THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Aullolucelnent.. The Largest and Most Complete Line of, WOO0LENS in Ann Arbor will be found at C. ft. Wild & Co's, 108 East Washington St. Great pains have been taken in the selection of all suitings, trouoerings & overcoatings for this season. G5 H. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. ILatest Books $1.08 Each jThe flIagic Forest, iBy Stewart EdwsardlWhile9 The Heart of Rome, BY 5'. AleseissCrawford Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, iy .johs los IJudith of the Plains, By Marielllanning The Proud Prince, ± ByJlatins lastly McCarthy± A Forest Hearth, 9 By Charles Majto9 ColonelCarters Christmas, By F. Ilopkinson smith The Call of the Wild, By latck.iLoso In Babel, IBy George Ade' Sheehan's I ANN ARBOR, DETROIT, 320 Sn. Siate St. 160 Wondward An. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Capital Slt.k, 50,000. Surplus, $175,00. Resources, $2000.000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. OrrienuSt Charles E. ilisech, Pies.; W. I). Bariman, Vice Presi.; M. J. F+rite. Cashier. 04 . v.MartinjDRETR THE MICIG% AN DAILY time is spent nmore in study. The fol- _ _ lowing gives a few of Michigan's 1pasf Entered as second -class metter at the Ann athletes who have gained a measure ArbottYost Office. of prominence. None of these gentle- Published daily (Mnday exeeptedt during the men are as distinguishsed, nor perhaps eollege year, hy the Michigau Bully Beard as well known as when they played at the Uiversity of Miehigas. _ on the "eleven," hut all are wvell-to-do, MANAOING EDITOR: siseful citizens. S. EMORIY TiilMASN *Win. J. Olcoft, halfhack of '84, rept- BUSINESS MANAGER: resenting the Rockefeller inferests ini ROSBCtOE0. IRUSTON Duluth; he is an engineer. James McNaughton, halfhack of '81), is work- EDITORS: ing for Rockefeller iiilerests, also in ANes. - - - Joesi.SW AivEYs ASSOC.ABES:T D~hfinancial cdiitor cof the Chieago; Cliffo'rd Stevenson, Rey Peehles, Record-Heraldl, Lincoln McMillao, A. M. Graeer, hiesry P. Erwin ptlayed end in 'h8. Three years bteftore A. C. Psund. A. 13. Ortmeyer. F'rank Bumps, now assist ant ltrtseeol- Joseph Y. Kerr. Stoddard S. More. ing attorney of Cayne County, Mich,, George W. Bieadle. I. Waite Jayse. "niade the loam." One of the fastest Beto. A. Osbotrn. Harold C. Smith. heavyweights who ever played fur Editor Today-I. W. JAYN E. Miehigan, Harry Killilea, center soil _____________________________guard in 1885, is an attorney in Mii- Subtsciptioo Dtollasetre per. payattleisn W 'omiehga advane. Jf delinqutd after Nov. 1. 19o3,$2.50T wo foothall pilayers fro.Mcia .have made their "hule" in ihe Klto- Office Hours:--12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 tn 7:30 dikse. TIhey are Gustave H. Ftirterl., p. am. Daily. hsalfhack of '97, andiG. R. F. Villa, ai Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTOW, Instaess Man- taeckle in '95. Jamces E. Dutffy, ftormer ager, 331 Packard Street. city attorney of B~ay City, antiJtihn Telepone, 461. tyffy, plrosectingocatorney of Wash- itinaw Couniity, were two of iht'mtost. C41 rofamnotus drolp kickers in the contry. One o.f Ann Arbor's fttrema:stcitizens, aleailing ptolitician otf Washtenaw CALENDAR. Couty, is Horace G. Prttymni; lit _______wes captiaiin if the 1885 team. It fott- hail Mr. Preettyman foutghtt for a game Nov. 6.-Dehate, Alpha No vs. Adel- free from sltugging anti all dlirt y play- phi. ing. In Ipolitics he htas ftttght for tt' Nov. 6.-Song recital, by David Bisp- seine sont of a clean game. ham, in Choral Union se- ries. Nov. 6.-Girls' haskethall mass meet. H EATN EM ing in Harbour Cym. at TEDBTN EM 4:15 p. m. Tonight andlItitorrow nigit lie ma- Nov. 7.-0. S. U. vs. Michigan. at Fur- terial fttrlt'e Minisotoa dotating ry Field. team will he again siftetd by the inter- Nov. 7.-Morality play- "Everyman" stteietyideltaters. These ocetur is rottim in University Hall, at S p. B if the Law Btiiliniig. 'fTnightlIte m. Allellihi leant, ettnSistiitg tf Malettlmt Nov. 7.-Dehate, Webster vs. Jeffer- 14ltihrutan antlBuell, intltue Alphta sonian. Niti team of Perry, Andrews aitt Ntov. 12. --Drttmlic recital oifGetorge Simnis. 'The Alptha Nit have thi' allir- EIiol's "Silas Marner" hy matiive. Trutelooud al the Melto- Salturtday night. in thte saitet'rtttom ilisi ('hurelt.thetwoIvslast soieties meet. T'fl' 8 'l Nov. 14.-S. L. A. Couirse. Lectuire st-r is comtptosed of Rippell, lGeilittd by Pros. Northropl on Htinltis;isoeJefft'rsoniiant of Se'ntit "King Lear." Blills and Betrkt'y. *Your Entire Needs in ~Law, Medical and Yr all University i Text-Books. i = New and Second-Hand. Z Drafting Instrumients and aEngineering Supplies y : A Specialty, 2 The Right Prices Alwvs. ; aSecond-Hand Books a : Bought and Sold at: o BOOK STORES, " *UP TOWN DOWN TOWN.: FAVORED SHADES IN WOOLENS Aie darkIrowsuvand'urtgrays- consptticius plaids, oveicheks 'tid subditdloiie aidtlin he striples Lsstnililly y o ti n g iiiciisstyles We a'dxvisott yoiilook us you ordetr 6 OODSPEE~D & SON Varsiy Tailor. 11s E. Wstinion S. "Don't trifle with yousr face."t Use Whvilliams' Shaving Stick. 'The Datily- it is receipt ot a letter frtom Mrs. Joir'daithewtomait'sclesit, int whtichsohsettompltains that: social aist oter evenssof pariclatr iitei'- esl toite wotme'iofttfhit'Un~ivetrsity are poorly andtitlent incttrrtetly re- poirted. Thte Daily realizes the jtis lice of the ectntplaint, bttintter the piresetlsystent thisrtondliitiitnitt at- fairs wottldt stemin ~evitabtle. The oitly mi'thottd of reimetying this dtfeet, wiciri suiggests itself, is to have the eventsof itersitlitottllt'gte women reptorted bly them. .accordingly, ibis otlporttunity is taten lii anounie that tw't wtome'ietdittirs xill tie adtdedto t lie edlittirial buoarud at an early late. All wisitingIt t topte fttr thest' po- sitionts ranlearne lie mthuodof etim- 1101illitn at.itoeIDaily' office, utrotom ( , Uaiversity Bail, Saturdlay at 11 ATHLETES MAKE SUCCESSFUL M C.N. 'he nuere itavt'all ltt'en wutuitt Itartd, aitln ttiuctgt'ittral intercst:is manife'ste't,iimtre in fatthlait e'er betort'. Fromn lit'sent inica't ittns tlt.resol lbe agtodt-sizecerowtd tetach night to10sutppturt tteteamts. Wthen ttest'etteatets art' tver the' uepttrtmtt tams will bte tniownt, aitt astht're is always strotg fritittly rivtalry btt' to Lween the Litstanul Laws tht' outt'ontt will hte wat eheul with utterest. ''Te Minneapiolis tt'ant is alreadty choseut aidthiIe men art' hartd at wttrk. ITheire'suittofitth~e fottbatl gamet' witt molFtshlis nt'xt. dultttmet.ftar mttre exc(it ing, and Michtigain has totuttut tto sin. The otiestin, it trill Itt re- mtemberedl is,--teolvt'd, that.ltt' itt jtttiesitin of disputtes bttt we'tn emi- ployer antI einpltyee'shtttltd te itatde a ptartsit the admiinist ratioun of itto- lie; -graitedti hat spiecial cotts with aptprtxirmate'rutles ttf trttedtutre may lie establishett, if desoiratbte-, graiited thtat lab or tutiouns may bet competlled toiniiiorporatet, if itocesary. Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. tlcsi- The idea is sontewhat prevalent dence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. that men of brawn andl athletic ability Ambulance on call, are not as stuceessgul as thiuse whotse THE[ STUD[NTS' [[CTUR[ A5 OCIAION ANNOUJNCESI PR[-s. NORTHi-ROPI MrINNESOTA IJNIVERSITY ON SATUJRDAY EVENING, NOVEM1BER 14, 1903 Subec:"KING 1LEAR" KOLLAUF, The Tailor, 110 Moron SCt. E * N NAAAA!N~®OAAo®N AAAN I I I I I J;,AH EN ST HQATHjqE2%U DCA'YN M1.. 5hABOLT, lManager SATUJRDAY, NOV. 7. MATINEE AND NIGHT. POW[[[, ZAZ[[[ AND V[RNON AND THIR~i OWN BIG VAUDEVIL[E'CO :0: Mtne Cide,15c; Adults, 25c. Prics--venig-1, 25 35and 50c. "IONDATP NOV. 9. CHAS. A. LODER AND 25 MORE, MOSTLY GIRLS 25 IN- A FUNNY SIDE O[ [WFE. Prices. 25c, 35c. 50e. A few at '75e. CO"lING I THlE WIZARD 01' OZ. I NN NN N N N N 4N TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. 334 Si STATE- ST., Phone 342-2r.