State thilical Sdc-ilesy. ushiourispotutu)bitt t'uiuuliuu, l-siPoint, andulthe Nava SuAnitArbon, Alpieia, .I t. 'luasantutud toIthe1(oast, "I'heStill':)edtaui-il .ulot -uu'c-, ,thut' i-vet annually hut a i-tun Ilar. SOitinau-hoolus en- eltye gnuat.i huurianti1 t I redflue aclieltelt in IIth UperPc- ld.h Ilt htI-tl- sust-tii 1c'utllitluu c It-cii uula h-ut thut c-test tits narrowedl Dr. uLe Serer'lii aofltt' if itt-u was iti nex tti-sTh qititeln forlily way, situ al luuwucto Ishi'eutuiusttanid Eiaaba, liodcediand spokeu ofuc t t il luneitn notur stlit in at iced nd lline.ctt swuhlacy Isorth - chaioshlipdif te high lstadard ticbhihts slts eentutuIc-nilthe- openuutumetig Mondauyunighit ;t illee lenin ula Noevu-eertIat Es- hi-l by stuletts outhi-depatuetinu lt' I tophy ciii of the gymnasium. - valinzauT 'hagivicg afterutoon at len'. Ann Arhor thus champions if theUs p iDr. I iiuusdal- thitniubeuuhuu t-ilde h er and Lhusernuiceuhas wiltlay Davd 1. ewet f Rchste, . Y jflue thle iit usu hutleslie chaumpionshipt 14e asfItlJr-edilbuyhDr.huu'su'r.N. who 'ftCLASS ItMEETING. of the stat-'TInts riet'shouldhue at- spoke,-fin Phii Ailu haunmma.-lIlt Ii ai Yesiterdal c fthurnoonutthe 'fit ts vedh-'yhhue 1c atdcet~s who do not ,),ee ht;luponuuhtubeversutility, lre telldithirflest class ueting ettuce the gu to l tiuige, as 'teiinteru-scholastic IHinsdalte thenulitoucedcl tr. Cute- u-lectionuu ioltdetofficers. 1The class der-an -tt is a rep than depatahmont ' hutch, whoum Itt sailwaus nit only an votedl that a lax of 511 cu-atehe let-led ;uuf hue Athletic Assoucation auth ti- landute iluitiun, a skilled pthusician in rach tmednbhr. 'Cle hbanquietcoin- seres thu hosuppier', and suirgeonutlt an authority in the tailtuc- were voteud fill authority to RESULTS 0?- DEBATE. ceistry if tement, and aut expert muakeiarrngemegnts fuse a staug-paty, lue semni-final debate-teetween the in pruessedltuic-h. whuliscvbwildruid offNovemnher 19.Alphsa Nit antAlpha I.,iterare Scciet- li. eian T'. Smuiths, cehomDe. Iliuts- "il me uursc, at leash, must aged1ee toi estok lace last night bdfore a halt- charuacterieedl us hrhe iP whit-hiattetuub efore thy' comitt~eecant tashegol-iclcucsiiuom I. ''e khut te detuaritutu-t, trutbylitsrift-atite uscisive'slitls, authit us impuera- Itieam inthue01rdii' of rauthc touteists ii iiie fraterniic's ,togetheur, sehlliv le thait11cc'tattles of all whou are lof Iloli-cnazo, Pa:-'ry andul Iahliday, for "frueedml ndnepnu uhltht'uhdec." If guig lu' givenutohuMrt. Lash, chairmanwil th eulnut uzi s alternuatd. 'This was followsetd huetr. itt-l, cwhoutpet'of thue comnmitteet. teamerwill Iebte the teaum which rep- ou the1 subjt.~u, "v halt.ire' Druigs GoodtT 'hue ascial cuumittee wore told jru-sits thuehete departnmunt in the Foe?" dProf.1). IV. Shutingerlbug t actiiiiegardtohutmalsin"artrange- 11f1n11 delute to bhe hld itt University (Continued on Page Three.) mn n orhoc ulass dantte. halt, Nuveotiben211 ffff fff ffff fff~ff ffff fff fff OPEN DATE F-OR ALL-FRESH. f *a Contrary ho expectations the hornis fELECTION 1 TO 1:30 P. M. TODAY. * Industrial School has cancelled its f f* game with the All-Fresh, which was fDAILY BOARD OF CONTRDL, * scheulsed hoc Saturday, and in conse- * quence the '117 players will have no fROOM C, UNIVERSITY HALL. f* opportunity to s-Sec-c the effects of , f the tuast weekssetc-ers scrimmage fffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffff training.