THE MICHIGAN DAILY. f FOR MIEN and WOMEN Before buying, see our new [all Styles and you will look no further NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE 1 1 N S. M'ain St. PENNYOOK.OHIO CENTRAL LINES PheCnfcinYC 30 oOK taS. : 3 liRENTSCHLER For anything in the line of The onfctiner 31 loth tat St 8' Maker of Photographs Framing, Cati on Rentschler, a tDirert Line btweent'Toledo, ('olutt Fine Confections. Lunches, ', hn 8-r Cre anadIttnSres cbits, Athens, lailipolis, Charleston, W. Wily yi Cniyel-si1ihat evn the dea- 0 Va., and the Sooth. Ask your sgent or e t(os10,kosw how i,,iigiihtystre 4 4 41 0f + '4,It0o ft *0app]l' tn L. I'. L i,, ts. 1'. A., 7 tort St.,, deiiu ot~oii s dI a is t hem --l-- - t etroit, Al i-li. M~it,roN loUte, pake WSityort s Iein t t* 1or0.10. A.. Toledo, 0. liliroehis1n the yost soletieyc I nver'sly i Notices. FP. . Hill, repwesetiiing the Knisely_ etieloocey prsrin te iiii i y. P___ lark ShitCio., iof'IToled, sill bei'at *Hihest CsbPrice Ice Cream. Soda Water. ithe AmeiricansHtiel for ,a less(laysIIq Cs NOTICE TO CLASS MANAGERS. ssithlaicomptei~l liie tof lirltigs ,ant jetid for e ontd-hiand clotliiisg. PENNYCOOK, Itn ac'ordanie wsit, tie priSsite inounderear. ('asll aiidlSee timi. Shoe r 0pais'iiig shile iyou 'wait. 3110 South SlaoSiret.ittle constlitution of tie Atliletir As-_______________ soitsioniall rlass footblsli teain i- Siilcfl' f ormsoo o +i.++rr:* siit intsst lhe o1iitted iiliiie 'Var Lost- lhtoluy,c'eti''eenltI fuoii streetS. 6O[DST[IN. ~~~~ o~~~~ily fol~lmanassger, taol his altirov- andtiibary, a pa5 itrof eyeglatsses.ltIil5ihsl, ut, "I+"6 al obltasiee before raltis 11nd1sweaters lindeir pleasoe lee 01 Sencietr'- MONE LO NED ON j uiilieil T. . R~lEITS, lilice Ililtisil l~t. ~ 'U. of M.I Antiseptic Barber Shop WacesI),ititii,'lii ul taige. Fresh Iowney's, Allegrettis, Spar- AD THk l'. leWltyanil all hig)h .. 1201 S.iUtiversity Avei' row's and Husyler's Chocolates at Ciush- J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Proprietor. ('iass 'hattel a ted _ ing's Pharmacy. Face Massage a Speciaity. Collatetal. Seeurity. NOTICE FRESHMEN. _______ 322 SOUTH STATE STREET BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ;. -lRegulair rlasses fio i'scopulisory W. J. LOUIM. X+ sla, h-gnNov' i' siiiis;iii'doi li Ros, 7. i i'iii Block.ii,,el, 15,,,,,' ~. , '[INEl '.PIT 'TICK. + '-5Wt 83 31, 4V University stuidents desiring to so- ..+. . +isl.4 citre psit ions to teaice will find it to D., Y,, A A. & J. RAILWAY theillnite', t towrtetoJae F. Mc~ulouh, 69 Fne Ats 31d Cli- SIANDARD TIMC cago. tf. F ii-Ditroit bllf iiisiii frntis ,ii a, ni.I uni l ,taoksiiii t eat ifrom i; It a.. 5,. 1 1i:i,-t ). III 115-li-Il,by sitling l11,-t-s. Si-e'K. L. Thei t . 191:E')St. im. and il1:15 1t. nl'Turer't, No-so i -y Itull. Waiting Room, Huron St., W. of Main. Yotir eyes examitned hy ar 1W espert optician. All the lat- est approved appliances and methods ksnowni to the priofession are employed. New eye glasses fitteid, lenses duepli- cated, frames repaired. Hatter's Jew- ery Store. We told your Granidfather goods atti did his repairing when lio attendl- sd schoosl here. We watit to keep it lip and do yours. Haller's Jewelry Store. Funnain Pens at Cuoshing's __ ___ DOi You WANT A COOD, . . . $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN ? TFry the 0'UNIVf-RSIIY." .Mlann's Dersg Store, 213 S. Main SI. St i 050. tiCLRK O tCsiier.O FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF' ANN ARBIORI, AlICt4. CAPITAL, - - - $100,000O SURPLUS AND PROFITS, - $40,000 Money Loaned ON Watches, Diamonds Or ether perontal propoerty of valie'. Waitche-,suitnd1Jewilery Iec piaid. liargaitis in Watche's aniiil)iainonilo. 1)111,', at reiodenc,'33M.iLIih- 'ely Sinect, A tin At'boii. foutrs H to 11 :30 a. In., 1 tos:310)p, tne tio tial. JOSEPH C. WATS. Pictures aild Frames DL LkIL,5 ART 5TOkL, 21; S. F~oiurth Avenue. DARLING & MALLAEUX, Pillows, Penannts, Fancy (Goods and Notions. 226 S. STATE ST, Bath Supplies of alt hinds at allj prires at, Ciosing's Phlarmascy. Typewsrititng seatly clone. Walter t. Willis, 1247 Wilmsot Si. For -terit- .-gei-o1u iiIt.;Io , bathsi, - ____1 gahtadcliaerieue1 O RNIN - EES ..;is to sci oi-is. ("aiii ii 21:3S. Main St. S. Phone 281. Calmus. -36 Pantoria m-2:l0 S.. Stale. Clothses - - --- - ralleil for tanidielivered,. Phoinue 582- Front Suite to Rent--Otii' block west, it, oftCamtpuus; singlei'dl'ctarge'clolies prtesse's, grait's, it statioinary washt- ,Shampoo,,. lauuituru' or Fare Mas- stanid, hath, gas antiuelepihonie. 521 I sage-, 35 ce-ts.nAlilos Vaucghiani. 1N ii- hi. Jefferson St. virsity aivetiie' niar iQuairry's. -:37 THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD BOOKS FOR EVERY STUDENT'S LIBRARY. ++ELECTRIC C ' 1,.f++FA.N3 Trains ieaeAntrAror by Cetradsl trsiu-oli ''11illlIsuic ~ 3litte18 'usisiiu A Y j L C kCPfg St indard lTayh ' It iiol esui - Law ,i. Vll itCat adPl isut, s 'l i =+ E ~ lectric Ck h jt'u t tltcaO'ime R0.110. rscis r.Pl iica l ,o ,l's els. iiiie .,,'siuor IS.(cniutei onl la'. ,3 ~l . +Z EfetJtiveI Nf)er E,190. Nt'II Sud ( S w-1ccirrr oi ices o u. 01 is . ot touu ft1. '' S.,slg s ilitis'y'c ;ic 55 A s. o I Sul+. a li f1, mt io5 it' d'sHtr y fteLsaaPrhaseisElectric lesd 'c-npdg NeoI. 20 . Al. o0. 1- ii00i Al.dft ANAROR, COWMPANYPNY No 4 8!5P.A. o.3 $531.At a.n. 1 ltd ly. 0.5. . oo' T.\VIIA5.Aged. BR N ImpSt te SreetCHI AGO WA,5slssIsdssA LIGHTss& Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plamhing and Steam Work, All at Reasonahle Rates and First-Class Order at J. F.- SCHVH'S, 207 E. Wamhirsgtorn. BIX[ R'S PHYSICAL TRAINING IN WRITING pp. illustaeicd l. 'fesedl,25 tears. T'r-it mont' ciuntis onduiii-Coiuse hy autthor $r2.oIa ir~ef timetI'willtenditheboot aialst5,outis,' foritl. WOill