_The_ ichiganDal VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1903. No. 35 ALL-FRESH DID WELL BISPHtAnr TONIGHT. UNPRECEDENTED SALE. ICONVENTION CLOSES TODAY Scored Twice on the Scruhs Last Noted Singer Will Open Choral UnionI Tickets Going Fast-Indications of aFnlBqutothApaGma Night-'Varsity Was Fast in Sig- Series-A .real Favorite With Record-breaking Crowd-Many In- nal Practice-O. S. U. Hopes to Ann Aror Audiences-Sketch quiries From Alumni-Baird's Fraternity Convention Takes Place Scor-$ale of Seats is Brisk of His Career New Plan. Tonight At Detroit D~espite the chill air which made, The Cionral Union Series of cocers Over 2,00011 tickets were paid for in The Alpha (amna convention holds yestrday 0a0 ideal (ay for foolliall lwill (open tomorrow S~night wih ason 1he firtthree ors of sale Iis 000Imhaohrn-lngt i heCd several Thori hvro a ele ci it ~vi luiw1 l~lalic le new iea of Manager Bair i(11c Hol eitill el nt. Te local elastic v(lite1i( watched lthelrik is no sirne n r bor, alnidalillVit alloing tie sats seems to mc:e h,,pte etietaind the viiting iele- srriinnoageon erry Field lIt. i ht arrordinit tbe(receied by a li-e general appoval, 01n(1tis lan)0will tentesrb n h l-rshadecFloigi re cgaes iroyaly ilurig their say, nit beiwco he cr(bs nd bs ll res iii~l~-l~t F~loVi~- i , (1( itprobably be followedl in all ftutre ball le ietails o((thelie 0)11 oui passed leant The sci-(i 111ne 1had btiet-ocount. of hScareer-(0111s. I certainly eves the suden h-c -i~y etra feno striigio-oj iy e ildlio ut5i '-Daviud llisiiiaiowas bioin in hila- boiiiy alil at can be iesireu, fr tethe lito111(1tilorelilthetofinl tiusines cral 'Varsityv playerslit Itle '(7 in dlpha an. I,-7-7 ndis a ecart wil havthe pick o tests, ala 5noii-iel in--in Itle home o liie local chap- weol into te lauo-ys withia daihditof itheiiiQael hati i liaio loors xiiile soln Deliroil andltf-c al411iFUniversiy sIree, aii which enabled Itho iiscore Itwiee fn liii imigrated lfIromwLInoi--eo- Fn--ne-ghourin-giies as iirelolure in lhe ee ngallitei a banqet fiftein-ionutes. Thelteams lineul 0lan, andstledilin iiNi-Jse ~ylineoa o'oaagemenhas hail a largtenderd by tle -eilty 01fItheimeti- as filiiws: i lilaiolil iii i-i it 20'iiyears sagio, iinu iber of inc lar ilitters piniltd, -cal iiiepalten. Scru-bs. Ps. All-Fresh lTeibginnling-- of his viical career anidi theiy are bsy toay direcing1,Thie mrinig Itle degtes will Lof+..m lit-esaldoit s vo-- lin tihi. Glee (lho e Io proiento lo uminioif10 difrlf i(. o1111 -isicial car- lir- D etolit, Dulap oranChl-- Nii1010tlioi Iilii teoril Collige1-0(1(1 eli, ais iofthe curinlyITest whiret rhey 0w11ll penite5entre a- I. T.i iieh0he5wa-ri ii- - fn01 1 7ii Sailbriely exlainilthiii-nauri 11 01ebewiitern1 ioofas ustOs oflt Pak, Davis & Glarres ....- ." ..- ".Nieson tough aiibusniess lie ias lnned alivediceomlinab ouit le railfCoI lot xvoi nga abanue will be 1i, G. i-r the 110) 111a111tIili~~cicl imoadiiis-citrainsIfars ec.As seivei l utthurCadllac-notunly tu tianttt, Dialket ........ uhmponsih il05l)ai strongiii i (ce, a IInd ia e a-beng se nt o oduiay the lii ueegts iiIo aiiuiw o il Chils eeingl5si-r pet h ri--s-i usilsattendaice isitil liisuomexhaatenud.tMany hooraryi0Nm-mbers anu Birggs- - - - - -ii...... irklullSctya nd theridhi-s Club a imuilter ofi guesswork.liAtougiel ulmn sillrespuoihdlto hihei sts ot R. tU. a iii heiSig ll thii i riiiii HoIly 5Ti in lletters 11010 llliIiniicatItat this lhiievexing Amoiuigthes- will le D. shtie - - - --.t........ lemion-is rv n li-ili 0 1 t s I . Mas w i lie lbegamof itie yar till-them Joeipih1.(rowell ofSi n a l-wPres- It..... - - -h-ilTikChurcu-bPiladelph - iJui-ing tiomothe sale to d(ate the idnt (ofthe Mihigan IBuaiIliof Nugis- Isyle . .......... P tric !iti-5 si-blac rs oill b sthe favioiite11sias I ratiu Ii and1Drt I FBigar x-Vice- IthIr.lia. sihd- 1 th Va-nnuix io iItalyin csiiiei-oiithu ie d ail o itPesidenit Ameriuan slut 11eCleuve- Persiun- - --.. h Huiimney I Log xiwl i iucii xiiVioii iieaher a that im11,11nearlly allhilto old Oio. who adecidesin aeroe n ii artl' 1 lisiticferito take a chance there and many iis istefbir111t1time this fraernity 1101y- - - - -euckeir wiuouio faile i iosts ir siuportrs of te Mtaie and Bluii has hel a cnvetin in Ann Aror [ 1kcal-r-s dMl ni lsou lhs ciletdiatelaI- Weeks- - lasii uowu i i i lill bilsuutpu ~y ille fhunidh ther taking the anli it was atendled by ieleligat es frm bluies careof Iiiiuliiu u-i-u- no011 oiiithe posibiity o a sosf1x chlnse usiis-uiu ol h 190 1-rlistiiiiiimadel Ihis ist. allforiliii-sale o a lbete vitw iulthe Chicao captr set ten men Mil- Kirby F pe l5 1 aci regstsinia ofmeilticgieneaotsicsentote, Clevtlaindhsunt Evilts- - - -selof tiseliiiiivtellee.Ni-s Yrkfouur Wshiongonm Thiu F--si-siowi-s ounrio lol randp-n-i at et Garidll1,1nii n lb r-reci-litsohithi hemost bresnt next coilPhiladelpihioiboth sent one. Iun lulls I rsisiou of ohtileiteliivn tusa .I oin iigraiasTusada morn~iixvinwenithe distribui cuddition to thesehlegates w-e imany Ali- liidi siothaiesme11111 s icc wile madueThe manclagment onillii isitorseconistig o 1111um- taeletu hurtsil Ian iby(aseitiries of ni. i bsIiiiitiilissarii a utculai thait, ese le prestntei 0 nliulria li01n taimict uuic lut Iand itfakimed tiys lour1 rnsh -cel au-crdiuuc al i n iiol shoudmalroce a pecal effort Wsudnesday eeingit-he lca coip oaint n i hiu-ur urst iuirby wi entithelMetrophiynlullriailose i Newtatu tosacc Ii 10 utheiwise theilset ttic furishedh a veiny uanlrn overforthei fist, oucdown Pi Yor rnflovable beat mert, Inca u- y nt uclilan en- 150005 ogislo s beiniglthe (110es limoaI- I'Baibourm--ymsauibm iwasylavisuhIy ilcu 11055 with ihe l- ut h Frsin p10ossessisoen- ils iih-l INTERCLASS STANDI NG lnuou i-u- 11( a xcyuc iuftic luu lii seumt iitiusu ~ -- -il Viiiic 11(11 Id tiiit uan itihimtlii dfeat ouif e liit Itglo 0515 ciondlwsct1hen lii )hrown 1(1 fi so iuigenI bs 101 anl luu ctlois1 l - Ii- 0 1tic Kur hian li fn llorisir ~ rs yesterday ater-nrooniiy h Sthe he fle l-~le s foir a uda ice Tni-n11m- had ethirouwin aml koloiustsuhuiilS ii- srissa-nI ioftentallouruLaws lthecotfest fo itfer-cs hersowre insilsub1(1101tliifollowilg iou li los oo i iiliii--s liovmsWo l ill fi ilnti seill l td 1 o uemacy naroiw duwn tim tie 11 l'tO.,v Xl1 h a Ia tuo mnnes till-disanuci- 1101-Fr-s-Irr pein(1011(1 1 i i l 011l ii Nuis is liia( slgut Itir-M lt o mii ~ 11,111 ]1(1hi Bet a Phito men keho-Illhugging 11w01 at thlsruiai ci miil uctuueioir iiin1t iSot ri-iu linetandminaii lls cislt Kirbyivovirifor- - adAlhle-u -iin heNiitiuiiii t ieb-eors teviii a thid iuiirithis : D0 ie capeoisout I -- - I pastt hem01 i tl ie ls, i the acht,, xo u-cu: r. adllOrs Agel, Ibis scuumou sniui (110-o tuu (lay huuandi liie itheur Itsres- liams still on1Drh cn01 Mrs. -Hisuale, Th.c, and(IMrs Dur-lng lu-Frusi 'in-uitiSciummuuageu ---- cidumie- sill iiithei-twom fioliot Knyonthslihnu LawirenceMIs lihneVoalliy ran t hui igalsuguwciithi THE NEW PLAN ON TICKETS dae1,tht1it out for flullheIiilcvilgi nhce andl Nrs Smith- thein'f~oleilg ti5li uulnou : ,Iedn;o hii ir ot ag-ainst teLii-amws Ill L T., (lCu-is; L. (4I, ilioiuilus; - ., Tho new1p51 aisid cttidb tC horailuuu he ichampiiosip.ulTlie class schedulmi-- tGr-goly; R. G1, (boinhug RhT., MN-i Unin for cu-llg tikes sor10s1 IlI s 0- lii sc duck; If.,F I hhmmmnuuio- Qlam-s 11cil s;ioffrian I iiitui v ocn-seryod olsh Satuu-rdalilyNuv. 7 O isv.' ELECTION SATURDA. I. F.- Nurc-n-s, Rft I.,iThopusohn; olalttd iieicocertums thiye. ho mumineS, us e mlsyNovx Illxwinners- F., iuLngman.ii Iatim bhilti rop-lacItickttt el (I'l; ou $.550- IllIa 1to 0-if 111 ay c k-urn--vs('Ot ieiics Studet Members of Michigan Daily andiNorcrss Iutouiovi-hepito tolhsl ition cnd y i1111 uul y ii ii suh- oifi Nmn11((4ha-ss-slarors Board o be Selected-hImporant 011 Numuius iuui ii hlil (huh1101miih ii uuuhuli i 111 uuutm oh IhlayS gmuuinet e ed n Unv r bebhidhe iiscrubsi blue signliwourki ouuimext 51shini;- one5 1111 ((jiyll (t - vo eint ies owshuhlit ilb Mclnotob HldihUivr wscvimry lastuuuih Iomgebaand thel I cuchhhruuts5 utthue May F est itl Lxss i-the innermus ofhe thhe uennt sty-H-ll-All Sudentsh I laimnmciihphlayng thi-ine115 poit ils 'linu s 1 uui aumlc uttliingthIeiconerts aghi hiIhus yar. All th t herib eamsIEligible to Vote wuel l Hmmnils fast gttug idiwurn mithin ill(15-eachof-ll ,und Sholduuuuii 151 notuhahbl ouwitsndtheiur lh iii l o nu 1(10 tsih and s icihulid makeou haue freratmogo ttte I - iuesil v 1p0ely uoffuns.inhe ei i toriu aliculuhmhhns oftheliiirbst anaim e riu n iillng iuaieu fhum Cahhinmu Ihl from teuvru-i-rlsticonoert. It is uaeteruhys ansiwsewoht igt (((' h tust l es mmuue Rednu-iimlg thue reumaineoft ulthe alisuutobe5 iiccd 1(11tuat byipainvgusge li u-iuu iakoo iu hshussu o sheDiuuswsmuuaum uhotiou se asiuoPu us-cti1115Alttorney Diuffy duhllam I ist~ it ii ctiiihespan 11111no1 by irushed-l throuhgmtheumirpuonent stui si ul ii uusoo agidili irceti helii iruihi lihiis NiWun uimay li-ill rsoro I -m t mii i seale.uu tu1'liiourse.ul b -o-hdboii -titii orstuului ic-r utse huo ittIt utIluinumao u iu-t hc~hmihtcue uloc 1(111 (1115(hi 1 ((II 0 at~ i llu while- othe te dheel c10ho110si osiing he uauu dentit miii uringo f b cull _d oran e cqiiinitieuiu-it doel t ill - one1a1pisti I mel, 101 ser110abl to m1110 0 br oiiuu hlilillhlumti etiu uuirn ui e ,bin g hie utars o h l ion(lu it teaio rs line, l butnit li uis-uii (1 l- bs C1 5 Lxsh21ud-ibelinsDa iy e ird if Cotriu ol.dm 11O uuwing toO us ii hiut e-h ummu 111hiauscii ty Iilis aluu hun i uiv umsiahdmuuu gans, luh-(lieatiure o ethe ull (luflletem n w s itamlt tssq b oucsiycnsugtm i h uuads rm m iiied thsuitheium berni I li' r io oew s It uhr u yHd eplonIa ichk-mnsu iuot ol h fub ilt'he hu-- i-ulcep1100(11 arhuof(iie u si ourthei-igt ric-1e ouui is 0(1 lii umliiwedas uabdwsmetodumly yd il tis eeto S iguuc as 011(1 i~ u ii sa-I seci' uuu cuuuhtt ii usi u ihoff from.tefieyrdl L Fr owsh Iitsuenllayed, ut asiim-uthootacltym 1-aiot hacuOu t l c u-hoeMi- tatgliliiy i-ueu- s willuu brs se05 edi cowi-i-he i t Nre ws L w 1 oirslthorolu s byic r-uofimgth o -1(1T hmecisro goodu Ireason wlathe $2.,0li 11rs0 h a eiclddbttasc.al frhrbsn s ihu I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~i mumlnuswltixsi boorfuoatucctuealeoi playhhlltuitii mbg-riu-algmulrehect5aitdgnu consntiofitheiludentai ((may molne thsao ehuMtisu Mb hoed nt 't h ldiunt ge1(1(11 oulh liii t hr o couto tedrkes or,1th10big 1110mae (aistWet1ppuof eaureofthuChnilUnonme uer, hue yuain muillmbe a maui hoodala t Saturya nd il t ho-ecel sri 1nd sold buuteiad a - Eg.hhLaws. l11111coutonu ofhliae's mci Tm-c-nushagstaoobylronmeasn v Iwim b(ohmmb(hued tatr te th lhands seam, salt. ufthlbsgrandstacnd f GERMAN PLAY.- - - - --a't haulr s omit(hi studentms as qhickly cc t, i lO0. SC to gamiopueunehd at Mty wi elewan hCtius ihenlanhing si--esd- possible. Iebiloard ismcolou usise' ot i-syesterdaoyandubthe early denmnd rlfuso ciitwihlare Srce eHye sevnmeris, fur fhioim (his facumlty louse thtCatuirdays attendancxiiumb uo i o us vomi ae willi .oo- - -, sIlyue anool thre fruom thei-stounts. It is ,wu-pas.sh (epec os of lthe moo- n iugoftlorutbrdl o iiglmsL1tucl h muhpose tut nhoosing the sft1 agemenott.oNcr-u Iu- denutcot bmm tci- - - ians t 1010 10 s that (humsboheletoll 1s iicmnl _____________ inimomu inatupreseont.ithbopIlresetton.uuLT. MRS. TRUEBLOOD'S RECITAS of a lmo Shouuldhishocusduecideduit{hswiuctb- -tyau imsscie um 00 ir u 00 - ~na1 eul hunthe eimtoriaul boardulof the Mrh,.ITruebloodtbha sindlyhoncii-utpounis 'cc -ss souldIblosimiuiu- -II IltDaily, fnruomvwhicbnumber flue-three -eIntoil hogina her udramatizatioof mushy minsured, fur thou soucbietyus com-Ins toisonm......- - -b......Ptman +aet e hsnIhoemnae liforge Pbluts "Silas Maciou-rh"floe pishdoilexcellentmatmisits . L I .. ohs hui sc mnae loemlut of the Ladhies' Aiud Socety iii A colosmuilu uis atluuor:uchupiouotlis Icks ..............Hhn luna Ihufet jurc tois MethodiustCihurccb on Thoursuaylater n id xiilsumon hut readin to reF.HoulThuoimas A.Sims, J.V. Schur. fssvning, Non. 12.Thus wii isea cans mulc hehoecosolts oumitmus wurk.Thu-rueduRieig ....... -..Hahydben, Hcyohenoon,(Chares Marham, NVW .Menel olst~surlul foryshum denth os ofl iteratuirelu-u--beensugsted as asuialhe pay,5Q. .G.ClonirC.tOA.Thompson anud f as tii masterpiece 15 one in thu bIfe osiuralisten,"uwithowhihmolo-l Chos .......MatthessNElredlA. built. csourses ot bttthe Unliversity anid Geriman stuldents ace familuir TeTb- h canmeluetween floe bit Medics; The electionmuwill hbe hldSatuirday they Ilich School. It ishoped thotthIe suggesioun has met sith great:.apphroc- and '0huN Lowswhich wsplayed Times- ofterulilun fruonoI ooclockotill hlf past, ouets sill takt odvntnage iii Ibis oh, and if ccied out it will meet' day afternoonrtsuilted in o score of in Unovern-buy I- lbl All ctodeohs are recital, 0s they will be well repoid. great ii cm es. J10to 0 in bavr o ohebMedico. eligible ho nore.